The document is a collection of quotes related to entrepreneurship from various notable entrepreneurs and leaders. It includes over 60 short quotes about topics like perseverance, risk-taking, passion, mistakes, dreams, and the importance of action. The quotes provide advice and inspiration for those interested in entrepreneurship.
2. If there is something
you want to do, do it
now. Don卒t let later
turn into never.
- Unknown
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
3. The most valuable
thing you can do is a
mistake. You can卒t
learn anything from
being perfect.
- Adam Osborne
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
4. Winners never
quit and quitters
never win.
- Vince Lombardi
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
5. Success is walking
from failure to
failure with no loss
of enthusiasm.
- Winston Churchill
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
6. 60-80 % of all
new jobs come
from small
- US Small
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
7. 60-80 % of all
new jobs come
from small
- US Small
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
8. Success is what
happens after you
have survived all
your mistakes.
- Unknown
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
9. Entrepreneurs are
like sharks. They
die when they stop
moving forward.
- Unknown
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
10. Make more
moves and less
- Unknown
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
11. If you don卒t build
your dream,
someone else will
hire you to help
them build theirs.
- Unknown
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
12. I am too
creative to have
a 9 to 5.
- Unknown
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
13. I卒m convinced that
about 遜 of what
separates successful
entrepreneurs from the
non-successful ones is
pure perseverance.
- Steve Jobs
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
14. I卒m convinced that
about 遜 of what
separates successful
entrepreneurs from the
non-successful ones is
pure perseverance.
- Steve Jobs
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
15. Your time is
limited so do not
waste it living
someone else卒s
- Steve Jobs
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
16. Success is the
sum of small
efforts - repeated
day in and day
- Robert Collier
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
17. If you aren卒t making a
difference in people卒s
lives, you shouldn卒t be
in business - it卒s that
- Richard Branson
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
18. Never give up.
Today is hard,
tomorrow will be
worse, but the day
after tomorrow will
be sunshine.
- Jack Ma
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
19. Entrepreneur:
Someone who
jumps off a cliff
and builds a plane
on the way down.
- Exaltus
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
20. A successful man is
one who can lay a
firm foundation with
the bricks others
have thrown at him.
- David Brinkley
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
21. Define success on
your own terms,
achieve it by your
own rules, and build
a life you卒re proud
to live.
- Anne Sweeney
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
23. The things you are
passionate about
are not random,
they are your
- Fabienne
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
24. The secret of
getting ahead is
getting started.
- Mark Twain
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
25. You cannot climb
the ladder of
success dressed in
the costume of
- Zig Ziglar
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
26. As a startup CEO,
I slept like a baby.
I woke up every 2
hours and cried.
- Ben Horowitz
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
27. If I had asked
people what they
wanted, they would
have said: Faster
- Henry Ford
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
28. Find a way, not
an excuse.
- Unknown
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
29. If you can卒t fly then
run, if you can卒t run then
walk, if you can卒t walk
then crawl, but whatever
you do, you have to keep
moving forward.
- Martin Luther King
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
30. You don卒t learn to
walk by following
rules. You learn by
doing, and by
falling over.
- Richard Branson
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
32. The elevator to
success is not
running. You must
climb the stairs.
- Zig Ziglar
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
33. Nobody talks about
entrepreneurship as
survival, but that卒s
exactly what it is and
what nurtures creative
- Anita Roddick
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
35. The way to get
started is to quit
talking and begin
- Walt Disney
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
36. Listen to the
advice from the
one who has
already achieved
your goal.
- Robert Kiyosaki
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
37. You will have to
know how to talk
about your vision,
your focus, and
what you believe
- Anna WintourAnne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
38. Failure is not
falling down but
refusing to get up.
- Chinese Proverb
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
39. As long as you卒re
going to be
thinking anyway,
think BIG.
- Donald Trump
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
40. Problems are not
stop signs. They
are guidelines.
- Unknown
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
41. The true
entrepreneur is a
doer, not a
- Nolan Bushnell
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
42. The best way to
deal with fake
people is to be real
with them.
- Unknown
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
43. Be a product of
your choices and
not a victim of your
- Unknown
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
44. Being an
entrepreneur is
like eating glass
and staring into
the abyss of
- Elon Musk
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
45. Have goals so big
your problems pale
in comparison.
- Grant Cardone
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
46. 90% of startups fail in
the first 2 years often
because they created
something with all their
resources and then market
it, just to find out that
nobody wanted the
product they created.
- Bill Svoboda
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
47. Do not judge my
story by the
chapter you walked
in on.
- Unknown
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
48. Either you run
your day, or your
day runs you.
- Jim Rohn
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
50. It卒s fine to celebrate
success but it is more
important to heed the
lessons of failure.
- Bill Gates
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
52. You don卒t have to
be great to start,
but you have to
start to be great.
- Zig Ziglar
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
53. People don卒t buy
what you do; they buy
WHY you do it. What
you do simply proves
what you believe.
- Simon Sinek
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
54. I find the harder I
work, the luckier I
- Thomas
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
55. Chase the vision,
not the money. The
money will end up
following you.
- Tony Hsieh
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
56. Dreams don卒t
work unless you
- Unknown
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
57. Finding your passion isn卒t
just about careers and
money. It卒s about finding
your authentic self. The
one you卒ve buried beneath
other people卒s needs.
- Unknown
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://
58. Entrepreneurship
- Are you ready
to roll your
sleeves up?
Anne-Maria Yritys 2017. Https://