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Essay on After-School Programs
After School Programs
More parents than ever these days are working outside of the home. This means that when the school bell rings, many children are left unsupervised and with no where to go but an empty house with no supervision. Not only that, but some parents are also struggling to provide adequate after school care. Either they cannot afford the monthly payments of a daycare, or the programs are just simply not available to them. (Ansell, 2004).
This however could be detrimental not only to children, but also society. Children cannot take care of themselves, and when left to their own devices, they could very easily make the wrong decision when tempted.
The U.S Department of Justice has reported that after school more content...Also, it was found that 86 percent of respondents felt that after school programs are a necessity. They felt that it is absolutely imperative that children are taken care of after school. Finally, in the interview, elementary school principals were interviewed and 75 percent of those principals felt that after school programs are extremely important. Principals see the importance in having these programs, and they see the positive effects they have on the students. (Ansell, 2004).
Some of these positive results of after school programs include, less juvenile crimes are being committed and children are less likely to become victims of violent crimes. This means that the assumptions made that after school programs will reduce the number of crimes children commit is true. When children have somewhere to go, they will not be out running around on the streets potentially committing crimes or being vict
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Essay On After-School Programs
1. Essay on After-School Programs
AfterSchool Programs
More parents than ever these days are working outside of the home. This means that when the school bell rings, many children are left unsupervised and
with no where to go but an empty house with no supervision. Not only that, but some parents are also struggling to provide adequate afterschool care.
Either they cannot afford the monthly payments of a daycare, or the programs are just simply not available to them. (Ansell, 2004).
This however could be detrimental not only to children, but also society. Children cannot take care of themselves, and when left to their own devices, they
could very easily make the wrong decision when tempted.
The U.S Department of Justice has reported that afterschool more content...
Also, it was found that 86 percent of respondents felt that afterschool programs are a necessity. They felt that it is absolutely imperative that children are
taken care of afterschool. Finally, in the interview, elementary school principals were interviewed and 75 percent of those principals felt that afterschool
programs are extremely important. Principals see the importance in having these programs, and they see the positive effects they have on the students.
(Ansell, 2004).
Some of these positive results of afterschool programs include, less juvenile crimes are being committed and children are less likely to become victims of
violent crimes. This means that the assumptions made that afterschool programs will reduce the number of crimes children commit is true. When children
have somewhere to go, they will not be out running around on the streets potentially committing crimes or being victim to crimes. Also, the amount of
school vandalism has decreased, children are learning how to better deal with anger, and the are developing better social skills. When children are enrolled
in afterschool programs, they are not only furthering their education beyond the school hours, but they are also building more meaningful relationships
with their peers by spending more time with them. They are interacting with their peers outside of the school environment which allows them to
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