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 14         THE BUSINESS JOURNAL                                                                                                       sanjose.bizjournals.com                                                                                                                            JULY 20, 2012

ACLOSER LOOK                                                                                                                                        Environmental Firms
                                                                                                                                      Ranked by number of professionals in the Silicon Valley*
San Jose metro among solar leaders                                                                                                                              Number of
San Jose isthe No. 3-ranked city in California with the most                                                                                                 professionals in
                                                                                                                                                              Silicon Valley/                                                         Percent of work
solar capacity by megawatt. The "Capital of Silicon Valley"                                                                                                  total number of                                                              done in
has 31 megawatts of solar generation, whileSan Diego has 37                                                                                                    employees in                                                            government/
                                                                           Rank      Company                                                                  Silicon Valley/                                                         private sector/          Top local executive/
MW and Los Angeles has 36 MW.                                              2011      Address                                                                 total employees                                                           contractor or           Email, if available/
                                                                            rank     Phone, website                                                           companywide            Sample of specialities                              consultant            Year founded locally

    San Diego                                         37MW                    1      EORMinc.                                                                       50               Safety, industrial hygiene, corporate                10%                  Glenn Fishier, president and CEO
                                                                                 2   4 N. Second St., Suite 1270, San Jose 95113                                    60               sustainability, environmental compli-                90%                  fishlerg@eorm.com
   Los Angeles                                        36MW                           408-790-9200, www.eorm.com                                                     125              ance and site assessments ergonomics               Consultant             1990

    San Jose                                          31 MW                   2      CH2M HILL Inc.                                                                 45               Site assessment, soil/water/air quality              35%                  Viiay Kumar, Bay Area manager
                                                                                     1737 N. First St., Suite 300, San Jose 95112                                  185               assessment, environmental planning                   65%                  viiay.kumar@ch2m.com
   Fresno                                             22MW                           408-436-4936, www.ch2m.com                                                   30,000             and remediation design                             Consultant             1985

   San Francisco                                      17MW                    3      locus Technologies                                                              41              Cloud-based environmental information                10%                  Neno Duplan, president and CEO
                                                                                 3   299 Fairchild Drive, Mountain View 94043                                        55              management software, resource and                    90%                  neno@locustec.com
   Bakersfield                                        16 MW                          650-960-1640, www.locustec.com                                                  70              energy management software                         Consultant             1997

   Sacramento                                         16MW                    4      Arcadis                                                                        36               Soil, soil-vapor, and groundwater                     1%                  Charles Pardini, vice president
                                                                                 4   6872 Santa Teresa Blvd., San Jose 95119                                        38               investigations, soil and groundwater                 99%                  t
   Santa Rosa                                         14MW                           408-365-5703, www.arcadis-us.com                                              5,315             remediation (in-situ and ex-situ)                  Consultant             2006

   Oakland                                            10MW                    5      Goldet Associates                                                               25              Contaminated site characterization/                   15%                 Jennifer Panders, office manager
                                                                                 5 · 425 lakeside Drive, Sunnyvale 94085
                                                                                     408-220-9223, www.golder.com
                                                                                                                                                                                     remediation, solid waste engineering
                                                                                                                                                                                     landfill gas services and air quality
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          85%                  jpanders@golder.com
   Chico                                              9MW                                                                                                                                                                               Consultant             2004

   Clovis                                             BMW                    8       Cornerstone Earth Group                                                         23              Phase I site assessment, Phase II                    20%                  Ron Helm, president
                                                                              10     1259 Oakmead Parkway, Sunnyvale 94085                                           33              investigations- soil/groundwater sam-                80%                  rhelm@cornerstoneearth.com 1
                                                                                     408-245-4600, www.cornerstoneearth.com                                          38              piing, risk assessments                            Consultant             2007
   Roseville                                          3MW
   SOURCE: NEXT 10 CAliFORNIA GREEN INNOVATION INOEXIENVIRONMENT             7       David J. Powers &Associates Inc.                                                20              Environmental impact analysis                        50%                  Judy Shanley, president
                                                                                     1871 The Alameda, Suite 200, San Jose 95126                                     20              The National Environmental Policy Act/                50%                 jshanley@davidjpowers.com
                         CAliFORNIA. CAliFORNIA'S SOLAR CITJES 2012                  408-248-3500, www.davidjpowers.com                                              20              California Environmental Quality Act               Consultant             1972

                                                                             a       ICF Jones &Stokes Associates Inc.
                                                                                     75 E. Santa Clara St., Suite 300, San Jose 95113
                                                                                                                                                                     19              CEGA, NEPA and regulatory compli-
                                                                                                                                                                                     ance, floodplain and water supply stud-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           75%                 Brian Ramos, vice president
                                                                               7                                                                                     21                                                                   25%
                                                                                     408-216-2800, www.icfi.com                                                    4,500             ies, transportation studies                        Consultant             1999
Most VC dollars invested in
                                                                             9       AnteaGroup                                                                      18              Benchmarking, contaminant fate and                  5%(USI                Andrew lojo, senior consultant
Silicon Valley                                                                12     312 Piercy Road, San Jose 95138
                                                                                     800-477-7411, www.us.anteagroup.com
                                                                                                                                                                                     transport modeling, decommissioning,
                                                                                                                                                                                     environmental liability transfers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         95%(US)               andy.Jojo@anteagroup.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Both                2002
Silicon Valley has the most venture capital investment
in clean technology compared with the rest of the San                        9       Clark, Richardson &Biskup Consulting Engineers Inc.                             18              Environmental engineering, site selec'                5%                  Doug Conrath, senior associate
                                                                                     75 E. Santa Clara St., Suite 350, San Jose 95113                                18              tioo/due diligence, permitting/compli-               95%                  doug.conrath@crbusa.com
Francisco Bay Area. Here is a look at the numbers for the                      6     408-367-2000, www.crbusa.com                                                   500              ance, auditing                                     Consultant             2004
two regions from 2006-2011.
                                                                           11        Stantec Consulting Corp.                                                       15               Phase 1/11 site assessments, soil/                   20%                 Jack Hardin, managing principal
                                                                              12     15575 Los Gatos Blvd., Building C. Los Gatos 95032                             16               groundwater sampling, environmental                  80%                 Jack.Hardin@stantec.com
  Silicon Valley                                                                     408-356-6124, www.stantec.com                                                12,140             compliance audits, asbestos                        Consultant            1989

                                                                           12        URS Corp.                                                                      13               Environm.ental investigation/remedia-                70%                  Michael Cooper, vi ce president
 2011                                                                         14     100W. San Fernando St., Suite 200, San Jose 95113                              73               tion, environmental evaluation/CEGA,                 30%                  mike_cooper@urscorp.com 2
                                                                                     408-297-9585, www.urscorp.com                                                56,000             Environmental Health & Safety                      Consultant             1960
 · - - - - - · $1.5B
   2010                                                                    13        Du-AII Safety LLC                                                              12               Environmental assessments (gap                       70%                 Terry Mccarthy, general manager
                                                                                     45950 Hotchkiss St., Fremont 94539                                             17               analysis), hazardous material business               30%                 terrym@du-all.com
 · - - -$827.2M                                                               11
                                                                                     510-651-8289, www.du-all.com                                                   20               plans, storm water pollution preven-               Consultant            1989
   2009                                                                                                                                                                              tion plans
 · - - - · $998.8M                                                         14        Stericycle                                                                     10               Waste transportation and disposal,                                       Fred Murabito, general manager
 2008                                                                         15     21 Great Oaks Blvd., San Jose 95119                                            30               chemical lab packing, facility decon-                                    t
                                                                                     408-363-1660, www.stericycle.com                                             9,000              tamination/decommissioning                                               1989
 · - - - - - -$1.6B                                                        14        AST (Advance Soil Technology) Inc.                                              10              Phase I site assessment, Phase II &                  20%                 Alex Kassai, principal and CEO
 · - - ·$764.6M                                                               15     343 S. Baywood Ave., San Jose 95128                                             10              Ill soil and groundwater investigation,              80%                 alexkassai@advancesoil.coin
                                                                                     408·261-1155, www.advancesoil.com                                               10              remediation, risk management                       Consultant            1987
 . . . .$601.5M                                                           .14        WSP Environment and Energy                                                     10               On-site remediation construction/                      0%                 Rick Freudenberger, senior VP
                                                                                     2025 Gateway Place, Suite 435, San Jose 95110                                  11               implementation including excavation,                  100%                rick.freudenberger@wspgroup.com
                                                                                     408-453-6100, www.wspenvironmental.com/usa                                   3,000              groundwater and soil treatment                        Both3               1987
               $500M           $1B            $1.5B           $2B
                                                                           17        Weiss Associates                                                               6                Site assessment, remediation, engi-                 66.6%                Alok Kolekar,
                                                                                     453 Ravendale Orive, Suite C, Mountain View 94043                              9                nearing, regulatory compliance/plan-                33.3%                senior project engineer
  San Francisco Bay Area                                                             650-968-7000, www.weiss.com                                                    55               ning, clean water ser vices                        Consultant            adk@weiss.com

                                                                          18         ECS Refining LLC                                                                5               End-of-life electronics recycling (com-               10%                James Taggart, president and CEO
                                                                                     705 Reed St., Santa Clara 95050                                                 53              modity recovery). IT asset manage-                    90%                iim@ecsrefining.com
                                                                                     408-200-7000, www.ecsrefining.com                                              135              ment/remarketing                                   Contractor            1980

                                                                          18         Enviro Safetech Inc.                                                            5               Hazardous waste operations, emer-                     5%                 Jay Jamali, director
                                                                                     2160-B Oakland Road, San Jose 95131                                             7               gency response standard, training,                   95%                 jayjam@envirosafetech.com
                                                                                     408-943-9090, www.envirosafetech.com                                            7               safety staffing air monitoring                     Consultant            1990

                                                                          18         Green Environment inc.                                                          5               Environmental compliance and permit·                  5%                 Mark Green, president
                                                                                     PO Box 7138, San Carlos 94070                                                   t               ting, site assessments, Phase I and II               95%                 info@greenenvironment.com
                                                                                     650-508-8018, www.greenenvironment.com                                          ~               safety regulatory compliance                       Consultant            1992

                                                                          18         Sterling &Associates Inc.                                                      5               Industrial hygiene, indoor air quality                40%                 Jeremy Mott, general manager
                                                                                     168 S. Hillview Drive, Milpitas 95035                                          6               evaluations, fungi investigation, Envi-               60%
                                                                                     408·262-1656, www.rsterling.com                                                45              ronmental Health and Safety consulting              Consultant            *

                                                                          18         Treadwell & Rollo I A Langan Company                                            5               Remediation of soil, soil vapor, and                  10%                Philip Tringale, director4
                                                                                     4030 Moorpark Ave., Suite 210, San Jose 95117                                   5               groundwater contamination, ground-                   90%                 ptringale@langan.com
                                                                             26                                                                                                                                                         Consultant            2007
                                                              $2B                    408-551-6700, www.treadwellrollo.com                                           570              water flow and transport modeling

                                                                          23         AEI Consultants                                                                 4               Phase I site assessments, soil &                       5%                Mark Nobler, vice president
                                     SOURCE CLEANTECH GROUP llC                      3880 S. Bascom Ave., Suite 112, San Jose 95124                                  6               groundwater investigations, property                  95%                mnobler@aeiconsultants.com
                                                                             NR                                                                                                      condition assessments                                 Both               2004
                                                                                     408-559-7600, www.aeiconsultants.com                                           150

                                                                          24         GeoRestoration Inc.                                                                             Environmental work plans and reports,                20%                 Roger Dockter, president
  .._FYI                                                                     23      15940 Concord Circle, Morgan Hill 95037
                                                                                     408-779-5533, www.georestoration.com
                                                                                                                                                                                     soil, soil gas, indoor air, and groundwa-
                                                                                                                                                                                     ter sampling

                                                                          25         Catalyst Environmental Inc.                                                     2              Environmental remediation                               0%                Kurt Soto-Gambini, CEO
A+ Environmental Solutions LLC, which ranked No. 19 on last                                                                                                                                                                                100%
year's list with 8professionals in Silicon Valley, declined to               NR      7351ndustrial Road, Suite 201, San Carlos 94070
                                                                                     650-642-6583, www.catenv.com
                                                                                                                                                                    14                                                                     Both
participate in this year's list.                                                                                                                    NOTES: t · Oid not disclose. N ·Not ranked. In case of ties. companies are
                                                                                                                                                                                  R                                              If your company would like to be considered for ne year's list, or if there are
                                                                      •silicon Valley includes: Santa Clara County; Fremoot Newark and Union City
                                                                      inAlameda County; Athertoo, Belmoot East Palo Alto, Foster C Menlo Park,
                                                                                                                                   ity,             listed alphabetically.                                                       any correctio or additioos, write to:
Cascadia, which ranked No. 15 on last year's list with 10             Portola Valley. Redwood C San Carlos, San Mateo and Woodside in San
                                                                                                 ity,                                                                                                                            Research, Business Journal, 1 S. Market St., 11th floor, SanJose, CA 95113;
                                                                      Mateo County; and San Benito. Santa Cruz and Montereycounties.                Information was obtained from the firm representatives.                      fax: 408.295.5028; or email lreyes@bizjoumals   .com.
professionals, did not respond to survey requests.
                                                                      Although every attempt ismade to ensure the accuracy and thoroughness of      1
                                                                                                                                                        C. Barry Butler, vice president bbutler@comerstoneearth.com              Research by Lemery Reyes
                                                                      Business Journal lists, omissions sometimes occur.                            2
                                                                                                                                                      Office manager, too.                                                       list published July 20, 2012
Benchmark Environmental, which ranked No. 22 on last                                                                                                3 Remediation contractor and consultant
year's list with 5 professionalsin Silicon V
                                           alley, did not             Information for obtaining commemorative plaques. reprintsor Web permis·       4
                                                                                                                                                        Director of the Western region
respond to survey requ   ests.                                        sions can be obtained from the Business Journal's designated partner
                                                                      company, Scoop ReprintSourceat 800.767.3263 or scoopreprintsource.com.
                                                                      No other companies offering similar services are affiliated in any way with
                                                                      the Business Journal.

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Environmental Firms 2012 List Sv Bizjournals

  • 1. The List 14 THE BUSINESS JOURNAL sanjose.bizjournals.com JULY 20, 2012 ACLOSER LOOK Environmental Firms Ranked by number of professionals in the Silicon Valley* San Jose metro among solar leaders Number of San Jose isthe No. 3-ranked city in California with the most professionals in Silicon Valley/ Percent of work solar capacity by megawatt. The "Capital of Silicon Valley" total number of done in has 31 megawatts of solar generation, whileSan Diego has 37 employees in government/ Rank Company Silicon Valley/ private sector/ Top local executive/ MW and Los Angeles has 36 MW. 2011 Address total employees contractor or Email, if available/ rank Phone, website companywide Sample of specialities consultant Year founded locally San Diego 37MW 1 EORMinc. 50 Safety, industrial hygiene, corporate 10% Glenn Fishier, president and CEO 2 4 N. Second St., Suite 1270, San Jose 95113 60 sustainability, environmental compli- 90% fishlerg@eorm.com Los Angeles 36MW 408-790-9200, www.eorm.com 125 ance and site assessments ergonomics Consultant 1990 San Jose 31 MW 2 CH2M HILL Inc. 45 Site assessment, soil/water/air quality 35% Viiay Kumar, Bay Area manager 1737 N. First St., Suite 300, San Jose 95112 185 assessment, environmental planning 65% viiay.kumar@ch2m.com Fresno 22MW 408-436-4936, www.ch2m.com 30,000 and remediation design Consultant 1985 San Francisco 17MW 3 locus Technologies 41 Cloud-based environmental information 10% Neno Duplan, president and CEO 3 299 Fairchild Drive, Mountain View 94043 55 management software, resource and 90% neno@locustec.com Bakersfield 16 MW 650-960-1640, www.locustec.com 70 energy management software Consultant 1997 Sacramento 16MW 4 Arcadis 36 Soil, soil-vapor, and groundwater 1% Charles Pardini, vice president 4 6872 Santa Teresa Blvd., San Jose 95119 38 investigations, soil and groundwater 99% t Santa Rosa 14MW 408-365-5703, www.arcadis-us.com 5,315 remediation (in-situ and ex-situ) Consultant 2006 Oakland 10MW 5 Goldet Associates 25 Contaminated site characterization/ 15% Jennifer Panders, office manager 5 · 425 lakeside Drive, Sunnyvale 94085 408-220-9223, www.golder.com 27 1,423 remediation, solid waste engineering landfill gas services and air quality 85% jpanders@golder.com Chico 9MW Consultant 2004 Clovis BMW 8 Cornerstone Earth Group 23 Phase I site assessment, Phase II 20% Ron Helm, president 10 1259 Oakmead Parkway, Sunnyvale 94085 33 investigations- soil/groundwater sam- 80% rhelm@cornerstoneearth.com 1 408-245-4600, www.cornerstoneearth.com 38 piing, risk assessments Consultant 2007 Roseville 3MW SOURCE: NEXT 10 CAliFORNIA GREEN INNOVATION INOEXIENVIRONMENT 7 David J. Powers &Associates Inc. 20 Environmental impact analysis 50% Judy Shanley, president 1871 The Alameda, Suite 200, San Jose 95126 20 The National Environmental Policy Act/ 50% jshanley@davidjpowers.com CAliFORNIA. CAliFORNIA'S SOLAR CITJES 2012 408-248-3500, www.davidjpowers.com 20 California Environmental Quality Act Consultant 1972 a ICF Jones &Stokes Associates Inc. 75 E. Santa Clara St., Suite 300, San Jose 95113 19 CEGA, NEPA and regulatory compli- ance, floodplain and water supply stud- 75% Brian Ramos, vice president bramos@icfi.com 7 21 25% 408-216-2800, www.icfi.com 4,500 ies, transportation studies Consultant 1999 Most VC dollars invested in 9 AnteaGroup 18 Benchmarking, contaminant fate and 5%(USI Andrew lojo, senior consultant Silicon Valley 12 312 Piercy Road, San Jose 95138 800-477-7411, www.us.anteagroup.com 20 9,369 transport modeling, decommissioning, environmental liability transfers 95%(US) andy.Jojo@anteagroup.com Both 2002 Silicon Valley has the most venture capital investment in clean technology compared with the rest of the San 9 Clark, Richardson &Biskup Consulting Engineers Inc. 18 Environmental engineering, site selec' 5% Doug Conrath, senior associate 75 E. Santa Clara St., Suite 350, San Jose 95113 18 tioo/due diligence, permitting/compli- 95% doug.conrath@crbusa.com Francisco Bay Area. Here is a look at the numbers for the 6 408-367-2000, www.crbusa.com 500 ance, auditing Consultant 2004 two regions from 2006-2011. 11 Stantec Consulting Corp. 15 Phase 1/11 site assessments, soil/ 20% Jack Hardin, managing principal 12 15575 Los Gatos Blvd., Building C. Los Gatos 95032 16 groundwater sampling, environmental 80% Jack.Hardin@stantec.com Silicon Valley 408-356-6124, www.stantec.com 12,140 compliance audits, asbestos Consultant 1989 12 URS Corp. 13 Environm.ental investigation/remedia- 70% Michael Cooper, vi ce president 2011 14 100W. San Fernando St., Suite 200, San Jose 95113 73 tion, environmental evaluation/CEGA, 30% mike_cooper@urscorp.com 2 408-297-9585, www.urscorp.com 56,000 Environmental Health & Safety Consultant 1960 · - - - - - · $1.5B 2010 13 Du-AII Safety LLC 12 Environmental assessments (gap 70% Terry Mccarthy, general manager 45950 Hotchkiss St., Fremont 94539 17 analysis), hazardous material business 30% terrym@du-all.com · - - -$827.2M 11 510-651-8289, www.du-all.com 20 plans, storm water pollution preven- Consultant 1989 2009 tion plans · - - - · $998.8M 14 Stericycle 10 Waste transportation and disposal, Fred Murabito, general manager 2008 15 21 Great Oaks Blvd., San Jose 95119 30 chemical lab packing, facility decon- t 408-363-1660, www.stericycle.com 9,000 tamination/decommissioning 1989 2007 · - - - - - -$1.6B 14 AST (Advance Soil Technology) Inc. 10 Phase I site assessment, Phase II & 20% Alex Kassai, principal and CEO · - - ·$764.6M 15 343 S. Baywood Ave., San Jose 95128 10 Ill soil and groundwater investigation, 80% alexkassai@advancesoil.coin 408·261-1155, www.advancesoil.com 10 remediation, risk management Consultant 1987 2006 . . . .$601.5M .14 WSP Environment and Energy 10 On-site remediation construction/ 0% Rick Freudenberger, senior VP 2025 Gateway Place, Suite 435, San Jose 95110 11 implementation including excavation, 100% rick.freudenberger@wspgroup.com 18 408-453-6100, www.wspenvironmental.com/usa 3,000 groundwater and soil treatment Both3 1987 $500M $1B $1.5B $2B 17 Weiss Associates 6 Site assessment, remediation, engi- 66.6% Alok Kolekar, 453 Ravendale Orive, Suite C, Mountain View 94043 9 nearing, regulatory compliance/plan- 33.3% senior project engineer 20 San Francisco Bay Area 650-968-7000, www.weiss.com 55 ning, clean water ser vices Consultant adk@weiss.com 2003 18 ECS Refining LLC 5 End-of-life electronics recycling (com- 10% James Taggart, president and CEO 705 Reed St., Santa Clara 95050 53 modity recovery). IT asset manage- 90% iim@ecsrefining.com 408-200-7000, www.ecsrefining.com 135 ment/remarketing Contractor 1980 18 Enviro Safetech Inc. 5 Hazardous waste operations, emer- 5% Jay Jamali, director 2160-B Oakland Road, San Jose 95131 7 gency response standard, training, 95% jayjam@envirosafetech.com 20 408-943-9090, www.envirosafetech.com 7 safety staffing air monitoring Consultant 1990 18 Green Environment inc. 5 Environmental compliance and permit· 5% Mark Green, president PO Box 7138, San Carlos 94070 t ting, site assessments, Phase I and II 95% info@greenenvironment.com 24 650-508-8018, www.greenenvironment.com ~ safety regulatory compliance Consultant 1992 18 Sterling &Associates Inc. 5 Industrial hygiene, indoor air quality 40% Jeremy Mott, general manager 168 S. Hillview Drive, Milpitas 95035 6 evaluations, fungi investigation, Envi- 60% 25 408·262-1656, www.rsterling.com 45 ronmental Health and Safety consulting Consultant * 1989 18 Treadwell & Rollo I A Langan Company 5 Remediation of soil, soil vapor, and 10% Philip Tringale, director4 4030 Moorpark Ave., Suite 210, San Jose 95117 5 groundwater contamination, ground- 90% ptringale@langan.com 26 Consultant 2007 $2B 408-551-6700, www.treadwellrollo.com 570 water flow and transport modeling 23 AEI Consultants 4 Phase I site assessments, soil & 5% Mark Nobler, vice president SOURCE CLEANTECH GROUP llC 3880 S. Bascom Ave., Suite 112, San Jose 95124 6 groundwater investigations, property 95% mnobler@aeiconsultants.com NR condition assessments Both 2004 408-559-7600, www.aeiconsultants.com 150 24 GeoRestoration Inc. Environmental work plans and reports, 20% Roger Dockter, president .._FYI 23 15940 Concord Circle, Morgan Hill 95037 408-779-5533, www.georestoration.com soil, soil gas, indoor air, and groundwa- ter sampling 80% Consultant main@georestoration.com 2002 25 Catalyst Environmental Inc. 2 Environmental remediation 0% Kurt Soto-Gambini, CEO A+ Environmental Solutions LLC, which ranked No. 19 on last 100% year's list with 8professionals in Silicon Valley, declined to NR 7351ndustrial Road, Suite 201, San Carlos 94070 650-642-6583, www.catenv.com 14 14 Both * 2005 participate in this year's list. NOTES: t · Oid not disclose. N ·Not ranked. In case of ties. companies are R If your company would like to be considered for ne year's list, or if there are xt •silicon Valley includes: Santa Clara County; Fremoot Newark and Union City inAlameda County; Athertoo, Belmoot East Palo Alto, Foster C Menlo Park, ity, listed alphabetically. any correctio or additioos, write to: ns Cascadia, which ranked No. 15 on last year's list with 10 Portola Valley. Redwood C San Carlos, San Mateo and Woodside in San ity, Research, Business Journal, 1 S. Market St., 11th floor, SanJose, CA 95113; 25 Mateo County; and San Benito. Santa Cruz and Montereycounties. Information was obtained from the firm representatives. fax: 408.295.5028; or email lreyes@bizjoumals .com. professionals, did not respond to survey requests. Although every attempt ismade to ensure the accuracy and thoroughness of 1 C. Barry Butler, vice president bbutler@comerstoneearth.com Research by Lemery Reyes Business Journal lists, omissions sometimes occur. 2 Office manager, too. list published July 20, 2012 Benchmark Environmental, which ranked No. 22 on last 3 Remediation contractor and consultant year's list with 5 professionalsin Silicon V alley, did not Information for obtaining commemorative plaques. reprintsor Web permis· 4 Director of the Western region respond to survey requ ests. sions can be obtained from the Business Journal's designated partner company, Scoop ReprintSourceat 800.767.3263 or scoopreprintsource.com. No other companies offering similar services are affiliated in any way with the Business Journal.