This document discusses errors and exceptions in Java. It defines compile-time errors and run-time errors. Exceptions can be system-defined or programmer-defined, and are subclasses of the Throwable class. Exceptions can be explicitly thrown using the throw statement or implicitly raised by the system. Exception handling uses try, catch, and finally blocks to handle exceptions gracefully.
2. Errors
• Errors are classified into two categories:-
Compile-time errors:- All syntax errors will be
detected and displayed by the java compiler
and therefore these errors are known as
compile time errors
• Run-time errors :- Run time errors are type of
errors which are occurred by dividing an
integer by zero, trying to cast an instance of a
class to one of its sub class.
3. • Error occurred in execution time, Abnormal
termination of program, Wrong execution
result Provide an exception handling
mechanism in language system Improve the
reliability of application program that allows
simple program code for exeception check
and handling into source
4. Exception Definition
• Treat exception as an object
• All exceptions are instances of a class extended
from Throwable class or its subclass.
• Generally, a programmer makes new exception
class to extend the Exception class which is
subclass of Throwable class.
5. System-Defined Exception
• Raised implicitly by system because of illegal
execution of program
• When cannot continue program execution any
• Created by Java System automatically
• Exception extended from Error class
and RuntimeException class
6. System-Defined Exception
• IndexOutOfBoundsException :
– When beyond the bound of index in the object which use
index, such as array, string, and vector
• ArrayStoreException :
– When assign object of incorrect type to element of array
• NegativeArraySizeException :
– When using a negative size of array
• NullPointerException :
– When refer to object as a null pointer
• SecurityException :
– When violate security. Caused by security manager
• IllegalMonitorStateException :
– When the thread which is not owner of monitor involves
wait or notify method
7. Programmer-Defined Exception
Exceptions raised by programmer
• Check by compiler whether the exception
handler for exception occurred exists or not
– If there is no handler, it is error
• Sub class of Exception class
9. Exception Occurrence
class ThrowStatement extends Exception {
public static void exp(int ptr) {
if (ptr == 0)
throw new NullPointerException();
public static void main(String[] args) {
int i = 0;
class ThrowStatement extends Exception {
public static void exp(int ptr) {
if (ptr == 0)
throw new NullPointerException();
public static void main(String[] args) {
int i = 0;
at ThrowStatement.exp(
at ThrowStatement.main(
at ThrowStatement.exp(
at ThrowStatement.main(
10. Exception Occurrence
• throws Statement
– When programmer-defined exception is raised, if
there is no exception handler, need to describe it
in the declaration part of method
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[modifiers] returntype methodName(params) throws e1, ... ,ek {[modifiers] returntype methodName(params) throws e1, ... ,ek { }
12. Exception Handling
• Default Exception Handler
– When system-defined exception occurred, if
programmer does not deal with it, it would be
processed by default exception handler
– Simple function to output error message and exit
• Execution Order of Exception Handler
– Finally clause is executed independent of
exception and catch
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