Professional Development session for start of the year to assist teachers to guide their students in creating their ePortfolios for their Middle Years learning journey.
2. Initial entries for the ePortfolio.
Purpose: Deep Reflection
- A reflection tool
- End of Year - To present their learning journey in some way shape
or form
- Tabs i.e. (IP, Subjects, CCA etc)
- Flexible Structure
- Rubric for Guidance/Positive reinforcement feedback
3. Initial entries for the eportfolio.
- About Me
- Strategic Questioning
- (Set Up Tuesday and Wednesday at School) (Could take longer or
- Introduction-Thinking about Community
- Visual Thinking Routine -
- Colour Symbol Image
4. Initial entries for the eportfolio.
- Future (End of IP Community)
- Subject specific (Answering Essential Questions from Topics)
5. Use of ePortfolio
- About Me
- What do you like to do in your free time?
- If you could have a superhero power, What would it be and
- What are the favourite things you like to do with your
- What subject at school do you find most challenging and why?
- How would I like to be taught?
- What do you see yourself doing when you finish
6. Use of ePortfolio
Commencement of the year strategic Questioning.
- Focus: What are you feeling about starting a new
school year? What are you concerned about?
- Vision: How would you like things to be?
- Change: What needs to change?
- Action: What are you prepared to do?