This document defines key vocabulary terms related to business and educational technology. It includes definitions for 27 terms such as advertising, budget, capital, clientele, consumer, contracting, corporation, customer, dealer, debt, equipment, equity, ethics, expansion, industry, innovative, insurance, integrate, investor, management, manufacturer, marketing, mission statement, partnership, performance, permit, product, promotion, proprietorship, replicate, resources, and risks.
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Entrepreneurship & Business Ethics Unit Vocabulary
2. Advertising method of encouraging customers to take interest
in a product or service.
Budget operating on a planned list of expenditures in
conjunction to funds available.
Capital money that is used to generate income or make an
investment. (TheFreeDictionary)
Clientele a group of customers that patronize a particular
business or service provider.
Consumer a person or group of buyers.
Contracting an agreement with another party to carry out or
receive specified services.
Corporation a business with similar legal rights of a person
that can be made up of one person or many shareholders.
3. Customer a person who purchases goods or services
from another. (
Dealer an individual or business who buys and resale
goods or services to consumers.
Debt money owed to another party generally a creditor.
Equipment machines, furniture, tools, etc.
Equity the actual amount of ownership. In other words,
Assets (items/property owned) - Liabilities (debts/loans) =
Ethics rules of conduct that govern right versus wrong.
Expansion to increase.
4. Industry - a department or branch of a craft, art, business, or
manufacture. (
Innovative creative, new ideas.
Insurance coverage generally paid in monthly fees to protect
damages to assets.
Integrate to blend together.
Investor a person or group that invests in a particular venture
with hopes of financial gain.
Management owners, managers, and/or person in leadership
positions at a business/company.
Manufacturer a group or company that produces goods for
5. Marketing to promote, advertise, or sell a product/service
to a particular target group or groups.
Mission Statement a statement clarifying the purpose
and goals of a business/company.
Partnership joint ownership of a business/company.
Performance set of standards for work ethics usually
identified by management.
Permit a document authorizing a specific action.
Product an item that is produced as a result of labor.
6. Promotion something devised to publicize or advertise a
product, cause, institution, etc., such as a free sample.
Proprietorship a business structure in which an
individual and his/her company are considered
a single entity for tax and liability purposes.
Replicate to copy or reproduce.
Resources materials needed to operate a
Risks chances taken in business which could result in a