This document provides information on epistaxis (nosebleed) including:
- The anatomy of the nasal blood supply from both internal and external carotid arteries. The majority of anterior nosebleeds occur from Kiesselbach's plexus.
- Types of epistaxis including anterior (85-90% of cases) and posterior (10-15% involving those over 50).
- Causes can be local like trauma or tumors, or systemic like infections, blood disorders, or vascular problems.
- Treatment depends on location but may include cauterization, nasal packing, balloon catheters, or ligation of arteries in severe cases. Hospitalization is needed for posterior bleeds or those
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2. Introduction
A very common health problem
60% of patients have at least one episode of epistaxis in their life time
Most are self limited and treated conservatively
Requires meticulous and individualized approach
Incidence increases during dry, cold winter months
3. Anatomy
Efficient management of patients with epistaxis requires thorough
knowledge of the anatomy of
the interior aspect of the nose . This includes :
- Blood supply, and
- Mucosal morphology and configuration
4. Blood Supply
The nasal mucosa receives its blood supply from branches of both the
internal and external carotid arteries
A. Internal carotid artery
Ophthalmic artery
Anterior and posterior ethmoidal arteries -supplies superior anterior
nasal cavity
5. B. External Carotid Artery
1.Internal maxillary artery
Greater palatine and sphenopalatine arteries
2. Facial artery(superior labial branch)supplies inferior anterior nasal
.The posterior and superior nasal septum is supplied by branches of
sphenopalatine, anterior and posterior ethmoidal arteries
( kiesselbachs plexus -Little area)
7. Mucosa morphology and configuration
Respiratory Epithelium
- Pseudo-stratified columnar ciliated
- interspaced goblet cells
- protective mucus blanket assured by ciliary activity
- abundant network of blood vessels in lamina propria
Any interference that may disrupt this structural configuration is apt to
end up in bleeding
8. Types
A. Anterior Epistaxis
B. Posterior Epistaxis
Appropriate control of epistaxis calls for identification of
the bleeding site
Bleeding may, however, occur from any other sites
9. Anterior Epistaxis
Almost invariably associated with Kiesselbachs Plexus Littles Area
Results from any process that causes mucosal hyperemia
Most commonly occurs in children
Represents 85-90% of all nosebleeds
10. Posterior Epistaxis
Majority of it is associated with the sphenopalatine artery Woodruffs
The sphenopalatine artery is sometimes referred to as the artery of the
Accounts for 10-15% of nose bleeds
Mostly involves those older than 50
11. Incidence
Epistaxis has a bimodal age distribution, most cases occurring before
age 10 and between 45 and 65 years of age
Serious cases encountered with advancing ages, showing a male
preponderance prior to age 49, the gender ratio equalizing thereafter
12. Causes
A. Local
- trauma - nasal picking, rhinitis,
nasal fracture
- foreign body in the nose - rhinoliths
- tumors: benign - polyp
malignant - nasal , paranasal sinuses
B. Systemic
- Infection: AFI, typhus, influenza
- Blood Diseases, coagulopathies
13. Vascular and circulatory problem: hypertension and arteriosclerosis
Hereditary: HHT (Osler Rendu Weber Disease)
Clinical features
Unilateral nasal bleeding (anterior)
Sensation of blood in posterior throat (posterior)
14. Evaluation
Initial assessment
- Airway assessment and CV stability and management with
otolaryngologist consultation
- Timing, severity, frequency of epistaxis
- Previous epistaxis, trauma, head /neck tumor and surgery, radiation
therapy, cirrhosis, HIV
- Personal and family for bleeding disorders
- Medications (warfarin, plavix, ASA, intranasal glucocorticoids)
Coagulation profile ,CBC, Cross match
15. P/E
- V/S, mental status, airway
- Examination of the nose
Bleeding that is not from the nose but escaping from the nostril (s)
- Nasopharyngeal tumors
- Esophageal varices
- Skull base vascular Injury
16. Treatment
General Measures
Get ready basic equipment
Calm the patient, calm yourself
Sit up the patient, head bent forward, mouth breathing, pinching alae
of the nose against the septum for 10 minutes
Advice the patient to blow through the nose
Cold application - nasal root
Lower BP, D/C anticoagulant, anti platelates
IV fluid, blood transfusion
17. Specific measures
Anterior bleeding
- minor bleeding usually resolves spontaneously prior to clinical evaluation
or making tamponade
- chemical - AgNo4 stick for 10 seconds
- electrical
Nasal packing
- administer small dose of anxiolytics before insertion
- a synthetic open cell foamed polymer nasal tampon-Merocel≒ is
preferable than traditional gauze packing
18. Gauze packing
- ribbon gauze impregnated with petrolatum
Nasal balloon catheters (Rapid Rhino)
- parental narcotics and anxiolytics prior to insertion
- Soak the catheter for 30 seconds before insertion
Packing should be followed for 24-48 hrs for recurrence of bleeding
and has a success rate of
Prophylaxis antibiotics
-Amoxycyllin-cavulinate or cephalexin
19. Posterior Bleeding
Balloon catheters (e.g Epistat,storz-3100)
- Pre treat with 2% lidocain and oxymetazoline
Foley catheter-10-14 French size
Cotton packing
Vascular Ligation last option
- Sphenopalatine artery
- Anterior & posterior ethmoid arteries
- External carotid artery
20. Hospitalization
- Posterior source of bleed for cardiac monitoring
- Patient with anterior packing who can not be reasonably expected to
return for prompt follow up or who have serious co-morbidities or
concerning symptoms
21. Complications of Treatment
Pain and Discomfort
Cardiopulmonary Failure
Pharyngeal Stenosis
Alar or Septal stenosis
Toxic Shock Syndrome
Nasal crusting, palatal numbness, Septal perforation
22. Summary
Nosebleed may at times turn out to be life threatening!! .Therefore,
effective handling requires:
- All round readiness
- Pre-consideration of potential complications associated with the
designed management
- patience to review therapeutic procedure and to be aware of any
corrective measures