The document describes the process for moderating and publishing a journal at FBK. It involves an initial screening by the editor, followed by double-blind peer review by two reviewers. The revised article is checked by the editor and either sent for further revision or copyediting and publication. Additional details provided include guidelines for submitting articles, using the OJS publishing system, selecting reviewers, article formatting, and the speaker's experience as editor-in-chief of another journal.
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Establishing a journal at FBK, UniSZA
1. Moderasi Pembikinan Jurnal FBK
Establishing a journal at FBK
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Saadiyah Darus
Presented at UniSZA, 20 October 2015
2. Editor receives an
Resend to
author for
Editor checks
whether revision
is satisfactory
Reviewer 1
Reviewer 2
Revised article
Reports from 2
Resend to author for
Revised paper
Editor checks
revised article
If satisfactory
copyedit and publish
If not satisfactory
further revision
Presented at UniSZA, 20 October 2015
3. Review process
Double-blind review
May take up to 6 months
Editors do not deal with drafts
Read the journals submission guidelines
Read a few published papers and see the
structure and language standard
Follow through
Presented at UniSZA, 20 October 2015
4. OJS publishing system
Presented at UniSZA, 20 October 2015
6. Selecting reviewers
Reviewers are people who are expert in their own
Usually they are academics
Authors can suggest names of 3 or 4 reviewers
outside their own institution
No conflict of interest
Ethics statement
Presented at UniSZA, 20 October 2015
7. Formatting articles
Decide on one type of format for your journal
Akademika uses UKM Press House Style
GEMA Online Journal uses APA
Presented at UniSZA, 20 October 2015
8. Sharing of experience
Editor-in-chief for GEMA Online Journal of
Language Studies
Indexed in Scopus in 2009
Challenges 2006-2008
To publish on time
To get enough good quality papers
Being able to fulfill the requirement of Scopus
Presented at UniSZA, 20 October 2015
9. 9
2) STEP Score Sheet2) STEP Score Sheet
Presented at UniSZA, 20 October 2015
10. Sharing of experience
Indexed in Scopus in 2009
Challenges 2009-2012
How to screen the papers quickly - hundreds of
papers in a year
How to make editors aware that this is an
important job
Ensure a healthy store of papers in the pipeline
Publish on time
Presented at UniSZA, 20 October 2015