Leaders as Trust Builders- Developing emotionally intelligent and inclusive leaders for business success
The Edelman 2015 Trust Barometer confirms what we have known for the last few years; trust in leaders and business is at an all time low and there is an urgent need for a new way. Leaders must create high-trust inclusive environments for their people to be their best self and thrive in an increasingly complex, competitive and interconnected world.
Sheffield Business School has worked across a range of sectors to develop inclusive leaders. In this workshop Conor Moss and Vincent Traynor shared their experience of developing inclusive leadership behaviours with IMI Precision Engineering and their model for developing emotionally intelligent and inclusive leaders.
Paula Chilton, HR Director- IMI Precision Engineering, shared her experience as a participant on the programme and how it has developed inclusive leadership practices across their European division.
The slides provide an overview of our Leadership Development model and our evaluation methodology using IMI Precision Engineering as an illustrative case study.
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EQ Summit March 20 2015-Breakout Session-Leaders as Trust Builders
1. EQ Summit March 20 2015
Leaders as a trust builders
Developing emotionally intelligent and inclusive leaders
for business success
Conor Moss (SHU), Paula Chilton (IMI) and Vincent
Traynor (SHU)
2. What we'll cover
The impact of leadership development on
personal and organisational performance.
The role of reflection, narrative and artefacts in
developing self.
4 ways to build trust as a leader.
Evaluating the impact of leadership development
programmes using a robust methodology.
8. Evaluation Methodology
Data collection methods
There were four methods of data
collection that were employed
throughout the programme to
assess its impact. These were:
pre and post leadership skills
audit questionnaire (April 2014
and Dec 2015)
workshop and post programme
feedback questionnaires
pre and post ECR360 report (April
2014 and January 2015)
interviews undertaken with 7
programme participants (Feb
4. Impact-
changes in
3. Application &
changes in behaviour
2. Learning-Changes in
knowledge, skills and attributes
1. Engagement-indicator of likely
changes to behaviour
ROI- Cost V Benefit
Source: abdi Evaluation Methodology- http://www.abdi.eu.com/evalution/
16. Coaching skills for
Models and tools for
team development
The importance of trust
in teams
Visualisation and
mapping of team
Leadership manifesto
19. Personal Leadership
A final output to commit
the leaders to:
Identify areas of strength
and development
Share their core values?
Highlight what others can
expect from them and what
they expect from others.
Share something personal
about themselves.
20. The power of narrative, metaphors and
artefacts in building team trust
Leader on the power of the Leadership Manifesto
"So I really found the leadership manifesto really good......sharing more about myself
outside of work with the team but also sharing my expectations of them; because I think
that helped to understand why I approach some things the way that I have done.
Telling stories through pictures
I really love it [laughs]. Just to say I have this picture actually, the scan that I have been
sent, is the background of my phone and every time I see somebody and I have a bit of
time, like when we are flying together, sometimes people ask to me, by the way, whats
this picture? ........... And I go into the detailstheres also a lot of things that you can
bring through these pictures about, yeah, basically what the kind of things I can offer to
people in my team and to the other individual and what I am expecting as well.
Artefacts as a conversation starter
That was really good [leadership manifesto] and I'm using that. I have it here in my
officeSo everybody is, who comes into my office and maybe very often we are talking
about that because they are asking what's that. It's a good summary and the people get a
very fast impression of what they can expect or what I expect and what they can expect
from me, yeah, so is really good. (Interviewee 7)