The document provides an overview of the esQes project, which aims to help users lose weight while still being able to eat their preferred foods. It works by tracking food intake and activity, analyzing nutritional values, and providing a rewards system using points and challenges to motivate users. The goal is to transfer knowledge about nutrition and exercise to users in a gamified format. Customers for this type of online weight loss and lifestyle coaching service include nutritional experts and the general public dealing with issues like obesity.
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1. Project overview
Love your Life
Date: 20.05.2012
Your food would be your remedy
and your remedy be your food.
esQes | 息 2012 | Seite 1
2. Is it possible to loose weight
and eat fast food?
(It is! You just have to balance it with what you eat during the day)
esQes | 息 2012 | Seite 2
3. How do I loose weight?
ment Tips from Shakes, Pills
Ressourcen- und
Friends inefficient, expensive
Finanzplanung Online Diets
unreliable... ...
Diets dictate my rhytm, they are
not as flexible as I am
Specialised Books
They mean a lot of extra efforts
(Buying special food, cooking) too confusing...
Families has to adapt > two
times cooking!
Preferences are not respected.
(I dont like spinach, but I love too expensive...
broccoli) ? ?
esQes | 息 2012 | Seite 3
4. How do I loose weight?
I need...
Someone who tells me
what is good and what is
wrong. (But I still want to
Story eat my favorite food)
A story to grasp on.
Someting that gives
meaning to my suffering Motivation
Something that helps me
and gives me hints. I cant
! ! make it on my own. Id like
to do it with my friends.
esQes | 息 2012 | Seite 4
5. Eat less calories than you
consume. We tell you what
and how much your body Story Motivation
needs. You will loose
weight. We promise.
(And you can still eat your prefered
We tell you how nutrition
works and what and how much A scoring system tells you where you
you should eat today. We give stand. Solve challenges and little games:
you all the necessary details learn about yourself and your nutrition.
about your habits and how you The more stars you collect, the more
can improve them happier youll be. Stars are the currency
of your luck.
esQes | 息 2012 | Seite 5
6. How does esQes work?
Track your food consumption and
Important! Intuitive input
your sport activity (Consumption and Sport)!
Today I had...
Schnitzel with salad and potatos
Salad with tuna 150 g 1 Portion Lunch
Croissant 100 g 1 Portion Breakfast
Jogging 30 Minutes
Food Database (BLS) from the The BLS contains 10.000
German Max Rubner-Institut and foods and 2000 recipes with
recommendation and guidelines of 138 nutritional values per
the German Nutrition Society (DGE) food/recipe and is easily
esQes | 息 2012 | Seite 6
7. How does esQes work?
Calories Daily Analysis Food Groups
Story 89%
You lie before your daily Grain-
products Meat
calorie need. Look what you
can still eat today tables Fruits
Daily Analysis Nutrional Values 75% 37% 70% 27% 72%
Your need of grain and meat
Fats are in the low area products is optimal today. Eat a
of your daily limit. All Calories little more fruits, vegetables or a
other values are ok for Fats hydrate glass of milk!
today! Proteins
89% 37% 30% 75%
Information Weekly Report
Great! Careful!
Through salad and the jogging Please be aware of your
you lost calories. (-250 cal.)! fiber level. You can find a
For that you get a! yummy source of fiber here:
esQes | 息 2012 | Seite 7
8. How does esQes work?
Motivation 1. Rewardsystem
a) Points that reflects your lost of weight. Ex: the goal is 5 kg less in 10 weeks (9000
calories). 1 Point = 650 Cal. Adapted to the needs of single customers.
Points My Goal Silverstars b) Points that reflects Sports, Knowledge, Prevention and Compliance. Helps to
motivate and to compare with others.
25 -17 17 c) Badges (Nutritional expert, Marathon runner )
2. Challenges/Games
a) Regarding Nutrition and Sports (5 Fruits a day! starts on 12.06.)
Challenge! b) Create your own Challenges and invite your friends
Can you go jogging at least 5 times c) Informational games regarding Nutrition and Sports
during the next two weeks? d) Rankings
You will get 10 !
3. Knowledge transfer
No, thanks! Sure, Ill do it! a) Quiz, Games und Coupons regarding Nutrition and Sport
b) Theme-weeks (Regional Products)
c) Nutritional angels: User with a certain amount of points can counsel other users
and motivate them.
Your friend Pet37 takes part
on the challenge Quiz 2 Create a Challenge
5 Fruits a day. Can you How many calories
has this dish? Title
make it, too? There are 7
to win! Timeframe
No, thanks! Sure, Ill do it! Sports Nutrition Next >
0 1000 2000
esQes | 息 2012 | Seite 8
9. Customers proposition 1: Nutritional Experts
25 Number of
10 Number of
5 responses
who uses a
esQes | 息 2012 | Seite 9
10. Customers proposition 2: Online Service for everybody
In Germany and Austria there are ca. 57 Mio. people suffering overweight and
adipositas. (Data: International Association for the Study of Obesity (IASO)
Bio, light and low calorie products gain market share fast. Austrian nutritional report 2008.
The adjective healthy is for 90% of all consumers a criteria to buy. Bogenreiter (2008)
High costs of the national health services due to obesity.
Especially young people inform themselves about
nutrition on the Internet (15%). Freilasing und Elmadfa (2008)
Change of services Raise of the number of Healthy Nutrition will Gamification will play
from offline to people with obesity or be a hot topic during a major role in the
online/mobile apps. adipositas. the next few years knowledge transfer
esQes | 息 2012 | Seite 10