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Photography & film production
It appeared alongside me the very moment I swam
out of an old wreck. A stingray, and the same one
that had recently pierced the heart of the famous
Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin, with its barb.
I carefully film its curious eye and graceful body
movements, as closely as it lets me get. We swim
alongside each other for a few endless minutes,
clearly fascinated with one another.
Vynoil se vedle m pr叩v v okam転iku, kdy転 jsem
vyplouval z炭trob star辿ho vraku. Rejnok, a zrovna
ten, kter箪 ned叩vno za泥al sv哲j osten do srdce slavn辿ho
,lovce krokod箪l哲 Steva Irwina. Opatrn nat叩鱈m
jeho zvdav辿 oko a ladn辿 pohyby tla, jak bl鱈zko mi
jen dovol鱈. Plaveme vedle sebe nekonen辿 minuty,
zjevn fascinov叩ni jeden druh箪m.
Escape to nature
                                                                        Pitahuj鱈 n叩s jako magnet. M鱈sta ukryt叩 vhlubin叩ch oce叩n哲, uprosted
                                                                        bujn箪ch prales哲 i v nebezpen箪ch v箪邸in叩ch nad neos鱈dlen箪mi kouty
                                                                        Zem. Oblasti, kter辿 jsou n叩m dnes d鱈ky vyspl辿 technice st叩le v鱈ce
                                                                        p鱈stupn辿. Nesm鱈me v邸ak ani na vteinu zapomenout, 転e jsme tu, stejn
Fascination                                                             jako p鱈roda kolem, snadno zraniteln箪mi n叩v邸tvn鱈ky. Prahneme zachytit
                                                                        ka転d箪 moment nepoznan辿 kr叩sy, kter叩 by nemla pominout. Zka転d辿ho
They attract us like magnets. Places in the hidden depths of the        na邸eho 炭tku na nejkr叩snj邸鱈 m鱈sta planety ped叩v叩me tyto z叩転itky d叩l 
oceans, amidst lush forests and at dangerous altitudes above            prostednictv鱈m fotografi鱈, film哲 a p鱈bh哲.
uninhabited corners of the Earth. Thanks to advanced technology,
these are regions that are more and more accessible. But we cannot
forget for a second that, just like the nature that surrounds us, we
are extremely vulnerable visitors. We yearn to capture every moment
of unknown beauty that should not be ignored. From every one of
our escapes to the most beautiful places on the planet, we pass these
experiences on  with photographs, films and stories.

                                                                                                         WWW    . E S C A P E T O N AT U R E . E U
Escape to nature
Escape to nature
Escape to nature
We are here for you
In the framework of the Escape to Nature project, we have
finished the first four worldwide awarded documentaries  Escape
to Mauritius, Escape to Tahiti and Her Islands, Escape to Saint
Lucia and a documentary devoted to the Krkonose Mountains
National Park, Forest and Water. The project itself focuses on       Jsme tu pro v叩s
the most beautiful places on Earth, not only on the diversity and
colorfulness of the undersea world, but also on environmental and      V r叩mci projektu Escape to Nature vznikly celosvtov ocenn辿 dokumenty
observation projects of marine wildlife, nature protection, history,   tk na Mauricius, tk na Tahiti a jeho ostrovy, tk na Svatou Lucii
natives, and ancient customs on land and in the sea.                   a tak辿 film O lese a vod vnovan箪 Krkono邸sk辿mu n叩rodn鱈mu parku.
                                                                       Sna転鱈me se zachytit nejzaj鱈mavj邸鱈 m鱈sta na Zemi sd哲razem na pestrost
The worldwide distribution of our documentaries to television          podmosk辿ho svta, historii a 転ivot p哲vodn鱈ch obyvatel a jejich ritu叩ly
networks, as well as DVDs , BluRays and online videos in various       spojen辿 se sou邸鱈 i smoem.Vna邸em hled叩ku je asto tak辿 ochrana p鱈rody
distribution channels plus a great variety of photography for press    a programy pro zachov叩n鱈 rozlin箪ch 転ivoi邸n箪ch druh哲.
and promotional activities offer a unique opportunity for country
tourism promotion, resorts, national parks, charters and companies.    Na邸e filmy, uren辿 k distribuci pro televizn鱈 stanice a kina, DVD, BluRay
                                                                       a online videa, spolen svelk箪m mno転stv鱈m fotografi鱈 a propagan鱈
There are moments that should not be missed.                           innost鱈 nab鱈zej鱈 jedinenou p鱈le転itost k propagaci cestovn鱈ho ruchu,
                                                                       resort哲, n叩rodn鱈ch park哲, charter哲 a dal邸鱈ch spolenost鱈.

                                                                       Jsou okam転iky, kter辿 by nemly pominout.

                                                                                                          WWW   . E S C A P E T O N AT U R E . E U
Escape to nature
Libor paek
Documentary film director, cameraman,
professional photographer, member of
the Czech Association of Professional
                                                    Re転is辿r dokument叩rn鱈ch film哲, kameraman,
Photographers (AFCR), scuba diving
                                                    profesion叩ln鱈 fotograf, len Asociace profesion叩ln鱈ch
instructor and sea captain, Libor studied
                                                    fotograf哲 (AF), instruktor pot叩pn鱈 a n叩mon鱈
photography in New York City in the late 1990s
                                                    kapit叩n. Na konci devades叩t箪ch let studoval
and soon afterwards became established in the
                                                    v New Yorku fotografii a brzy pot辿 se prosadil
field of advertising which he broke into with
                                                    i na poli reklamy, kam pronikl se sv箪m netradin鱈m
his original approach to art nudes. He began
                                                    pojet鱈m umleck箪ch akt哲. Kivky 転ensk辿ho tla
to capture the curves of the female body under
                                                    toti転 zaal zachycovat pod vodn鱈 hladinou.
water, leading to his most famous collection
                                                    Tak vznikla jeho nejzn叩mj邸鱈 kolekce z voln辿
of work Underwater Fine Art Nudes. As
                                                    tvorby Underwater Fine Art Nudes. Libor se jako
an underwater photography specialist, Libor
                                                    specialista na fotografov叩n鱈 pod vodou z炭astnil
has taken part in several foreign projects
                                                    ady zahranin鱈ch projekt哲 a expedic. Zku邸enosti
and expeditions. His experiences and artistic
                                                    a tvorbu z tohoto obdob鱈 odr叩転鱈 rozs叩hl箪
work from this period are reflected in an
                                                    fotografick箪 soubor Underwater Life, zamen箪
extensive photography collection entitled
                                                    pev叩転n na makrofotografii, kter箪 neust叩le
Underwater Life, which focuses mainly on
                                                    roz邸iuje o dal邸鱈 炭lovky z cest. Jako fotograf z鱈skal
macro photography, and which he constantly
                                                    nkolik ocenn鱈 a nominac鱈 vmezin叩rodn鱈ch
expands with new work from his travels. As
                                                    sout転鱈ch.Ve filmov箪ch projektech Escape to
a photographer, he has received many awards
                                                    Nature zast叩v叩 Libor roli re転is辿ra a hlavn鱈ho
and nominations in international competitions.
                                                    kameramana.V r叩mci postprodukce zaji邸泥uje
In the Escape to Nature film projects, he holds
                                                    炭pravu fotografi鱈, stih a efekty film哲.
the role of director and director of photography.
He also does photographic retouching, film
                                                    Krom vlastn鱈ch projekt哲 Libor spolupracuje jako
editing and effects in postproduction.
                                                    kameraman pro jin辿 produkce, mimo jin辿 pro
                                                    eskou televizi.
In addition to his own projects, Libor works
as a cameraman for other producers, including
Czech Television.
                                                                                                            WWW   . E S C A P E T O N AT U R E . E U
Petra Dole転alov叩
                                           Petra Dole転alov叩 studied economics in the
                                           Czech Republic and Media Relations in
                                           California. She combined her interests as a
                                           photographer and traveller with her profession
                                           as a publicist. She has been dedicated to
                                                                                             Vystudovala ekonomii v ech叩ch a Media
                                           production of prestigious magazines for twelve
                                                                                             Relations v Kalifornii. Coby fotografka
                                           years and Public Relations for Volvo Auto
                                                                                             a cestovatelka propojila sv辿 z叩jmy s publicistikou
                                           Czech. She first presented her artistic work
                                                                                             p鱈mo ve sv辿 profesi. Dvan叩ct箪m rokem se vnuje
                                           to the public in the multimedia exhibition,
                                                                                             kompletn鱈 produkci presti転n鱈ch asopis哲 a zaji邸泥uje
                                           Touch of the North at one of the famous
                                                                                             Public Relations pro automobilku Volvo. Svou
                                           Prague galleries. She has also published a book
                                                                                             volnou tvorbu poprv辿 pedstavila veejnosti na
                                           of the same name in which she gave additional
                                                                                             multimedi叩ln鱈 v箪stav Doteky Severu vpra転sk辿
                                           flavour to the photographs with her own poetry
                                                                                             galerii Karolinum. Pod stejn箪m n叩zvem vydala
                                           and travel stories. Through her landscape
                                                                                             i knihu, v n鱈転 sn鱈mky zp鱈rody a 転ivota obyvatel
                                           compositions she looks for the connection with
                                                                                             Norska a Islandu okoenila vlastn鱈 poezi鱈
                                           nature and her message to all people. Petra
                                                                                             a p鱈bhy z cest.Ve sv箪ch krajinn箪ch kompozic鱈ch
                                           has held several successful exhibitions. Her
                                                                                             hled叩 cesty pibl鱈転en鱈 k p鱈rod a jej鱈mu poselstv鱈,
                                           photography and stories from various corners
                                                                                             je転 posiluje, l辿鱈 a vn叩邸鱈 klid do du邸e. Petra m叩 za
                                           of the world have been published many times
                                                                                             sebou nkolik 炭sp邸n箪ch v箪stav. Jej鱈 fotografie
                                           both in the Czech Republic and abroad. In the
                                                                                             a p鱈bhy z r哲zn箪ch kout哲 svta byly mnohokr叩t
                                           film project Escape to Nature she is devoted
                                                                                             publikov叩ny u n叩s i v zahrani鱈.Ve filmov箪ch
                                           mainly to photography, script, commentary,
                                                                                             projektech Escape to Nature se vnuje pev叩転n
                                           and production.
                                                                                             fotografii, sc辿n叩i, koment叩i a produkci.
                                           Petra and Libor have joined their experiences
                                                                                             Petra a Libor ve sv辿 pr叩ci spojili zku邸enosti
                                           of underwater, landscape, artistic and travel
                                                                                             z podvodn鱈, krajin叩sk辿, umleck辿 i report叩転n鱈
                                           photography in their work and together
                                                                                             fotografie sobratnost鱈 mluven辿ho i psan辿ho
                                           with film they can cover the work of
                                                                                             slova, a spolen tak obs叩hnou pr叩ci
                                           a multimember team.
                                                                                             mnoholenn箪ch t箪m哲.

WWW   . E S C A P E T O N AT U R E . E U
Escape to nature
Escape to nature
Escape to nature
Escape to nature
Escape to Mauritius
Mark Twain once wrote that Mauritius was
created as a model of Heaven. And that was
without having any idea of what was hidden
in the depths around the island. A couple of
adventurers Petra and Libor discover surprising
similarities between the unexplored underwater
world and the life of this exceptionally tolerant     tk na Mauricius
nation and the nature. On the background
of this technically and physically demanding
expedition, the picture unveils the colorfulness
                                                      Mark Twain o ostrov Mauricius napsal,
of the underwater world, its rules and strange
                                                      転e vznikl jako bo転鱈 pedloha pro R叩j. A to
symbioses of which Petra and Libor themselves
                                                      ani netu邸il, co ukr箪v叩 vokoln鱈ch hlubin叩ch.
become a part during their night dives. The
                                                      Dvojice dobrodruh哲 objevuje pekvapiv辿 paralely
story is woven around the most famous legend
                                                      neprob叩dan辿ho oce叩nu s 転ivotem v箪jimen
of the island, the mysterious appearance of
                                                      tolerantn鱈ho multikulturn鱈ho n叩roda i pozemskou
a beautiful girl under the sea. Is it just a legend
                                                      p鱈rodou. Na pozad鱈 technicky i fyzicky n叩ron辿
or a fact? In situations of altered mind states
                                                      v箪pravy sn鱈mek odhaluje pestrost podmosk辿ho
which can be induced by diving, one can
                                                      svta, jeho pravidla i podivn辿 symbi坦zy, jejich転
experience images which fill in the mosaic                                                               D辿lka/Running time: 50 min
                                                      sou叩st鱈 se Petra sLiborem bhem non鱈ch ponor哲
of life. Are we really alone here? Into how
                                                      sami st叩vaj鱈. P鱈bh prov叩z鱈 z叩hadn辿 zjeven鱈
many worlds do we manage to steal a look?
                                                      d鱈vky pod hladinou, o nm転 hovo鱈 nejzn叩mj邸鱈
                                                      legenda ostrova. Je to v邸ak pouh箪 m箪tus, nebo
                                                      skutenost? Vsituac鱈ch pozmnn辿ho vdom鱈,
                                                      k nmu転 m哲転e pod hladinou doj鱈t, se n叩m
                                                      zjevuj鱈 obrazy dokresluj鱈c鱈 mozaiku 転ivota.
                                                      Jsme tu skuten sami? Do kolika svt哲
                                                      dok叩転eme nahl辿dnout?

                                                                                                         WWW   . E S C A P E T O N AT U R E . E U
Escape to Tahiti and Her
                                           Islands (2011)
                                                                                                tk na Tahiti a jeho
                                           The second from the Escape to Nature series
                                           of travelogue documentaries offers an unusual
                                                                                                ostrovy (2011)
                                           view of another one of the most beautiful places
                                                                                                Druh箪 ze s辿rie cestopisn箪ch dokument哲Escape
                                           on Earth; the Society Islands of French Polynesia.
                                                                                                to Nature nab鱈z鱈 nev邸edn鱈 pohled na dal邸鱈
                                           What do the islands, which already two hundred
                                                                                                znejkr叩snj邸鱈ch m鱈st na Zemi  Spoleensk辿 ostrovy
                                           years ago were renowned for their spellbinding
                                                                                                Francouzsk辿 Polyn辿sie. Jak叩 je dne邸n鱈 podoba
                                           nature, magic rituals and dances full of unbound
                                                                                                ostrov哲, kter辿 se ji転 ped dvma stalet鱈mi proslavily
                                           passion, look like today? Do the mysterious
                                                                                                炭chvatnou p鱈rodou, magick箪mi ritu叩ly a tancem
                                           rituals exist in the 21st century or are they but
                                                                                                pln箪m nespoutan辿 v叩邸n? Existuj鱈 tajupln辿 obady
                                           shows for the tourists? Have the natives retained
                                                                                                i v 21. stolet鱈, nebo jsou to pouh叩 pedstaven鱈
                                           their connection with the nature which has been
                                                                                                pro turisty?Zachovali si m鱈stn鱈 obyvatel辿
                                           to them the source of deep understanding for
                                                                                                vztah k p鱈rod, z n鱈転 po stalet鱈 erpali hlubok辿
                                           centuries? The fabric of stories experienced by
                                                                                                pozn叩n鱈? Nitky souvislost鱈 protk叩vaj鱈 cesty tv哲rc哲
                                           the creators of the Escape is interwoven with
                                                                                                tkunejen na sou邸i, ale i pod hladinou oce叩nu.
                                           threads of interconnectedness and accompanied
                                                                                                Bl鱈zk叩 setk叩n鱈 se 転raloky,nejvt邸鱈mi mosk箪mi
                                           by pictures taken both on land and under
                                                                                                pred叩tory, bo鱈 m箪ty o krvelan箪ch tvorech a div叩k
                                           the sea. An exciting meeting with intelligent
                                                                                                jejich fantastick辿 schopnosti pozn叩v叩 v炭zk辿 vazb
                                           sharks brings doubts into the myth about blood
                                                                                                napocity tv哲rc哲 bhem samotn辿ho nat叩en鱈.
D辿lka/Running time: 52:16 min              thirsty predators and the documentary depicts
                                                                                                Osudy mosk箪ch 転elv a jedinc哲, kte鱈 usiluj鱈 o jejich
                                           unforgettable moments from the first encounters
                                                                                                ochranu, spolu s poetick箪mi z叩bry podmosk辿ho
                                           with these masters of the deep. A number
                                                                                                svta vedou kpochopen鱈 kehk辿 prov叩zanosti
                                           of side topics support the pivotal idea of the
                                                                                                cel辿ho ekosyst辿mu. tk na Tahiti prov叩z鱈 div叩ka
                                           documentary and speak to a broad section of the
                                                                                                nen叩siln, ale pesto nal辿havpi pokorn辿m vstupu
                                           audience. Escape to Tahiti takes a viewer gently
                                                                                                do n叩dhern辿ho chr叩mu matky p鱈rody.
                                           yet firmly through the respectful visit of the
                                           beautiful temple of Mother Nature.
                                                                                                Film vznikl na ostrovech Francouzsk辿 Polyn辿sie
                                                                                                (Spoleensk辿 ostrovy  Tahiti, Moorea, Raiatea,
                                           The filming took place in French Polynesia
                                                                                                Tahaa, Huahine, Maupiti, Bora Bora).
                                           (islands Tahiti, Moorea, Raiatea, Tahaa,
WWW   . E S C A P E T O N AT U R E . E U   Huahine, Maupiti, Bora Bora).
Escape to nature
Escape to nature
Escape to St. Lucia
It is said that St. Lucia, with its magical double
peaks located in the Lesser Antilles, is a pearl
among the Caribbean islands. But its not only
its sandy beaches, the most beautiful volcanic
formations in the entire Caribbean, the rain
forests with their rare fauna, and the rich
coral reefs thats worth discovering. The most
powerful places and experiences are connected
with the stories of those who have chosen to
                                                     tk na Svatou Lucii
make their dreams a reality here. One of these       (2013)
is local diving instructor Viktor, who holds the
world record in number of dives. He has spent        O Svat辿 Lucii smagick箪m dvojvrcholem Mal箪ch
over seven years underwater, earning him the         Antil se tvrd鱈, 転e je perlou mezi karibsk箪mi
nickname the living submarine. This film           ostrovy. Ale nejsou to jen p鱈sit辿 pl叩転e, nejkr叩snj邸鱈
also captures that which is hidden behind the        sopen辿 炭tvary cel辿ho Karibiku, de邸tn箪 prales se
boundary of perfection that ordinary visitors      vz叩cn箪mi 転ivoichy a bohat辿 kor叩lov辿 炭tesy,
do not see. Petra and Libor are your guides          co stoj鱈 za pozn叩n鱈. Ta nejsilnj邸鱈 m鱈sta a z叩転itky
both above and below the waters surface,            jsou spojeny sp鱈bhy tch, kte鱈 se tu rozhodli d叩t
sharing their feelings and experiences with the      sv箪m sn哲m konkr辿tn鱈 podobu. Jedn鱈m znich je             D辿lka/Running time: 52:30 min
viewers during their remarkable encounters.          i m鱈stn鱈 instruktor pot叩pn鱈 Viktor, kter箪 je
                                                     dr転itelem svtov辿ho rekordu vpotu ponor哲.
                                                     Pod vodou str叩vil u転 v鱈ce ne転 sedm let a z鱈skal
                                                     pezd鱈vku lidsk叩 ponorka. Dokument zachycuje
                                                     i to, co se skr箪v叩 za hranicemi dokonalosti
                                                     vn鱈man辿 obyejn箪mi n叩v邸tvn鱈ky. Petra
                                                     sLiborem jsou souasn pr哲vodci na sou邸i
                                                     i pod vodn鱈 hladinou a sv辿 z叩転itky a pocity
                                                     zpozoruhodn箪ch setk叩n鱈 ped叩vaj鱈 div叩kovi.

                                                                                                              WWW   . E S C A P E T O N AT U R E . E U
Escape to Mauritius:
                                                                       - TOURFILM, Brazil (2011)  Silver Arara in the category Nautical
                                                                       - GO Kamera, Czech Republic (2010)  3rd prize for Best
                                                                         Documentary Film
                                                                       - Falstaff International Film Festival, UK (2009)  nominated for
                                                                         Best International Documentary
                                                                       - Fifth Film Art & Tourism Festival in Pock, Poland (2010)  Special
                                                                         Jury award Best Underwater Photography and Best Underwater
                                                                       - 42nd International Film Festival on Tourism Films TOURFILM
Awards                                                                   in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic (2009)  2nd place in the category
                                                                         TV Films

Escape to Tahiti and Her Islands:                                      Escape to Mauritius and Escape to Tahiti
- 44th TOURFILM in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic (2011)                and Her Islands:
  1st prize in the category TV Documentaries
- International Tourism Film Festival in Barcelos, Portugal (2011)    - The 15th International Film Festival on Art, Ecology and Tourism at
  1st prize in the category Nautical Tourism and Water Activities        C但mpulung Muscel, Romania (2011)  Best Producer
- International Film Festival SILAFEST 2011, Serbia  The Blue
  Danube award for Best Tourist Reportage                           Underwater Opera
- XXXI. International Film Festival Autumn in Voronet (2011)         - U/W DIGITAL VIDEO, Underwater Video Contest, (UK 2009) 
  in Gura Humorului, Romania  1st prize in the category                 The Underwater Video OSKAR
  Documentary Film
- 15th International Underwater Film Festival in Belgrade, Serbia      The Forest and Water
  (2011)  Special Jury Mention
- 1th International Film Festival  Finisterra Arr叩bida FilmArt &      - 7th Film Art & Tourism Festival in Warsaw, Poland (2012) 
  Tourism Festival in Portugal (2012)  Best Documentary               Best Film in the category Nature
  in the category Diving                                             - 19th Tour Region Film 2012 in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
- Zagreb TOURFILM Festival  3rd prize in the category Best TV          (2012)  PRIX JURY
  Documentary (2012)                                                  - International Tourism Film Festival Barcelos, Portugal (2012) 
                                                                         2nd prize in the category Ecology and Biodiversity
WWW   . E S C A P E T O N AT U R E . E U
tk na Tahiti a jeho ostrovy
- 44. Mezin叩rodn鱈 filmov箪 festival Tourfilm v Karlov箪ch Varech,
  esk叩 republika (2011)  1. m鱈sto v kategorii Televizn鱈 cestovatelsk辿
- Mezin叩rodn鱈 filmov箪 festival ART&TUR 2011, Portugalsko (2011) 
  1. m鱈sto v kategorii Nautical Tourism and Water Activities
- Mezin叩rodn鱈 festival turistick箪ch a ekologick箪ch film哲 SILAFEST,
  Srbsko (2011)  cena Modr箪 Dunaj za nejlep邸鱈 turistick箪 film
- XXXI. Mezin叩rodn鱈 filmov箪 festival Autumn in Voronet v Gura            tk na Mauricius a tk na Tahiti a jeho ostrovy
  Humorului, Rumunsko (2011)  1. m鱈sto v kategorii Dokument叩rn鱈 film
- 15. Mezin叩rodn鱈 festival podvodn鱈ch film哲 v Blehrad, Serbia (2011)    - 15. Mezin叩rodn鱈 filmov箪 festival o umn鱈, ekologii a cestovn鱈m ruchu
  zvl叩邸tn鱈 cena poroty                                                       v C但mpulung Muscel, Rumunsko (2011)  cena za nejlep邸鱈 produkci
- FINISTERRIA ARRBIDA Film Art & Tourism Festival, Portugalsko 
  1. cena v kategorii Pot叩pn鱈 a vodn鱈 sporty                            Podmosk叩 opera
- Mezin叩rodn鱈 filmov箪 festival v Z叩hebu, Chorvatsko (2012)               - U/W DIGITAL VIDEO,Velk叩 Brit叩nie (2009)  Oscar podmosk辿ho
  3. cena v kategorii Nejlep邸鱈 TV dokument                                   filmu  Zlat叩 medaile v kategorii Nejlep邸鱈 kr叩tk箪 dokument

tk na Mauricius                                                          O lese a vod
- TOURFILM, Braz鱈lie (2011)  2. m鱈sto v kategorii Nautical Tourism        - Mezin叩rodn鱈 filmov箪 festival FilmAT, Polsko (2012)  Nejlep邸鱈 film
- GO Kamera, esk叩 republika (2010)  3. m鱈sto v kategorii Nejlep邸鱈 film     v kategorii P鱈roda
- Mezin叩rodn鱈 filmov箪 festival Falstaff, Velk叩 Brit叩nie (2009)            - Tour Region Film v Karlov箪ch Varech, esk叩 republika (2012) 
  nominace v kategorii Nejlep邸鱈 mezin叩rodn鱈 dokument                         PRIX JUR   Y
- 5. Mezin叩rodn鱈 filmov箪 festival FilmAT, Polsko (2010)  zvl叩邸tn鱈 cena    - Mezin叩rodn鱈 filmov箪 festival ART&TUR v Portugalsku (2012) 
  poroty za vynikaj鱈c鱈 podvodn鱈 kameru a cena za nejlep邸鱈 podvodn鱈 film      2. m鱈sto v kategorii Ekologie a Biodiversita
- 42. Mezin叩rodn鱈 filmov箪 festival Tourfilm v Karlov箪ch Varech,
  esk叩 republika (2009)  2. m鱈sto v kategorii Televizn鱈 cestovatelsk辿

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Escape to nature

  • 1. Photography & film production
  • 2. It appeared alongside me the very moment I swam out of an old wreck. A stingray, and the same one that had recently pierced the heart of the famous Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin, with its barb. I carefully film its curious eye and graceful body movements, as closely as it lets me get. We swim alongside each other for a few endless minutes, clearly fascinated with one another.
  • 3. Vynoil se vedle m pr叩v v okam転iku, kdy転 jsem vyplouval z炭trob star辿ho vraku. Rejnok, a zrovna ten, kter箪 ned叩vno za泥al sv哲j osten do srdce slavn辿ho ,lovce krokod箪l哲 Steva Irwina. Opatrn nat叩鱈m jeho zvdav辿 oko a ladn辿 pohyby tla, jak bl鱈zko mi jen dovol鱈. Plaveme vedle sebe nekonen辿 minuty, zjevn fascinov叩ni jeden druh箪m.
  • 5. Fascinace Pitahuj鱈 n叩s jako magnet. M鱈sta ukryt叩 vhlubin叩ch oce叩n哲, uprosted bujn箪ch prales哲 i v nebezpen箪ch v箪邸in叩ch nad neos鱈dlen箪mi kouty Zem. Oblasti, kter辿 jsou n叩m dnes d鱈ky vyspl辿 technice st叩le v鱈ce p鱈stupn辿. Nesm鱈me v邸ak ani na vteinu zapomenout, 転e jsme tu, stejn Fascination jako p鱈roda kolem, snadno zraniteln箪mi n叩v邸tvn鱈ky. Prahneme zachytit ka転d箪 moment nepoznan辿 kr叩sy, kter叩 by nemla pominout. Zka転d辿ho They attract us like magnets. Places in the hidden depths of the na邸eho 炭tku na nejkr叩snj邸鱈 m鱈sta planety ped叩v叩me tyto z叩転itky d叩l oceans, amidst lush forests and at dangerous altitudes above prostednictv鱈m fotografi鱈, film哲 a p鱈bh哲. uninhabited corners of the Earth. Thanks to advanced technology, these are regions that are more and more accessible. But we cannot forget for a second that, just like the nature that surrounds us, we are extremely vulnerable visitors. We yearn to capture every moment of unknown beauty that should not be ignored. From every one of our escapes to the most beautiful places on the planet, we pass these experiences on with photographs, films and stories. WWW . E S C A P E T O N AT U R E . E U
  • 9. We are here for you In the framework of the Escape to Nature project, we have finished the first four worldwide awarded documentaries Escape to Mauritius, Escape to Tahiti and Her Islands, Escape to Saint Lucia and a documentary devoted to the Krkonose Mountains National Park, Forest and Water. The project itself focuses on Jsme tu pro v叩s the most beautiful places on Earth, not only on the diversity and colorfulness of the undersea world, but also on environmental and V r叩mci projektu Escape to Nature vznikly celosvtov ocenn辿 dokumenty observation projects of marine wildlife, nature protection, history, tk na Mauricius, tk na Tahiti a jeho ostrovy, tk na Svatou Lucii natives, and ancient customs on land and in the sea. a tak辿 film O lese a vod vnovan箪 Krkono邸sk辿mu n叩rodn鱈mu parku. Sna転鱈me se zachytit nejzaj鱈mavj邸鱈 m鱈sta na Zemi sd哲razem na pestrost The worldwide distribution of our documentaries to television podmosk辿ho svta, historii a 転ivot p哲vodn鱈ch obyvatel a jejich ritu叩ly networks, as well as DVDs , BluRays and online videos in various spojen辿 se sou邸鱈 i smoem.Vna邸em hled叩ku je asto tak辿 ochrana p鱈rody distribution channels plus a great variety of photography for press a programy pro zachov叩n鱈 rozlin箪ch 転ivoi邸n箪ch druh哲. and promotional activities offer a unique opportunity for country tourism promotion, resorts, national parks, charters and companies. Na邸e filmy, uren辿 k distribuci pro televizn鱈 stanice a kina, DVD, BluRay a online videa, spolen svelk箪m mno転stv鱈m fotografi鱈 a propagan鱈 There are moments that should not be missed. innost鱈 nab鱈zej鱈 jedinenou p鱈le転itost k propagaci cestovn鱈ho ruchu, resort哲, n叩rodn鱈ch park哲, charter哲 a dal邸鱈ch spolenost鱈. Jsou okam転iky, kter辿 by nemly pominout. WWW . E S C A P E T O N AT U R E . E U
  • 11. Libor paek Documentary film director, cameraman, professional photographer, member of the Czech Association of Professional Re転is辿r dokument叩rn鱈ch film哲, kameraman, Photographers (AFCR), scuba diving profesion叩ln鱈 fotograf, len Asociace profesion叩ln鱈ch instructor and sea captain, Libor studied fotograf哲 (AF), instruktor pot叩pn鱈 a n叩mon鱈 photography in New York City in the late 1990s kapit叩n. Na konci devades叩t箪ch let studoval and soon afterwards became established in the v New Yorku fotografii a brzy pot辿 se prosadil field of advertising which he broke into with i na poli reklamy, kam pronikl se sv箪m netradin鱈m his original approach to art nudes. He began pojet鱈m umleck箪ch akt哲. Kivky 転ensk辿ho tla to capture the curves of the female body under toti転 zaal zachycovat pod vodn鱈 hladinou. water, leading to his most famous collection Tak vznikla jeho nejzn叩mj邸鱈 kolekce z voln辿 of work Underwater Fine Art Nudes. As tvorby Underwater Fine Art Nudes. Libor se jako an underwater photography specialist, Libor specialista na fotografov叩n鱈 pod vodou z炭astnil has taken part in several foreign projects ady zahranin鱈ch projekt哲 a expedic. Zku邸enosti and expeditions. His experiences and artistic a tvorbu z tohoto obdob鱈 odr叩転鱈 rozs叩hl箪 work from this period are reflected in an fotografick箪 soubor Underwater Life, zamen箪 extensive photography collection entitled pev叩転n na makrofotografii, kter箪 neust叩le Underwater Life, which focuses mainly on roz邸iuje o dal邸鱈 炭lovky z cest. Jako fotograf z鱈skal macro photography, and which he constantly nkolik ocenn鱈 a nominac鱈 vmezin叩rodn鱈ch expands with new work from his travels. As sout転鱈ch.Ve filmov箪ch projektech Escape to a photographer, he has received many awards Nature zast叩v叩 Libor roli re転is辿ra a hlavn鱈ho and nominations in international competitions. kameramana.V r叩mci postprodukce zaji邸泥uje In the Escape to Nature film projects, he holds 炭pravu fotografi鱈, stih a efekty film哲. the role of director and director of photography. He also does photographic retouching, film Krom vlastn鱈ch projekt哲 Libor spolupracuje jako editing and effects in postproduction. kameraman pro jin辿 produkce, mimo jin辿 pro eskou televizi. In addition to his own projects, Libor works as a cameraman for other producers, including Czech Television. WWW . E S C A P E T O N AT U R E . E U
  • 12. Petra Dole転alov叩 Petra Dole転alov叩 studied economics in the Czech Republic and Media Relations in California. She combined her interests as a photographer and traveller with her profession as a publicist. She has been dedicated to Vystudovala ekonomii v ech叩ch a Media production of prestigious magazines for twelve Relations v Kalifornii. Coby fotografka years and Public Relations for Volvo Auto a cestovatelka propojila sv辿 z叩jmy s publicistikou Czech. She first presented her artistic work p鱈mo ve sv辿 profesi. Dvan叩ct箪m rokem se vnuje to the public in the multimedia exhibition, kompletn鱈 produkci presti転n鱈ch asopis哲 a zaji邸泥uje Touch of the North at one of the famous Public Relations pro automobilku Volvo. Svou Prague galleries. She has also published a book volnou tvorbu poprv辿 pedstavila veejnosti na of the same name in which she gave additional multimedi叩ln鱈 v箪stav Doteky Severu vpra転sk辿 flavour to the photographs with her own poetry galerii Karolinum. Pod stejn箪m n叩zvem vydala and travel stories. Through her landscape i knihu, v n鱈転 sn鱈mky zp鱈rody a 転ivota obyvatel compositions she looks for the connection with Norska a Islandu okoenila vlastn鱈 poezi鱈 nature and her message to all people. Petra a p鱈bhy z cest.Ve sv箪ch krajinn箪ch kompozic鱈ch has held several successful exhibitions. Her hled叩 cesty pibl鱈転en鱈 k p鱈rod a jej鱈mu poselstv鱈, photography and stories from various corners je転 posiluje, l辿鱈 a vn叩邸鱈 klid do du邸e. Petra m叩 za of the world have been published many times sebou nkolik 炭sp邸n箪ch v箪stav. Jej鱈 fotografie both in the Czech Republic and abroad. In the a p鱈bhy z r哲zn箪ch kout哲 svta byly mnohokr叩t film project Escape to Nature she is devoted publikov叩ny u n叩s i v zahrani鱈.Ve filmov箪ch mainly to photography, script, commentary, projektech Escape to Nature se vnuje pev叩転n and production. fotografii, sc辿n叩i, koment叩i a produkci. Petra and Libor have joined their experiences Petra a Libor ve sv辿 pr叩ci spojili zku邸enosti of underwater, landscape, artistic and travel z podvodn鱈, krajin叩sk辿, umleck辿 i report叩転n鱈 photography in their work and together fotografie sobratnost鱈 mluven辿ho i psan辿ho with film they can cover the work of slova, a spolen tak obs叩hnou pr叩ci a multimember team. mnoholenn箪ch t箪m哲. WWW . E S C A P E T O N AT U R E . E U
  • 17. Escape to Mauritius (2009) Mark Twain once wrote that Mauritius was created as a model of Heaven. And that was without having any idea of what was hidden in the depths around the island. A couple of adventurers Petra and Libor discover surprising similarities between the unexplored underwater world and the life of this exceptionally tolerant tk na Mauricius nation and the nature. On the background of this technically and physically demanding (2009) expedition, the picture unveils the colorfulness Mark Twain o ostrov Mauricius napsal, of the underwater world, its rules and strange 転e vznikl jako bo転鱈 pedloha pro R叩j. A to symbioses of which Petra and Libor themselves ani netu邸il, co ukr箪v叩 vokoln鱈ch hlubin叩ch. become a part during their night dives. The Dvojice dobrodruh哲 objevuje pekvapiv辿 paralely story is woven around the most famous legend neprob叩dan辿ho oce叩nu s 転ivotem v箪jimen of the island, the mysterious appearance of tolerantn鱈ho multikulturn鱈ho n叩roda i pozemskou a beautiful girl under the sea. Is it just a legend p鱈rodou. Na pozad鱈 technicky i fyzicky n叩ron辿 or a fact? In situations of altered mind states v箪pravy sn鱈mek odhaluje pestrost podmosk辿ho which can be induced by diving, one can svta, jeho pravidla i podivn辿 symbi坦zy, jejich転 experience images which fill in the mosaic D辿lka/Running time: 50 min sou叩st鱈 se Petra sLiborem bhem non鱈ch ponor哲 of life. Are we really alone here? Into how sami st叩vaj鱈. P鱈bh prov叩z鱈 z叩hadn辿 zjeven鱈 many worlds do we manage to steal a look? d鱈vky pod hladinou, o nm転 hovo鱈 nejzn叩mj邸鱈 legenda ostrova. Je to v邸ak pouh箪 m箪tus, nebo skutenost? Vsituac鱈ch pozmnn辿ho vdom鱈, k nmu転 m哲転e pod hladinou doj鱈t, se n叩m zjevuj鱈 obrazy dokresluj鱈c鱈 mozaiku 転ivota. Jsme tu skuten sami? Do kolika svt哲 dok叩転eme nahl辿dnout? WWW . E S C A P E T O N AT U R E . E U
  • 18. Escape to Tahiti and Her Islands (2011) tk na Tahiti a jeho The second from the Escape to Nature series of travelogue documentaries offers an unusual ostrovy (2011) view of another one of the most beautiful places Druh箪 ze s辿rie cestopisn箪ch dokument哲Escape on Earth; the Society Islands of French Polynesia. to Nature nab鱈z鱈 nev邸edn鱈 pohled na dal邸鱈 What do the islands, which already two hundred znejkr叩snj邸鱈ch m鱈st na Zemi Spoleensk辿 ostrovy years ago were renowned for their spellbinding Francouzsk辿 Polyn辿sie. Jak叩 je dne邸n鱈 podoba nature, magic rituals and dances full of unbound ostrov哲, kter辿 se ji転 ped dvma stalet鱈mi proslavily passion, look like today? Do the mysterious 炭chvatnou p鱈rodou, magick箪mi ritu叩ly a tancem rituals exist in the 21st century or are they but pln箪m nespoutan辿 v叩邸n? Existuj鱈 tajupln辿 obady shows for the tourists? Have the natives retained i v 21. stolet鱈, nebo jsou to pouh叩 pedstaven鱈 their connection with the nature which has been pro turisty?Zachovali si m鱈stn鱈 obyvatel辿 to them the source of deep understanding for vztah k p鱈rod, z n鱈転 po stalet鱈 erpali hlubok辿 centuries? The fabric of stories experienced by pozn叩n鱈? Nitky souvislost鱈 protk叩vaj鱈 cesty tv哲rc哲 the creators of the Escape is interwoven with tkunejen na sou邸i, ale i pod hladinou oce叩nu. threads of interconnectedness and accompanied Bl鱈zk叩 setk叩n鱈 se 転raloky,nejvt邸鱈mi mosk箪mi by pictures taken both on land and under pred叩tory, bo鱈 m箪ty o krvelan箪ch tvorech a div叩k the sea. An exciting meeting with intelligent jejich fantastick辿 schopnosti pozn叩v叩 v炭zk辿 vazb sharks brings doubts into the myth about blood napocity tv哲rc哲 bhem samotn辿ho nat叩en鱈. D辿lka/Running time: 52:16 min thirsty predators and the documentary depicts Osudy mosk箪ch 転elv a jedinc哲, kte鱈 usiluj鱈 o jejich unforgettable moments from the first encounters ochranu, spolu s poetick箪mi z叩bry podmosk辿ho with these masters of the deep. A number svta vedou kpochopen鱈 kehk辿 prov叩zanosti of side topics support the pivotal idea of the cel辿ho ekosyst辿mu. tk na Tahiti prov叩z鱈 div叩ka documentary and speak to a broad section of the nen叩siln, ale pesto nal辿havpi pokorn辿m vstupu audience. Escape to Tahiti takes a viewer gently do n叩dhern辿ho chr叩mu matky p鱈rody. yet firmly through the respectful visit of the beautiful temple of Mother Nature. Film vznikl na ostrovech Francouzsk辿 Polyn辿sie (Spoleensk辿 ostrovy Tahiti, Moorea, Raiatea, The filming took place in French Polynesia Tahaa, Huahine, Maupiti, Bora Bora). (islands Tahiti, Moorea, Raiatea, Tahaa, WWW . E S C A P E T O N AT U R E . E U Huahine, Maupiti, Bora Bora).
  • 21. Escape to St. Lucia (2013) It is said that St. Lucia, with its magical double peaks located in the Lesser Antilles, is a pearl among the Caribbean islands. But its not only its sandy beaches, the most beautiful volcanic formations in the entire Caribbean, the rain forests with their rare fauna, and the rich coral reefs thats worth discovering. The most powerful places and experiences are connected with the stories of those who have chosen to tk na Svatou Lucii make their dreams a reality here. One of these (2013) is local diving instructor Viktor, who holds the world record in number of dives. He has spent O Svat辿 Lucii smagick箪m dvojvrcholem Mal箪ch over seven years underwater, earning him the Antil se tvrd鱈, 転e je perlou mezi karibsk箪mi nickname the living submarine. This film ostrovy. Ale nejsou to jen p鱈sit辿 pl叩転e, nejkr叩snj邸鱈 also captures that which is hidden behind the sopen辿 炭tvary cel辿ho Karibiku, de邸tn箪 prales se boundary of perfection that ordinary visitors vz叩cn箪mi 転ivoichy a bohat辿 kor叩lov辿 炭tesy, do not see. Petra and Libor are your guides co stoj鱈 za pozn叩n鱈. Ta nejsilnj邸鱈 m鱈sta a z叩転itky both above and below the waters surface, jsou spojeny sp鱈bhy tch, kte鱈 se tu rozhodli d叩t sharing their feelings and experiences with the sv箪m sn哲m konkr辿tn鱈 podobu. Jedn鱈m znich je D辿lka/Running time: 52:30 min viewers during their remarkable encounters. i m鱈stn鱈 instruktor pot叩pn鱈 Viktor, kter箪 je dr転itelem svtov辿ho rekordu vpotu ponor哲. Pod vodou str叩vil u転 v鱈ce ne転 sedm let a z鱈skal pezd鱈vku lidsk叩 ponorka. Dokument zachycuje i to, co se skr箪v叩 za hranicemi dokonalosti vn鱈man辿 obyejn箪mi n叩v邸tvn鱈ky. Petra sLiborem jsou souasn pr哲vodci na sou邸i i pod vodn鱈 hladinou a sv辿 z叩転itky a pocity zpozoruhodn箪ch setk叩n鱈 ped叩vaj鱈 div叩kovi. WWW . E S C A P E T O N AT U R E . E U
  • 22. Escape to Mauritius: - TOURFILM, Brazil (2011) Silver Arara in the category Nautical Tourism - GO Kamera, Czech Republic (2010) 3rd prize for Best Documentary Film - Falstaff International Film Festival, UK (2009) nominated for Best International Documentary - Fifth Film Art & Tourism Festival in Pock, Poland (2010) Special Jury award Best Underwater Photography and Best Underwater Movie - 42nd International Film Festival on Tourism Films TOURFILM Awards in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic (2009) 2nd place in the category TV Films Escape to Tahiti and Her Islands: Escape to Mauritius and Escape to Tahiti - 44th TOURFILM in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic (2011) and Her Islands: 1st prize in the category TV Documentaries - International Tourism Film Festival in Barcelos, Portugal (2011) - The 15th International Film Festival on Art, Ecology and Tourism at 1st prize in the category Nautical Tourism and Water Activities C但mpulung Muscel, Romania (2011) Best Producer - International Film Festival SILAFEST 2011, Serbia The Blue Danube award for Best Tourist Reportage Underwater Opera - XXXI. International Film Festival Autumn in Voronet (2011) - U/W DIGITAL VIDEO, Underwater Video Contest, (UK 2009) in Gura Humorului, Romania 1st prize in the category The Underwater Video OSKAR Documentary Film - 15th International Underwater Film Festival in Belgrade, Serbia The Forest and Water (2011) Special Jury Mention - 1th International Film Festival Finisterra Arr叩bida FilmArt & - 7th Film Art & Tourism Festival in Warsaw, Poland (2012) Tourism Festival in Portugal (2012) Best Documentary Best Film in the category Nature in the category Diving - 19th Tour Region Film 2012 in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic - Zagreb TOURFILM Festival 3rd prize in the category Best TV (2012) PRIX JURY Documentary (2012) - International Tourism Film Festival Barcelos, Portugal (2012) 2nd prize in the category Ecology and Biodiversity WWW . E S C A P E T O N AT U R E . E U
  • 23. Ocenn鱈 tk na Tahiti a jeho ostrovy - 44. Mezin叩rodn鱈 filmov箪 festival Tourfilm v Karlov箪ch Varech, esk叩 republika (2011) 1. m鱈sto v kategorii Televizn鱈 cestovatelsk辿 dokumenty - Mezin叩rodn鱈 filmov箪 festival ART&TUR 2011, Portugalsko (2011) 1. m鱈sto v kategorii Nautical Tourism and Water Activities - Mezin叩rodn鱈 festival turistick箪ch a ekologick箪ch film哲 SILAFEST, Srbsko (2011) cena Modr箪 Dunaj za nejlep邸鱈 turistick箪 film - XXXI. Mezin叩rodn鱈 filmov箪 festival Autumn in Voronet v Gura tk na Mauricius a tk na Tahiti a jeho ostrovy Humorului, Rumunsko (2011) 1. m鱈sto v kategorii Dokument叩rn鱈 film - 15. Mezin叩rodn鱈 festival podvodn鱈ch film哲 v Blehrad, Serbia (2011) - 15. Mezin叩rodn鱈 filmov箪 festival o umn鱈, ekologii a cestovn鱈m ruchu zvl叩邸tn鱈 cena poroty v C但mpulung Muscel, Rumunsko (2011) cena za nejlep邸鱈 produkci - FINISTERRIA ARRBIDA Film Art & Tourism Festival, Portugalsko 1. cena v kategorii Pot叩pn鱈 a vodn鱈 sporty Podmosk叩 opera - Mezin叩rodn鱈 filmov箪 festival v Z叩hebu, Chorvatsko (2012) - U/W DIGITAL VIDEO,Velk叩 Brit叩nie (2009) Oscar podmosk辿ho 3. cena v kategorii Nejlep邸鱈 TV dokument filmu Zlat叩 medaile v kategorii Nejlep邸鱈 kr叩tk箪 dokument tk na Mauricius O lese a vod - TOURFILM, Braz鱈lie (2011) 2. m鱈sto v kategorii Nautical Tourism - Mezin叩rodn鱈 filmov箪 festival FilmAT, Polsko (2012) Nejlep邸鱈 film - GO Kamera, esk叩 republika (2010) 3. m鱈sto v kategorii Nejlep邸鱈 film v kategorii P鱈roda - Mezin叩rodn鱈 filmov箪 festival Falstaff, Velk叩 Brit叩nie (2009) - Tour Region Film v Karlov箪ch Varech, esk叩 republika (2012) nominace v kategorii Nejlep邸鱈 mezin叩rodn鱈 dokument PRIX JUR Y - 5. Mezin叩rodn鱈 filmov箪 festival FilmAT, Polsko (2010) zvl叩邸tn鱈 cena - Mezin叩rodn鱈 filmov箪 festival ART&TUR v Portugalsku (2012) poroty za vynikaj鱈c鱈 podvodn鱈 kameru a cena za nejlep邸鱈 podvodn鱈 film 2. m鱈sto v kategorii Ekologie a Biodiversita - 42. Mezin叩rodn鱈 filmov箪 festival Tourfilm v Karlov箪ch Varech, esk叩 republika (2009) 2. m鱈sto v kategorii Televizn鱈 cestovatelsk辿 dokumenty WWW . E S C A P E T O N AT U R E . E U
  • 24. WWW . E S C A P E T O N AT U R E . E U