The document provides an assignment for an environmental science class to read case studies about threats facing different biomes. Students are directed to 8 websites to read about issues threatening temperate deciduous forests, tropical rainforests, temperate rainforests, boreal forests, tundra, deserts, chaparral/Mediterranean habitats, and grasslands, and take notes in their biome handouts.
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Es biomes case studies ch 6
1. Environmental Science
Chapter 6: Biomes Case Studies
Assignment: Go to the following websites and read the case study about a threat facing each biome.
Take notes on the biomes handouts you have been given in class in the space marked Case Study Notes.
1. Temperate deciduous forest Air Quality in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
2. Tropical rainforest Write at least 5 facts that you remember from our case study on the loss of biodiversity
in Madagascar last semester.
3. Temperate rain forest Ethics and the Spotted Owl Controversy
4. Boreal Forest A Forest Under Siege: Threats to the Boreal Forest
5. Tundra The Alaska Pipeline: A Necessary Obstruction?
6. Desert Threats to the High Desert
7. Chaparral/Mediterranean habitat Saving Mediterranean Habitats Worldwide
8. Grasslands A Story of Loss and Hope Attwater Prairie Chickens