The document discusses three types of pollution: land, noise, and thermal. Land pollution is caused by uncontrolled waste disposal and garbage filling, which can spread disease and damage soil quality. Noise pollution comes from transportation, construction, and industrial activities, and can negatively impact health. Thermal pollution is released from power plants and factories using water for cooling, which can thermally shock aquatic life when water is returned at a different temperature. Preventive methods include planting trees near polluting sources, regular vehicle maintenance, building with soundproofing materials, hearing protection for workers, and industrial cooling methods to return water at similar temperatures.
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3. Pollution is the introduction of constituents into
the natural environment that cause adverse
Pollution can take the form of chemical
substances or energy, such as noise, heat or light.
There are different types of pollution such as air,
water, soil, radioactive, thermal, noise, light and
visual pollution, and littering.
4. There are three types of
Land pollution
Noise pollution
Thermal pollution
5. Land pollution can be defined as
acts occurring on an area
resulting in colour change, fertility, and
erosion. It is caused by waste in the form of
liquid or solid.
6. How is Land Pollution caused ?
Garbage disposal and sewage uncontrolled one of
the reasons that cause soil contamination
occurs. There are two methods of disposal The
usual method of garbage filling method and
combustion method. Though garbage can is
removed from the eyes and nose with inhalation
of this method but without careful monitoring,
both of these techniques can also be serious
trouble for the environment.
7. Its Impact
The spread of disease germs is one of the effects
that would arise from the effects of soil
contamination. Pest animals such as rats,
cockroaches and flies are concentrated in the area
and spread the disease germs to the earlier onset
of food. If flies or cockroaches are eaten, then
even human will be attacked by food poisoning and
serious illness by consuming it.
In addition, it damages soil and its quality is the
impact that will arise when the occurrence of soil
contamination. Industry wastes and spills will make
land damaged and less quality. Poor quality land
will grow the plants or vegetables that are grown
life with imperfect and less fertile.
8. How to Overcome over it?
Environmental education is one method that
can be implemented to overcome the problem
of soil pollution. Environmental education can
form a positive attitude towards the
environment themselves. With the awareness
on an individual, he will be aware of the
importance of environmental quality and will
maintain it.
9. Conclusion
Certainly a country that is growing
rapidly and which is developing in
various fields in the rapid pace of
development, many do not realize that
it also carries side effects on the
11. sound that is unwanted or
disrupts ones quality of life is
called as noise. When there is lot
of noise in the environment, it is
termed as noise pollution.
12. Sound becomes undesirable when it
disturbs the normal activities such as
working, sleeping, and during
It is an underrated environmental problem
because of the fact that we cant see, smell,
or taste it.
World Health Organization stated that
Noise must be recognized as a major
threat to human well-being
13. According to the USEPA, there are direct links
between noise and health. Also, noise pollution
adversely affects the lives of millions of people.
Noise pollution can damage physiological and
psychological health.
High blood pressure, stress related illness, sleep
disruption, hearing loss, and productivity loss are the
problems related to noise pollution.
It can also cause memory loss, severe depression, and
panic attacks.
14. Transportation systems are the main source of noise
pollution in urban areas.
Construction of buildings, highways, and streets cause a
lot of noise, due to the usage of air compressors,
bulldozers, loaders, dump trucks, and pavement
Industrial noise also adds to the already unfavorable
state of noise pollution.
Loud speakers, plumbing, boilers, generators, air
conditioners, fans, and vacuum cleaners add to the
existing noise pollution.
15. Planting bushes and trees in and around sound generating
sources is an effective solution for noise pollution.
Regular servicing and tuning of automobiles can effectively
reduce the noise pollution.
Buildings can be designed with suitable noise absorbing
material for the walls, windows, and ceilings.
Workers should be provided with equipments such as ear
plugs and earmuffs for hearing protection.
16. Thermal pollution is the degradation
of water quality by any process that
changes ambient water temperature. A
common cause of thermal pollution is
the use of water as a coolant by power
plants and industrial manufacturers.
17. The major sources of thermal pollution are electric
power plants and industrial factories.
When a power plant first opens or shuts down for
repair or other causes, fish and other organisms
adapted to particular temperature range can be
killed by the abrupt change in water temperature
known as "thermal shock."
18. Streams and small lakes are naturally kept cool by trees
and other tall plants that block sunlight. People often
remove this shading vegetation in order to harvest the
wood in the trees, to make room for crops, or to construct
buildings, roads, and other structures.
Even the removal of vegetation far away from a stream or
lake can contribute to thermal pollution by speeding up
the erosion of soil into the water, making it muddy.
19. Thermal pollution from power plants and factories is
relatively easy to control. Instead of discharging heated
water into lakes and streams, power plants and factories can
pass the heated water through cooling towers or cooling
ponds, where evaporation cools the water before it is
Alternatively, power plants can be designed or refitted to be
more efficient and to produce less waste heat in the first
20. In the United States, about 75 to 82 percent of thermal
pollution is generated by power plants. The remainder is
from industrial sources such as petroleum refineries, pulp
and paper mills, chemical plants, steel mills and smelters.
Heated water from these sources may be controlled with:
cooling ponds, man-made bodies of water designed for
cooling by evaporation, convection, and radiation
cooling towers, which transfer waste heat to the
atmosphere through evaporation and/or heat transfer
cogeneration, a process where waste heat is recycled for
domestic and/or industrial heating purposes.
21. One person alone cannot save the
planets biodiversity, but each
individuals effort to encourage natures
wealth must not be underestimated.
- United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP)
22. As we say :
For every problem , there is a solution
For pollution , there are preventions