Professional Development session for start of the year to assist teachers to guide their students in creating their ePortfolios for their Middle Years learning journey.
14. Strategic questioning, which is one way the
teacher can seek evidence to establish where
students are in their learning, and is therefore
the result of careful planning.
Specifically, strategic questioning provides
teachers with the opportunity to identify and
correct misunderstandings and gaps in knowledge,
as well as identify the need for extension work
for those students whose knowledge and skills
base demand it.
15. This kind of questioning provides information about student
knowledge, understanding and skills that informs the
teacher's planning and selection of teaching strategies to
move students from where they are to where they need to go.
17. Focus: What are you feeling? What are you concerned about?
Vision: How would you like things to be?
Change: What needs to change?
Action: What are you prepared to do?