Epilepsy is a chronic noncommunicable disease of the brain that affects
people of all ages.
While epilepsy is not rare, affecting 1 in 100 people worldwide, it is a disease
that is still largely misunderstood among the general public, healthcare
professionals, and individuals with the condition themselves.
WHO reports epilepsy affects 65 million people worldwide, of which 30 million
are in Asia. (13 million INDIA)
4. It is estimated that up to 70% of people living with epilepsy could live
seizure-free if properly diagnosed & treated.
他 th of people with epilepsy living in low-income countries do not get the
treatment they need.
Treatment gap India- > 80 % in rural areas
5. People living with epilepsy are frequently subject to social stigma and
exclusion, and this contributes greatly to the burden associated with
Living with epilepsy can give rise to many challenges, in addition to the
medical burden. These include social and psychological stress on the
individual and family members, missed educational opportunities, and
underemployment or unemployment.
6. However, efforts for greater community education on epilepsy can
have a significant positive impact. Reducing social stigmas and
increasing opportunities for individuals is key to improving quality of
life for epileptics
Arriving at the correct epilepsy diagnosis: complex sometimes
Accurate diagnosis is critical.
Todays treatments are effective at controlling seizures in ~60% of people with epilepsy,
but adverse effects of therapy are common and impair quality of life.
30- 40% of PWE have seizures that continue to be treatment resistant (Drug Resistant
Epilepsy), despite continuous advancements in the management of epilepsy and more
than 15 anti-epileptic drugs being approved.
8. India with over 1 million people with DRE exhibits around 10-50 % of the patients as
potential surgical candidates.
Surgical management is a safe and most effective therapeutic approach for refractory
epilepsy, with cost-effectiveness in terms of the long-term direct, indirect, and
intangible costs.
only one in 1,000 eligible patients undergoes epilepsy surgery in India, eventually
resulting in a growing pool of patients with refractory epilepsy, accounting for the 80%
of the health care costs for epilepsy.
9. This enormous surgical treatment gap is attributable to various social,
economic, demographic, political, and cultural barriers in establishing
and maintaining successful epilepsy surgery programs in India.
Cost-effective, sustainable epilepsy care programs are urgently
required in India
10. Strategic Plan - Four Objectives (Four
Diversify Revenue
Best-in-class organization
Epilepsy camps
11. communication channels provide essential, dynamic and personalized
information about seizures and the epilepsies.
FM radio broadcasts, newspaper articles & health education
Pamphlets and posters : distribution and posted in community
clinics, larger hospitals and outreach services.
epilepsy and its management
causes of epilepsy
debunking myths about epilepsy
living with epilepsy
compliance with medication
the availability and use of antiepileptic medicines
what to do during a seizure
home management of epilepsy
prevention of accidents
12. We will drive change through strategic national and local partnerships,
to include affiliated and non-affiliated non-profits, corporate sponsors,
healthcare organizations and governmental and philanthropic funders.
Linking the rotary, private institutions, and the corporate social
The liaison yields free investigations, beds, and surgeries for the
patients enrolled in the program.
13. Digital app:
The user-friendly application for the registration of the patients with epilepsy,
collection of data, and a personalized profile recordable and analyzable for
the diagnostic, therapeutic, research, and statistical purposes.
choice of language between English and Kannada and a manual help center
contactable by the patients.
Epilepsy Camps:
Epilepsy screening camps were organized in and around the state of
Karnataka in liaison with the public health centers. Free medical treatment
was provided to the medically treatable patients of epilepsy.
Identify and refer : patients with refractory epilepsy
Digital App
14. Epilepsy Comprehensive Program
Team of experts :
Epileptologist, Neurosurgeon, Neuroradiologist,
Neuropsychologist, Neurotechnologist
Cutting-edge technology and innovative approaches to provide
best-in-class treatments:
Patient-centered approach : tailored support and personalized
treatment plans.
Comprehensive Patient Care Conference for Surgical Candidates
16. When to consider epilepsy surgery ?
Persistent Seizures despite adequate pharmacological treatment
Drug resistant epilepsy (DRE) may be defined as failure of adequate trials
of two tolerated and appropriately chosen and used AED schedules
(monotherapies or in combination) to achieve sustained seizure
Significant impairment of quality of life
17. Presurgical tests
No single test adequately defines the epileptogenic
Mandatory noninvasive universal access
Clinical semiology and Exam
Scalp EEG
Imaging MRI
20. American Epilepsy Society 2008
Comprehensive Patient Care Conference for
Surgical Candidates
Epileptologist presents the patient
Video-EEG studies are reviewed
Interictal EEG morphology
Ictal EEG morphology
Neuroradiologist discusses imaging studies
Neuropsychology results are examined
Neurosurgeon delineates surgical options
Discussion of risks/benefits/outcomes
Group consensus
S-際際滷 20
21. Types of Surgical Procedures
Resective Surgery: single seizure focus
in non-eloquent region.
Palliative Surgery:
For drop attacks: corpus callosotomy
For Rasmussens encephalitis or hemimegalencephaly:
22. Surgical Treatment of Epilepsy
Modified from McKhann G.M. and Howard M.A.: Epilepsy Surgery: Disease Treatment and
Investigative Opportunity, in Diseases of the Nervous System: Clinical Neurobiology, 2002.
Curative Palliative
Lesional Frontal Lobe epilepsy
- Low Grade Glioma SMA/cingulate epilepsy
- Cav. Malformation Malformations of cortical development
Lesionectomy Hemispherectomy Disconnection
Lobectomy Topectomy (Callosotomy)
Figure 2
23. EPIC Program : Our Past Experience
The EPIC programme is Indias first distinctive initiative to focus on Refractory epilepsy
(uncontrolled epilepsy), specially dedicated for epilepsy patients who fall under the
category of Below Poverty Level (BPL).
Out of the 610 patients, for the first time in Karnataka, 23 patients with refractory epilepsy
underwent complex epilepsy surgeries including robotics surgeries, free of cost in a
private hospital setup.
In addition, 2 patients underwent robotic-assisted hemispherotomy for the first time in
the State of Karnataka.
25. Conclusion
Epilepsy is a condition that along with the medical or surgical treatment,
demands an empathetic approach.
Initiatives like EPIC involving a multicenter approach satisfy this need of
empathy by sufficing free epilepsy screening and surgeries.
It needs a liaison between the various levels of institutions to develop a
thorough connection between the patient and physician on physical, mental,
and social levels.
26. It is recommended to sensitize the government towards the problem
of epilepsy and aid in the replication of cost-effective surgery models
in India.
In the long run, Epilepsy program shall be a beneficial tool towards
the problem of refractory epilepsy, irrespective of the institute dealing
with it.
#3: It accounts for 0.6% of the global burden of disease. Nearly 80% of people with
epilepsy live in low- and middle-income countries, about 75% of whom do not receive the
treatment they need.
#4: Sz free if appr Rx for 2to5 yrs, unfortunately
#5: Myths & taboos surrounding epilepsy, opting for voodoos, lack of hospital availab to prevent birth trauma, severe shortage of med prof in rural, Compared to the general public,
higher rates of premature mortality, injury, cognitive impairment,
depression, social isolation, and unemployment.
#7: extensive history, electroencephalogram (EEG) monitoring, neuroimaging, and other diagnostic testing.
vast majority of current treatments are
prescribed based on the type(s) of seizures rather than the cause of the epilepsy; For some, epilepsy is a manageable chronic illness -- affected individuals have risen to the highest echelons of professional success. However, for others, epilepsy is a devastating and progressive disease leading to developmental delay, regression and early death.
Wide variations in epilepsy care delivery and clinical practice may also contribute to poor
individual outcomes.
#8: epileptogenic tissue is removed , adequate safety ( death rate<2%), an estimated 5 million active cases of epilepsy :25% resistant , half potential Sx candi, 5lakh at given time,
#11: The audiences : church, gated socities, IT health work, government offices,
members, students, schoolteacher, health care workers at
local hospitals and outpatient clinics, the gene, pregnant women and nursing