The document discusses entity linking, which involves connecting natural language references to real-world entities. It first reviews existing entity recognition and relationship modeling techniques. It then examines earlier "brute force" entity linking methods based on string and context matching. The document outlines some improvements to these methods, such as hashing techniques. Finally, it discusses more advanced approaches that use collective contexts and knowledge graph statistics to better handle challenging cases.
6. Brute Force Tactics
faster system leverage linking features (Lin et al.)
String/context matching
Rao et al.
Exact matches
Partial matches
14. Works Cited
Peter Pin-Shan Chen. English, Chinese and ER Diagrams, Data and Knowledge
Eng. 23 (1997) 5-16.
Thomas Lin, Mausam, Oren Etzioni. Entity Linking at Web Scale.
Delip Rao, Paul McNamee, Mark Dredze. Entity Linking: Finding Extracted
Entities in a Knowledge Base.
Xiao Ling, Sameer Singh, Daniel S. Weld. Design Challenges for Entity Linking.