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environment habibat and eco system .........pptx
Environment, Habitat and Ecosystem
environment habibat and eco system .........pptx
environment habibat and eco system .........pptx
environment habibat and eco system .........pptx
 The environment is the natural component in which biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living: climate,
weather, the natural
phenomenon like lightning, etc.) factors interact among themselves and with each other.
 These interactions shape the habitat and the ecosystem of an organism or that of an ecological
 In the biological sense, the environment constitutes the physical (nutrients, water, air, climate) and
biological factors (biomolecules, organisms) along with their chemical interactions (chemical cycles 
carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle etc.) that affect an organism or a group of organisms.
 爐爐萎爐爐鉦さ爐萎ぃ 爐朽す 爐爛爐萎く爐
爛 爐むた爐 爐爐爐 爐項 爐むた爐伍ぎ爛爐 爐逗爐むさ爐 (爐逗爐むさ爐) 爐爐 爐爐逗爐むさ爐 (爐むた爐逗爐: 爐逗げ爐朽く爐萎爛, 爐爛爐伍ぎ, 爐爛爐萎く爐
爛 爐むた爐
爐逗い爐酌た爐 爐爐爐爐爐朽く爐 爐爐むた) 爐爐爐萎 爐爐爐 爐爛爐 爐爐 爐踱 爐逗 爐伍ぐ爛 爐伍 爐爐萎じ爛爐爐 爐むた爐萎爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐爛
 爐萎爛 爐爐爛爐爛爐爛爐 爐むた爐萎爐爐踱 爐む爐伍 爐逗爐 爐萎爐 爐爐爐萎ぐ爐伍爐ムた爐むた爐 爐伍ぎ爛爐逗く爐萎 爐
爛 爐爐朽く爐 爐爐 爐爐爐萎ぐ爐伍爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐 爐爛 爐爐爐爐 爐逗爐逗 爐項爐爛
 爐逗爐むさ爐 爐爐逗ぞ 爐爛爐, 爐爐萎爐爐鉦さ爐萎ぃ 爐爛爐むた爐 (爐爛爐劇 爐逗い爛爐, 爐爐爐逗, 爐項さ爐, 爐逗げ爐朽く爐萎爛) 爐爐 爐逗爐むさ爐 爐爐爐萎爛爐 (爐逗爐 爐爐爛, 爐逗爐) 爐
爛 爐伍く爐-
爐伍く爐 爐爐逗爛 爐萎く爐伍く爐萎爐むた爐 爐むた爐萎爐爐爐 (爐萎く爐伍く爐萎爐むた爐 爐爐 - 爐爐爐萎爐鉦た 爐爐, 爐逗く爐爐爐萎爐逗た 爐爐 爐爐むた) 爐爐 爐爐爐 爐爐萎た爐 爐項 爐逗
爐む爐伍 爐逗爐 爐萎爐 爐逗爐 爐爛 爐爛爐萎き爐爐むさ爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐爛 爐逗爐朽爐 爐爐 爐踱 爐伍ぎ爛爐項イ
 All organisms depend on
the environment to carry out
their natural life processes
and meet their physical
requirements (food, energy,
water, oxygen, shelter, etc.).
 爐伍き爛 爐爛爐 爐爐爐爛 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐
爛 爐むた爐 爐爛爐朽え
爐爛爐萎い爐逗く爐鉦爐 爐爛 爐爛爐萎ぞ 爐爐萎え爛 爐爐 爐爐爐爛
爐爛爐むた爐 爐爐朽ざ爛爐爐爐逗ぞ爐爐 (爐爛爐爐, 爐爐爐鉦ぞ,
爐爐鉦え爛, 爐爐爛爐伍爐爐, 爐爐謹爐萎く, 爐爐むた) 爐爛
爐爛爐萎ぞ 爐爐萎え爛 爐
爛 爐むた爐 爐爐爐鉦ぞ爐朽ぐ爐 爐爐 爐むえ爐爐鉦ぐ
爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐爛
environment habibat and eco system .........pptx
Habitat is the physical environment in which an organism lives (address of an organism).
 Many habitats make up the environment.
 A single habitat may be common for more than one organism which have similar requirements.
 For example, a single aquatic habitat may support a fish, frog, crab, phytoplankton, and many others.
 The various species sharing a habitat thus have the same address. E.g., forest, river, lake, etc.
爐爐朽ぞ爐 爐朽す 爐爛爐むた爐 爐朽ぞ爐逗ぞ爐朽ぐ爐 爐項 爐む爐伍ぎ爛爐 爐爛爐 爐萎す爐逗ぞ 爐項 (爐爛爐 爐爐 爐爐逗ぞ)爛
 爐爐 爐むた爐朽く爐 爐ムた爐爐 爐爐萎爐爐鉦さ爐萎ぃ 爐萎爐逗く爐逗 爐項爐爛
 爐踱 爐項 爐爐朽く爐 爐踱 爐伍 爐爐むた爐 爐逗爐朽爐 爐
爛 爐むげ爐 爐伍ぎ爐爐 爐項 爐伍爐逗く 爐項 爐むた爐逗爛 爐伍ぎ爐爐 爐爐朽ざ爛爐爐爐逗く爐踱 爐項爐逗 爐項爐爛
 爐爐逗く爐項ぐ爐 爐
爛 爐むげ爐, 爐踱 爐爐
爛 爐迦く 爐逗げ爛爐萎 爐爐朽く爐 爐爐爐迦, 爐爛爐爐∇, 爐
爛 爐爐酌た爐, 爐爐爐爐爛爐爛爐爐爐爐爐, 爐爐 爐爐 爐爐爛爐 爐迦爐爛爐 爐爛
爐伍す爐爐萎く 爐逗 爐伍爐逗く 爐項爛
 爐踱 爐爐朽く爐 爐伍く爐爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐朽く爐迦 爐むさ爐むき爐爛爐 爐爛爐萎た爐爐むた爐萎爛爐 爐爐 爐踱 爐項 '爐爐逗く' 爐項爐逗く 爐項爛 爐逗爐伍, 爐逗爐爐, 爐逗た爛, 爐爛爐 爐爐むた爛
environment habibat and eco system .........pptx
 A habitat always has life in it, whereas the environment does not necessarily have life in it, All habitats
environments, but all environments are not habitats.
 A habitat is always a preference of one species.
 An environment could be a preference of many species that could eventually become many habitats.
 Usually, the environment governs the properties of a habitat, but not vice versa.
 爐踱 爐爐朽く爐 爐爛爐 爐項ぎ爛爐謹く 爐逗爐朽た 爐項爐逗く 爐項, 爐逗ぐ爛爐む 爐爐萎爐爐鉦さ爐萎ぃ 爐爛爐 爐逗爐朽た 爐逗ぐ爛爐萎 爐逗す爛爐 爐項, 爐伍き爛 爐爐朽く爐 爐項爐
爐朽く爐逗く爐朽ぐ爐, 爐迦爐む爐 爐伍き爛 爐朽く爐逗く爐朽ぐ爐 爐爐朽く爐 爐逗す爛爐 爐項爐爛
 爐踱 爐爐朽く爐 爐項ぎ爛爐謹く 爐踱 爐爛爐萎た爐爐むた 爐爛 爐爛爐萎く爐逗い爐爐爐逗く 爐項爐逗 爐項爛
 爐踱 爐爐萎爐爐鉦さ爐萎ぃ 爐爐 爐爛爐萎た爐爐むた爐萎爛爐 爐爛 爐爛爐萎く爐逗い爐爐爐逗く 爐項 爐伍爐逗く 爐項 爐逗 爐爐爐逗た爐 爐爐 爐爐朽く爐 爐萎爐 爐伍爐逗 爐項爐爛
 爐爐 爐逗爐 爐爐, 爐爐萎爐爐鉦さ爐萎ぃ 爐踱 爐むた爐朽く爐 爐ムた爐爐 爐
爛 爐爛爐爛爐 爐爛 爐むた爐萎爐爐むい爛爐萎た 爐爐萎た爐 爐項, 爐迦爐む爐 爐爐伍
爛 爐むさ爐爐萎爐 爐逗す爛爐爛
Difference Between Habitat and Environment
An ecosystem can be visualized as a functional unit of
nature, where living organisms (producers, consumers, and
decomposers) interact among themselves and also with the
surrounding physical environment.
 An ecosystem can be of any size but usually
encompasses specific and limited species. E.g., Aquatic
Ecosystem. (This
is how ecosystem is different from environment)
∇踱 爐爐爐萎ぐ爐伍爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐 爐爛 爐爛爐萎
爛 爐むた 爐爛 爐踱 爐爐爐萎爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐爐爐 爐
爐萎爐 爐爛爐 爐逗爐爐 爐逗く 爐伍爐逗く 爐項, 爐逗す爐爐 爐逗爐むさ爐 爐逗爐 (爐爐む爐爐爐逗,
爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むく 爐爐 爐爐爐爐爐) 爐爐爐 爐爛爐 爐爐 爐爐伍お爐爐 爐
爛 爐爛爐むた爐
爐朽く爐逗く爐朽ぐ爐 爐
爛 爐伍く爐 爐爛 爐萎爐爐逗爛爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐爛
 爐踱 爐爐爐萎ぐ爐伍爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐 爐む爐伍 爐爛 爐爐爐爐 爐爐 爐項 爐伍爐逗く 爐項
爐迦爐む爐 爐爐爐逗爐 爐爐 爐爐伍ぎ爛爐 爐むさ爐むざ爐劇爐 爐爐 爐伍爐むぎ爐 爐爛爐萎た爐爐むた爐萎爐爐 爐謹く爐むぎ爐
爐項爐逗 爐項爐爛 爐逗爐伍, 爐逗げ爛爐萎 爐爐爐萎ぐ爐伍爐ムた爐むた爐 爐逗爐む爐萎イ (爐爐 爐
爛 爐伍 '爐爐爐萎ぐ爐伍爐ムた爐むた爐爛
爐逗爐む爐' '爐爐萎爐爐鉦さ爐萎ぃ' 爐伍 爐爐迦 爐項)
 In the ecosystem, biotic and abiotic components are linked
together through nutrient cycles and energy flows.
 Everything that lives in an ecosystem is dependent on the
other species and elements that are also part of
that ecological community.
 If one part of an ecosystem is damaged or disappears, it
has an impact on everything else.
 爐爐鉦ぐ爐萎じ爛爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐 爐爛爐, 爐爛爐むさ爐 爐爐 爐爐爛爐むさ爐 爐爐爐 爐爛爐劇
爐爐逗爐 爐爐 爐爐爐鉦ぞ 爐爛爐萎さ爐鉦す 爐
爛 爐爐鉦ぇ爛爐爐 爐伍 爐踱 爐伍ぞ爐 爐爛爐÷ 爐項爐 爐項爐爛
 爐踱 爐爐鉦ぐ爐萎じ爛爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐 爐爛爐 爐萎す爐爛 爐朽ぞ爐逗 爐項ぐ 爐爛爐 爐爐爛爐 爐爛爐萎爐鉦い爐逗く爛爐
爐爐 爐逗い爛爛爐 爐爐 爐むえ爐爐鉦ぐ 爐項 爐爛 爐爐伍爐 爐爛 爐むす爐伍爐伍ぞ 爐項爐 爐朽す
爐爐鉦ぐ爐萎じ爛爐ムた爐むた爐 爐伍ぎ爛爐逗ぞ爐爛
 爐爐むた 爐踱 爐爐鉦ぐ爐萎じ爛爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐 爐爐 爐踱 爐むす爐伍爐伍ぞ 爐爛爐劇い爐逗爛爐萎じ爛爐 爐項
爐爐鉦た爐 爐項 爐爐 爐爐鉦く爐 爐項 爐爐鉦た爐 爐項, 爐逗 爐爐伍爐 爐爛爐萎き爐鉦さ 爐爐鉦爛 爐伍き爛
爐爛爐爛爐 爐爐 爐爐÷た爐 爐項
Classification of
 Forest, grassland, and desert are some examples
of terrestrial ecosystems; pond, lake, wetland,
river and estuary are some examples of aquatic
 Crop fields and an aquarium are human-made
 爐朽え, 爐爐萎ぞ爐爐鉦す 爐爐 爐萎爐む爐伍爐むぞ爐 爐ムた爐逗爐
爐爐鉦ぐ爐萎じ爛爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐 爐
爛 爐
爛 爐 爐爐逗ぞ爐項ぐ爐 爐項爐; 爐逗ぞ爐逗ぞ爐,
爐爛爐, 爐爐萎爐爛爐鉦き爛爐むぎ, 爐爐逗 爐爐 爐爛爐項ぞ爐爐 爐爐逗爐
爐爐鉦ぐ爐萎じ爛爐ムた爐むた爐 爐逗爐む爐 爐
爛 爐
爛 爐 爐爐逗ぞ爐項ぐ爐 爐項爐爛
 爐爐伍た 爐
爛 爐爛爐 爐爐 爐踱 爐爐爐逗爐爐 爐爐鉦え爐 爐むえ爐むぎ爐鉦た
爐爐鉦ぐ爐萎じ爛爐ムた爐むた爐 爐逗爐む爐 爐項爐爛
 Ecology is the study of interactions between organisms, organisms and the surroundings
occurring within an ecosystem or environment.
 An ecosystem is a functional unit of the environment (mostly the biosphere).
 An environment is a group of ecosystems.
 A habitat is a part of the ecosystem.
 爐爐爛爐迦爐逗 爐踱 爐爐爐萎ぐ爐伍爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐 爐萎爐 爐爐萎爐爐鉦さ爐萎ぃ 爐
爛 爐爛爐逗ぐ 爐項爐逗 爐朽く爐迦 爐逗爐朽爐, 爐逗爐朽爐 爐爐 爐爐伍お爐爐 爐
爛 爐萎爛爐
爐項爐逗 爐朽く爐迦 爐萎爐爐逗爛爐 爐爐 爐爐о爐爐萎爐 爐項爛
 爐踱 爐爐爐萎ぐ爐伍爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐 爐爐萎爐爐鉦さ爐萎ぃ (爐爛爐爐爐逗く爐逗ぐ 爐逗爐朽ぎ爐爐÷げ) 爐爛 爐踱 爐爐爐萎爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐爐爐 爐項爛
 爐踱 爐爐萎爐爐鉦さ爐萎ぃ 爐爐爐萎ぐ爐伍爐ムた爐むた爐 爐逗爐む爐 爐爐 爐踱 爐伍ぎ爛爐 爐項爛
 爐爐朽く爐 爐爐爐萎ぐ爐伍爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐 爐爐 爐踱 爐むす爐伍爐伍く 爐項爛
Difference Between Ecology, Environment, Habitat
& Ecosystem
Q. Which one of the following is the best description of the term ecosystem?
a) A community of organisms interacting with one another
b) That part of the earth which is inhabited by living organisms
c) A community of organisms together with the environment in which they live.
d) The flora and fauna of a geographical area.
爐爛爐. 爐むえ爐爛爐爐むた爐伍爐爐 爐爛爐 爐伍 爐爛爐 爐伍ぞ "爐爐鉦ぐ爐萎じ爛爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐" 爐謹が爛爐 爐爐 爐伍が爐伍 爐爐爛爐爐 爐朽ぃ爐鉦え 爐項?
a) 爐逗爐朽爐 爐爐 爐踱 爐伍ぎ爛爐逗く爐萎 爐逗 爐踱 爐逗 爐伍ぐ爛 爐
爛 爐伍く爐 爐爐爐逗爐むた爐萎爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐
b) 爐爛爐ム爐朽 爐爐 爐朽す 爐爐爐 爐むた爐伍ぎ爛爐 爐伍た爛爐 爐萎す爐逗 爐項爐
c) 爐逗爐朽爐 爐爐 爐踱 爐伍ぎ爛爐逗く爐萎 爐むた爐伍ぎ爛爐 爐朽 爐萎す爐逗 爐項爐 爐爐萎爐爐鉦さ爐萎ぃ 爐
爛 爐伍く爐逗イ
d) 爐爛爐爛爐むげ爐 爐爛爐劇爐む爐 爐爛 爐朽た爐伍爐爐むた 爐爐 爐逗爐朽イ
Q. Which one of the following is the best description of the term ecosystem?
a) A community of organisms interacting with one another
b) That part of the earth which is inhabited by living organisms
c) A community of organisms together with the environment in which they live.
d) The flora and fauna of a geographical area.
爐爛爐. 爐むえ爐爛爐爐むた爐伍爐爐 爐爛爐 爐伍 爐爛爐 爐伍ぞ "爐爐鉦ぐ爐萎じ爛爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐" 爐謹が爛爐 爐爐 爐伍が爐伍 爐爐爛爐爐 爐朽ぃ爐鉦え 爐項?
a) 爐逗爐朽爐 爐爐 爐踱 爐伍ぎ爛爐逗く爐萎 爐逗 爐踱 爐逗 爐伍ぐ爛 爐
爛 爐伍く爐 爐爐爐逗爐むた爐萎爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐
b) 爐爛爐ム爐朽 爐爐 爐朽す 爐爐爐 爐むた爐伍ぎ爛爐 爐伍た爛爐 爐萎す爐逗 爐項爐
c) 爐爛爐朽爐 爐爐 爐踱 爐伍ぎ爛爐逗ぞ爐 爐む爐伍ぎ爛爐 爐朽 爐萎す爐逗 爐項爐 爐爐爐鉦ぞ爐朽ぐ爐 爐
爛 爐伍ぞ爐逗イ
d) 爐爛爐爛爐むげ爐 爐爛爐劇爐む爐 爐爛 爐朽た爐伍爐爐むた 爐爐 爐逗爐朽イ
 A community of organisms interacting with
one another  Ecological community.
 That part of the earth which is inhabited by
living organisms  Biosphere.
 A community of organisms together with the
environment in which they live  Ecosystem.
 爐逗爐朽爐 爐爐 爐踱 爐伍ぎ爛爐逗く爐萎 爐逗 爐踱 爐逗 爐伍ぐ爛 爐
爛 爐伍く爐
爐爐萎じ爛爐爐 爐むた爐萎爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐  爐爐鉦ぐ爐萎じ爛爐ムた爐むた爐 爐伍ぎ爛爐逗ぞ爐爛
 爐爛爐ム爐朽 爐爐 爐朽す 爐爐爐 爐むた爐伍ぎ爛爐 爐逗爐むさ爐 爐逗爐 爐萎す爐逗 爐項爐 
 爐逗爐朽爐 爐爐 爐踱 爐伍ぎ爛爐逗く爐萎 爐むた爐伍
爛 爐伍く爐 爐朽 爐爐萎爐爐鉦さ爐萎ぃ 爐爛爐
爐萎す爐逗 爐項爐  爐爐鉦ぐ爐萎じ爛爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐萎イ
 The flora and fauna of a geographical area  Biodiversity.
Environment  Can be almost everything or a small region.
Biosphere  The region on earth that supports life.
Habitat  Area where an organism lives.
Ecosystem  Producers, Consumers, Decomposers, and their
relationships (tiny environment). It is the functional unit of the
Ecology  Study of interactions in an ecosystem
 爐む爐伍 爐爛爐爛爐むげ爐 爐爛爐劇爐む爐 爐爛 爐朽た爐伍爐爐むた爐萎爐爐 爐爐 爐逗爐-爐逗爐逗  爐爛爐 爐むさ爐むさ爐оた爐鉦イ
爐爐爐鉦ぞ爐朽ぐ爐  爐迦爐爐 爐伍ぐ爛 爐
爛 爐 爐萎爐 爐踱 爐爛爐爐 爐爛爐劇爐む爐 爐項 爐伍爐逗く 爐項爛
爐爐鉦く爛爐伍爐爛爐爐  爐爛爐ム爐朽 爐爐 爐朽す 爐爛爐劇爐む爐 爐逗 爐逗爐朽た 爐爐 爐伍ぎ爐逗ぞ爐 爐爐萎た爐 爐項爛
爐爐朽ぞ爐  爐爛爐劇爐む爐 爐逗す爐爐 爐踱 爐逗爐 爐萎す爐逗く 爐項爛
爐爐鉦ぐ爐萎じ爛爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐  爐むた爐爐爐鉦た爐, 爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むく, 爐爐爐爐爐 爐爐 爐爐逗
爐伍爐萎爐爐 (爐爛爐爐 爐朽く爐逗く爐朽ぐ爐)爛 爐萎爐 爐むた爐萎爐爐む爐爐 爐項 爐爐萎爐爐鉦さ爐萎ぃ 爐爛 爐爐爐爐爛
爐爐鉦ぐ爐萎じ爛爐ムた爐むた爐爛  爐踱 爐爐爐萎ぐ爐伍爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐 爐爛爐 爐萎爐爐逗爛爐 爐爐 爐爐о爐爐萎爐
environment habibat and eco system .........pptx
 Abiotic components are the inorganic and non-living parts
that act as major limiting factors.
 A lot of factors determine the survival of an organism. But
one single factor can limit the range of an organism. This
single factor is called a limiting factor.
 For example, seeds do not germinate quickly in evergreen
rain forests despite good rains & luxuriant vegetation.
 爐爐爛爐むさ爐 爐爐爐 爐爐爐鉦が爐鉦い爐爐 爐爐 爐むえ爐爛爐 爐爐鉦 爐項爐 爐爛 爐爛爐萎ぎ爛爐
爐伍爐むぎ爐 爐爐鉦ぐ爐爛爐 爐
爛 爐萎爐 爐爛爐 爐爐鉦く爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐爛
 爐爐項爐 爐伍ぞ爐萎 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐踱 爐爛爐 爐
爛 爐爛爐むさ爐 爐萎す爐爛 爐爐 爐むえ爐оぞ爐鉦ぐ爐 爐爐萎た爛
爐項爐爛 爐逗爐む爐 爐踱 爐爐
爛 爐逗ぞ 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐爛爐 爐爛 爐伍爐爐 爐爛 爐伍爐むぎ爐 爐爐
爐伍爐逗ぞ 爐項爛 爐爐 爐踱爐 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐爛 爐伍爐むぎ爐 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐爐項ぞ 爐爐鉦た爐 爐項爛
 爐爐逗ぞ爐項ぐ爐 爐
爛 爐むた爐, 爐伍た爐鉦が爐項ぞ爐 爐朽し爐鉦ぞ 爐朽え爛爐 爐爛爐 爐爐爛爐爛 爐朽し爐鉦ぞ 爐爐
爐伍ぎ爛爐爛爐 爐朽え爐伍爐爐むた 爐
爛 爐爐鉦さ爐爛爐 爐爛爐 爐爐迦爐爛 爐爐爐
爛 爐萎ぐ爐 爐爐項爐爐項爐逗 爐項爐爛
 This is because the surface soil is heavily leached
(nutrients washed away) by running water.
 Here, the inferior surface soil is the limiting factor that
limits the germination of seeds.
 Likewise, germinated saplings may not survive due to lack
of light because of the dense canopy. Here, the absence
of light (shade of the forest) is the limiting factor.
 爐爐伍ぞ 爐爐伍い爐逗 爐項 爐爛爛爐爐む 爐爐項た爛 爐爐鉦え爛 爐
爛 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐伍た爐項 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛
爐爐む爐爐むぇ爐 爐むえ爐爛爐劇ぞ爐むた爐 爐項 爐爐鉦た爛 爐項 (爐爛爐劇 爐逗い爛 爐爐 爐爐鉦た爛 爐項爐)爛
 爐爐項ぞ爐鉦, 爐むえ爐爛爐 爐伍た爐項 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛 爐伍爐むぎ爐 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐項 爐爛 爐爛爐爛爐 爐
爛 爐爐爐
爛 爐萎ぃ
爐爛 爐伍爐むぎ爐 爐爐萎た爐 爐項爛
 爐爐伍 爐逗ぐ爐, 爐爐爛 爐爐む爐 爐
爛 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐爐爐
爛 爐萎ぐ爐 爐爛爐о 爐爛爐萎爐鉦ざ 爐爛 爐爐爛
爛 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐爛爐むさ爐 爐爐項爐爐萎す 爐伍爐逗 爐項爐爛 爐爐項ぞ爐鉦, 爐爛爐萎爐鉦ざ 爐爛
爐爐爛爐爐伍爐ムた爐むた (爐爐爐爐 爐爛 爐爐鉦く爐) 爐伍爐むぎ爐 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐項爛
environment habibat and eco system .........pptx
Q. If a tropical rain forest is removed, it does not regenerate quickly as compared
to a tropical deciduous forest. This is because
a) the soil of rain forest is deficient in nutrients
b) propagules of the trees in a rain forest have poor viability
c) the rain forest species are slow-growing
d) exotic species invade the fertile soil of rain forest.
爐爛爐. 爐爐むた 爐踱 爐爐劇爐爐爐む爐爐爐о爐 爐朽し爐鉦ぞ 爐朽え 爐爛 爐項爐 爐むた爐爐 爐爐鉦た爐 爐項, 爐逗 爐爐 爐踱
爐爐劇爐爐爐む爐爐爐о爐 爐爐爐鉦お爐鉦た爛 爐朽え 爐爛 爐逗爐逗え爐 爐爛爐 爐爐迦爐爛 爐伍 爐爛爐爐爛爐むさ爐 爐爐項爐爐項爐逗ぞ 爐項爛 爐爐 爐項
a) 爐朽し爐爐 爐朽た 爐爛 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛 爐爛爐 爐爛爐劇 爐逗い爛爐朽爐 爐爛 爐爐爛 爐項爐逗 爐項
爐) 爐朽し爐爐 爐朽た 爐爛爐 爐朽爐爛爐劇爐 爐
爛 爐爛爐萎さ爐逗ぞ爐 爐爛 爐逗爐朽た爐爛爐劇ぎ爐逗く 爐爐 爐項爐逗 爐項
c) 爐朽し爐爐 爐朽た 爐爛爐萎た爐爐むた爐萎爐爐鉦 爐逗爐爛 爐爐むた 爐伍 爐萎爐∇ぜ 爐萎す爛 爐項爐
d) 爐むさ爐逗爐謹 爐爛爐萎た爐爐むた爐萎爐爐鉦 爐朽し爐爐 爐朽た 爐爛 爐爐爐逗く爐 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛 爐爐 爐爐逗ぎ爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐爛
Q. If a tropical rain forest is removed, it does not regenerate quickly as compared
to a tropical deciduous forest. This is because
a) the soil of rain forest is deficient in nutrients
b) propagules of the trees in a rain forest have poor viability
c) the rain forest species are slow-growing
d) exotic species invade the fertile soil of rain forest.
爐爛爐. 爐爐むた 爐踱 爐爐劇爐爐爐む爐爐爐о爐 爐朽し爐鉦ぞ 爐朽え 爐爛 爐項爐 爐むた爐爐 爐爐鉦た爐 爐項, 爐逗 爐爐 爐踱
爐爐劇爐爐爐む爐爐爐о爐 爐爐爐鉦お爐鉦た爛 爐朽え 爐爛 爐逗爐逗え爐 爐爛爐 爐爐迦爐爛 爐伍 爐爛爐爐爛爐むさ爐 爐爐項爐爐項爐逗ぞ 爐項爛 爐爐 爐項
a) 爐朽し爐爐 爐朽た 爐爛 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛 爐爛爐 爐爛爐劇 爐逗い爛爐朽爐 爐爛 爐爐爛 爐項爐逗 爐項
爐) 爐朽し爐爐 爐朽た 爐爛爐 爐朽爐爛爐劇爐 爐
爛 爐爛爐萎さ爐逗ぞ爐 爐爛 爐逗爐朽た爐爛爐劇ぎ爐逗く 爐爐 爐項爐逗 爐項
c) 爐朽し爐爐 爐朽た 爐爛爐萎た爐爐むた爐萎爐爐鉦 爐逗爐爛 爐爐むた 爐伍 爐萎爐∇ぜ 爐萎す爛 爐項爐
d) 爐むさ爐逗爐謹 爐爛爐萎た爐爐むた爐萎爐爐鉦 爐朽し爐爐 爐朽た 爐爛 爐爐爐逗く爐 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛 爐爐 爐爐逗ぎ爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐爛
 The soil of rain forest is deficient in nutrients (true):
Rainforest  It rains almost every day  The topsoil is
continuously washed away  nutrients are also washed
away (leaching of nutrients)  very little fertility
remains in
topsoil  most of the seeds dont germinate for years 
regeneration of a rainforest is very slow (it takes
 爐朽し爐爐 爐朽た 爐爛 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛 爐爛爐 爐爛爐劇 爐逗い爛爐朽爐 爐爛 爐爐爛 爐項 (爐伍 爐項): 爐朽し爐爐鉦さ爐
 爐迦爐爐 爐項ぐ 爐むた爐 爐萎爐爐萎ぐ爐 爐項爐逗 爐項  爐爐爐萎 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛 爐項
爐迦爐爐逗く爐 爐逗爐迦た爐 爐萎す爐逗く 爐項  爐爛爐劇 爐逗い爛爐 爐爛 爐逗爐 爐逗く爐逗 爐項爐 (爐爛爐劇
爐逗い爛爛爐 爐爐 爐逗爐む爐爐)  爐萎爐項爐 爐爐 爐爐朽ぞ爐萎た爐 爐萎爐逗 爐萎す爐逗 爐項
爐爐爐萎 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛  爐爐むた爐爐爐爐 爐萎爛爐 爐朽し爛爐 爐逗 爐爐爐
爛 爐萎ぐ爐 爐逗す爛爐 爐項爐逗 爐項爐
 爐朽し爐爐鉦さ爐 爐爐 爐爛爐逗た爐鉦た爐 爐萎爐項爐 爐逗爐爐 爐項爐逗く 爐項 (爐爐伍ぎ爛爐 爐逗ざ爐爛爐 爐迦
爐逗く爐逗 爐項爐)爛
 But the layer below the topsoil (sub-soil) is very fertile. Thus,
plants proliferate once their roots reach the sub-soil
and if they receive enough sunlight.
 Propagules of the trees in a rain forest have poor viability (true):
Propagule  detachable structure that can give rise
to a new plant, e.g., a bud, sucker, or spore (sexual reproduction in
plants). However, seed-bearing plants
(spermatophytes) are more significant than propagules in a
 爐迦爐む爐 爐爐爐萎 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛 (爐爐-爐爛爐逗く) 爐
爛 爐逗爐爛 爐爛 爐爐萎た 爐萎爐項爐 爐爐爐逗く爐 爐項爐逗
爐項爛 爐爐 爐爛爐萎爐爐, 爐爛爐逗爐 爐爛 爐逗ぜ爐逗爐 爐爐-爐爛爐逗く 爐逗 爐爐項爐爐爐逗 爐
爛 爐萎爐爐 爐
爛 爐迦た爛 爐項爐 爐爐
爐爐爐 爐爐爛爐項爐 爐爐萎爐爐鉦お爛爐 爐逗爐 爐むぎ爐迦た爛 爐項爛
 爐踱 爐朽し爐爐 爐朽た 爐爛爐 爐爛爐酌た爛爐 爐
爛 爐爛爐萎さ爐逗ぞ爐 爐爛 爐逗爐朽た爐爛爐劇ぎ爐逗く 爐爐 爐項爐逗 爐項 (爐伍):
爐爛爐萎さ爐оぞ爐  爐むさ爐萎爛爐爛爐 爐伍爐萎爐逗く 爐逗 爐朽爐伍爐 爐逗 爐伍爐逗 爐項
爐踱 爐逗 爐爛爐逗 爐
爛 爐むげ爐, 爐爐逗く爐項ぐ爐 爐
爛 爐むげ爐, 爐踱 爐爐迦, 爐爛爐伍た爛 爐朽く爐迦く, 爐萎爐
爐萎爛爐逗く爐爛 (爐爛爐逗爐 爐爛爐 爐萎爛爐 爐爛爐萎た爐逗た)爛 爐項く爐迦く爐爐む, 爐踱 爐朽し爐鉦ぞ爐朽え 爐爛爐 爐爛爐-爐爐伍ぐ
爐朽ぞ爐逗 爐爛爐о (爐伍爐爐爛爐爛爐爐鉦爐爛爐) 爐爛爐萎さ爐оぞ爐 爐爛 爐逗爐逗え爐 爐爛爐 爐爐むぇ爐 爐爐項い爛爐爛爐爐
 The rainforest species are slow-growing (false): The plant
species in rainforests compete for sunlight. Hence, they
grow as rapidly as they can.
 Exotic species (non-native) invade the fertile soil of rain forest:
this statement is wrong as the rainforest soil is heavily leached.
Hence, they are not fertile. But exotic invasive species are a
threat to the rainforests, especially when the forests are cleared.
 爐朽し爐鉦ぞ爐朽え 爐爛 爐爛爐萎爐鉦い爐逗く爐鉦ぞ爐 爐о爐爛 爐爐むた 爐伍 爐爐∇ぜ 爐萎す爛 爐項爐 (爐爛爐爛): 爐朽し爐鉦ぞ爐朽え 爐爛爐
爐爛爐о爐 爐爛 爐爛爐萎爐鉦い爐逗く爐鉦ぞ爐 爐伍爐爐 爐
爛 爐爛爐萎爐鉦ざ 爐
爛 爐むた爐 爐爛爐萎い爐逗じ爛爐爐оぞ爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐爛
爐爐伍い爐逗, 爐朽 爐む爐逗え爛 爐逗爐爛 爐伍 爐朽 爐爐 爐伍爐逗 爐項爐 爐爐逗え爛 爐逗爐爛 爐伍 爐爐∇ぜ爛爐爛
 爐むさ爐逗爐謹 爐爛爐萎爐鉦い爐逗く爐鉦 (爐爛爐-爐逗爐謹) 爐朽し爐鉦ぞ 爐朽え 爐爛 爐爐爐爐鉦 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛 爐爐
爐爐逗ぎ爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐: 爐爐 爐爐逗え 爐爐逗た 爐項 爐爛爛爐爐む 爐朽し爐鉦ぞ爐朽え 爐爛 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛
爐爐む爐爐むぇ爐 爐むえ爐爛爐劇ぞ爐むた爐 爐項爐逗 爐項爛 爐爐伍い爐逗, 爐朽 爐爐爐爐鉦 爐爐項爐爐項爐爛 爐逗爐む爐
爐むさ爐逗爐謹 爐爐逗ぞ爐爐 爐爛爐萎爐鉦い爐逗く爐鉦 爐朽し爐鉦ぞ爐朽え爛爐 爐
爛 爐むた爐 爐爐逗ぐ爐 爐項爐, 爐爐鉦じ爐爐
爐爐 爐爐爐爐逗爐 爐爛 爐伍ぞ爐 爐む爐爐 爐爐鉦た爐 爐項爛
 The spectral quality of solar radiation is essential for
 The UV component of the spectrum is harmful to
many organisms.
 爐伍爐 爐むさ爐む爐萎ぃ 爐爛 爐朽ぃ爐鉦た爐爛爐 爐爛爐爐朽い爛爐むぞ 爐爛爐朽え 爐
爛 爐むた爐
爐爐朽ざ爛爐爐 爐項爛
 爐伍爐爛爐爛爐爛爐 爐 爐爐 爐爛爐朽 爐爐爐 爐爐 爐爛爐朽爐 爐
爛 爐むた爐 爐項ぞ爐むえ爐爐鉦ぐ爐
Major Limiting Factors
 The majority of biochemical reactions take place
in an aqueous medium.
 爐爐むぇ爐爐鉦爐 爐爛爐 爐萎ぞ爐伍ぞ爐爐むえ爐 爐爐むき爐むた爐爐鉦踱鉦 爐爐逗爐 爐爐鉦ぇ爛爐爐
爐爛爐 爐項爐逗 爐項爐爛
Major Limiting Factors
 A few organisms can tolerate and thrive in a
wide range of temperatures (they are called
 A vast majority of them are restricted to a
narrow range of temperatures (stenothermal).
爛 爐 爐爛爐 爐逗ぞ爐爐爐鉦え 爐爛 爐踱 爐むさ爐伍爐む爐 爐謹爐萎爐爐爐逗ぞ 爐爛爐
爐伍す爐 爐爐 爐伍爐逗 爐項爐 爐爐 爐爐爐 爐伍爐逗 爐項爐 (爐爐爛爐項爐
爐踱萎爐逗ぎ爐鉦た 爐爐項ぞ 爐爐鉦た爐 爐項)爛
 爐爐爐爛爐 爐伍 爐爐むぇ爐爐鉦爐 爐逗ぞ爐爐爐鉦え 爐爛 爐踱 爐伍爐爛爐爐
爐伍爐爐 (爐伍爐爛爐爛爐逗ぎ爐鉦た) 爐逗 爐伍爐むぎ爐 爐項爐爛
Major Limiting Factors
 21% oxygen helps in the survival of many
organisms, 78% nitrogen prevents spontaneous
combustion, and 0.038%
carbon dioxide helps primary producers
synthesize carbohydrates.
 21% 爐爐爛爐伍爐爐 爐爐 爐爛爐朽爐 爐
爛 爐爛爐むさ爐 爐萎す爐爛 爐爛爐
爐爐逗た 爐爐萎た爛 爐項, 78% 爐爐鉦爐爐 爛爐爐 爐伍す爐 爐逗す爐 爐爛
爐萎爐爐逗 爐項, 爐爐 0.038%
爐爐鉦が爐鉦え 爐÷ぞ爐爐爐爛爐伍ぞ爐爐 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐逗い爐爐 爐爐む爐爐鉦た爐爛爐 爐爛
爐萎爐 爐爛 爐伍爐謹爐迦爐むし爐 爐爐萎え爛 爐爛爐 爐爐逗た 爐爐萎た爐
Major Limiting Factors
 Proteins, carbohydrates, lipids etc., are
essential for energy transfer in the living world.
 爐伍爛爐 爐爐爐 爐爛爐 爐爐爐鉦ぞ 爐ムた爐鉦え爐鉦え爛爐むぐ爐 爐
爛 爐むた爐
爐爛爐萎爐爛爐, 爐爐鉦が爛爐項ぞ爐爐÷ぐ爛爐, 爐むた爐むお爐 爐爐むた 爐爐朽ざ爛爐爐 爐項爐爛
Major Limiting Factors
 Carbon, carbon dioxide, water, sulphur,
nitrates, phosphates, and ions of various metals
are essential for organisms to survive.
 爐爐鉦が爐鉦え, 爐爐鉦が爐鉦え 爐÷ぞ爐爐爐爛爐伍ぞ爐爐, 爐爐鉦え爛, 爐伍げ爛爐爐,
爐爐鉦爐爐萎爐爛爐, 爐爛爐伍爐
爛 爐 爐爐 爐むさ爐むき爐爛爐 爐оぞ爐逗爐爐 爐
爛 爐爐爐
爐爛爐朽爐 爐
爛 爐爛爐むさ爐 爐萎す爐爛 爐
爛 爐むた爐 爐爐朽ざ爛爐爐 爐項爐爛
Major Limiting Factors
 Vertical zonation of vegetation is caused due to
 Change in temperature with altitude is a limiting
 爐朽え爐伍爐爐むた 爐爐 爐爐萎爐о爐鉦ぞ爐оぐ 爐爛爐劇爐む爐萎爐爐萎ぃ 爐
爐鉦 爐爐鉦 爐
爛 爐爐鉦ぐ爐
爐項爐逗ぞ 爐項爛
爐 爐爐鉦 爐
爛 爐伍ぞ爐 爐逗ぞ爐爐爐鉦え 爐爛爐 爐爐逗た爐鉦さ 爐踱 爐伍爐むぎ爐 爐爐鉦ぐ爐
Major Limiting Factors
capacity of the
 A neutral pH (pH of 7) is maintained in the soil
and water bodies due to the buffering capacity of
 The neutral pH is conducive for the survival
and sustenance of living organisms.
 爐爛爐ム爐朽 爐爛 爐爐爐萎ぐ爐爐 爐爛爐劇ぎ爐逗ぞ 爐
爛 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛 爐爐
爐爐 爐むえ爐爐鉦く爛爐 爐爛爐 爐踱 爐逗爐ムた 爐爛爐踱 (7 爐爐 爐爛爐踱)
爐爐爐鉦 爐萎爐 爐爐鉦た爐 爐項爛
 爐逗爐ムた 爐爛爐踱 爐爛爐むさ爐 爐爛爐朽爐 爐
爛 爐爐伍爐伍爐むい爛 爐爐
爐むえ爐朽ぞ爐鉦す 爐
爛 爐むた爐 爐爐爛爐
爛 爐 爐項爛
Major Limiting Factors
 Some organisms are tolerant of a wide range of
salinities (euryhaline).
 Others are restricted to a narrow range of
salinities (stenohaline).
爛 爐 爐爛爐 爐逗さ爐爐逗ぞ 爐爛 爐踱 爐むさ爐伍爐む爐 爐謹爐萎爐爐爐逗ぞ
(爐爛爐萎爐項爐逗ぞ爐爐) 爐
爛 爐爛爐萎い爐 爐伍い爐項し爛爐爛 爐項爐爛
 爐爐爛爐 爐逗さ爐爐逗ぞ (爐伍爐爛爐爛爐項ぞ爐逗ぞ爐爐) 爐爛 爐踱 爐伍爐爛爐爐
爐伍爐爐 爐逗 爐伍爐むぎ爐 爐項爐爛
Major Limiting Factors
 Extremely high intensity favours root growth than shoot
growth which results in increased transpiration, short
stem, smaller, thicker leaves.
 On the other hand, low intensity of light retards growth,
flowering, and fruiting.
 When the intensity of light is less than the minimum, the
plants cease to grow due to the accumulation of CO2 and
finally die.
 爐爐む爐爐むぇ爐 爐爐爛爐 爐逗爐朽爐萎た爐 爐爛爐萎ぐ爛爐 爐朽爐伍爐爛爐 爐爛 爐逗爐逗え爐 爐爛爐 爐爐 爐朽爐伍爐爛爐 爐爐
爐爐爛爐 爐逗爐逗 爐項 爐む爐伍
爛 爐爐萎ぐ爐爐鉦ぎ爐伍爐朽ぐ爛爐 爐朽ぞ爐劇爐爛爐む爐伍爐鉦え 爐爛爐 爐朽爐伍爐爛爐 爐項爐逗
爐項, 爐爛爐爛 爐逗え爛, 爐爛爐爛, 爐爛爐爛 爐爐む爐む 爐項爐逗 爐項爐爛
 爐逗 爐伍ぐ爛 爐爐, 爐爛爐萎爐鉦ざ 爐爛 爐爐 爐逗爐朽爐萎た爐 爐朽爐伍爐爛爐, 爐爛爐劇爐爐 爐爐 爐爐逗え
爐爛 爐о爐爐 爐爐 爐逗爐逗 爐項爛
 爐爐 爐爛爐萎爐鉦ざ 爐爛 爐逗爐朽爐萎た爐 爐爛爐爛爐爐逗ぎ 爐伍 爐爐 爐項爐逗 爐項, 爐逗 爐爛爐о CO2
爛 爐伍爐爐 爐
爛 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐爐∇ぜ爐爐 爐爐爐 爐爐 爐逗爐逗 爐項爐 爐爐 爐爐爐 爐爛爐 爐爐 爐爐鉦た爛
Effect of Abiotic Components on Terrestrial Primary Producers (Plants)
 Of the visible part of the spectrum, only red and
blue are effective in photosynthesis.
 Plants grown in blue light are small; red light
results in elongation of cells (etiolated plants).
 Plants grown in ultraviolet and violet light are
 爐朽ぃ爐鉦た爐 爐
爛 爐爛爐謹爐 爐爐鉦 爐爛爐 爐伍 爐
爛 爐朽た 爐逗ぞ爐 爐爐 爐爛爐逗ぞ
爐爛爐萎爐鉦ざ 爐伍爐謹爐迦爐劇ぃ 爐爛爐 爐爛爐萎き爐鉦さ爛 爐項爐逗 爐項爐爛
 爐爛爐逗 爐萎爐謹え爛 爐爛爐 爐爐爐爛 爐朽ぞ爐逗 爐爛爐о 爐爛爐爛 爐項爐逗 爐項爐; 爐逗ぞ爐 爐爐む爐む
爐爐 爐爐萎ぐ爐爐鉦ぎ 爐爛爐むざ爐爐鉦爐 (爐踱む爐爐逗爐爛爐 爐爛爐鉦爐爛爐) 爐
爐爐∇ぜ爐鉦さ 爐爛爐 爐項爐逗ぞ 爐項爛
 爐爐萎ぞ爐爛爐爐爐爛 爐爐 爐爛爐爐爐爛 爐爛爐萎爐鉦ざ 爐爛爐 爐爐爐鉦 爐爐鉦え爛 爐朽ぞ爐逗 爐爛爐о
爐爛爐爛 爐項爐逗 爐項爐爛
Effect of Abiotic Components on Terrestrial Primary Producers (Plants)
 Frost results in freezing the soil moisture.
 The plants are killed due to increased
transpiration when their roots are unable to supply
 Water in the intercellular spaces of the plant gets
frozen into ice. This results in increased
concentration of salts and dehydration of cells.
 爐爐鉦た爛 爐
爛 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛 爐爛 爐爐爛 爐爐 爐爐鉦た爛 爐項爛
 爐爐 爐爛爐о爐 爐爛 爐爐÷爐 爐爐爛 爐爛 爐爐爛爐むた爐 爐爐萎え爛 爐爛爐 爐爐伍ぎ爐逗ぞ
爐項爐逗 爐項爐 爐逗 爐爐∇ぜ爐逗 爐朽ぞ爐劇爐爛爐む爐伍爐鉦え 爐
爛 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐爛爐о 爐爐 爐爐鉦た爛
 爐爛爐о 爐
爛 爐爐爐逗ぐ爐爛爐むざ爐爛爐 爐ムた爐鉦え爛爐 爐爛爐 爐爐鉦え爛 爐爐 爐爐 爐爐
爐爐 爐爐鉦た爐 爐項爛 爐爐伍じ爛 爐逗さ爐爛爐 爐爛 爐伍爐爐逗ぞ 爐爐∇ぜ 爐爐鉦た爛 爐項 爐爐
爐爛爐むざ爐爐鉦爐 爐爐 爐むえ爐爐鉦た爛爐爐萎ぃ 爐項 爐爐鉦た爐 爐項爛
Effect of Abiotic Components on Terrestrial Primary Producers (Plants)
 Also, frost leads to
canker formation (various
plant diseases with similar
symptoms caused by a
wide range of fungi,
bacteria, and viruses).
爛 爐爐逗ぞ爐朽ぞ, 爐爐鉦た爛 爐伍 爐爐鉦じ爛爐
爐爐爐逗ぞ 爐項 (爐爐朽, 爐爛爐爛爐爛爛爐萎ぐ爐爐 爐爐
爐朽ぞ爐爐萎じ 爐爛 爐踱 爐むさ爐伍爐む爐 爐謹爐萎爐爐爐逗ぞ
爛 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐伍ぎ爐鉦え 爐逗爛爐劇ぃ爛爐 爐朽ぞ爐逗
爐むさ爐むき爐爛爐 爐爛爐о爐 爐
爛 爐萎爐)爛
 Snow acts as a blanket, prevents a further drop in
temperature and protects seedlings from excessive
cold and frost.
 Accumulation of snow on tree parts can break the
branches or even uproot the tree.
 Snow shortens the period of vegetative growth.
 爐むす爐爐爐鉦た 爐踱 爐
爐 爐爐 爐
爛 爐萎爐 爐爛爐 爐爐鉦く爐 爐爐萎た爐 爐項, 爐逗ぞ爐爐爐鉦え
爐爛爐 爐爐 爐む爐萎ぞ爐朽 爐爛 爐萎爐爐逗ぞ 爐項 爐爐 爐爛爐о爐 爐爛 爐爐む爐爐むぇ爐
爐爐 爐 爐爐 爐爐鉦た爛 爐伍 爐爐爐鉦た爐 爐項爛
 爐爛爐 爐
爛 爐むす爐伍爐伍爐 爐爐 爐爐
爐 爐爐 爐爐爐鉦さ 爐謹ぞ爐爐鉦爐 爐爛 爐逗爐
爐伍爐逗ぞ 爐項 爐爐 爐爛爐 爐爛 爐爐爐鉦ぁ 爐爛 爐伍爐逗ぞ 爐項爛
 爐むす爐爐爐鉦た 爐朽ぞ爐爐伍爐爐むた爐 爐むさ爐爐鉦じ 爐爛 爐爐朽い爐 爐爛 爐爐
爐爐萎た爐 爐項爛
Effect of Abiotic Components on Terrestrial Primary Producers (Plants)
 High-temperature results in the death of plants due to
coagulation of protoplasmic proteins (some bacteria can
survive high temperatures because of their protoplasmic
proteins that do not coagulate at high temperatures).
 High temperature disturbs the balance between
respiration and photosynthesis.
 It also results in desiccation of plant tissues and
depletion of moisture.
 爐爛爐萎爐爛爐爛爐鉦じ爛爐逗 爐爛爐萎爐爛爐 (爐
爛 爐 爐爛爐爛爐爛爛爐萎ぐ爐爐 爐爐 爐伍爐逗 爐項爐) 爐
爐爐爐鉦さ 爐
爛 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐爛爐о爐 爐爛 爐爛爐む爐爛 爐爛爐 爐爐爛爐 爐逗ぞ爐爐爐鉦え 爐爐 爐爐萎ぐ爐爐鉦ぎ
爐項爐逗ぞ 爐項
爛 爐爛爐萎爐爛爐爛爐鉦じ爛爐逗 爐爛爐萎爐爛爐 爐
爛 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐爐爛爐 爐逗ぞ爐爐爐鉦え 爐爛爐むさ爐
爐萎す爐逗 爐項爐 爐爛 爐爐爛爐 爐逗ぞ爐爐爐鉦え 爐爐 爐爐爐 爐爐項爐爐項爐逗 爐項爐)爛
 爐爐爛爐 爐逗ぞ爐爐爐鉦え 爐謹爐朽じ爐 爐爐 爐爛爐萎爐鉦ざ 爐伍爐謹爐迦爐劇ぃ 爐
爛 爐爛爐 爐伍爐逗爐逗え
爐爛 爐むが爐爐鉦ぁ 爐逗爐逗ぞ 爐項爛
爛 爐爐萎ぐ爐爐鉦ぎ爐伍爐朽ぐ爛爐 爐爛爐о 爐
爛 爐爐逗 爐伍爐 爐爐鉦た爛 爐項爐 爐爐 爐爐爛
爐爐 爐項 爐爐鉦た爛 爐項爛
Effect of Abiotic Components on Terrestrial Primary Producers (Plants)
 It refers to the progressive dying, usually
backwards from the tip of any portion of the plant.
 This is one of the adaptive mechanisms to avoid
adverse conditions like drought.
 In this mechanism, the root remains alive for
years together, but the shoots die.
 E.g. sal, red sanders, silk-cotton tree etc.
 爐爐 爐爛爐萎爐むた爐謹爐 爐爐萎え爛 爐爛 爐伍爐逗い爐爐鉦た 爐爐萎た爐 爐項, 爐爐爐逗爐
爐爐 爐爛爐о 爐
爛 爐む爐伍 爐爛 爐むす爐伍爐伍 爐爛 爐爛爐 爐伍 爐爛爐爛 爐爛 爐爐萎イ
 爐伍爐爛 爐爛爐伍 爐爛爐萎い爐逗
爛 爐 爐爐萎ぐ爐伍爐ムた爐むた爐爛爐 爐伍 爐爐爐爛 爐
爛 爐むた爐 爐爐
爛 爐逗 爐逗爐む爐萎爐 爐爛爐 爐伍 爐踱 爐項爛
 爐爐 爐逗爐む爐 爐爛爐, 爐爐 爐踱 爐伍ぞ爐 爐朽し爛爐 爐逗 爐爛爐むさ爐 爐萎す爐逗 爐項,
爐逗爐む爐 爐爛爐萎ぐ爛爐 爐爐 爐爐鉦た爛 爐項爐爛
 爐爐逗ぞ. 爐伍ぞ爐, 爐逗ぞ爐 爐爐爐逗え, 爐萎爐謹ぎ-爐爐爐鉦じ 爐
爛 爐爛爐 爐爐むた爛
Effect of Abiotic Components on Terrestrial Primary Producers (Plants)
Biotic Components
 Primary producers are green plants, certain bacteria and cyanobacteria or blue-
green algae that carry out photosynthesis.
 In the aquatic ecosystem, microscopic algae (plankton) are the primary
 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐逗い爐爐 爐爐む爐爐鉦た爐 爐項ぐ爛 爐爛爐о, 爐
爛 爐 爐爛爐爛爐爛爛爐萎ぐ爐爐 爐爐 爐伍ぞ爐爐爛爐爛爐爛爐爛爛爐萎ぐ爐爐 爐爐 爐爛爐逗-爐項ぐ爛
爐謹爐朽ぞ爐 爐項爐 爐爛 爐爛爐萎爐鉦ざ 爐伍爐謹爐迦爐劇ぃ 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐爛
 爐爐逗爐 爐爐鉦ぐ爐萎じ爛爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐 爐爛爐, 爐伍爐爛爐劇爐 爐謹爐朽ぞ爐 (爐爛爐朽) 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐逗い爐爐 爐爐む爐爐鉦た爐 爐項爐爛
Biotic Components
Primary Producers or Autotrophs (Self-Nourishing)
 Consumers are incapable of producing their own food.
 They depend on organic food derived from plants, animals or both.
 Consumers can be divided into two broad groups, namely micro and macro
 爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むぞ 爐爐爐爐 爐爛爐爐 爐伍爐朽く爐 爐爐爐鉦え爛 爐爛爐 爐爐伍ぎ爐逗ぞ 爐項爐爛
 爐朽 爐爛爐о爐, 爐爐鉦え爐朽ぐ爛爐 爐爐 爐逗爐爛爐 爐伍 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐爛爐 爐爛爐むさ爐 爐爛爐爐 爐爐 爐むえ爐爐鉦ぐ 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐爛
 爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むぞ爐爐 爐爛 爐逗 爐朽爐爐鉦お爐 爐伍ぎ爛爐項爐 爐爛爐 爐むさ爐爐鉦い爐爐 爐む爐爐 爐爐 爐伍爐逗ぞ 爐項, 爐爐逗ぞ爐鉦た爛 爐伍爐爛爐劇爐
爐爐 爐ムた爛爐 爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むぞ爛
Biotic Components
Consumers or Heterotrophs or Phagotrophs (Other Nourishing)
 Herbivores are primary consumers that feed mainly on plants. E.g., sheep, rabbit, etc.
 Secondary consumers feed on primary consumers. E.g., wolves, dogs, snakes, etc.
 Carnivores that feed on both primary and secondary consumers are called tertiary
consumers. E.g., lions (can eat wolves), snakes etc.
 Omnivores are organisms that consume both plants and animals. E.g., man, bear, pig, etc.
 爐謹ぞ爐爐鉦す爐鉦ぐ爛 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐逗い爐爐 爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むぞ 爐項爐 爐爛 爐爛爐爛爐 爐萎爐 爐伍 爐爛爐о爐 爐爛 爐爐鉦た爛 爐項爐爛 爐爛爐伍, 爐爛爐, 爐爐萎爛爐
 爐むた爐逗爐爐 爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むぞ 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐逗い爐爐 爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むぞ爐爐 爐爛 爐伍爐爐逗ぞ爐逗 爐項爐爛 爐爛爐伍, 爐爛爐むぁ爐爛, 爐
爛 爐む爐む, 爐伍ぞ爐鉦爐 爐爐むた爛
 爐爐鉦爐伍ぞ爐項ぞ爐萎 爐爛 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐逗い爐爐 爐爐 爐むた爐逗爐爐 爐逗爐爛爐 爐爛爐萎爐鉦ぐ 爐
爛 爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むぞ爐爐 爐爛 爐爐鉦た爛 爐項爐, 爐逗爐逗爐爐
爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むぞ 爐爐項た爐鉦た爛 爐項爐爛 爐爛爐伍, 爐謹爐 (爐爛爐むぁ爐爛爐 爐爛 爐爐 爐伍爐逗 爐項爐), 爐伍ぞ爐爐 爐爐むた爛
 爐伍さ爐鉦ぞ爐項ぞ爐萎 爐爐伍 爐爛爐 爐項爐 爐爛 爐爛爐о爐 爐爐 爐爐鉦え爐朽ぐ爛爐 爐逗爐爛爐 爐爐 爐爐爐爛爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐爛 爐爛爐伍, 爐爐爛爐劇爐, 爐爐鉦た爛,
爐伍爐爐 爐爐むた爛
Biotic Components
Macro Consumers
 Herbivores are primary consumers that feed mainly on plants. E.g., sheep, rabbit, etc.
 Secondary consumers feed on primary consumers. E.g., wolves, dogs, snakes, etc.
 Carnivores that feed on both primary and secondary consumers are called tertiary
consumers. E.g., lions (can eat wolves), snakes etc.
 Omnivores are organisms that consume both plants and animals. E.g., man, bear, pig, etc.
 爐謹ぞ爐爐鉦す爐鉦ぐ爛 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐逗い爐爐 爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むぞ 爐項爐 爐爛 爐爛爐爛爐 爐萎爐 爐伍 爐爛爐о爐 爐爛 爐爐鉦た爛 爐項爐爛 爐爛爐伍, 爐爛爐, 爐爐萎爛爐
 爐むた爐逗爐爐 爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むぞ 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐逗い爐爐 爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むぞ爐爐 爐爛 爐伍爐爐逗ぞ爐逗 爐項爐爛 爐爛爐伍, 爐爛爐むぁ爐爛, 爐
爛 爐む爐む, 爐伍ぞ爐鉦爐 爐爐むた爛
 爐爐鉦爐伍ぞ爐項ぞ爐萎 爐爛 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐逗い爐爐 爐爐 爐むた爐逗爐爐 爐逗爐爛爐 爐爛爐萎爐鉦ぐ 爐
爛 爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むぞ爐爐 爐爛 爐爐鉦た爛 爐項爐, 爐逗爐逗爐爐
爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むぞ 爐爐項た爐鉦た爛 爐項爐爛 爐爛爐伍, 爐謹爐 (爐爛爐むぁ爐爛爐 爐爛 爐爐 爐伍爐逗 爐項爐), 爐伍ぞ爐爐 爐爐むた爛
 爐伍さ爐鉦ぞ爐項ぞ爐萎 爐爐伍 爐爛爐 爐項爐 爐爛 爐爛爐о爐 爐爐 爐爐鉦え爐朽ぐ爛爐 爐逗爐爛爐 爐爐 爐爐爐爛爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐爛 爐爛爐伍, 爐爐爛爐劇爐, 爐爐鉦た爛,
爐伍爐爐 爐爐むた爛
Biotic Components
Macro Consumers
 They are bacteria and fungi (e.g.,
mushrooms) which obtain energy and
nutrients from dead organic substances
 Earthworms and certain soil organisms
(such as nematodes and arthropods) are
detritus feeders and help decompose
organic matter and are called detrivores.
 爐朽 爐爛爐爛爐爛爛爐萎ぐ爐爐 爐爐 爐爐朽 (爐爛爐伍, 爐爐謹ぐ爛爐) 爐項爐 爐爛
爐爛爐 爐爐鉦が爐鉦い爐爐 爐爐逗ぞ爐逗爐 (爐÷爐む爐 爐爐) 爐伍 爐爐爐鉦ぞ 爐爐
爐爛爐劇 爐逗い爛 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐爛爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐爛
爛爐 爐爛爐 爐爐 爐
爛 爐 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛 爐
爛 爐爛爐 (爐爛爐伍 爐爛爐爐鉦爛爐
爐爐 爐爐萎爐ム爐萎爐爛爐) 爐爐爐萎た 爐爐爛爐劇ぃ 爐爐萎え爛 爐朽ぞ爐逗 爐項爐逗 爐項爐
爐爐 爐爐鉦が爐鉦い爐爐 爐爐逗ぞ爐逗爐 爐爛 爐むさ爐爐む爐 爐爐萎え爛 爐爛爐
爐爐逗た 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐 爐爐 爐爐爛爐項爐 爐むぁ爐む爐 爐朽爐伍ぞ 爐爐項ぞ 爐爐鉦た爐 爐項爛
Micro Consumers or Saprotrophs (Decomposers or Osmotrophs)

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  • 6. The environment is the natural component in which biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living: climate, weather, the natural phenomenon like lightning, etc.) factors interact among themselves and with each other. These interactions shape the habitat and the ecosystem of an organism or that of an ecological community. In the biological sense, the environment constitutes the physical (nutrients, water, air, climate) and biological factors (biomolecules, organisms) along with their chemical interactions (chemical cycles carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle etc.) that affect an organism or a group of organisms. 爐爐萎爐爐鉦さ爐萎ぃ 爐朽す 爐爛爐萎く爐 爛 爐むた爐 爐爐爐 爐項 爐むた爐伍ぎ爛爐 爐逗爐むさ爐 (爐逗爐むさ爐) 爐爐 爐爐逗爐むさ爐 (爐むた爐逗爐: 爐逗げ爐朽く爐萎爛, 爐爛爐伍ぎ, 爐爛爐萎く爐 爛 爐むた爐 爐逗い爐酌た爐 爐爐爐爐爐朽く爐 爐爐むた) 爐爐爐萎 爐爐爐 爐爛爐 爐爐 爐踱 爐逗 爐伍ぐ爛 爐伍 爐爐萎じ爛爐爐 爐むた爐萎爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐爛 爐萎爛 爐爐爛爐爛爐爛爐 爐むた爐萎爐爐踱 爐む爐伍 爐逗爐 爐萎爐 爐爐爐萎ぐ爐伍爐ムた爐むた爐 爐伍ぎ爛爐逗く爐萎 爐 爛 爐爐朽く爐 爐爐 爐爐爐萎ぐ爐伍爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐 爐爛 爐爐爐爐 爐逗爐逗 爐項爐爛 爐逗爐むさ爐 爐爐逗ぞ 爐爛爐, 爐爐萎爐爐鉦さ爐萎ぃ 爐爛爐むた爐 (爐爛爐劇 爐逗い爛爐, 爐爐爐逗, 爐項さ爐, 爐逗げ爐朽く爐萎爛) 爐爐 爐逗爐むさ爐 爐爐爐萎爛爐 (爐逗爐 爐爐爛, 爐逗爐) 爐 爛 爐伍く爐- 爐伍く爐 爐爐逗爛 爐萎く爐伍く爐萎爐むた爐 爐むた爐萎爐爐爐 (爐萎く爐伍く爐萎爐むた爐 爐爐 - 爐爐爐萎爐鉦た 爐爐, 爐逗く爐爐爐萎爐逗た 爐爐 爐爐むた) 爐爐 爐爐爐 爐爐萎た爐 爐項 爐逗 爐む爐伍 爐逗爐 爐萎爐 爐逗爐 爐爛 爐爛爐萎き爐爐むさ爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐爛 爐逗爐朽爐 爐爐 爐踱 爐伍ぎ爛爐項イ Environment
  • 7. All organisms depend on the environment to carry out their natural life processes and meet their physical requirements (food, energy, water, oxygen, shelter, etc.). 爐伍き爛 爐爛爐 爐爐爐爛 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐 爛 爐むた爐 爐爛爐朽え 爐爛爐萎い爐逗く爐鉦爐 爐爛 爐爛爐萎ぞ 爐爐萎え爛 爐爐 爐爐爐爛 爐爛爐むた爐 爐爐朽ざ爛爐爐爐逗ぞ爐爐 (爐爛爐爐, 爐爐爐鉦ぞ, 爐爐鉦え爛, 爐爐爛爐伍爐爐, 爐爐謹爐萎く, 爐爐むた) 爐爛 爐爛爐萎ぞ 爐爐萎え爛 爐 爛 爐むた爐 爐爐爐鉦ぞ爐朽ぐ爐 爐爐 爐むえ爐爐鉦ぐ 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐爛
  • 9. Habitat is the physical environment in which an organism lives (address of an organism). Many habitats make up the environment. A single habitat may be common for more than one organism which have similar requirements. For example, a single aquatic habitat may support a fish, frog, crab, phytoplankton, and many others. The various species sharing a habitat thus have the same address. E.g., forest, river, lake, etc. 爐爐朽ぞ爐 爐朽す 爐爛爐むた爐 爐朽ぞ爐逗ぞ爐朽ぐ爐 爐項 爐む爐伍ぎ爛爐 爐爛爐 爐萎す爐逗ぞ 爐項 (爐爛爐 爐爐 爐爐逗ぞ)爛 爐爐 爐むた爐朽く爐 爐ムた爐爐 爐爐萎爐爐鉦さ爐萎ぃ 爐萎爐逗く爐逗 爐項爐爛 爐踱 爐項 爐爐朽く爐 爐踱 爐伍 爐爐むた爐 爐逗爐朽爐 爐 爛 爐むげ爐 爐伍ぎ爐爐 爐項 爐伍爐逗く 爐項 爐むた爐逗爛 爐伍ぎ爐爐 爐爐朽ざ爛爐爐爐逗く爐踱 爐項爐逗 爐項爐爛 爐爐逗く爐項ぐ爐 爐 爛 爐むげ爐, 爐踱 爐爐 爛 爐迦く 爐逗げ爛爐萎 爐爐朽く爐 爐爐爐迦, 爐爛爐爐∇, 爐 爛 爐爐酌た爐, 爐爐爐爐爛爐爛爐爐爐爐爐, 爐爐 爐爐 爐爐爛爐 爐迦爐爛爐 爐爛 爐伍す爐爐萎く 爐逗 爐伍爐逗く 爐項爛 爐踱 爐爐朽く爐 爐伍く爐爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐朽く爐迦 爐むさ爐むき爐爛爐 爐爛爐萎た爐爐むた爐萎爛爐 爐爐 爐踱 爐項 '爐爐逗く' 爐項爐逗く 爐項爛 爐逗爐伍, 爐逗爐爐, 爐逗た爛, 爐爛爐 爐爐むた爛 Habitat
  • 11. A habitat always has life in it, whereas the environment does not necessarily have life in it, All habitats are environments, but all environments are not habitats. A habitat is always a preference of one species. An environment could be a preference of many species that could eventually become many habitats. Usually, the environment governs the properties of a habitat, but not vice versa. 爐踱 爐爐朽く爐 爐爛爐 爐項ぎ爛爐謹く 爐逗爐朽た 爐項爐逗く 爐項, 爐逗ぐ爛爐む 爐爐萎爐爐鉦さ爐萎ぃ 爐爛爐 爐逗爐朽た 爐逗ぐ爛爐萎 爐逗す爛爐 爐項, 爐伍き爛 爐爐朽く爐 爐項爐 爐朽く爐逗く爐朽ぐ爐, 爐迦爐む爐 爐伍き爛 爐朽く爐逗く爐朽ぐ爐 爐爐朽く爐 爐逗す爛爐 爐項爐爛 爐踱 爐爐朽く爐 爐項ぎ爛爐謹く 爐踱 爐爛爐萎た爐爐むた 爐爛 爐爛爐萎く爐逗い爐爐爐逗く 爐項爐逗 爐項爛 爐踱 爐爐萎爐爐鉦さ爐萎ぃ 爐爐 爐爛爐萎た爐爐むた爐萎爛爐 爐爛 爐爛爐萎く爐逗い爐爐爐逗く 爐項 爐伍爐逗く 爐項 爐逗 爐爐爐逗た爐 爐爐 爐爐朽く爐 爐萎爐 爐伍爐逗 爐項爐爛 爐爐 爐逗爐 爐爐, 爐爐萎爐爐鉦さ爐萎ぃ 爐踱 爐むた爐朽く爐 爐ムた爐爐 爐 爛 爐爛爐爛爐 爐爛 爐むた爐萎爐爐むい爛爐萎た 爐爐萎た爐 爐項, 爐迦爐む爐 爐爐伍 爛 爐むさ爐爐萎爐 爐逗す爛爐爛 Difference Between Habitat and Environment
  • 12. Ecosystem An ecosystem can be visualized as a functional unit of nature, where living organisms (producers, consumers, and decomposers) interact among themselves and also with the surrounding physical environment. An ecosystem can be of any size but usually encompasses specific and limited species. E.g., Aquatic Ecosystem. (This is how ecosystem is different from environment) ∇踱 爐爐爐萎ぐ爐伍爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐 爐爛 爐爛爐萎 爛 爐むた 爐爛 爐踱 爐爐爐萎爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐爐爐 爐 爛 爐萎爐 爐爛爐 爐逗爐爐 爐逗く 爐伍爐逗く 爐項, 爐逗す爐爐 爐逗爐むさ爐 爐逗爐 (爐爐む爐爐爐逗, 爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むく 爐爐 爐爐爐爐爐) 爐爐爐 爐爛爐 爐爐 爐爐伍お爐爐 爐 爛 爐爛爐むた爐 爐朽く爐逗く爐朽ぐ爐 爐 爛 爐伍く爐 爐爛 爐萎爐爐逗爛爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐爛 爐踱 爐爐爐萎ぐ爐伍爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐 爐む爐伍 爐爛 爐爐爐爐 爐爐 爐項 爐伍爐逗く 爐項 爐迦爐む爐 爐爐爐逗爐 爐爐 爐爐伍ぎ爛爐 爐むさ爐むざ爐劇爐 爐爐 爐伍爐むぎ爐 爐爛爐萎た爐爐むた爐萎爐爐 爐謹く爐むぎ爐 爐項爐逗 爐項爐爛 爐逗爐伍, 爐逗げ爛爐萎 爐爐爐萎ぐ爐伍爐ムた爐むた爐 爐逗爐む爐萎イ (爐爐 爐 爛 爐伍 '爐爐爐萎ぐ爐伍爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐' '爐爐萎爐爐鉦さ爐萎ぃ' 爐伍 爐爐迦 爐項) Ecosystem
  • 13. Ecosystem In the ecosystem, biotic and abiotic components are linked together through nutrient cycles and energy flows. Everything that lives in an ecosystem is dependent on the other species and elements that are also part of that ecological community. If one part of an ecosystem is damaged or disappears, it has an impact on everything else. 爐爐鉦ぐ爐萎じ爛爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐 爐爛爐, 爐爛爐むさ爐 爐爐 爐爐爛爐むさ爐 爐爐爐 爐爛爐劇 爐爐逗爐 爐爐 爐爐爐鉦ぞ 爐爛爐萎さ爐鉦す 爐 爛 爐爐鉦ぇ爛爐爐 爐伍 爐踱 爐伍ぞ爐 爐爛爐÷ 爐項爐 爐項爐爛 爐踱 爐爐鉦ぐ爐萎じ爛爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐 爐爛爐 爐萎す爐爛 爐朽ぞ爐逗 爐項ぐ 爐爛爐 爐爐爛爐 爐爛爐萎爐鉦い爐逗く爛爐 爐爐 爐逗い爛爛爐 爐爐 爐むえ爐爐鉦ぐ 爐項 爐爛 爐爐伍爐 爐爛 爐むす爐伍爐伍ぞ 爐項爐 爐朽す 爐爐鉦ぐ爐萎じ爛爐ムた爐むた爐 爐伍ぎ爛爐逗ぞ爐爛 爐爐むた 爐踱 爐爐鉦ぐ爐萎じ爛爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐 爐爐 爐踱 爐むす爐伍爐伍ぞ 爐爛爐劇い爐逗爛爐萎じ爛爐 爐項 爐爐鉦た爐 爐項 爐爐 爐爐鉦く爐 爐項 爐爐鉦た爐 爐項, 爐逗 爐爐伍爐 爐爛爐萎き爐鉦さ 爐爐鉦爛 爐伍き爛 爐爛爐爛爐 爐爐 爐爐÷た爐 爐項 Ecosystem
  • 14. Classification of Ecosystems Forest, grassland, and desert are some examples of terrestrial ecosystems; pond, lake, wetland, river and estuary are some examples of aquatic ecosystems. Crop fields and an aquarium are human-made ecosystems. 爐朽え, 爐爐萎ぞ爐爐鉦す 爐爐 爐萎爐む爐伍爐むぞ爐 爐ムた爐逗爐 爐爐鉦ぐ爐萎じ爛爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐 爐 爛 爐 爛 爐 爐爐逗ぞ爐項ぐ爐 爐項爐; 爐逗ぞ爐逗ぞ爐, 爐爛爐, 爐爐萎爐爛爐鉦き爛爐むぎ, 爐爐逗 爐爐 爐爛爐項ぞ爐爐 爐爐逗爐 爐爐鉦ぐ爐萎じ爛爐ムた爐むた爐 爐逗爐む爐 爐 爛 爐 爛 爐 爐爐逗ぞ爐項ぐ爐 爐項爐爛 爐爐伍た 爐 爛 爐爛爐 爐爐 爐踱 爐爐爐逗爐爐 爐爐鉦え爐 爐むえ爐むぎ爐鉦た 爐爐鉦ぐ爐萎じ爛爐ムた爐むた爐 爐逗爐む爐 爐項爐爛 Ecosystem
  • 15. Ecology is the study of interactions between organisms, organisms and the surroundings occurring within an ecosystem or environment. An ecosystem is a functional unit of the environment (mostly the biosphere). An environment is a group of ecosystems. A habitat is a part of the ecosystem. 爐爐爛爐迦爐逗 爐踱 爐爐爐萎ぐ爐伍爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐 爐萎爐 爐爐萎爐爐鉦さ爐萎ぃ 爐 爛 爐爛爐逗ぐ 爐項爐逗 爐朽く爐迦 爐逗爐朽爐, 爐逗爐朽爐 爐爐 爐爐伍お爐爐 爐 爛 爐萎爛爐 爐項爐逗 爐朽く爐迦 爐萎爐爐逗爛爐 爐爐 爐爐о爐爐萎爐 爐項爛 爐踱 爐爐爐萎ぐ爐伍爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐 爐爐萎爐爐鉦さ爐萎ぃ (爐爛爐爐爐逗く爐逗ぐ 爐逗爐朽ぎ爐爐÷げ) 爐爛 爐踱 爐爐爐萎爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐爐爐 爐項爛 爐踱 爐爐萎爐爐鉦さ爐萎ぃ 爐爐爐萎ぐ爐伍爐ムた爐むた爐 爐逗爐む爐 爐爐 爐踱 爐伍ぎ爛爐 爐項爛 爐爐朽く爐 爐爐爐萎ぐ爐伍爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐 爐爐 爐踱 爐むす爐伍爐伍く 爐項爛 Difference Between Ecology, Environment, Habitat & Ecosystem
  • 16. Q. Which one of the following is the best description of the term ecosystem? a) A community of organisms interacting with one another b) That part of the earth which is inhabited by living organisms c) A community of organisms together with the environment in which they live. d) The flora and fauna of a geographical area. 爐爛爐. 爐むえ爐爛爐爐むた爐伍爐爐 爐爛爐 爐伍 爐爛爐 爐伍ぞ "爐爐鉦ぐ爐萎じ爛爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐" 爐謹が爛爐 爐爐 爐伍が爐伍 爐爐爛爐爐 爐朽ぃ爐鉦え 爐項? a) 爐逗爐朽爐 爐爐 爐踱 爐伍ぎ爛爐逗く爐萎 爐逗 爐踱 爐逗 爐伍ぐ爛 爐 爛 爐伍く爐 爐爐爐逗爐むた爐萎爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐 b) 爐爛爐ム爐朽 爐爐 爐朽す 爐爐爐 爐むた爐伍ぎ爛爐 爐伍た爛爐 爐萎す爐逗 爐項爐 c) 爐逗爐朽爐 爐爐 爐踱 爐伍ぎ爛爐逗く爐萎 爐むた爐伍ぎ爛爐 爐朽 爐萎す爐逗 爐項爐 爐爐萎爐爐鉦さ爐萎ぃ 爐 爛 爐伍く爐逗イ d) 爐爛爐爛爐むげ爐 爐爛爐劇爐む爐 爐爛 爐朽た爐伍爐爐むた 爐爐 爐逗爐朽イ
  • 17. Q. Which one of the following is the best description of the term ecosystem? a) A community of organisms interacting with one another b) That part of the earth which is inhabited by living organisms c) A community of organisms together with the environment in which they live. d) The flora and fauna of a geographical area. 爐爛爐. 爐むえ爐爛爐爐むた爐伍爐爐 爐爛爐 爐伍 爐爛爐 爐伍ぞ "爐爐鉦ぐ爐萎じ爛爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐" 爐謹が爛爐 爐爐 爐伍が爐伍 爐爐爛爐爐 爐朽ぃ爐鉦え 爐項? a) 爐逗爐朽爐 爐爐 爐踱 爐伍ぎ爛爐逗く爐萎 爐逗 爐踱 爐逗 爐伍ぐ爛 爐 爛 爐伍く爐 爐爐爐逗爐むた爐萎爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐 b) 爐爛爐ム爐朽 爐爐 爐朽す 爐爐爐 爐むた爐伍ぎ爛爐 爐伍た爛爐 爐萎す爐逗 爐項爐 c) 爐爛爐朽爐 爐爐 爐踱 爐伍ぎ爛爐逗ぞ爐 爐む爐伍ぎ爛爐 爐朽 爐萎す爐逗 爐項爐 爐爐爐鉦ぞ爐朽ぐ爐 爐 爛 爐伍ぞ爐逗イ d) 爐爛爐爛爐むげ爐 爐爛爐劇爐む爐 爐爛 爐朽た爐伍爐爐むた 爐爐 爐逗爐朽イ
  • 18. Explanation: A community of organisms interacting with one another Ecological community. That part of the earth which is inhabited by living organisms Biosphere. A community of organisms together with the environment in which they live Ecosystem. 爐逗爐朽爐 爐爐 爐踱 爐伍ぎ爛爐逗く爐萎 爐逗 爐踱 爐逗 爐伍ぐ爛 爐 爛 爐伍く爐 爐爐萎じ爛爐爐 爐むた爐萎爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐 爐爐鉦ぐ爐萎じ爛爐ムた爐むた爐 爐伍ぎ爛爐逗ぞ爐爛 爐爛爐ム爐朽 爐爐 爐朽す 爐爐爐 爐むた爐伍ぎ爛爐 爐逗爐むさ爐 爐逗爐 爐萎す爐逗 爐項爐 爐爐鉦く爛爐伍爐爛爐爐萎イ 爐逗爐朽爐 爐爐 爐踱 爐伍ぎ爛爐逗く爐萎 爐むた爐伍 爛 爐伍く爐 爐朽 爐爐萎爐爐鉦さ爐萎ぃ 爐爛爐 爐萎す爐逗 爐項爐 爐爐鉦ぐ爐萎じ爛爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐萎イ
  • 19. Explanation: The flora and fauna of a geographical area Biodiversity. Environment Can be almost everything or a small region. Biosphere The region on earth that supports life. Habitat Area where an organism lives. Ecosystem Producers, Consumers, Decomposers, and their relationships (tiny environment). It is the functional unit of the environment. Ecology Study of interactions in an ecosystem 爐む爐伍 爐爛爐爛爐むげ爐 爐爛爐劇爐む爐 爐爛 爐朽た爐伍爐爐むた爐萎爐爐 爐爐 爐逗爐-爐逗爐逗 爐爛爐 爐むさ爐むさ爐оた爐鉦イ 爐爐爐鉦ぞ爐朽ぐ爐 爐迦爐爐 爐伍ぐ爛 爐 爛 爐 爐萎爐 爐踱 爐爛爐爐 爐爛爐劇爐む爐 爐項 爐伍爐逗く 爐項爛 爐爐鉦く爛爐伍爐爛爐爐 爐爛爐ム爐朽 爐爐 爐朽す 爐爛爐劇爐む爐 爐逗 爐逗爐朽た 爐爐 爐伍ぎ爐逗ぞ爐 爐爐萎た爐 爐項爛 爐爐朽ぞ爐 爐爛爐劇爐む爐 爐逗す爐爐 爐踱 爐逗爐 爐萎す爐逗く 爐項爛 爐爐鉦ぐ爐萎じ爛爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐 爐むた爐爐爐鉦た爐, 爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むく, 爐爐爐爐爐 爐爐 爐爐逗 爛 爐伍爐萎爐爐 (爐爛爐爐 爐朽く爐逗く爐朽ぐ爐)爛 爐萎爐 爐むた爐萎爐爐む爐爐 爐項 爐爐萎爐爐鉦さ爐萎ぃ 爐爛 爐爐爐爐爛 爐爐鉦ぐ爐萎じ爛爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐踱 爐爐爐萎ぐ爐伍爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐 爐爛爐 爐萎爐爐逗爛爐 爐爐 爐爐о爐爐萎爐
  • 21. Abiotic Components Abiotic components are the inorganic and non-living parts that act as major limiting factors. A lot of factors determine the survival of an organism. But one single factor can limit the range of an organism. This single factor is called a limiting factor. For example, seeds do not germinate quickly in evergreen rain forests despite good rains & luxuriant vegetation. 爐爐爛爐むさ爐 爐爐爐 爐爐爐鉦が爐鉦い爐爐 爐爐 爐むえ爐爛爐 爐爐鉦 爐項爐 爐爛 爐爛爐萎ぎ爛爐 爐伍爐むぎ爐 爐爐鉦ぐ爐爛爐 爐 爛 爐萎爐 爐爛爐 爐爐鉦く爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐爛 爐爐項爐 爐伍ぞ爐萎 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐踱 爐爛爐 爐 爛 爐爛爐むさ爐 爐萎す爐爛 爐爐 爐むえ爐оぞ爐鉦ぐ爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐爛 爐逗爐む爐 爐踱 爐爐 爛 爐逗ぞ 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐爛爐 爐爛 爐伍爐爐 爐爛 爐伍爐むぎ爐 爐爐 爐伍爐逗ぞ 爐項爛 爐爐 爐踱爐 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐爛 爐伍爐むぎ爐 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐爐項ぞ 爐爐鉦た爐 爐項爛 爐爐逗ぞ爐項ぐ爐 爐 爛 爐むた爐, 爐伍た爐鉦が爐項ぞ爐 爐朽し爐鉦ぞ 爐朽え爛爐 爐爛爐 爐爐爛爐爛 爐朽し爐鉦ぞ 爐爐 爐伍ぎ爛爐爛爐 爐朽え爐伍爐爐むた 爐 爛 爐爐鉦さ爐爛爐 爐爛爐 爐爐迦爐爛 爐爐爐 爛 爐萎ぐ爐 爐爐項爐爐項爐逗 爐項爐爛
  • 22. Abiotic Components This is because the surface soil is heavily leached (nutrients washed away) by running water. Here, the inferior surface soil is the limiting factor that limits the germination of seeds. Likewise, germinated saplings may not survive due to lack of light because of the dense canopy. Here, the absence of light (shade of the forest) is the limiting factor. 爐爐伍ぞ 爐爐伍い爐逗 爐項 爐爛爛爐爐む 爐爐項た爛 爐爐鉦え爛 爐 爛 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐伍た爐項 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛 爐爐む爐爐むぇ爐 爐むえ爐爛爐劇ぞ爐むた爐 爐項 爐爐鉦た爛 爐項 (爐爛爐劇 爐逗い爛 爐爐 爐爐鉦た爛 爐項爐)爛 爐爐項ぞ爐鉦, 爐むえ爐爛爐 爐伍た爐項 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛 爐伍爐むぎ爐 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐項 爐爛 爐爛爐爛爐 爐 爛 爐爐爐 爛 爐萎ぃ 爐爛 爐伍爐むぎ爐 爐爐萎た爐 爐項爛 爐爐伍 爐逗ぐ爐, 爐爐爛 爐爐む爐 爐 爛 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐爐爐 爛 爐萎ぐ爐 爐爛爐о 爐爛爐萎爐鉦ざ 爐爛 爐爐爛 爐 爛 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐爛爐むさ爐 爐爐項爐爐萎す 爐伍爐逗 爐項爐爛 爐爐項ぞ爐鉦, 爐爛爐萎爐鉦ざ 爐爛 爐爐爛爐爐伍爐ムた爐むた (爐爐爐爐 爐爛 爐爐鉦く爐) 爐伍爐むぎ爐 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐項爛
  • 24. Q. If a tropical rain forest is removed, it does not regenerate quickly as compared to a tropical deciduous forest. This is because a) the soil of rain forest is deficient in nutrients b) propagules of the trees in a rain forest have poor viability c) the rain forest species are slow-growing d) exotic species invade the fertile soil of rain forest. 爐爛爐. 爐爐むた 爐踱 爐爐劇爐爐爐む爐爐爐о爐 爐朽し爐鉦ぞ 爐朽え 爐爛 爐項爐 爐むた爐爐 爐爐鉦た爐 爐項, 爐逗 爐爐 爐踱 爐爐劇爐爐爐む爐爐爐о爐 爐爐爐鉦お爐鉦た爛 爐朽え 爐爛 爐逗爐逗え爐 爐爛爐 爐爐迦爐爛 爐伍 爐爛爐爐爛爐むさ爐 爐爐項爐爐項爐逗ぞ 爐項爛 爐爐 爐項 爐爛爛爐爐む a) 爐朽し爐爐 爐朽た 爐爛 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛 爐爛爐 爐爛爐劇 爐逗い爛爐朽爐 爐爛 爐爐爛 爐項爐逗 爐項 爐) 爐朽し爐爐 爐朽た 爐爛爐 爐朽爐爛爐劇爐 爐 爛 爐爛爐萎さ爐逗ぞ爐 爐爛 爐逗爐朽た爐爛爐劇ぎ爐逗く 爐爐 爐項爐逗 爐項 c) 爐朽し爐爐 爐朽た 爐爛爐萎た爐爐むた爐萎爐爐鉦 爐逗爐爛 爐爐むた 爐伍 爐萎爐∇ぜ 爐萎す爛 爐項爐 d) 爐むさ爐逗爐謹 爐爛爐萎た爐爐むた爐萎爐爐鉦 爐朽し爐爐 爐朽た 爐爛 爐爐爐逗く爐 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛 爐爐 爐爐逗ぎ爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐爛
  • 25. Q. If a tropical rain forest is removed, it does not regenerate quickly as compared to a tropical deciduous forest. This is because a) the soil of rain forest is deficient in nutrients b) propagules of the trees in a rain forest have poor viability c) the rain forest species are slow-growing d) exotic species invade the fertile soil of rain forest. 爐爛爐. 爐爐むた 爐踱 爐爐劇爐爐爐む爐爐爐о爐 爐朽し爐鉦ぞ 爐朽え 爐爛 爐項爐 爐むた爐爐 爐爐鉦た爐 爐項, 爐逗 爐爐 爐踱 爐爐劇爐爐爐む爐爐爐о爐 爐爐爐鉦お爐鉦た爛 爐朽え 爐爛 爐逗爐逗え爐 爐爛爐 爐爐迦爐爛 爐伍 爐爛爐爐爛爐むさ爐 爐爐項爐爐項爐逗ぞ 爐項爛 爐爐 爐項 爐爛爛爐爐む a) 爐朽し爐爐 爐朽た 爐爛 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛 爐爛爐 爐爛爐劇 爐逗い爛爐朽爐 爐爛 爐爐爛 爐項爐逗 爐項 爐) 爐朽し爐爐 爐朽た 爐爛爐 爐朽爐爛爐劇爐 爐 爛 爐爛爐萎さ爐逗ぞ爐 爐爛 爐逗爐朽た爐爛爐劇ぎ爐逗く 爐爐 爐項爐逗 爐項 c) 爐朽し爐爐 爐朽た 爐爛爐萎た爐爐むた爐萎爐爐鉦 爐逗爐爛 爐爐むた 爐伍 爐萎爐∇ぜ 爐萎す爛 爐項爐 d) 爐むさ爐逗爐謹 爐爛爐萎た爐爐むた爐萎爐爐鉦 爐朽し爐爐 爐朽た 爐爛 爐爐爐逗く爐 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛 爐爐 爐爐逗ぎ爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐爛
  • 26. Explanation: The soil of rain forest is deficient in nutrients (true): Rainforest It rains almost every day The topsoil is continuously washed away nutrients are also washed away (leaching of nutrients) very little fertility remains in topsoil most of the seeds dont germinate for years regeneration of a rainforest is very slow (it takes decades). 爐朽し爐爐 爐朽た 爐爛 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛 爐爛爐 爐爛爐劇 爐逗い爛爐朽爐 爐爛 爐爐爛 爐項 (爐伍 爐項): 爐朽し爐爐鉦さ爐 爐迦爐爐 爐項ぐ 爐むた爐 爐萎爐爐萎ぐ爐 爐項爐逗 爐項 爐爐爐萎 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛 爐項 爐迦爐爐逗く爐 爐逗爐迦た爐 爐萎す爐逗く 爐項 爐爛爐劇 爐逗い爛爐 爐爛 爐逗爐 爐逗く爐逗 爐項爐 (爐爛爐劇 爐逗い爛爛爐 爐爐 爐逗爐む爐爐) 爐萎爐項爐 爐爐 爐爐朽ぞ爐萎た爐 爐萎爐逗 爐萎す爐逗 爐項 爐爐爐萎 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛 爐爐むた爐爐爐爐 爐萎爛爐 爐朽し爛爐 爐逗 爐爐爐 爛 爐萎ぐ爐 爐逗す爛爐 爐項爐逗 爐項爐 爐朽し爐爐鉦さ爐 爐爐 爐爛爐逗た爐鉦た爐 爐萎爐項爐 爐逗爐爐 爐項爐逗く 爐項 (爐爐伍ぎ爛爐 爐逗ざ爐爛爐 爐迦 爐逗く爐逗 爐項爐)爛
  • 27. Explanation: But the layer below the topsoil (sub-soil) is very fertile. Thus, plants proliferate once their roots reach the sub-soil and if they receive enough sunlight. Propagules of the trees in a rain forest have poor viability (true): Propagule detachable structure that can give rise to a new plant, e.g., a bud, sucker, or spore (sexual reproduction in plants). However, seed-bearing plants (spermatophytes) are more significant than propagules in a rainforest. 爐迦爐む爐 爐爐爐萎 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛 (爐爐-爐爛爐逗く) 爐 爛 爐逗爐爛 爐爛 爐爐萎た 爐萎爐項爐 爐爐爐逗く爐 爐項爐逗 爐項爛 爐爐 爐爛爐萎爐爐, 爐爛爐逗爐 爐爛 爐逗ぜ爐逗爐 爐爐-爐爛爐逗く 爐逗 爐爐項爐爐爐逗 爐 爛 爐萎爐爐 爐 爛 爐迦た爛 爐項爐 爐爐 爐爐爐 爐爐爛爐項爐 爐爐萎爐爐鉦お爛爐 爐逗爐 爐むぎ爐迦た爛 爐項爛 爐踱 爐朽し爐爐 爐朽た 爐爛爐 爐爛爐酌た爛爐 爐 爛 爐爛爐萎さ爐逗ぞ爐 爐爛 爐逗爐朽た爐爛爐劇ぎ爐逗く 爐爐 爐項爐逗 爐項 (爐伍): 爐爛爐萎さ爐оぞ爐 爐むさ爐萎爛爐爛爐 爐伍爐萎爐逗く 爐逗 爐朽爐伍爐 爐逗 爐伍爐逗 爐項 爐踱 爐逗 爐爛爐逗 爐 爛 爐むげ爐, 爐爐逗く爐項ぐ爐 爐 爛 爐むげ爐, 爐踱 爐爐迦, 爐爛爐伍た爛 爐朽く爐迦く, 爐萎爐 爐萎爛爐逗く爐爛 (爐爛爐逗爐 爐爛爐 爐萎爛爐 爐爛爐萎た爐逗た)爛 爐項く爐迦く爐爐む, 爐踱 爐朽し爐鉦ぞ爐朽え 爐爛爐 爐爛爐-爐爐伍ぐ 爐朽ぞ爐逗 爐爛爐о (爐伍爐爐爛爐爛爐爐鉦爐爛爐) 爐爛爐萎さ爐оぞ爐 爐爛 爐逗爐逗え爐 爐爛爐 爐爐むぇ爐 爐爐項い爛爐爛爐爐
  • 28. Explanation: The rainforest species are slow-growing (false): The plant species in rainforests compete for sunlight. Hence, they grow as rapidly as they can. Exotic species (non-native) invade the fertile soil of rain forest: this statement is wrong as the rainforest soil is heavily leached. Hence, they are not fertile. But exotic invasive species are a threat to the rainforests, especially when the forests are cleared. 爐朽し爐鉦ぞ爐朽え 爐爛 爐爛爐萎爐鉦い爐逗く爐鉦ぞ爐 爐о爐爛 爐爐むた 爐伍 爐爐∇ぜ 爐萎す爛 爐項爐 (爐爛爐爛): 爐朽し爐鉦ぞ爐朽え 爐爛爐 爐爛爐о爐 爐爛 爐爛爐萎爐鉦い爐逗く爐鉦ぞ爐 爐伍爐爐 爐 爛 爐爛爐萎爐鉦ざ 爐 爛 爐むた爐 爐爛爐萎い爐逗じ爛爐爐оぞ爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐爛 爐爐伍い爐逗, 爐朽 爐む爐逗え爛 爐逗爐爛 爐伍 爐朽 爐爐 爐伍爐逗 爐項爐 爐爐逗え爛 爐逗爐爛 爐伍 爐爐∇ぜ爛爐爛 爐むさ爐逗爐謹 爐爛爐萎爐鉦い爐逗く爐鉦 (爐爛爐-爐逗爐謹) 爐朽し爐鉦ぞ 爐朽え 爐爛 爐爐爐爐鉦 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛 爐爐 爐爐逗ぎ爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐: 爐爐 爐爐逗え 爐爐逗た 爐項 爐爛爛爐爐む 爐朽し爐鉦ぞ爐朽え 爐爛 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛 爐爐む爐爐むぇ爐 爐むえ爐爛爐劇ぞ爐むた爐 爐項爐逗 爐項爛 爐爐伍い爐逗, 爐朽 爐爐爐爐鉦 爐爐項爐爐項爐爛 爐逗爐む爐 爐むさ爐逗爐謹 爐爐逗ぞ爐爐 爐爛爐萎爐鉦い爐逗く爐鉦 爐朽し爐鉦ぞ爐朽え爛爐 爐 爛 爐むた爐 爐爐逗ぐ爐 爐項爐, 爐爐鉦じ爐爐 爐爐 爐爐爐爐逗爐 爐爛 爐伍ぞ爐 爐む爐爐 爐爐鉦た爐 爐項爛
  • 29. Light The spectral quality of solar radiation is essential for life. The UV component of the spectrum is harmful to many organisms. 爐伍爐 爐むさ爐む爐萎ぃ 爐爛 爐朽ぃ爐鉦た爐爛爐 爐爛爐爐朽い爛爐むぞ 爐爛爐朽え 爐 爛 爐むた爐 爐爐朽ざ爛爐爐 爐項爛 爐伍爐爛爐爛爐爛爐 爐 爐爐 爐爛爐朽 爐爐爐 爐爐 爐爛爐朽爐 爐 爛 爐むた爐 爐項ぞ爐むえ爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐項爛 Major Limiting Factors
  • 30. Rainfall The majority of biochemical reactions take place in an aqueous medium. 爐爐むぇ爐爐鉦爐 爐爛爐 爐萎ぞ爐伍ぞ爐爐むえ爐 爐爐むき爐むた爐爐鉦踱鉦 爐爐逗爐 爐爐鉦ぇ爛爐爐 爐爛爐 爐項爐逗 爐項爐爛 Major Limiting Factors
  • 31. Temperature A few organisms can tolerate and thrive in a wide range of temperatures (they are called eurythermal). A vast majority of them are restricted to a narrow range of temperatures (stenothermal). 爐 爛 爐 爐爛爐 爐逗ぞ爐爐爐鉦え 爐爛 爐踱 爐むさ爐伍爐む爐 爐謹爐萎爐爐爐逗ぞ 爐爛爐 爐伍す爐 爐爐 爐伍爐逗 爐項爐 爐爐 爐爐爐 爐伍爐逗 爐項爐 (爐爐爛爐項爐 爐踱萎爐逗ぎ爐鉦た 爐爐項ぞ 爐爐鉦た爐 爐項)爛 爐爐爐爛爐 爐伍 爐爐むぇ爐爐鉦爐 爐逗ぞ爐爐爐鉦え 爐爛 爐踱 爐伍爐爛爐爐 爐伍爐爐 (爐伍爐爛爐爛爐逗ぎ爐鉦た) 爐逗 爐伍爐むぎ爐 爐項爐爛 Major Limiting Factors
  • 32. Atmosphere 21% oxygen helps in the survival of many organisms, 78% nitrogen prevents spontaneous combustion, and 0.038% carbon dioxide helps primary producers synthesize carbohydrates. 21% 爐爐爛爐伍爐爐 爐爐 爐爛爐朽爐 爐 爛 爐爛爐むさ爐 爐萎す爐爛 爐爛爐 爐爐逗た 爐爐萎た爛 爐項, 78% 爐爐鉦爐爐 爛爐爐 爐伍す爐 爐逗す爐 爐爛 爐萎爐爐逗 爐項, 爐爐 0.038% 爐爐鉦が爐鉦え 爐÷ぞ爐爐爐爛爐伍ぞ爐爐 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐逗い爐爐 爐爐む爐爐鉦た爐爛爐 爐爛 爐爐鉦が爛爐項ぞ爐爐 爐萎爐 爐爛 爐伍爐謹爐迦爐むし爐 爐爐萎え爛 爐爛爐 爐爐逗た 爐爐萎た爐 爐項爛 Major Limiting Factors
  • 33. Organic compounds Proteins, carbohydrates, lipids etc., are essential for energy transfer in the living world. 爐伍爛爐 爐爐爐 爐爛爐 爐爐爐鉦ぞ 爐ムた爐鉦え爐鉦え爛爐むぐ爐 爐 爛 爐むた爐 爐爛爐萎爐爛爐, 爐爐鉦が爛爐項ぞ爐爐÷ぐ爛爐, 爐むた爐むお爐 爐爐むた 爐爐朽ざ爛爐爐 爐項爐爛 Major Limiting Factors
  • 34. Inorganic compounds Carbon, carbon dioxide, water, sulphur, nitrates, phosphates, and ions of various metals are essential for organisms to survive. 爐爐鉦が爐鉦え, 爐爐鉦が爐鉦え 爐÷ぞ爐爐爐爛爐伍ぞ爐爐, 爐爐鉦え爛, 爐伍げ爛爐爐, 爐爐鉦爐爐萎爐爛爐, 爐爛爐伍爐 爛 爐 爐爐 爐むさ爐むき爐爛爐 爐оぞ爐逗爐爐 爐 爛 爐爐爐 爐爛爐朽爐 爐 爛 爐爛爐むさ爐 爐萎す爐爛 爐 爛 爐むた爐 爐爐朽ざ爛爐爐 爐項爐爛 Major Limiting Factors
  • 35. Altitude Vertical zonation of vegetation is caused due to altitude. Change in temperature with altitude is a limiting factor. 爐朽え爐伍爐爐むた 爐爐 爐爐萎爐о爐鉦ぞ爐оぐ 爐爛爐劇爐む爐萎爐爐萎ぃ 爐 爐鉦 爐爐鉦 爐 爛 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐項爐逗ぞ 爐項爛 爐 爐 爐爐鉦 爐 爛 爐伍ぞ爐 爐逗ぞ爐爐爐鉦え 爐爛爐 爐爐逗た爐鉦さ 爐踱 爐伍爐むぎ爐 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐項爛 Major Limiting Factors
  • 36. Buffering capacity of the earth A neutral pH (pH of 7) is maintained in the soil and water bodies due to the buffering capacity of earth. The neutral pH is conducive for the survival and sustenance of living organisms. 爐爛爐ム爐朽 爐爛 爐爐爐萎ぐ爐爐 爐爛爐劇ぎ爐逗ぞ 爐 爛 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛 爐爐 爐爐 爐むえ爐爐鉦く爛爐 爐爛爐 爐踱 爐逗爐ムた 爐爛爐踱 (7 爐爐 爐爛爐踱) 爐爐爐鉦 爐萎爐 爐爐鉦た爐 爐項爛 爐逗爐ムた 爐爛爐踱 爐爛爐むさ爐 爐爛爐朽爐 爐 爛 爐爐伍爐伍爐むい爛 爐爐 爐むえ爐朽ぞ爐鉦す 爐 爛 爐むた爐 爐爐爛爐 爛 爐 爐項爛 Major Limiting Factors
  • 37. Salinity Some organisms are tolerant of a wide range of salinities (euryhaline). Others are restricted to a narrow range of salinities (stenohaline). 爐 爛 爐 爐爛爐 爐逗さ爐爐逗ぞ 爐爛 爐踱 爐むさ爐伍爐む爐 爐謹爐萎爐爐爐逗ぞ (爐爛爐萎爐項爐逗ぞ爐爐) 爐 爛 爐爛爐萎い爐 爐伍い爐項し爛爐爛 爐項爐爛 爐爐爛爐 爐逗さ爐爐逗ぞ (爐伍爐爛爐爛爐項ぞ爐逗ぞ爐爐) 爐爛 爐踱 爐伍爐爛爐爐 爐伍爐爐 爐逗 爐伍爐むぎ爐 爐項爐爛 Major Limiting Factors
  • 38. Light Extremely high intensity favours root growth than shoot growth which results in increased transpiration, short stem, smaller, thicker leaves. On the other hand, low intensity of light retards growth, flowering, and fruiting. When the intensity of light is less than the minimum, the plants cease to grow due to the accumulation of CO2 and finally die. 爐爐む爐爐むぇ爐 爐爐爛爐 爐逗爐朽爐萎た爐 爐爛爐萎ぐ爛爐 爐朽爐伍爐爛爐 爐爛 爐逗爐逗え爐 爐爛爐 爐爐 爐朽爐伍爐爛爐 爐爐 爐爐爛爐 爐逗爐逗 爐項 爐む爐伍 爛 爐爐萎ぐ爐爐鉦ぎ爐伍爐朽ぐ爛爐 爐朽ぞ爐劇爐爛爐む爐伍爐鉦え 爐爛爐 爐朽爐伍爐爛爐 爐項爐逗 爐項, 爐爛爐爛 爐逗え爛, 爐爛爐爛, 爐爛爐爛 爐爐む爐む 爐項爐逗 爐項爐爛 爐逗 爐伍ぐ爛 爐爐, 爐爛爐萎爐鉦ざ 爐爛 爐爐 爐逗爐朽爐萎た爐 爐朽爐伍爐爛爐, 爐爛爐劇爐爐 爐爐 爐爐逗え 爐爛 爐о爐爐 爐爐 爐逗爐逗 爐項爛 爐爐 爐爛爐萎爐鉦ざ 爐爛 爐逗爐朽爐萎た爐 爐爛爐爛爐爐逗ぎ 爐伍 爐爐 爐項爐逗 爐項, 爐逗 爐爛爐о CO2 爐 爛 爐伍爐爐 爐 爛 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐爐∇ぜ爐爐 爐爐爐 爐爐 爐逗爐逗 爐項爐 爐爐 爐爐爐 爐爛爐 爐爐 爐爐鉦た爛 爐項爐爛 Effect of Abiotic Components on Terrestrial Primary Producers (Plants)
  • 39. Light Of the visible part of the spectrum, only red and blue are effective in photosynthesis. Plants grown in blue light are small; red light results in elongation of cells (etiolated plants). Plants grown in ultraviolet and violet light are dwarf. 爐朽ぃ爐鉦た爐 爐 爛 爐爛爐謹爐 爐爐鉦 爐爛爐 爐伍 爐 爛 爐朽た 爐逗ぞ爐 爐爐 爐爛爐逗ぞ 爐爛爐萎爐鉦ざ 爐伍爐謹爐迦爐劇ぃ 爐爛爐 爐爛爐萎き爐鉦さ爛 爐項爐逗 爐項爐爛 爐爛爐逗 爐萎爐謹え爛 爐爛爐 爐爐爐爛 爐朽ぞ爐逗 爐爛爐о 爐爛爐爛 爐項爐逗 爐項爐; 爐逗ぞ爐 爐爐む爐む 爐爐 爐爐萎ぐ爐爐鉦ぎ 爐爛爐むざ爐爐鉦爐 (爐踱む爐爐逗爐爛爐 爐爛爐鉦爐爛爐) 爐 爛 爐爐∇ぜ爐鉦さ 爐爛爐 爐項爐逗ぞ 爐項爛 爐爐萎ぞ爐爛爐爐爐爛 爐爐 爐爛爐爐爐爛 爐爛爐萎爐鉦ざ 爐爛爐 爐爐爐鉦 爐爐鉦え爛 爐朽ぞ爐逗 爐爛爐о 爐爛爐爛 爐項爐逗 爐項爐爛 Effect of Abiotic Components on Terrestrial Primary Producers (Plants)
  • 40. Frost Frost results in freezing the soil moisture. The plants are killed due to increased transpiration when their roots are unable to supply moisture. Water in the intercellular spaces of the plant gets frozen into ice. This results in increased concentration of salts and dehydration of cells. 爐爐鉦た爛 爐 爛 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛 爐爛 爐爐爛 爐爐 爐爐鉦た爛 爐項爛 爐爐 爐爛爐о爐 爐爛 爐爐÷爐 爐爐爛 爐爛 爐爐爛爐むた爐 爐爐萎え爛 爐爛爐 爐爐伍ぎ爐逗ぞ 爐項爐逗 爐項爐 爐逗 爐爐∇ぜ爐逗 爐朽ぞ爐劇爐爛爐む爐伍爐鉦え 爐 爛 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐爛爐о 爐爐 爐爐鉦た爛 爐項爐爛 爐爛爐о 爐 爛 爐爐爐逗ぐ爐爛爐むざ爐爛爐 爐ムた爐鉦え爛爐 爐爛爐 爐爐鉦え爛 爐爐 爐爐 爐爐 爐 爐爐 爐爐鉦た爐 爐項爛 爐爐伍じ爛 爐逗さ爐爛爐 爐爛 爐伍爐爐逗ぞ 爐爐∇ぜ 爐爐鉦た爛 爐項 爐爐 爐爛爐むざ爐爐鉦爐 爐爐 爐むえ爐爐鉦た爛爐爐萎ぃ 爐項 爐爐鉦た爐 爐項爛 Effect of Abiotic Components on Terrestrial Primary Producers (Plants)
  • 41. Also, frost leads to canker formation (various plant diseases with similar symptoms caused by a wide range of fungi, bacteria, and viruses). 爐爐伍 爛 爐爐逗ぞ爐朽ぞ, 爐爐鉦た爛 爐伍 爐爐鉦じ爛爐 爐爐爐逗ぞ 爐項 (爐爐朽, 爐爛爐爛爐爛爛爐萎ぐ爐爐 爐爐 爐朽ぞ爐爐萎じ 爐爛 爐踱 爐むさ爐伍爐む爐 爐謹爐萎爐爐爐逗ぞ 爐 爛 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐伍ぎ爐鉦え 爐逗爛爐劇ぃ爛爐 爐朽ぞ爐逗 爐むさ爐むき爐爛爐 爐爛爐о爐 爐 爛 爐萎爐)爛
  • 42. Snow Snow acts as a blanket, prevents a further drop in temperature and protects seedlings from excessive cold and frost. Accumulation of snow on tree parts can break the branches or even uproot the tree. Snow shortens the period of vegetative growth. 爐むす爐爐爐鉦た 爐踱 爐 爐 爐爐 爐 爛 爐萎爐 爐爛爐 爐爐鉦く爐 爐爐萎た爐 爐項, 爐逗ぞ爐爐爐鉦え 爐爛爐 爐爐 爐む爐萎ぞ爐朽 爐爛 爐萎爐爐逗ぞ 爐項 爐爐 爐爛爐о爐 爐爛 爐爐む爐爐むぇ爐 爐爐 爐 爐爐 爐爐鉦た爛 爐伍 爐爐爐鉦た爐 爐項爛 爐爛爐 爐 爛 爐むす爐伍爐伍爐 爐爐 爐爐 爐 爐爐 爐爐爐鉦さ 爐謹ぞ爐爐鉦爐 爐爛 爐逗爐 爐伍爐逗ぞ 爐項 爐爐 爐爛爐 爐爛 爐爐爐鉦ぁ 爐爛 爐伍爐逗ぞ 爐項爛 爐むす爐爐爐鉦た 爐朽ぞ爐爐伍爐爐むた爐 爐むさ爐爐鉦じ 爐爛 爐爐朽い爐 爐爛 爐爐 爐爐萎た爐 爐項爛 Effect of Abiotic Components on Terrestrial Primary Producers (Plants)
  • 43. Temperature High-temperature results in the death of plants due to coagulation of protoplasmic proteins (some bacteria can survive high temperatures because of their protoplasmic proteins that do not coagulate at high temperatures). High temperature disturbs the balance between respiration and photosynthesis. It also results in desiccation of plant tissues and depletion of moisture. 爐爛爐萎爐爛爐爛爐鉦じ爛爐逗 爐爛爐萎爐爛爐 (爐 爛 爐 爐爛爐爛爐爛爛爐萎ぐ爐爐 爐爐 爐伍爐逗 爐項爐) 爐 爛 爐爐爐鉦さ 爐 爛 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐爛爐о爐 爐爛 爐爛爐む爐爛 爐爛爐 爐爐爛爐 爐逗ぞ爐爐爐鉦え 爐爐 爐爐萎ぐ爐爐鉦ぎ 爐項爐逗ぞ 爐項 爐爐爐 爛 爐爛爐萎爐爛爐爛爐鉦じ爛爐逗 爐爛爐萎爐爛爐 爐 爛 爐爐鉦ぐ爐 爐爐爛爐 爐逗ぞ爐爐爐鉦え 爐爛爐むさ爐 爐萎す爐逗 爐項爐 爐爛 爐爐爛爐 爐逗ぞ爐爐爐鉦え 爐爐 爐爐爐 爐爐項爐爐項爐逗 爐項爐)爛 爐爐爛爐 爐逗ぞ爐爐爐鉦え 爐謹爐朽じ爐 爐爐 爐爛爐萎爐鉦ざ 爐伍爐謹爐迦爐劇ぃ 爐 爛 爐爛爐 爐伍爐逗爐逗え 爐爛 爐むが爐爐鉦ぁ 爐逗爐逗ぞ 爐項爛 爐爐伍 爛 爐爐萎ぐ爐爐鉦ぎ爐伍爐朽ぐ爛爐 爐爛爐о 爐 爛 爐爐逗 爐伍爐 爐爐鉦た爛 爐項爐 爐爐 爐爐爛 爐爐 爐項 爐爐鉦た爛 爐項爛 Effect of Abiotic Components on Terrestrial Primary Producers (Plants)
  • 44. Dieback It refers to the progressive dying, usually backwards from the tip of any portion of the plant. This is one of the adaptive mechanisms to avoid adverse conditions like drought. In this mechanism, the root remains alive for years together, but the shoots die. E.g. sal, red sanders, silk-cotton tree etc. 爐爐 爐爛爐萎爐むた爐謹爐 爐爐萎え爛 爐爛 爐伍爐逗い爐爐鉦た 爐爐萎た爐 爐項, 爐爐爐逗爐 爐爐 爐爛爐о 爐 爛 爐む爐伍 爐爛 爐むす爐伍爐伍 爐爛 爐爛爐 爐伍 爐爛爐爛 爐爛 爐爐萎イ 爐伍爐爛 爐爛爐伍 爐爛爐萎い爐逗 爛 爐 爐爐萎ぐ爐伍爐ムた爐むた爐爛爐 爐伍 爐爐爐爛 爐 爛 爐むた爐 爐爐 爐爐爛爐 爛 爐逗 爐逗爐む爐萎爐 爐爛爐 爐伍 爐踱 爐項爛 爐爐 爐逗爐む爐 爐爛爐, 爐爐 爐踱 爐伍ぞ爐 爐朽し爛爐 爐逗 爐爛爐むさ爐 爐萎す爐逗 爐項, 爐逗爐む爐 爐爛爐萎ぐ爛爐 爐爐 爐爐鉦た爛 爐項爐爛 爐爐逗ぞ. 爐伍ぞ爐, 爐逗ぞ爐 爐爐爐逗え, 爐萎爐謹ぎ-爐爐爐鉦じ 爐 爛 爐爛爐 爐爐むた爛 Effect of Abiotic Components on Terrestrial Primary Producers (Plants)
  • 46. Primary producers are green plants, certain bacteria and cyanobacteria or blue- green algae that carry out photosynthesis. In the aquatic ecosystem, microscopic algae (plankton) are the primary producers. 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐逗い爐爐 爐爐む爐爐鉦た爐 爐項ぐ爛 爐爛爐о, 爐 爛 爐 爐爛爐爛爐爛爛爐萎ぐ爐爐 爐爐 爐伍ぞ爐爐爛爐爛爐爛爐爛爛爐萎ぐ爐爐 爐爐 爐爛爐逗-爐項ぐ爛 爐謹爐朽ぞ爐 爐項爐 爐爛 爐爛爐萎爐鉦ざ 爐伍爐謹爐迦爐劇ぃ 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐爛 爐爐逗爐 爐爐鉦ぐ爐萎じ爛爐ムた爐むた爐爛 爐逗爐む爐 爐爛爐, 爐伍爐爛爐劇爐 爐謹爐朽ぞ爐 (爐爛爐朽) 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐逗い爐爐 爐爐む爐爐鉦た爐 爐項爐爛 Biotic Components Primary Producers or Autotrophs (Self-Nourishing)
  • 47. Consumers are incapable of producing their own food. They depend on organic food derived from plants, animals or both. Consumers can be divided into two broad groups, namely micro and macro consumers. 爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むぞ 爐爐爐爐 爐爛爐爐 爐伍爐朽く爐 爐爐爐鉦え爛 爐爛爐 爐爐伍ぎ爐逗ぞ 爐項爐爛 爐朽 爐爛爐о爐, 爐爐鉦え爐朽ぐ爛爐 爐爐 爐逗爐爛爐 爐伍 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐爛爐 爐爛爐むさ爐 爐爛爐爐 爐爐 爐むえ爐爐鉦ぐ 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐爛 爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むぞ爐爐 爐爛 爐逗 爐朽爐爐鉦お爐 爐伍ぎ爛爐項爐 爐爛爐 爐むさ爐爐鉦い爐爐 爐む爐爐 爐爐 爐伍爐逗ぞ 爐項, 爐爐逗ぞ爐鉦た爛 爐伍爐爛爐劇爐 爐爐 爐ムた爛爐 爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むぞ爛 Biotic Components Consumers or Heterotrophs or Phagotrophs (Other Nourishing)
  • 48. Herbivores are primary consumers that feed mainly on plants. E.g., sheep, rabbit, etc. Secondary consumers feed on primary consumers. E.g., wolves, dogs, snakes, etc. Carnivores that feed on both primary and secondary consumers are called tertiary consumers. E.g., lions (can eat wolves), snakes etc. Omnivores are organisms that consume both plants and animals. E.g., man, bear, pig, etc. 爐謹ぞ爐爐鉦す爐鉦ぐ爛 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐逗い爐爐 爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むぞ 爐項爐 爐爛 爐爛爐爛爐 爐萎爐 爐伍 爐爛爐о爐 爐爛 爐爐鉦た爛 爐項爐爛 爐爛爐伍, 爐爛爐, 爐爐萎爛爐 爐爐むた爛 爐むた爐逗爐爐 爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むぞ 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐逗い爐爐 爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むぞ爐爐 爐爛 爐伍爐爐逗ぞ爐逗 爐項爐爛 爐爛爐伍, 爐爛爐むぁ爐爛, 爐 爛 爐む爐む, 爐伍ぞ爐鉦爐 爐爐むた爛 爐爐鉦爐伍ぞ爐項ぞ爐萎 爐爛 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐逗い爐爐 爐爐 爐むた爐逗爐爐 爐逗爐爛爐 爐爛爐萎爐鉦ぐ 爐 爛 爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むぞ爐爐 爐爛 爐爐鉦た爛 爐項爐, 爐逗爐逗爐爐 爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むぞ 爐爐項た爐鉦た爛 爐項爐爛 爐爛爐伍, 爐謹爐 (爐爛爐むぁ爐爛爐 爐爛 爐爐 爐伍爐逗 爐項爐), 爐伍ぞ爐爐 爐爐むた爛 爐伍さ爐鉦ぞ爐項ぞ爐萎 爐爐伍 爐爛爐 爐項爐 爐爛 爐爛爐о爐 爐爐 爐爐鉦え爐朽ぐ爛爐 爐逗爐爛爐 爐爐 爐爐爐爛爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐爛 爐爛爐伍, 爐爐爛爐劇爐, 爐爐鉦た爛, 爐伍爐爐 爐爐むた爛 Biotic Components Macro Consumers
  • 49. Herbivores are primary consumers that feed mainly on plants. E.g., sheep, rabbit, etc. Secondary consumers feed on primary consumers. E.g., wolves, dogs, snakes, etc. Carnivores that feed on both primary and secondary consumers are called tertiary consumers. E.g., lions (can eat wolves), snakes etc. Omnivores are organisms that consume both plants and animals. E.g., man, bear, pig, etc. 爐謹ぞ爐爐鉦す爐鉦ぐ爛 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐逗い爐爐 爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むぞ 爐項爐 爐爛 爐爛爐爛爐 爐萎爐 爐伍 爐爛爐о爐 爐爛 爐爐鉦た爛 爐項爐爛 爐爛爐伍, 爐爛爐, 爐爐萎爛爐 爐爐むた爛 爐むた爐逗爐爐 爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むぞ 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐逗い爐爐 爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むぞ爐爐 爐爛 爐伍爐爐逗ぞ爐逗 爐項爐爛 爐爛爐伍, 爐爛爐むぁ爐爛, 爐 爛 爐む爐む, 爐伍ぞ爐鉦爐 爐爐むた爛 爐爐鉦爐伍ぞ爐項ぞ爐萎 爐爛 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐逗い爐爐 爐爐 爐むた爐逗爐爐 爐逗爐爛爐 爐爛爐萎爐鉦ぐ 爐 爛 爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むぞ爐爐 爐爛 爐爐鉦た爛 爐項爐, 爐逗爐逗爐爐 爐爐爐爛爐爛爐むぞ 爐爐項た爐鉦た爛 爐項爐爛 爐爛爐伍, 爐謹爐 (爐爛爐むぁ爐爛爐 爐爛 爐爐 爐伍爐逗 爐項爐), 爐伍ぞ爐爐 爐爐むた爛 爐伍さ爐鉦ぞ爐項ぞ爐萎 爐爐伍 爐爛爐 爐項爐 爐爛 爐爛爐о爐 爐爐 爐爐鉦え爐朽ぐ爛爐 爐逗爐爛爐 爐爐 爐爐爐爛爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐爛 爐爛爐伍, 爐爐爛爐劇爐, 爐爐鉦た爛, 爐伍爐爐 爐爐むた爛 Biotic Components Macro Consumers
  • 50. They are bacteria and fungi (e.g., mushrooms) which obtain energy and nutrients from dead organic substances (detritus). Earthworms and certain soil organisms (such as nematodes and arthropods) are detritus feeders and help decompose organic matter and are called detrivores. 爐朽 爐爛爐爛爐爛爛爐萎ぐ爐爐 爐爐 爐爐朽 (爐爛爐伍, 爐爐謹ぐ爛爐) 爐項爐 爐爛 爐爛爐 爐爐鉦が爐鉦い爐爐 爐爐逗ぞ爐逗爐 (爐÷爐む爐 爐爐) 爐伍 爐爐爐鉦ぞ 爐爐 爐爛爐劇 爐逗い爛 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐爛爐 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐爛 爐 爛爐 爐爛爐 爐爐 爐 爛 爐 爐むぎ爐爛爐爛 爐 爛 爐爛爐 (爐爛爐伍 爐爛爐爐鉦爛爐 爐爐 爐爐萎爐ム爐萎爐爛爐) 爐爐爐萎た 爐爐爛爐劇ぃ 爐爐萎え爛 爐朽ぞ爐逗 爐項爐逗 爐項爐 爐爐 爐爐鉦が爐鉦い爐爐 爐爐逗ぞ爐逗爐 爐爛 爐むさ爐爐む爐 爐爐萎え爛 爐爛爐 爐爐逗た 爐爐萎た爛 爐項爐 爐爐 爐爐爛爐項爐 爐むぁ爐む爐 爐朽爐伍ぞ 爐爐項ぞ 爐爐鉦た爐 爐項爛 Micro Consumers or Saprotrophs (Decomposers or Osmotrophs)