#18: People give us
* Data
* Guidelines
* Suggestions
But we are the deciders of what goes in, how and how it is displayed.
We take on the responsibility of supporting devices, making sure the content is relevant and produced in an optimal way as we consider ourselves expert in delivering the mobile services.
Advantages: They need no overheads of
#20: * I’m going to be controversial and say: Design by committee doesn’t work.
* For the same reason that asking individuals what they want doesn’t work:
* It’s too slow and people generally don’t understand the technology and capabilities.
* There’s no point wasting time on extensive surveys to decide what to do - do something by understanding the market and what people want and then see if people like it.
The market/industry is changing too fast and thus it becomes a case of opportunities and realistic expectations.
Good examples: Facebook - who here joined Facebook the second they knew about it?
Twitter, tripit, sat nav etc.