e-Sewa is an online payment gateway and digital wallet service in Nepal that allows customers to pay for goods and services via their mobile phones or online. It was founded in 2009 and offers services like sending/receiving money, paying bills, purchasing tickets, and online shopping. e-Sewa works with various merchants, partner banks, and uses security measures like encryption to securely process transactions. Customers can load funds to their e-Sewa wallets via banks or by visiting designated locations, and earn reward points for transactions that can be redeemed for gifts.
2. Inside the Presentation
ï‚ž Introduction
ï‚ž Components
ï‚ž How e-Sewa works
ï‚ž Mission and vision
ï‚ž Services,partners,merchants
ï‚ž Advantage and disadvantage
ï‚ž Database, Scripts and Security
ï‚ž Reward points
ï‚ž SWOT analysis
ï‚ž Fund loading
ï‚ž Earning process
ï‚ž e-Sewa is the online payment gateway of Nepal also known as digital
wallet from where customers can pay,send and receive money from their
mobile phone and internet as well as can be used for several purposed
like paying utility bills,buy bus tickets,airlines tickets,movie tickets,transfer
money from one bank to another.
ï‚ž Founded by Nepali entrepreneurs Himal Niraula & Biswas Dhakal on
ï‚ž Offered by F1 SOFT International pvt.Ltd (An international software
developing company. The Company was duly established in 2004 and has
presence in Nepal, Singapore, Cambodia, India and Bangladesh. )
ï‚ž It has recently been licensed by Nepal Rastra Bank as Payment Service
ï‚ž 1.Customers:
ï‚ž people from all age groups,as they shop are all feasible
customer of esewa. Target is that customers to be at least
young to understand the payment system and its flow.
ï‚ž 2. Merchants :
Goods and services which are up for sales. key role to
perform and eSewa effort to enlist participation in the
system.partner merchants are Ncell, Nepal Telecom, Dish
Home, Buddha Air etc.
ï‚ž 3. Partner Banks:
Behind the scene hold the actual transaction of any payment
process. occur amongst the settlement bank and partner
banks. Partner banks are : Nabil bank, Global IME bank
Everest bank etc.
7. Mission and vision of e-
ï‚ž Mission: To create a cashless economy
ï‚ž Vision: To cover every payment sector
including Small/Big, Dealer/Retail,
ï‚ž Sending and Receiving Money.
ï‚ž Payment of Utility Bills such as electricity bill,
landline bill, water bill etc.
ï‚ž Purchase of Air Tickets and Movie Tickets.
ï‚ž Purchase of Recharge and Calling Cards.
ï‚ž Payment of School and College Bills.
ï‚ž Payment of Internet Service Bills.
9. ï‚ž Subscription of Newspapers and
ï‚ž Payment of Credit Card Bills.
ï‚ž Payment of Insurance bill.
ï‚ž Online shopping such as purchase of
goods and services through
sastodeal.com, purchase of kaspersky
antivirus etc.
ï‚ž Facility of all eSewa services through
mobile phone.
ï‚ž 1. APCA Nepal
ï‚ž 2. BhatBhateniOnline
ï‚ž 3. BIG Movies
ï‚ž 4. Birthday Forest
ï‚ž 5. Broadlink
ï‚ž 6. Buddha Air
ï‚ž 7. Bus Nepal
ï‚ž 8. Classic Tech
ï‚ž 9. Colors Mobile
ï‚ž 10. Dish Home
12. PARTNER Banks
ï‚ž 1. Ace Development Bank Limited
ï‚ž 2. Business Universal Development Bank Limited
ï‚ž 3. Citizens Bank International Limited
ï‚ž 4. Clean Energy Development Bank Limited
ï‚ž 5. Commerz and Trust Bank Nepal Limited
ï‚ž 6. Everest Bank Limited
ï‚ž 7. Global IME Bank Limited
ï‚ž 8. Janata Bank Nepal Limited
ï‚ž 9. Kailash Development Bank Limited
ï‚ž 10. Kist Bank Limited
ï‚ž 11. Kumari Bank Limited
ï‚ž 12. Nepal Bangladesh Bank Limited
13. ï‚ž 13. Nabil Bank Limited
ï‚ž 14. Nepal Credit and Commerce Bank Limited
ï‚ž 15. NIC Asia Nepal Bank Limited
ï‚ž 16. NMB Bank Limited
ï‚ž 17. Prabhu Bikas Bank Limited
ï‚ž 18. Purnima Bikas Bank Limited
ï‚ž 19. Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited
ï‚ž 20. Siddhartha Development Bank Limited
ï‚ž 21. Sunrise Bank Limited
ï‚ž 22. Tinau Development Bank Limited
ï‚ž 23. Tourism Development Bank Limited
ï‚ž 24.Triveni Bikas Bank Limited
ï‚ž 25. Yeti Development Bank Limited
14. Database, Scripts and Security
ï‚ž This site uses SSL(Secure Sockets Layer)
Certificate issued by Verisign ( American company
based). It can encrypt private and confidential
information securely before transmission. It uses a
secure VPN connection while doing transactions
with partner banks accounts. Each and every
transactions are notified to the user via email.
ï‚ž Economical and lower cost
ï‚ž Better customer service
ï‚ž Better comparative analysis
ï‚ž full time service (24 hours)
ï‚ž Safer and easy way to pay
ï‚ž Multiple payment option
ï‚ž Secure flow of transaction details among
buyers, sellers and financial institutions
ï‚ž Facility for customer refund
ï‚ž Technological limitation
ï‚ž Unsuitable for perishable goods
ï‚ž Customer resistance to change
ï‚ž Insufficient telecommunication
ï‚ž Iack of security
17. SWOT Analysis
1. Strength:
ï‚ž eSewa has strong security mechanism.eSewa
uses SSL certificate issued by Verisign.
ï‚ž It can encrypt private and confidential information
securely before transmission.
ï‚ž It uses a secure VPN connection while doing
transaction with partner banks accounts.
ï‚ž Each and every transactions is notified to the user
via email
18. 2.Weakness
ï‚ž Esewa has limited reach.it operates within Nepal
ï‚ž Lack of product reviews
ï‚ž Low competition there is lack of payment gate way
services availabe in nepal .consumers get facilated as
it saves time of the buyers since they don’t have to
rush to the particular business house or stations.
ï‚ž Hackers may steal card numbers.sometimes esewa
also gets incompatible with some web browsers.load
sheeding discourage the customers to pay online
19. Fund loading process
ï‚ž Internet and mobile banking:
You can add funds to your esewa wallet through internet
banking/mobile banking facilities provided by esewa
partner banks.
ï‚ž Request to friends/family
you can request for funds from your friends/family who
is already using esewa .request them to send you some
fund in your esewa account
ï‚ž esewa zone
you can visit to the nearest esewa zone and deposit
cash in your esewa wallet
20. ï‚ž Deposit esewa designated banks
you can visit any of the below mentioned bank and deposit
cash in your esewa wallet
 Prabhu Bank
 Global ime Bank
 Siddhartha Bank
 Janata Bank
 Mahalaxmi Bikas Bank
 Tourism Development Bank
21. How its earn ?????
ï‚ž Esewa is a commison based company.it
receive commisson from its merchants
who want to sell their product and
services and distribute to its customer
as well. There are many merchants
associates with esewa which are
delivering their services to their
customer by paying certain percent to
esewa for selling their services.
22. Reward point
ï‚ž Reward point is the extra value given to
eSewa users when you use eSewa
services. The more you use eSewa
services the more points you can collect in
your account. These points can be
redeemed for gifts, made available by
ï‚ž For the reward points collected in your
eSewa account, you will be able to redeem
your reward points with the following gift