This document discusses Eric Sheninger and his focus on using technology in education based on a review of his social media posts. The key themes are that Sheninger focuses on how technology can transform schools, shares informative links and collaborates with other schools on projects, uses Twitter for announcements, and advocates for a more digitized learning experience based on seven pillars of digital leadership.
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Eric sheninger
1. Eric Sheninger
His theme seems to be technology in education. I did enjoy following him. He posts about some
interesting things. I found some of his links to be very informational. He focuses mostly on the school
and I did see where he referenced collaborating with another school on a project which I found
interesting. He also utilized twitter for announcements. I saw this as a theme. He also had some quotes
that I liked. He obviously is leaning toward a more digitalized learning experience and I enjoyed his post
on the 7 pillars of digital leadership