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Entrepreneurship Immersion Program Enterprise
Entrepreneurship Immersion Program Enterprise
From the desk of Entrepreneurship Immersion Program Enterprise Chairman
and Managing Director:- I recently went through the lists of student
entrepreneur business plan competition winners over the last few years. The
depressing finding was that very few of these companies seem to have
survived up to today. Why is that? There is nothing wrong with the
competitions themselves, as they are great vehicles to promote
entrepreneurial careers among Indias youngsters. However, too many
competition winners (especially in the tech space) believe that simply
creating a great tech product is enough to create a great company, which
will be snapped up by a tech giant for millions of dollars. Media hype about
small companies like WhatsApp and Instagram getting billion dollar
valuations just add fuel to the fire.
The truth is that growing a successful business needs strong strategic and
execution capabilities, which many inexperienced entrepreneurs lack.
The truth is that growing a successful business needs strong strategic and
execution capabilities, which many inexperienced entrepreneurs lack. So
what capabilities does a smart entrepreneur need to build a great
How to build and manage a team: Nobody can build a company by
themselves. You have to know what skills are needed to grow the company,
how to attract talented people with those skills, communicate your vision to
them and give them space to execute on it. You need to inspire your team
while maintaining their respect.
How to understand customer needs: Many entrepreneurs build the solution
first and then look for customers to buy it. It is important that you spend
time with a large number of your target customers face to face to
understand what exactly their problems are and if your solution is the right
one for them. Its better to do this before you spend time or money on
creating your solution. Dont get fooled by stories of Silicon Valley
companies that create new tech product categories. Most of these game
changers require very deep pockets and have a very high failure rate.
How to manage finances: Running out of money to pay salaries is the
number one reason for business closure. You need to learn the techniques
of running a lean start-up while you build revenue and raise external funds.
Have a strong understanding of your companys cash flow and profitability.
How to manage the unexpected: There are many factors outside your control
like the state of the economy, customer sentiments, entry of well-funded
competition, resignation of a key employee, etc. Although you cannot
anticipate everything, it is good to do a SWOT analysis to lay out the most
common risks and threats to your company and plan ahead on what you will
do if they occur.
Smart entrepreneurs realize that very few people have all these capabilities
within themselves. That is where they look for other successful
entrepreneurs who can help them build these through a strong mentoring
Smart entrepreneurs realize that very few people have all these capabilities
within themselves. That is where they look for other successful
entrepreneurs who can help them build these through a strong mentoring
It is not too difficult to find a mentor. Many networks like National
Entrepreneurship Network, The Indus Entrepreneurs and Indian Angel
Network have experienced mentors who are happy to support upcoming
young entrepreneurs to help them grow. You may also find a successful
entrepreneur among your relatives or friends circle that would love to take
you under his or her wing. You can even check online networks
like LinkedIn to identify people who could serve as your mentor.
Once youve found someone who youd like to have as your mentor, the
ideal thing to do is to ask for 30 minutes of his or her time to get their
advice. In my experience, most people never refuse such a request as it
also gives them a chance to learn what new developments are happening in
the entrepreneurs space. If the first meeting works well and there is enough
value generated for both sides, you can always ask for a follow up meeting
the next month. Voila! You now have a mentor.
To be a smart entrepreneur, you need to know what key capabilities you
possess and what capabilities you can build with your mentors support. All
you need to do is ask.
Essence of Leadership
The Indispensable Quality of Leadership ----VISION
Robert K Greenleaf in his book The Servant as leader says, Foresight is
the lead that the leader has. Once he loose this lead and events start to
force his hand, he is leader in name only. He is not leading; he is reacting
to immediate events and he probably will not long be a leader. There are
abundant current example of loss of leadership which stem from failure to
forsee what reasonably could have been for-seen, from failure to act on that
knowledge while the leader has freedom to act.
It is observed that all effective leaders have a vision to what they must
accomplish. That vision becomes the energy behind every effort and force
that pushes through all the problems. With vision, the leader is on a mission
and a contagious spirit is felt among the crowd until others begin to rise
alongside the leader. Unity is essential for the dream to be realized. Long
hours of labor are given gladly to accomplish the goal. Individual rights are
set aside because the whole is much more important than the part. Time
flies, morale soars upwards, heroic stories are told, and commitment is the
watchword. Why? Because the leader has a vision.
All that is required to remove the excitement from the above para is one
word vision. Helen Keller was once asked , What would be worse than
being born blind? She replied, To have sight without vision. Sadly, too
many people are placed into leadership position without a vision for the
organization that they will lead. All great leaders posses two things: They
know where they are going ,and they are able to persuade others to follow.
They are like the sign in an optometrists office: if you dont see what you
want ; youve come to the right place.
Entrepreneurship Immersion Program Enterprise
Entrepreneurship Immersion Program is a national level program which has
been registered under the desk of prime minister office and got approval
from the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship. This program
will give you a global plate-form and global leadership support to become a
global leader and entrepreneur.
Don't stop your effort until your victory makes history.
We inspire our associates to imagine and take a bold reorientation of their
lifes strategy around the new ideal of shared success. We help them chase
their dreams and reposition their mindset to articulate a commitment to
mutual prosperity. We empower them to rededicate themselves to all who
depend on them and everyone they may impact, either directly or indirectly
for mutual benefits and thus creating a win-win situation for all. So
Entrepreneurship Immersion Program will give you a vision to become an
entrepreneur. It provides you a kind of support and global plate-form so that
you can achieve your goal within a time period. Entrepreneurship
Experiential Education Program Opportunities for Students What Is
Entrepreneurship? Entrepreneurship is the process of launching, owning, and
running a new business venture which begins at a small scale and may
grow into a successful small, medium, or large company. Entrepreneurs
must be willing to take risks and possess the vision to embrace new ideas
or business opportunities that transfer to the marketplace for a profit. To
succeed entrepreneurs must exhibit or develop a variety of skills which
include business know-how, innovation, creativity and good technology skills.
Potential Entrepreneurs may seek career opportunities as the sole proprietor
of a business or may decide to apply their skills in an entrepreneurial
company or family owned business. If you would like to learn first-hand
about the realities of being or becoming an entrepreneur check out Lorain
County Community Colleges (LCCC) Entrepreneurship Experiential Education
Program. Here are some ways you can learn more about the field of
entrepreneurship: Invite an entrepreneur to speak at a special event or club
meeting Shadow an entrepreneur for the day at their place of business
Schedule informational interviews with entrepreneurs so you can gather
career information and learn more about a business enterprise Earn
academic credit for paid co-ops or internships with our resident
Entrepreneurship Immersion Program
will give you a plate-form to become an global entrepreneur. This program
will increase your leadership skill, communicative skill and build up your
confidence so that you can easily become a leader in corporate world. Once
you will be join this program and give your free time to this program then
you will surely be a global entrepreneur in future. Entrepreneurship is the
only path which has the potential to change millions-billions of life around
the world. This program is the part of skill India initiative and
entrepreneurship culture of India. This program will provide you a managerial
skill, strategic management, supply chain management and team building
skill .Life is like a dream ,life is only of those people who believes in the
beauty of dreams. Next 20 year is the golden time for entrepreneurs and
independent business owner. As a student when you will be join this
program then you will gain the knowledge of team building ,strategic
management, and essence of leadership.
Vision of Entrepreneurship Immersion Program Enterprise
Youth for Nation Building:- Youth represent the most dynamic segment of
the population and are the future of the Nation. India is one of the youngest
nations in the world. About 65% of Indias population is under 35 years of
age. The focus of the Government is on youth-led development. The Youth
should be active drivers and not merely the passive recipients of
development. Entrepreneurship Immersion Program Enterprise work with the
VISION To empower youth of the country to achieve their full potential, and
through them enable India to find its rightful place in the community of
nations. The Department of Youth Affairs has been implementing various
programs with the objective of developing the personality and leadership
qualities of the youth and inculcating qualities of good citizenship and
volunteerism among the youth. The text of the National Youth Policy.
Job Creation:- The aim of this Group is to suggest policy reforms and
ground level changes that will create more jobs in the country. Our economy
faces a grim challenge due to wide spread unemployment. There is an
urgent need for rapid job creation in multiple sectors across the country.
Join this Group to come up with innovative ideas on job creation. This
Group consists of Tasks and Discussions. Tasks are both online and on-
ground. Discussions enable participants to share their thoughts and ideas.
Practical approach for skill development:- The focus of the Skill
Development Group is to suggest bold ideas, concrete policies, initiatives,
and interventions to help develop employable skills on a mass scale to meet
the needs of the industry and to help youth enter the job market. This
Group is an effort to enhance skill development among the youth of India
and give them an opportunity to contribute towards nation building.
The Group consists of Tasks and Discussions. Tasks are both online and
on-ground. Discussions enable participants to share their thoughts and ideas.
National Health Mission:- Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
(MOHFW) invites all interested in health to come and participate in the
Healthy India group. Give suggestions to help us do our job in a better way.
Creative Corner:- This Corner gives you a platform to showcase your
innovative zeal and enables you to leave an imprint on Indias history. Your
skill, your creativity and your ideas become Indias pride!
This corner gives you the opportunity to creatively engage with various
Government departments. From time to time, Ministries will need creative
inputs on the creativity related aspects of their initiatives. The tasks may
vary from proposing a design for a mobile application to providing a draft
banner/logo as well to suggesting a creative punch line for an initiative. The
scope is extensive, the work intensive and the end result extremely
Empowerment of Farmers:- Farmer empowerment means providing with
the ability and capacity to use local and international skills and knowledge to
ensure a fair social and economical situation while preserving and
conserving the environment. In this process, the farmer is becoming a supply
chain actor, a crop specialist with clear market orientation. The farmers are
informed and taught all the best practices to create sustainable production,
and to increase the quality of their livelihood. This enables the production of
a better crop of a higher and more consistent quality and quantity, which is
better suited to satisfy the needs of the buyers while asking for a fair price
without damaging the environment.
Entrepreneurship Immersion Program Enterprise is a unit of ministry of Skill
Development and Entrepreneurship and has been registered on
Entrepreneurship Business of Nivesh-Mitra Udyog-Bandhu of Uttar-Pradesh
An entrepreneurship development scheme is currently being developed by
Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship. The scheme will being
designed around the following major elements:
Educate and equip potential and early stage entrepreneurs across India:
In partnership with experts, a world class entrepreneurship education
curriculum will be developed. This curriculum will be delivered to all aspiring
entrepreneurs at no cost. Leveraging online learning, entrepreneurship
courses can be taken as and when needed by students and business people
alike through Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs).
In addition, entrepreneurship education will be integrated into the mainstream
curriculum in 3,000 colleges around India. Entrepreneurship education
courses will also be delivered in approximately 325 industrial clusters across
the nation. Through 50 nodal Entrepreneurship Hubs (E-Hubs) set up across
all states, existing and potential entrepreneurs will be targeted for
entrepreneurship education modules that suit their need.
Connect entrepreneurs to peers, mentors, incubators:
To support young entrepreneurs, a web and mobile based platform
connecting the entire entrepreneurial ecosystem will be established. Platform
members will access content online, including information on government
services and special packages offered by service providers.
The creation of new incubators will be encouraged and a national network of
incubators and accelerators established to support young entrepreneurs. A
national network of high quality, screened mentors will also be created,
leveraging existing networks and successful local entrepreneurs where
Entrepreneurship activities in innovative and cutting edge technology areas
will be aligned with initiatives such as Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) and Self
Employment Talent Utilization (SETU).
Support entrepreneurs through Entrepreneurship Hubs (E-
Support to entrepreneurs, including coordinated delivery of national and state
government entrepreneurship programs and access to enabling resources, a
national network of Entrepreneurship Hubs (E-Hubs) will be
established. One national, 30 state, 50 Nodal and 3,000 college based E-
Hubs will be set up to deliver support. These E-Hubs will, collectively, cover
the entire nation.
Catalyze a culture shift to encourage entrepreneurship:
To promote entrepreneurship, state and national level interactions with
stakeholders will be convened. International linkages will be established
through internship opportunities and exchange trips to global
entrepreneurship hubs such as Silicon Valley and Israel. To build awareness,
national brand ambassadors will be created to champion entrepreneurial
culture in India. Awards will be instituted for young achievers and a National
Entrepreneurship Day will be celebrated.
Encourage entrepreneurship among underrepresented groups:
Special focus will be given to the inclusion of scheduled castes & scheduled
tribes, minorities, differently able, etc., and regionally under-represented
areas including large part of Eastern and North Eastern India in
entrepreneurship programs. Special efforts will also be made to enrol
incubators and mentors catering to these groups will in the national
entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Promote Entrepreneurship amongst Women:
Focus will also be placed on encouraging women entrepreneurs through
appropriate incentives for women owned businesses under the public
procurement process. It will also be ensured that gender neutral incubation/
accelerator, network of mentors, industry, resource centers and credit
institutes are developed to facilitate Women Entrepreneurs. Priority will be
given for mentorship and support system for women entrepreneurs in
existing business centers and incubators. Steps will also be taken to
assemble gender disaggregated data.
Foster social entrepreneurship and grassroots innovations:
Universities and academic institutions will be encouraged to launch a course
on Social Entrepreneurship, including through online distance education, to
actively promote social entrepreneurship in the country. Additional support,
including through fiscal incentives and incubation, will also be considered.
To foster grass-roots innovation, a focus on innovations in hubs,
collaborations with organizations such as the National Innovation Foundation
and promotion of Intellectual Property Rights will also be encouraged.
Collaborations of Entrepreneurship Immersion Program Enterprise
Entrepreneurship Immersion Program Enterprise
Entrepreneurship Immersion Program Enterprise

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Entrepreneurship Immersion Program Enterprise

  • 3. From the desk of Entrepreneurship Immersion Program Enterprise Chairman and Managing Director:- I recently went through the lists of student entrepreneur business plan competition winners over the last few years. The depressing finding was that very few of these companies seem to have survived up to today. Why is that? There is nothing wrong with the competitions themselves, as they are great vehicles to promote entrepreneurial careers among Indias youngsters. However, too many competition winners (especially in the tech space) believe that simply creating a great tech product is enough to create a great company, which will be snapped up by a tech giant for millions of dollars. Media hype about
  • 4. small companies like WhatsApp and Instagram getting billion dollar valuations just add fuel to the fire. The truth is that growing a successful business needs strong strategic and execution capabilities, which many inexperienced entrepreneurs lack. The truth is that growing a successful business needs strong strategic and execution capabilities, which many inexperienced entrepreneurs lack. So what capabilities does a smart entrepreneur need to build a great company? How to build and manage a team: Nobody can build a company by themselves. You have to know what skills are needed to grow the company, how to attract talented people with those skills, communicate your vision to them and give them space to execute on it. You need to inspire your team while maintaining their respect. How to understand customer needs: Many entrepreneurs build the solution first and then look for customers to buy it. It is important that you spend time with a large number of your target customers face to face to understand what exactly their problems are and if your solution is the right one for them. Its better to do this before you spend time or money on creating your solution. Dont get fooled by stories of Silicon Valley companies that create new tech product categories. Most of these game changers require very deep pockets and have a very high failure rate. How to manage finances: Running out of money to pay salaries is the number one reason for business closure. You need to learn the techniques of running a lean start-up while you build revenue and raise external funds. Have a strong understanding of your companys cash flow and profitability. How to manage the unexpected: There are many factors outside your control like the state of the economy, customer sentiments, entry of well-funded competition, resignation of a key employee, etc. Although you cannot
  • 5. anticipate everything, it is good to do a SWOT analysis to lay out the most common risks and threats to your company and plan ahead on what you will do if they occur. Smart entrepreneurs realize that very few people have all these capabilities within themselves. That is where they look for other successful entrepreneurs who can help them build these through a strong mentoring relationship. Smart entrepreneurs realize that very few people have all these capabilities within themselves. That is where they look for other successful entrepreneurs who can help them build these through a strong mentoring relationship. It is not too difficult to find a mentor. Many networks like National Entrepreneurship Network, The Indus Entrepreneurs and Indian Angel Network have experienced mentors who are happy to support upcoming young entrepreneurs to help them grow. You may also find a successful entrepreneur among your relatives or friends circle that would love to take you under his or her wing. You can even check online networks like LinkedIn to identify people who could serve as your mentor. Once youve found someone who youd like to have as your mentor, the ideal thing to do is to ask for 30 minutes of his or her time to get their advice. In my experience, most people never refuse such a request as it also gives them a chance to learn what new developments are happening in the entrepreneurs space. If the first meeting works well and there is enough value generated for both sides, you can always ask for a follow up meeting the next month. Voila! You now have a mentor. To be a smart entrepreneur, you need to know what key capabilities you possess and what capabilities you can build with your mentors support. All you need to do is ask.
  • 6. Essence of Leadership The Indispensable Quality of Leadership ----VISION Robert K Greenleaf in his book The Servant as leader says, Foresight is the lead that the leader has. Once he loose this lead and events start to force his hand, he is leader in name only. He is not leading; he is reacting to immediate events and he probably will not long be a leader. There are abundant current example of loss of leadership which stem from failure to forsee what reasonably could have been for-seen, from failure to act on that knowledge while the leader has freedom to act. It is observed that all effective leaders have a vision to what they must accomplish. That vision becomes the energy behind every effort and force that pushes through all the problems. With vision, the leader is on a mission and a contagious spirit is felt among the crowd until others begin to rise alongside the leader. Unity is essential for the dream to be realized. Long hours of labor are given gladly to accomplish the goal. Individual rights are set aside because the whole is much more important than the part. Time flies, morale soars upwards, heroic stories are told, and commitment is the watchword. Why? Because the leader has a vision. All that is required to remove the excitement from the above para is one word vision. Helen Keller was once asked , What would be worse than being born blind? She replied, To have sight without vision. Sadly, too many people are placed into leadership position without a vision for the organization that they will lead. All great leaders posses two things: They know where they are going ,and they are able to persuade others to follow. They are like the sign in an optometrists office: if you dont see what you want ; youve come to the right place.
  • 7. Entrepreneurship Immersion Program Enterprise Entrepreneurship Immersion Program is a national level program which has been registered under the desk of prime minister office and got approval from the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship. This program will give you a global plate-form and global leadership support to become a global leader and entrepreneur. Don't stop your effort until your victory makes history. We inspire our associates to imagine and take a bold reorientation of their lifes strategy around the new ideal of shared success. We help them chase their dreams and reposition their mindset to articulate a commitment to mutual prosperity. We empower them to rededicate themselves to all who depend on them and everyone they may impact, either directly or indirectly for mutual benefits and thus creating a win-win situation for all. So Entrepreneurship Immersion Program will give you a vision to become an entrepreneur. It provides you a kind of support and global plate-form so that you can achieve your goal within a time period. Entrepreneurship Experiential Education Program Opportunities for Students What Is Entrepreneurship? Entrepreneurship is the process of launching, owning, and
  • 8. running a new business venture which begins at a small scale and may grow into a successful small, medium, or large company. Entrepreneurs must be willing to take risks and possess the vision to embrace new ideas or business opportunities that transfer to the marketplace for a profit. To succeed entrepreneurs must exhibit or develop a variety of skills which include business know-how, innovation, creativity and good technology skills. Potential Entrepreneurs may seek career opportunities as the sole proprietor of a business or may decide to apply their skills in an entrepreneurial company or family owned business. If you would like to learn first-hand about the realities of being or becoming an entrepreneur check out Lorain County Community Colleges (LCCC) Entrepreneurship Experiential Education Program. Here are some ways you can learn more about the field of entrepreneurship: Invite an entrepreneur to speak at a special event or club meeting Shadow an entrepreneur for the day at their place of business Schedule informational interviews with entrepreneurs so you can gather career information and learn more about a business enterprise Earn academic credit for paid co-ops or internships with our resident entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship Immersion Program will give you a plate-form to become an global entrepreneur. This program will increase your leadership skill, communicative skill and build up your confidence so that you can easily become a leader in corporate world. Once you will be join this program and give your free time to this program then you will surely be a global entrepreneur in future. Entrepreneurship is the only path which has the potential to change millions-billions of life around the world. This program is the part of skill India initiative and entrepreneurship culture of India. This program will provide you a managerial skill, strategic management, supply chain management and team building skill .Life is like a dream ,life is only of those people who believes in the beauty of dreams. Next 20 year is the golden time for entrepreneurs and independent business owner. As a student when you will be join this
  • 9. program then you will gain the knowledge of team building ,strategic management, and essence of leadership. Vision of Entrepreneurship Immersion Program Enterprise Youth for Nation Building:- Youth represent the most dynamic segment of the population and are the future of the Nation. India is one of the youngest nations in the world. About 65% of Indias population is under 35 years of age. The focus of the Government is on youth-led development. The Youth should be active drivers and not merely the passive recipients of development. Entrepreneurship Immersion Program Enterprise work with the VISION To empower youth of the country to achieve their full potential, and through them enable India to find its rightful place in the community of nations. The Department of Youth Affairs has been implementing various programs with the objective of developing the personality and leadership qualities of the youth and inculcating qualities of good citizenship and volunteerism among the youth. The text of the National Youth Policy. Job Creation:- The aim of this Group is to suggest policy reforms and ground level changes that will create more jobs in the country. Our economy faces a grim challenge due to wide spread unemployment. There is an urgent need for rapid job creation in multiple sectors across the country. Join this Group to come up with innovative ideas on job creation. This Group consists of Tasks and Discussions. Tasks are both online and on- ground. Discussions enable participants to share their thoughts and ideas. Practical approach for skill development:- The focus of the Skill Development Group is to suggest bold ideas, concrete policies, initiatives, and interventions to help develop employable skills on a mass scale to meet the needs of the industry and to help youth enter the job market. This
  • 10. Group is an effort to enhance skill development among the youth of India and give them an opportunity to contribute towards nation building. The Group consists of Tasks and Discussions. Tasks are both online and on-ground. Discussions enable participants to share their thoughts and ideas. National Health Mission:- Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) invites all interested in health to come and participate in the Healthy India group. Give suggestions to help us do our job in a better way. Creative Corner:- This Corner gives you a platform to showcase your innovative zeal and enables you to leave an imprint on Indias history. Your skill, your creativity and your ideas become Indias pride! This corner gives you the opportunity to creatively engage with various Government departments. From time to time, Ministries will need creative inputs on the creativity related aspects of their initiatives. The tasks may vary from proposing a design for a mobile application to providing a draft banner/logo as well to suggesting a creative punch line for an initiative. The scope is extensive, the work intensive and the end result extremely satisfying. Empowerment of Farmers:- Farmer empowerment means providing with the ability and capacity to use local and international skills and knowledge to ensure a fair social and economical situation while preserving and conserving the environment. In this process, the farmer is becoming a supply chain actor, a crop specialist with clear market orientation. The farmers are informed and taught all the best practices to create sustainable production, and to increase the quality of their livelihood. This enables the production of a better crop of a higher and more consistent quality and quantity, which is better suited to satisfy the needs of the buyers while asking for a fair price without damaging the environment.
  • 11. Entrepreneurship Immersion Program Enterprise is a unit of ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship and has been registered on Entrepreneurship Business of Nivesh-Mitra Udyog-Bandhu of Uttar-Pradesh government. PROPOSED SCHEME ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT An entrepreneurship development scheme is currently being developed by Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship. The scheme will being designed around the following major elements: Educate and equip potential and early stage entrepreneurs across India: In partnership with experts, a world class entrepreneurship education curriculum will be developed. This curriculum will be delivered to all aspiring entrepreneurs at no cost. Leveraging online learning, entrepreneurship courses can be taken as and when needed by students and business people alike through Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs). In addition, entrepreneurship education will be integrated into the mainstream curriculum in 3,000 colleges around India. Entrepreneurship education
  • 12. courses will also be delivered in approximately 325 industrial clusters across the nation. Through 50 nodal Entrepreneurship Hubs (E-Hubs) set up across all states, existing and potential entrepreneurs will be targeted for entrepreneurship education modules that suit their need. Connect entrepreneurs to peers, mentors, incubators: To support young entrepreneurs, a web and mobile based platform connecting the entire entrepreneurial ecosystem will be established. Platform members will access content online, including information on government services and special packages offered by service providers. The creation of new incubators will be encouraged and a national network of incubators and accelerators established to support young entrepreneurs. A national network of high quality, screened mentors will also be created, leveraging existing networks and successful local entrepreneurs where possible. Entrepreneurship activities in innovative and cutting edge technology areas will be aligned with initiatives such as Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) and Self Employment Talent Utilization (SETU). Support entrepreneurs through Entrepreneurship Hubs (E- Hubs): Support to entrepreneurs, including coordinated delivery of national and state government entrepreneurship programs and access to enabling resources, a national network of Entrepreneurship Hubs (E-Hubs) will be established. One national, 30 state, 50 Nodal and 3,000 college based E- Hubs will be set up to deliver support. These E-Hubs will, collectively, cover the entire nation. Catalyze a culture shift to encourage entrepreneurship: To promote entrepreneurship, state and national level interactions with stakeholders will be convened. International linkages will be established through internship opportunities and exchange trips to global entrepreneurship hubs such as Silicon Valley and Israel. To build awareness, national brand ambassadors will be created to champion entrepreneurial
  • 13. culture in India. Awards will be instituted for young achievers and a National Entrepreneurship Day will be celebrated. Encourage entrepreneurship among underrepresented groups: Special focus will be given to the inclusion of scheduled castes & scheduled tribes, minorities, differently able, etc., and regionally under-represented areas including large part of Eastern and North Eastern India in entrepreneurship programs. Special efforts will also be made to enrol incubators and mentors catering to these groups will in the national entrepreneurial ecosystem. Promote Entrepreneurship amongst Women: Focus will also be placed on encouraging women entrepreneurs through appropriate incentives for women owned businesses under the public procurement process. It will also be ensured that gender neutral incubation/ accelerator, network of mentors, industry, resource centers and credit institutes are developed to facilitate Women Entrepreneurs. Priority will be given for mentorship and support system for women entrepreneurs in existing business centers and incubators. Steps will also be taken to assemble gender disaggregated data. Foster social entrepreneurship and grassroots innovations: Universities and academic institutions will be encouraged to launch a course on Social Entrepreneurship, including through online distance education, to actively promote social entrepreneurship in the country. Additional support, including through fiscal incentives and incubation, will also be considered. To foster grass-roots innovation, a focus on innovations in hubs, collaborations with organizations such as the National Innovation Foundation and promotion of Intellectual Property Rights will also be encouraged.
  • 14. Collaborations of Entrepreneurship Immersion Program Enterprise