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ePortfolio Training Pt.II
Digital experience designing
Initial entries for the ePortfolio.
Purpose: Deep Reflection
- A reflection tool
- End of Year - To present their learning journey in some way shape
or form
- Tabs i.e. (IP, Subjects, CCA etc)
- Flexible Structure
- Rubric for Guidance/Positive reinforcement feedback
Initial entries for the eportfolio.
- About Me
- Strategic Questioning
- (Set Up Tuesday and Wednesday at School) (Could take longer or
- Introduction-Thinking about Community
- Visual Thinking Routine -
- Colour Symbol Image
- http://www.visiblethinkingpz.org/VisibleThinking_html_file
Initial entries for the eportfolio.
- Future (End of IP Community)
- Subject specific (Answering Essential Questions from Topics)
Use of ePortfolio
- About Me
- What do you like to do in your free time?
- If you could have a superhero power, What would it be and
- What are the favourite things you like to do with your
- What subject at school do you find most challenging and why?
- How would I like to be taught?
- What do you see yourself doing when you finish
Use of ePortfolio
Commencement of the year strategic Questioning.
- Focus: What are you feeling about starting a new
school year? What are you concerned about?
- Vision: How would you like things to be?
- Change: What needs to change?
- Action: What are you prepared to do?
Next Steps
- Development of the Rubric for guidance of what makes a
good ePortfolio submission
Assessment Rubric - Development (Idea
- Knowledge
- Skill
- Attitude
- Depth of Reflection
- Creativity
Next Steps
- Development of a Guidebook for next week
- ???
Please post your questions
and research/links/ideas
on the Google Classroom.
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ePortfolio training august 2017 Pt.2

  • 2. Initial entries for the ePortfolio. Purpose: Deep Reflection Objective: - A reflection tool - End of Year - To present their learning journey in some way shape or form Method: - Tabs i.e. (IP, Subjects, CCA etc) - Flexible Structure - Rubric for Guidance/Positive reinforcement feedback
  • 3. Initial entries for the eportfolio. - About Me - Strategic Questioning - (Set Up Tuesday and Wednesday at School) (Could take longer or shorter) - Introduction-Thinking about Community - Visual Thinking Routine - http://www.visiblethinkingpz.org/VisibleThinking_html_files/03 _ThinkingRoutines/03b_Introduction.html - Colour Symbol Image - http://www.visiblethinkingpz.org/VisibleThinking_html_file s/03_ThinkingRoutines/03d_UnderstandingRoutines/Colo urSymbolImage/ColourSymbolImage_Routine.html
  • 4. Initial entries for the eportfolio. - Future (End of IP Community) - Subject specific (Answering Essential Questions from Topics)
  • 5. Use of ePortfolio - About Me - What do you like to do in your free time? - If you could have a superhero power, What would it be and why? - What are the favourite things you like to do with your friends? - What subject at school do you find most challenging and why? - How would I like to be taught? - What do you see yourself doing when you finish school/university?
  • 6. Use of ePortfolio Commencement of the year strategic Questioning. - Focus: What are you feeling about starting a new school year? What are you concerned about? - Vision: How would you like things to be? - Change: What needs to change? - Action: What are you prepared to do?
  • 7. Next Steps - Development of the Rubric for guidance of what makes a good ePortfolio submission
  • 8. Assessment Rubric - Development (Idea formulation) - Knowledge - Skill - Attitude - Depth of Reflection - Creativity
  • 9. Next Steps - Development of a Guidebook for next week - ???
  • 10. Questions Please post your questions and research/links/ideas on the Google Classroom. Sharing is Caring

Editor's Notes

  • #4: Use with Form on Tuesday & Wednesday 22nd & 23rd August 2017.