Delhi Public School in Noida hosted a quiz competition between two teams. The quiz consisted of 20 multiple-choice questions to be completed within 30 minutes. No negative marking was applied. Questions were on topics related to technology companies, products, and famous individuals. The competition aimed to test the participants' knowledge of business, science, and popular culture through identifying companies, people, apps, and devices from details provided.
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eSpice v12.0 tech quiz prelims
School Name:
Name of participants: 1.
Rules and regulations:
Quest ions marked wit h a * are t ie breaker quest ions.
Any team found using unfair means will be immediately disqualified
without any review.
The quiz consist s of 20 quest ions and the t ime allot ted to complete the
quiz is 30 minutes.
There is no negat ive marking.
1. X is a cloud computing systems management firm based in Boston, Massachusetts. X was
created in 2012, when founders Dan Belcher and Izzy Azeriformer co-workers from
VMwarecreated the concept based on a survey of companies using AWS and Rackspace.
In May 2014, it was acquired by Google. What is X?
2. Theres a famous director at the end of whose films, theres a message saying, Thanks,
Steve Jobs. The message is also displayed in all the movies produced by his studio, though
in a less prominent way. Identify the director.
3. Two people were talking on the Internet. They were old friends who had met over the Internet
in their teens and had become friends over a conversation on theoretical physics. Both of
them later founded a revolutionary service in the early 21st century. They had had various
video conversations on a Mac before, but this conversation was different. It was in the air.
Identify the app.
4. On January 13, 2014, Google announced plans to acquire the manufacturer of the below
intelligent thermostat for US$3.2 billion. Identify the company.
2. 5. Originally developed for the Apple II computer, this video game franchisee was created
by Jordan Mechner. It went on to become a movie which was released in 2010.
Which one?
6. 'X' is a "democratic" conference of computer enthusiasts. The topics of discussion are
focused on technology and the internet. The first 'X' conference was held in the offices
of Socialtext in Palo Alto, CA in 2005. 'X' arose as an open-to-the-public alternative
to Foo Camp, which is an annual invitation-only participant-driven conference hosted by
Tim O'Reilly. ID X.
7. The economy policy of the Janatha Party, led by Morarji Desai, resulted in a controversy
which resulted in high profile exit of this American multi-national in 1977. It returned
back to India in 1992 as a 50-50 joint venture with Tata, named as Tata Information
Systems Ltd. ID the company.
8. Which search engine is named after a PG Woodhouse literary character?
9. ID the device.
10. * On August 8th, 2014, Yahoo acquired start-up X to bolster local search, adding technology
that makes local recommendations, as the Internet giant seeks to strengthen its offerings
around search. X generates recommendations for local haunts like bars and cafes akin to
how Pandora, the streaming-music service, creates personalized radio stations. It does that
partly by culling information from other local-search services like Foursquare and partly by
looking at places that users liked to generate the kind of "if you liked that, you'll like this"
recommendations that Pandora and movie-streaming service Netflix are known for. Identify X.
11. Only very recently, X, a very famous English Premier League club banned iPads from its
stadium. The famed soccer club cited "security intelligence" in stopping fans from bringing
"large electronic devices" into their stadium, Y. Identify X and Y.
3. 12. X, a former employee of Y, who retired in 2013, still remains on the Board of Directors of Y.
X recently completed a $2 billion purchase of the NBA franchise, Los Angeles Clippers, from
Shelly Sterling, previously owned by disgraced mogul Donald Sterling. Identify X and Y.
13. * What is this equation W=Rv+Cm/v+m?
14. Derived from an ancient fairytale, this term refers to something that is used to navigate your
way through a software application. What is the term? Name the fairytale.
15. Identify this device and its significance.
16. . Name the fictional phone launched by the government of Nova Scotia which features like a
harmonica, projector, coffee mixer and a beard trimmer?
17. Expand LISA.
18. What reflective safety device used in road marking did Percy Shaw invent while driving
one night in 1933?
19. The term was coined by Sir John Seybold and was later popularized by XEROX PARC. It was
originated by a newsletter published by Arlene and Jose Ramos. Bravo, a document
preparation program for the Alto produced at Xerox PARC by Butler Lampson, Charles
Simonyi and colleagues in 1974, is generally considered the first program to incorporate this
technology. What am I describing?
20. * This networking architecture has seven layers which, from top to bottom, are the
Application, Presentation, Session, Transport, Network, Data-Link, and Physical Layers. It is
therefore often referred to as?