The Estonian Rugby Union was formed in 2007 and has grown from 1 club to 6 member clubs. It aims to develop rugby in Estonia through growing its national teams, coaching education programs, and school participation. Its 3-year development plan includes expanding schools rugby, improving coach and referee training, and enhancing national team performance. The Union seeks sponsorship to support equipment, administration costs, and merchandise to continue developing the sport in Estonia.
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2. Estonian Rugby Union.
A brief history.
Formed in 2007
Started with just 1 club
Now has 6 member clubs
Formed the first National Team in 2009
Formed the first National 7s Team in 2011.
Affiliated to FIRA-AER and the EOK.
The Union is constantly developing and
3. Achievements
Successful development of both XV and 7s Teams.
Membership of FIRA-AER
Competing in the European 7s Championship
Internationally recognised training schemes
Partnerships with neighbouring countries,
Finland, Latvia, Russia, the Uk and Wales.
Implementation of a schools Rugby
development scheme
1st Annual Beach Rugby Cup 2011
4. 3 Year Development plan
Action Plan Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Evidence of completion
Development of Schools Rugby To introduce rugby into local 2 Schools 2 further schools 2 further schools The Schools Trophy
schools to students from 14 to 18
years of age. Sustained rugby presence in
local schools.
Development of Players/Coaches To hold a minimum of 1 coaching 1 Coach and 1 Match 2 Coaches and 2 2 Permanent Coaches Improved results at National
The implementation of a training clinic per year in Estonia official from each club Match officials from and 2 Match officials in level for both XV and 7s teams.
program for club level coaches and attended by all registered clubs in Estonia to be each club in Estonia each club in Estonia.
match officials. and partner schools. Training to be trained up to IRB to be trained up to
provided by Internationally Level II. IRB Level III
qualified IRB Educators. Continue further
1 teacher from each Continue further coaching of school A group of schools enjoying and
of the partner schools coaching of school teachers, updating playing Rugby on a regular basis
to be trained as a teachers, updating their training to reflect for a domestic championship
rugby coach to IRB their training. To IRB the latest and involvement in
Level I Level II developments in Rugby International Schools
and the laws. tournaments.
Training seminars held abroad are
offered to selected coaches based
upon requirement and experience.
(National XVs Coach & National
7s Coach)
5. Action
3 Year Development plan
Plan Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Evidence of
Development of To improve the standard National Squad trainings will be National Squad trainings will be National Squad trainings will be A larger pool of
The Estonian of Rugby at an raised to a twice monthly continued at twice monthly continued at twice monthly players included in
National Rugby International level by occurrence. occurrence. occurrence. squad sessions.
Squads (7s & XV) means of coaching Annual National Squad Annual National Squad Annual National Squad
courses and improved coaching clinic by coaching clinic by coaching clinic by
regularity of squad Internationally recognized Internationally recognized Internationally recognized
training sessions. overseas coaches. overseas coaches. overseas coaches.
Raise awareness of The International Partnership The International Partnership The International Partnership Beat Finland and
Estonian Rugby at an Shield. A biannual friendly Shield. A biannual friendly Shield. A biannual friendly bring home the
International Level against the National Team of against the National Team of against the National Team of trophy!
through inclusion in Finland. Finland. Finland.
International activities
and publicity. The inclusion of the Estonian The inclusion of the Estonian Playing at a
National XV in the FIRA-AER National XV in the FIRA-AER competitive level
European Nations Cup. European Nations Cup.
Year 1 Year 2
FIRA-AER International Rugby FIRA-AER International Rugby FIRA-AER International Rugby Raise Estonias
7s Championship 7s Championship 7s Championship current position in
Division B
Local training matches against Local training matches against Local training matches against
foreign clubs/touring sides. foreign clubs/touring sides. foreign clubs/touring sides.
6. Equipment.
National team kit (30 sets) - (all items can be branded with
sponsor logo)
Track suits
Representative clothing
Collared shirt - can be branded with sponsor logo
Replica players shirts
Winter Jackets
8. Equipment.
Balls (100) Size 5, 4 & 3, for kids rugby
Tackling bags
Post protectors
Scrum machine
Facilities for training and playing
Indoor stadium and gym for national team trainings (2 times /mth Nov-
Outside stadium and gym for national team trainings (2 times /mth April-
Estonian 15s team home games (3-4 games per year)
Estonian 7s championship games (5 rounds)
Estonian 15s championship games
9. Administration of the union
Covering the costs involved with administration (phones, traveling etc)
Attending FIRA / IRB meetings
Renting facilities for union meetings (AGM, courses, etc)
Translating the rugby materials
Tag rugby laws
Level 1 coaching course
Level 2 coaching course
10. Merchandise
Estonian Rugby Union new website - (all this can be branded with sponsor logo)
Website overhaul and additional features
Writer to turn information to proper articles
Items to be sold on E-shop
National team fan shirt
Souvenir rugby balls
Items to be given to visiting teams etc
National team ties
National team pennants
National team cufflinks