This document is a quarterly return submitted to the Local Employment Exchange detailing employment statistics for a computer and management consultancy. It includes:
1) The total number of employees on payroll for the previous quarter and current quarter by gender.
2) Details of any vacancies that occurred during the quarter including the number notified to employment exchanges and filled through exchanges or other sources like campus recruitment.
3) A note that no vacancies were notified to exchanges as increases in employment were due to project requirements and vacancies were unforeseen.
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1. FORM ER-1
Quarterly return submitted to the Local Employment Exchange for the quarter
(Vide the Employment Exchanges (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Rules,
Name and address of the employer:
(Please describe what the establishment makes or does as its principal activity)
Computer & Management Consultancy
1. Total Number of persons on the pay rolls of the establishment (The figures should
include every person whose wage or salary is paid by the establishment)
On the last working day of On the last working day of
the previous quarter the under report
2. Particulars of vacancies (Vacancies carrying total emoluments of Rs.60
or over per month and of over 3 months duration). : Vacancies NIL
a) Number of vacancies occurred and notified during the quarter under
report. : Vacancies NIL
Occurred Notified to Exchanges
NIL Local Employment Central Employment
Exchange Exchange
- -
b) Number of vacancies filled during the quarter under report through:-
(i) Employment Exchanges.......................... NIL.................
(ii) Other Sources.....Employed through campus recruitment and direct interview
c) Number of vacancies remaining unfilled at the end of the quarter under report due
to shortage of suitable applicants:-
3. Reasons, if any, for not notifying all vacancies that occurred, vide 2(a)
above, to Employment Exchanges. : Increase in employment is attributed to
the project requirement, vacancies as such are unforeseen
Signature of Employer.
The Employment Exchange, Dumdum,
Kolkata - 074.
Note: This return shall relate to quarter ending 31 st March/30 th June/30 th
September and 31 st December, and shall be rendered to the Local Employment
Exchanges within 30 days after the end of the quarter concerned.