Elumin is a creative design agency located in Glen Ellyn, Illinois that has been in business since 1997. It provides a wide range of design and marketing services including branding, print design, website design, and marketing campaigns. Elumin has won several awards for its work and serves clients in various industries. It prides itself on creating memorable branding and marketing materials to help organizations communicate effectively.
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Erik Peterson Portfolio 030515
1. 526 Crescent Blvd.
Creative Suite 330
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Ph/Fax: 630 748-6007
creative spark
2. 526 Crescent Blvd.
Creative Suite 330
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Ph/Fax: 630 748-6007
creative spark
Design Agency
526 Crescent Blvd.
Creative Suite 330
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Ph/Fax: 630 748-6007
creative spark
A w a r d W i n n i n g D e s i g n A g e n c y
Recipient of the 2007 Annual Awards in
Business Excellence by the Business Ledger
Golden Trumpet Award by the Publicity Club of
Chicago in 2004 (for collaborative work with GR-PR,
a public relations firm)
City of Aurora Public Service Award 2005
E l u m i n C a p a b i l i t i e s
Communications Planning
Corporate Identity
Branding Strategy
Print Design
Website Design
Advertising Campaigns
Multimedia Presentations
Signage Programs
3. 526 Crescent Blvd.
Creative Suite 330
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Ph/Fax: 630 748-6007
creative spark
526 Crescent Blvd.
Creative Suite 330
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Ph/Fax: 630 748-6007
creative spark
I n d u s t r i e s S e r v e d
Christian Organizations
Entertainment/Performing Arts
Financial Services
Non-profit Agencies/Associations
Professional Services
Restaurants and Food Service
O v e r v i e w
Elumin, a creative design agency located in downtown
Glen Ellyn, specializes in creating memorable brand
identity and marketing communication campaigns.
Elumin opened its doors in 1997 producing websites
and interactive CD-ROM communications. Elumins
client base grew during the early stages serving large
companies and creative agencies. Over the years, clients
asked Elumin to design corporate identity and marketing
collateral. Elumin has evolved into a full service creative
agency serving the many marketing and communica-
tions needs of its clients.
Elumin broadened its creative services in recent years by
offering integrated marketing communications planning
for business organizations that have limited marketing
staff or resources. In addition to producing high-end
creative design, Elumins communication planning
sessions enable business executives to translate an-
nual goals and objectives into sound marketing plans
defining audience types, measurable targets, and media
channels to convey key messages.
Throughout its lifespan Elumin has worked on
projects for Fortune 100 corporations to non-profits
and start-ups. Elumins experience in creating quality
communications has benefited local businesses and
international companies. Elumin has worked on projects
viewed by audiences around the world, and in many
industries such as healthcare, construction, financial
services, non-profit services, governmental agencies,
performing arts, and applied sciences/technologies.
Elumins growth has steadily increased over the years
and expanded to clients across the country.
4. 526 Crescent Blvd.
Creative Suite 330
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Ph/Fax: 630 748-6007
creative spark
526 Crescent Blvd.
Creative Suite 330
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Ph/Fax: 630 748-6007
creative spark
P r o j e c t H i g h l i g h t s
Since 2004 Elumin has helped us develop a website that
not only looks good, but incorporates features that allow
us to maintain the site. Elumin has
enhanced our website with a fully
functioning ticket sales capability.
It has allowed us to significantly
increase advance
sales without an
increase in staff
resources to pro-
cess the increased
volume of tickets.
Our website has processed over
$400,000 in ticket sales in one and a
half seasons. We will continue to work
with Elumin to add more features to
our site.
Paul Mandigo, Former President
DuPage County Fair Association
29000FEET.com - Elumin developed the brand name and website
for this personal and professional coaching website. The sites core
function is to match individuals with personal and professional advisors
on close to 100 different topics. The site features a subscription based
ecommerce system, anonymous emailing system, and a comprehen-
sive content management system.
DDS4DDS.com - OMSNIC and Fortress Insurance Company needed to
make their websites more user friendly. Elumin worked with their IS
and Marketing departments to define various user experiences along
with creating a fresh design which presented their individual brands
in a more exciting manner.
BEAIRD GROUP - Elumin assisted the Beaird Group with its rebrand-
ing effort. Elumin created print communications and redesigned the
beairdgroup.com website. The projects demonstrate an orchestrated
effort to present a consistent image and message to their prospects,
customers and employees.
THE CITY OF AURORA - The American Association of Code Enforce-
ment awarded this client its Public Service Material Award in Fall 2005
for community publications designed by Elumin. Elumin also conducted
research for a citywide wayfinding and signage program.
THE DUPAGE COUNTY FAIR - Elumin developed an online ticket
system which generated over $400,000 in ticket sales in 2 years.
Elumin redesigned the DuPageCountyFair.org website. The redesigned
site was recognized by the Publicity Club Chicago that year.
THE IRA STORE - Elumin developed the brand identity and coordinated
the launch of the personal finance business. The campaign features a
goose and golden egg, and a website named GoldenEggsperts.com.
5. 526 Crescent Blvd.
Creative Suite 330
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Ph/Fax: 630 748-6007
creative spark
526 Crescent Blvd.
Creative Suite 330
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Ph/Fax: 630 748-6007
creative spark
Integrated Marketing Programs
Identity + Print + Web
Elumins integrated marketing
programs help organizations
create memorable visual brands
and powerful communications
for their intended audiences.
Our programs are designed
for business-to-business,
business-to-consumer, and
non-profit companies. Elumin
offers strategic marketing
services for clients needing a
higher level understanding of
their organizations marketing
needs and efforts.
Print Web
6. 526 Crescent Blvd.
Creative Suite 330
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Ph/Fax: 630 748-6007
creative spark
526 Crescent Blvd.
Creative Suite 330
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Ph/Fax: 630 748-6007
creative spark
Business Consulting
Commercial Contractor
HIV/AIDS Advocacy
Identity + Print + Web
Elumin develops strong
visual identities for a variety
of organizations. Brand
building programs typically
Business Cards
Marketing Collateral
Match Website
Financial Services Housing Advocacy
Technology Consultants
Christian Environmental Advocacy Interior Design
7. 526 Crescent Blvd.
Creative Suite 330
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Ph/Fax: 630 748-6007
creative spark
526 Crescent Blvd.
Creative Suite 330
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Ph/Fax: 630 748-6007
creative spark
Environmental Technology Solutions
Hotel Room Display, Folio Insert, Lobby Poster
Interdenominational Foreign Missions Association
Newsletter, Conference Brochure, Post Card Announcements
Hinsdale Center for Reproduction
Medical Brochure
Print Design
Identity + Print + Web
Elumin uses the latest tech-
nologies to create high-quality
print designs for small or
large quantity printing.
Corporate Brochures
Annual Reports
Product Directories
Postcard Promotions
Tri-fold Brochures
Membership Directories
HoneyRock Camp
Promotions, Brochure, Posters
De La Porte & Associates
Recruiting Brochure
Association of
Builders and Contractors
Newseltter, Annual Directory
8. 526 Crescent Blvd.
Creative Suite 330
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Ph/Fax: 630 748-6007
creative spark
526 Crescent Blvd.
Creative Suite 330
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Ph/Fax: 630 748-6007
creative spark
Dugan & Lopatka, CPAs
Branded Advertising Campaign
City of Aurora
Resident Publications
Blast Radius
Corporate Capabilities, Postcard Mailing
Print Design
Identity + Print + Web
Elgin Youth Symphony Orchestra
Recruiting Brochure, Program, Posters
Beaird Group
Corporate Brochure, Branded Postcards
Canticle Ministries
Fundraising Program
9. 526 Crescent Blvd.
Creative Suite 330
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Ph/Fax: 630 748-6007
creative spark
526 Crescent Blvd.
Creative Suite 330
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Ph/Fax: 630 748-6007
creative spark
Web Design
Identity + Print + Web
Elumin produces a variety of website
designs for clients of all sizes. Our
website design process involves 2 main
components: 1) defining the business
goals of the website, and 2) under-
standing the user goals and objectives.
Once these two pieces are defined,
Elumin creates a unique solution for
each clients needs. View advanced
website business solutions on the
next page.
GoldenEggsperts.com First-Sec.com
10. 526 Crescent Blvd.
Creative Suite 330
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Ph/Fax: 630 748-6007
creative spark
526 Crescent Blvd.
Creative Suite 330
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Ph/Fax: 630 748-6007
creative spark
Advanced Web Business Solutions
Identity + Print + Web
Event Website Solutions:
Ticket Registration, Sponsor
Management, Fully Integrat-
ed Ecommerce Subscription
System, Membership Data-
base System & Client-side
Secured Content Manage-
ment System
Matching Solution:
Personal and Professional
Coaching Match System,
Fully Integrated Ecommerce
Subscription System, Mem-
bership Database System &
Client-side Secured Content
Management System
Association Solutions:
Calendar of Events,
Conference Registration &
Client-side Secured Content
Management System
Healthcare Solutions:
Secure Patient Appointment
and Customer Service
(online seminar registration
processing system capable)
Online Publishing Solutions:
Fully Integrated Ecommerce
Subscription System
11. 526 Crescent Blvd.
Creative Suite 330
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Ph/Fax: 630 748-6007
creative spark
526 Crescent Blvd.
Creative Suite 330
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Ph/Fax: 630 748-6007
creative spark
C o m m u n i t y I n v o l v e m e n t
Elumin is committed to assisting local non-profits,
businesses and municipalities.
Elumin designed a Pepsi can promotion for the
2007 Naperville Exchange Clubs Ribfest.
Local organizations benefiting from Elumins creative
services include:
DuPage County Fair Association
DuPage Homeownership Association
Glen Ellyn Childrens Chorus
Elgin Youth Symphony Orchestra
HoneyRock Camp (affiliated with Wheaton College)
First Presbyterian Church of Glen Ellyn
City of Aurora
City of Berkeley
International Foreign Mission Association (IFMA)
Canticle Ministries (affiliated with the Wheaton
Franciscan Sisters).
E r i k R . P e t e r s o n - F o u n d e r
Erik brings close to 20 years of communication design
experience to Elumin, which he founded in 1996.
Elumin serves numerous types of organizations, from
non-profits to Fortune 500 companies to enhance their
brand in digital media (web-based) and
conventional print media.
Eriks enthusiasm for high quality com-
munication design expanded into digital
media while consulting with the Commu-
nication Design Center (CDC) of Andersen
Worldwide in the early 90s. At Andersen
Erik worked with a team of design staff
to produce comprehensive communi-
cation projects for numerous Fortune
500 companies. In 1995 Erik authored
and produced the Andersen Consulting
Internet Report, a comprehensive Internet
overview describing business and design
characteristics of the Internet and World Wide Web.
Erik heads a seasoned team of creative, technical
and marketing professionals with a depth of skills in
communications, user experience and graphic design.
In addition to operating Elumin, Erik has been
active with various community organizations:
slated candidate for Village of Glen Ellyn trustee,
elder of the First Presbyterian Church of Glen Ellyn,
site coordinator for DuPage PADS, former board
member for the Community Art Partners, and youth
sports coach and official for spanning over 25 years.
12. 526 Crescent Blvd.
Creative Suite 330
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Ph/Fax: 630 748-6007
creative spark
Ph: 630-469-4658
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