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Linked Environmental Data
  Alex Coley        @alexrcoley

  Stuart Williams   @skwlilac
our vision
                                                   a better
                                                   place for
                                                   people and

                                  to achieve this we will
                  Act to reduce                                                     Work with
                                    Protect and          Work with people
                 climate change                                                businesses and other
                                  improve water,        and communities to
                     and its                                                   organisations to use
                                    land and air        create better places
                 consequences                                                    resources wisely

                                             Be the best we

We cannot do this alone. We work closely with a wide range of
partners including government, business, local authorities, other
agencies, civil society groups and the communities we serve.
how we used to supply data

         EA hosted web services
         (and very restricted access to the actual data)

                         data supplies &
                         information requests
Infrastructure for Spatial Information in
        the European Community
bathing water quality

                               start of season
                                                                           Press interest
                                      15th May

                                                 bathing season
                                                                  20-22 samples
     what information                                               in 22weeks
 is relevant to the public
      about beaches                30th Sept
                                annual report

                       we do      December
Proof of concept (one off)


BAU and extend
defining things (and context)
why Linked data
Environmental Linked Data - Semtech Biz London
      Tourist Information Centre
    Unit 2 , The Gateway Complex
        Tenby. Wales , SA70 7LT
          Tel: 01834 842 402
          Fax: 01834 845 439
Email: tenby.tic@pembrokeshire.gov.uk

                                        Photo by Skellig2008 (flickr)
Day 1                Day 1-3                            Day 4

                                                              entered onto monitoring /
                                                              operational database

Sampling happens     Lab analysis happens

                                                                                          Tuesday (snapshot)

                              available via data.gov.uk
     Bathing Water
    assessment run
                                                                                               available on WIYBY

  Linked data
      feeds                                                                              available on EyeOnEarth

                                                 available on our own apps

                             available on other apps
more than just linked data

                                       api configuration *
                      update process
    data modelling

                                        additional data
                                                              mini apps

* api as organised URI space
  with consistent behaviours            documentation        others apps
Environmental Linked Data - Semtech Biz London
practical issues
URIs + Governance
       Stable points of reference


                                                          Operational Data

                                                  Reference Data

                                                    Vocabularies (RDF, RDFS, OWL)

               Vocabularies and Reference Data form the foundations

Image from Wikimedia Commons CC-BY-2.5
"Cool URI's don't change" but...

                                                         Stakeholder              URI Sets
                                                      Sector Governance

                                                            education              school
                                                            transport              station
                                                            environment            bathing-water
                                                            ...                    ...


                                                                           thematic                code-point

                                                                    id     things
                                                                    doc    documents about things <- reference data
                                                                    data   datasets and data items
                                                                    def    vocabularies and terms
                                                                    so     spatial object
        Infrastructure for Spatial Information in
               the European Community
URI Space Map

 Access to Domain Expertise (not just data)
     Linkage to Legislation (terms and definitions)
 Entities and Relationships
     Mutable and Invariant Properties
     Sameness and difference
 What do things mean?
     eg. Assessment Criteria
     Code lists (G,I,F,C,N what do these mean?)
Revising Sample Assessments

                                                                                                                                          bwq:recordDate    bwq:recordStatus

                                                                                                                                             2011-08-01    bwq:new

                                                                                           dct:replaces                       dct:isReplacedBy

                                                                                                                                            2011-08-04     bwq:replacement

                                                                                          dct:replaces                        dct:isReplacedBy

                                                                                                                                            2011-08-08     bwq:replacement

                                                                                          dct:replaces                       dct:isReplacedBy

                                                                                                                                            2011-08-11     bwq:withdrawal

                                                                                    recordStatus                    new -> replacement -> withdrawn

                           replaces / isReplaced linkages maintained using SPARQL Update.
Scaling Up
                Update Server

                                      SPARQL Update

              Preview /

                          Publish /

              Backup / Restore                         Server x N
Encouraging Use and Reuse
   RESTful API
                                                                             SELECT ?item
View Control                                                                 WHERE { ... }
&view=                                                     selector                               Data
&_property={properties}          GET /doc/bathing-water                                           Store
&_metadata=                                                                                         +
                                                                             DESCRIBE            SPARQL
Page Control                                                                  <x> <y> ... <z>   Endpoint
&page=                                                     formatter
                                     Formatted Response
                              'native' linked data  RDF           Endpoint

                                   semantic web      TTL
&{property}={value}                                                              Publication Server
                            'Developer friendly'    XML    config
&min-{property}={value}                                                          (elda+fuseki+jena)
                          Styled data for people HTML
&callback= (for JSONP)                                                                          Apache Jena
Encouraging Use & Reuse
Developer Friendly Formats
Encouraging Use & Reuse

                                                Data Model and
                                      API URI pattern Reference
Rich Web Applications...

     English               Welsh
Embeddable Widgets and Mobile Apps
where next
Our data and information
will be usable and useful to
 whoever needs to use it
            Water                   WFD



               Linked Data

              Linked Services
Alex and Stuart
Alex Coley

Stuart Williams
skw@epimorphics.com                    data.gov.uk/linked-data
www. epimorphics.com
Environmental Linked Data - Semtech Biz London
SPARQL Update Query (part 1 of 3)
preamble and delete

  # SPARQL update query to patch up store after a publish or remove
  PREFIX qb: <http://purl.org/linked-data/cube#>
  PREFIX bwq: <http://environment.data.gov.uk/def/bathing-water-quality/>
  PREFIX dct: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>
  PREFIX interval: <http://reference.data.gov.uk/def/intervals/>

  # Remove previous   replaces/replacedBy links for records
       ?update        dct:replaces     ?predecessor .
       ?predecessor   dct:isReplacedBy ?update . }
       ?update        dct:replaces     ?predecessor .
       ?predecessor   dct:isReplacedBy ?update . } ;
SPARQL Update Query (part 2 of 3)
insert: find an update record and its predecessors

# Reconstruct links based on current replacements/withdrawals
    ?update      dct:replaces     ?predecessor .
    ?predecessor dct:isReplacedBy ?update . }
   ?update a                   bwq:SampleAssessment;
           bwq:bathingWater    ?bw;
           bwq:samplingPoint   ?sp;
           bwq:sampleDateTime ?u_stime ;
           bwq:recordDate      ?u_recordDate;
   { ?update bwq:recordStatus     ?bwq:withdrawal }
   { ?update bwq:recordStatus     ?bwq:replacement }

     # Find a ?prececessor
     ?predecessor a              bwq:SampleAssessment;
            bwq:bathingWater     ?bw;
            bwq:samplingPoint    ?sp;
            bwq:sampleDateTime   ?u_stime;
            bwq:recordDate       ?pred_recordDate;
      FILTER (?pred_recordDate<?u_recordDate)
SPARQL Update Query (part 3 of 3)
insert: ensure there is no matching ?probe between ?update and ?predecessor

      # Make sure that the is no ?probe between ?update and its immediate
      # predecessor.
      OPTIONAL {
        ?probe a                  bwq:SampleAssessment;
              bwq:bathingWater    ?bw;
              bwq:samplingPoint   ?sp;
              bwq:sampleDateTime ?u_stime;
              bwq:recordDate      ?probe_recordDate;
         FILTER ( ?probe_recordDate > ?pred_recordDate &&
                  ?u_recordDate > ?probe_recordDate)
      } FILTER (!bound(?probe))
} ;
Environmental Linked Data - Semtech Biz London

More Related Content

Environmental Linked Data - Semtech Biz London

  • 1. Linked Environmental Data Alex Coley @alexrcoley Stuart Williams @skwlilac
  • 3. our vision a better place for people and wildlife to achieve this we will Act to reduce Work with Protect and Work with people climate change businesses and other improve water, and communities to and its organisations to use land and air create better places consequences resources wisely Be the best we can We cannot do this alone. We work closely with a wide range of partners including government, business, local authorities, other agencies, civil society groups and the communities we serve.
  • 4. how we used to supply data EA hosted web services (and very restricted access to the actual data) data supplies & information requests
  • 5. INSPIRE Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community
  • 6. bathing water quality start of season Press interest 15th May bathing season 20-22 samples what information in 22weeks is relevant to the public about beaches 30th Sept annual report November what we do December
  • 7. Proof of concept (one off) Pilot BAU and extend
  • 11. Tenby Tourist Information Centre Unit 2 , The Gateway Complex Tenby. Wales , SA70 7LT Tel: 01834 842 402 Fax: 01834 845 439 Email: tenby.tic@pembrokeshire.gov.uk Photo by Skellig2008 (flickr)
  • 12. Day 1 Day 1-3 Day 4 entered onto monitoring / operational database Sampling happens Lab analysis happens Tuesday (snapshot) available via data.gov.uk Bathing Water Weekly/Daily assessment run available on WIYBY Linked data feeds available on EyeOnEarth available on our own apps available on other apps
  • 13. more than just linked data api configuration * applications update process data modelling additional data mini apps * api as organised URI space with consistent behaviours documentation others apps
  • 16. URIs + Governance Stable points of reference Applications Operational Data Domain Reference Data Vocabularies Standard Vocabularies (RDF, RDFS, OWL) Vocabularies and Reference Data form the foundations Image from Wikimedia Commons CC-BY-2.5
  • 17. "Cool URI's don't change" but... http://www.w3.org/Provider/Style/URI Stakeholder URI Sets Sector Governance education school transport station environment bathing-water ... ... http://{sector}.data.gov.uk/id/{concept}/{reference} thematic code-point id things doc documents about things <- reference data data datasets and data items INSPIRE def vocabularies and terms so spatial object Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community
  • 19. Modelling Access to Domain Expertise (not just data) Linkage to Legislation (terms and definitions) Entities and Relationships Lifecycles Mutable and Invariant Properties Sameness and difference What do things mean? eg. Assessment Criteria Code lists (G,I,F,C,N what do these mean?)
  • 20. Revising Sample Assessments http://environment.data.gov.uk/data/bathing-water-quality/in-season/sample/point{bwspid}/date/{sampleDate}/time/{sampleTime}/recordDate/{recordDate} bwq:recordDate bwq:recordStatus 2011-08-01 bwq:new dct:replaces dct:isReplacedBy 2011-08-04 bwq:replacement dct:replaces dct:isReplacedBy 2011-08-08 bwq:replacement dct:replaces dct:isReplacedBy 2011-08-11 bwq:withdrawal recordStatus new -> replacement -> withdrawn replaces / isReplaced linkages maintained using SPARQL Update.
  • 21. Scaling Up Update Server Load Balancers SPARQL Update Upload Preview / Convert Review Publish / Remove (Disposable) Publishing Backup / Restore Server x N
  • 22. Encouraging Use and Reuse RESTful API http://environment.data.gov.uk/id/bathing-water/ukc2102-03600 http://environment.data.gov.uk/id/bathing-water SELECT ?item View Control WHERE { ... } &view= selector Data &_property={properties} GET /doc/bathing-water Store &_metadata= + viewer DESCRIBE SPARQL Page Control <x> <y> ... <z> Endpoint &page= formatter Formatted Response &pageSize= 'native' linked data RDF Endpoint semantic web TTL Filtering CSV &{property}={value} Publication Server 'Developer friendly' XML config &min-{property}={value} (elda+fuseki+jena) JSON &max-{property}={value} Styled data for people HTML Misc. &_sort= &_lang={langTags} &callback= (for JSONP) Apache Jena
  • 23. Encouraging Use & Reuse Developer Friendly Formats
  • 24. Encouraging Use & Reuse Documentation Data Model and API URI pattern Reference http://environment.data.gov.uk/lab/
  • 25. Rich Web Applications... English Welsh
  • 26. Embeddable Widgets and Mobile Apps
  • 28. Our data and information will be usable and useful to whoever needs to use it
  • 29. BW Rivers Profile Bathing Water WFD public record Reference Flood Linked Data Linked Services Internal
  • 33. SPARQL Update Query (part 1 of 3) preamble and delete # SPARQL update query to patch up store after a publish or remove PREFIX qb: <http://purl.org/linked-data/cube#> PREFIX bwq: <http://environment.data.gov.uk/def/bathing-water-quality/> PREFIX dct: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> PREFIX interval: <http://reference.data.gov.uk/def/intervals/> # Remove previous replaces/replacedBy links for records DELETE { ?update dct:replaces ?predecessor . ?predecessor dct:isReplacedBy ?update . } WHERE { ?update dct:replaces ?predecessor . ?predecessor dct:isReplacedBy ?update . } ;
  • 34. SPARQL Update Query (part 2 of 3) insert: find an update record and its predecessors # Reconstruct links based on current replacements/withdrawals INSERT { ?update dct:replaces ?predecessor . ?predecessor dct:isReplacedBy ?update . } WHERE { ?update a bwq:SampleAssessment; bwq:bathingWater ?bw; bwq:samplingPoint ?sp; bwq:sampleDateTime ?u_stime ; bwq:recordDate ?u_recordDate; { ?update bwq:recordStatus ?bwq:withdrawal } UNION { ?update bwq:recordStatus ?bwq:replacement } # Find a ?prececessor ?predecessor a bwq:SampleAssessment; bwq:bathingWater ?bw; bwq:samplingPoint ?sp; bwq:sampleDateTime ?u_stime; bwq:recordDate ?pred_recordDate; . FILTER (?pred_recordDate<?u_recordDate)
  • 35. SPARQL Update Query (part 3 of 3) insert: ensure there is no matching ?probe between ?update and ?predecessor # Make sure that the is no ?probe between ?update and its immediate # predecessor. OPTIONAL { ?probe a bwq:SampleAssessment; bwq:bathingWater ?bw; bwq:samplingPoint ?sp; bwq:sampleDateTime ?u_stime; bwq:recordDate ?probe_recordDate; FILTER ( ?probe_recordDate > ?pred_recordDate && ?u_recordDate > ?probe_recordDate) } FILTER (!bound(?probe)) } ;

Editor's Notes

  • #4: Our reason for being here is to help create a better place for people and wildlife.Increasingly we seek to achieve this by working closely with and/or influencing a wide range of others including businesses, government, local authorities, other agencies, civil society groups, communities and individuals getting them to use our information is critical in this.To help them to use our information when we share it requires us to provide it in ways that allow it to be useful, usable and to be built upon. This in turn will further its reach and influence in achieving our environmental outcomes.Critically our remit rightly puts those environmental outcomes first and everything else fits around that core aim
  • #7: Context about bathing water qualityWe get a lot of interest about bathing water quality, every year there are press articles and lots of information requests. We make our information available through are websiteThe public are interested in lots of things about beachesButOur remit is limited So we need to make our information available in ways that it can be combined with others
  • #8: Demo visualisation to show Incremental publication (able to do updates ourselves) Extend and adding scalability plus api documentation to support developers and enhanced application
  • #12: ContextWe have information about where we sample, the defined beach, the water quality results, other influencing things such as outflow pointsBut also of interest would be access, car parking, toilets, can you walk your dog, fishing rights, photos, history and so on
  • #14: Repurpose information that was previously locked up