An enterprise architecture framework is a platform that defines how to create and use enterprise architecture. An architecture framework provides set of rules and principles to be followed by an organization in order to achieve its business objectives.
2. The Zachman Framework for Enterprise
The Open Group Architectural Framework (TOGAF)
Go through other elements associated with enterprise
architecture frame work:
3. Architect: An architect is one whose
responsibility is to design an architecture and the
create architectural description
Architectural artifact: A set of all specific
documents, reports, models and all other
information required to create an architectural
4. Architectural Description: A set of products
called artifacts to document an architecture
Architectural Framework: A reference
structure model that is used to define suggested
architectural artifacts. It describes how all artifacts
are related to each other and provides sequence
how artifacts should contribute.
5. Architectural Methodology: A technical terms
that can be used to describe and provide solution
of solving all problems related to architecture
Architectural Process: A defined series of
actions directed to the goal of producing either an
architecture or an architectural description
Architectural Taxonomy: It is a methodology
of organizing and categorizing architectural
6. Architecture: The fundamental organization of a
system having its embodied components,
establishing relationship among them, and to the
environment, and the principles guiding its design
and evolution
Enterprise Architecture: Enterprise
Architecture (EA) is a blue print of set of strategies
that an organization should follow in order to
achieve its short term and long term objectives.
7. EAComposer delivers a complete enterprise architecture solution. Use it
to create business driven technology strategies, roadmaps, reference
architectures and to manage your architecture portfolio.
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