This document outlines 10 differences between entrepreneurs and employees. It states that entrepreneurs educate themselves more, take risks due to faith, look to the future, associate with successful people, build wealth, take responsibility, find solutions, have a positive view of failure, have broad knowledge, and welcome feedback. In contrast, it says employees entertain themselves more, play it safe due to fear, look to the past, associate with less successful people, focus on making money, avoid responsibility, solve problems, see failure negatively, have narrow and deep knowledge, and avoid praise or criticism.
An individual who
organizes and operates
a business or
businesses, taking on
financial risk to do so.
An entrepreneur: Sees
an opportunity. Makes
a plan. Starts the
business. Manages the
business. Receives the
4. 10-. Entrepreneurs
educate themselves
more than they entertain
themselves . . .
1-. Entrepreneurs take
. . . employees entertain
risks because of faith .
themselves more than
they educate
. . . employees play it
9-. Entrepreneurs have
an empowering
perspective of failure . .
safe because of fear.
. . . employees see
failure as bad.
2-. Entrepreneurs look
8-. Entrepreneurs are
into the future . . .
solution finders . . .
The 10
. . . employees look
into the past.
. . . employees are
problem solvers.
Entrepreneurs and
3-. Entrepreneurs fly
with eagles . . .
7-. Entrepreneurs
know a little about a lot
. . . employees peck
. . . employees know a
around with chickens.
lot about a little.
6-. Entrepreneurs give
4-. Entrepreneurs build
and receive praise and
wealth . . .
correction . . .
. . . employees make
5-. Entrepreneurs say
. . . employees don’t
‘the buck stops here’ . .
praise and to avoid
. . . employees say ‘it’s
not my fault’.