La Real Academia Española anunciará una reforma gradual de la ortografÃa española para unificar el idioma entre los hispanohablantes. La reforma simplificará la escritura eliminando letras como la h, c, z y dudas ortográficas. Se fusionarán letras como b-v, l-y, g-j y se eliminarán tildes. El objetivo es hacer el castellano más accesible para hispanohablantes de todo el mundo.
Cuatro velas representando la paz, la fe, el amor y la esperanza se apagan una por una mientras hablan sobre cómo la gente ya no las necesita o valora. Solo queda encendida la vela de la esperanza, la cual enciende de nuevo a las otras velas y mantiene viva la llama cuando un niño entra llorando al verlas apagadas, enseñando que la esperanza puede revivir los otros valores.
Podcasting - Teaching with Technology SymposiumTodd McKee
This document defines podcasting and discusses its uses, how to create podcasts, and necessary tools. Podcasting involves creating an audio or video broadcast and distributing it via an RSS feed for subscription over the internet. Podcasts can be used for course content, staff development, student projects, and recruiting. Key steps to creating a podcast include preparing material, recording audio/video, producing and encoding the file, uploading it, and generating an RSS feed for subscribers. Various software and hardware tools are required to complete these steps depending on one's budget.
The top 12 contestants in the 2003 Miss Universe pageant are listed, with Miss Brazil ranked 12th, Miss Australia 11th, and Miss Argentina 10th. Miss Sweden, Italy, and the Caribbean ranked 9th, 8th, and 7th respectively. Miss France and USA ranked 6th and 5th, with Miss Iraq 4th and Miss UK 3rd. Miss Congo was the 2nd runner up, and Miss Palestine was crowned Miss Universe 2003, hailing from the Middle East.
Este documento describe un estudio sobre la modelización matemática de la eficiencia de remoción de materia orgánica en humedales artificiales. Se construyeron 4 humedales con diferentes combinaciones de plantas, pendiente y medio de soporte. Se monitoreó la DQO a la entrada y salida para generar modelos matemáticos. El modelo con mejor ajuste incluyó pendiente, medio, planta y tiempo como variables. Los resultados mostraron que los humedales con algodón al 1% de pendiente y grava fueron los más eficientes para la rem
The passage discusses the importance of summarization in an age of information overload. It notes that with the massive amounts of data available online, being able to quickly understand the key points of lengthy documents, articles, or reports is crucial. The ability to produce clear, concise summaries helps people save time by getting the gist without having to read the full original text.
GhiradaBarcamp, 22-23 settembre, La Ghirada - Trevisoghiradabarcamp
il GhiradaBarcamp si terrà il 22 e 23 settembre a Treviso: "un'internettiana invasione di campo", così ci piace definire questa due giorni trevigiana!
Il GBC non sarà un barcamp generalista nè uno tematico in senso stretto: sarà una sorta di "barcamp contenitore", al cui interno si sviluppare una serie di "eventi nell'evento" che lo caratterizzino, che permettano di allargare la cerchia dei partecipanti (superando il rischio autoreferenzialità di cui s'è parlato negli ultimi tempi) e, perchè no, divertirsi a sperimentare e fare sport!
Vogliamo dare spazio a idee, proposte e iniziative per rendere il GBC un evento unico!
Este documento promociona un servicio de envÃo de presentaciones de PowerPoint a amigos. Alienta a los lectores a compartir el documento actual con otros mediante un enlace de clic e invita a suscribirse a un servicio para recibir más presentaciones gratuitas por correo electrónico.
The document discusses taking HIV/AIDS seriously and emphasizes that it is everyone's responsibility to help stop the spread of infection through education and sharing knowledge about AIDS. It notes that those who contract AIDS experience hopelessness and deteriorating physical symptoms. Taking AIDS seriously can have positive results, including maintaining friendships and preventing people from ending up in hopeless situations. The document encourages taking AIDS seriously to save lives.
Christ's ministry is summarized through key events and teachings. These include his virgin birth, teaching lessons about loving enemies and being born again, performing miracles like raising Lazarus, forgiving a prostitute and welcoming Zaccheus the tax collector, establishing the Last Supper, promising a criminal paradise, praying for forgiveness of sins at the crucifixion, and his message that he will keep knocking on hearts' doors.
The document discusses the concept of "University 2.0" which refers to making universities more like continuously evolving beta software projects. It notes that universities should adopt an incremental improvement model with ongoing user feedback. Successful examples like Gmail, Dopplr and Joost are cited. The challenges mentioned include integration problems, scarce feedback and testing. It stresses the importance of early and frequent releases, agile development practices, and good communication. Overall it presents University 2.0 as an open model that focuses on continual evolution based on user input.
El documento presenta la información sobre un grupo llamado Planeta Lúdico y sus diferentes secciones. El propósito del grupo es fomentar las actividades lúdicas y aumentar el compañerismo entre sus miembros. Las secciones incluyen Grupos, Cultura, Deportes, Viajes y Buscador, cada una con su propia información y coordinador.
This document lists the names of various celebrities paired together. It contains over 40 celebrity names including actors, musicians, comedians and others from Cameron Diaz to Sandra Bullock. The names are paired randomly and span several decades of entertainment industry figures.
Podcasting - Teaching with Technology SymposiumTodd McKee
This document defines podcasting and discusses its uses, how to create podcasts, and necessary tools. Podcasting involves creating an audio or video broadcast and distributing it via an RSS feed for subscription over the internet. Podcasts can be used for course content, staff development, student projects, and recruiting. Key steps to creating a podcast include preparing material, recording audio/video, producing and encoding the file, uploading it, and generating an RSS feed for subscribers. Various software and hardware tools are required to complete these steps depending on one's budget.
The top 12 contestants in the 2003 Miss Universe pageant are listed, with Miss Brazil ranked 12th, Miss Australia 11th, and Miss Argentina 10th. Miss Sweden, Italy, and the Caribbean ranked 9th, 8th, and 7th respectively. Miss France and USA ranked 6th and 5th, with Miss Iraq 4th and Miss UK 3rd. Miss Congo was the 2nd runner up, and Miss Palestine was crowned Miss Universe 2003, hailing from the Middle East.
Este documento describe un estudio sobre la modelización matemática de la eficiencia de remoción de materia orgánica en humedales artificiales. Se construyeron 4 humedales con diferentes combinaciones de plantas, pendiente y medio de soporte. Se monitoreó la DQO a la entrada y salida para generar modelos matemáticos. El modelo con mejor ajuste incluyó pendiente, medio, planta y tiempo como variables. Los resultados mostraron que los humedales con algodón al 1% de pendiente y grava fueron los más eficientes para la rem
The passage discusses the importance of summarization in an age of information overload. It notes that with the massive amounts of data available online, being able to quickly understand the key points of lengthy documents, articles, or reports is crucial. The ability to produce clear, concise summaries helps people save time by getting the gist without having to read the full original text.
GhiradaBarcamp, 22-23 settembre, La Ghirada - Trevisoghiradabarcamp
il GhiradaBarcamp si terrà il 22 e 23 settembre a Treviso: "un'internettiana invasione di campo", così ci piace definire questa due giorni trevigiana!
Il GBC non sarà un barcamp generalista nè uno tematico in senso stretto: sarà una sorta di "barcamp contenitore", al cui interno si sviluppare una serie di "eventi nell'evento" che lo caratterizzino, che permettano di allargare la cerchia dei partecipanti (superando il rischio autoreferenzialità di cui s'è parlato negli ultimi tempi) e, perchè no, divertirsi a sperimentare e fare sport!
Vogliamo dare spazio a idee, proposte e iniziative per rendere il GBC un evento unico!
Este documento promociona un servicio de envÃo de presentaciones de PowerPoint a amigos. Alienta a los lectores a compartir el documento actual con otros mediante un enlace de clic e invita a suscribirse a un servicio para recibir más presentaciones gratuitas por correo electrónico.
The document discusses taking HIV/AIDS seriously and emphasizes that it is everyone's responsibility to help stop the spread of infection through education and sharing knowledge about AIDS. It notes that those who contract AIDS experience hopelessness and deteriorating physical symptoms. Taking AIDS seriously can have positive results, including maintaining friendships and preventing people from ending up in hopeless situations. The document encourages taking AIDS seriously to save lives.
Christ's ministry is summarized through key events and teachings. These include his virgin birth, teaching lessons about loving enemies and being born again, performing miracles like raising Lazarus, forgiving a prostitute and welcoming Zaccheus the tax collector, establishing the Last Supper, promising a criminal paradise, praying for forgiveness of sins at the crucifixion, and his message that he will keep knocking on hearts' doors.
The document discusses the concept of "University 2.0" which refers to making universities more like continuously evolving beta software projects. It notes that universities should adopt an incremental improvement model with ongoing user feedback. Successful examples like Gmail, Dopplr and Joost are cited. The challenges mentioned include integration problems, scarce feedback and testing. It stresses the importance of early and frequent releases, agile development practices, and good communication. Overall it presents University 2.0 as an open model that focuses on continual evolution based on user input.
El documento presenta la información sobre un grupo llamado Planeta Lúdico y sus diferentes secciones. El propósito del grupo es fomentar las actividades lúdicas y aumentar el compañerismo entre sus miembros. Las secciones incluyen Grupos, Cultura, Deportes, Viajes y Buscador, cada una con su propia información y coordinador.
This document lists the names of various celebrities paired together. It contains over 40 celebrity names including actors, musicians, comedians and others from Cameron Diaz to Sandra Bullock. The names are paired randomly and span several decades of entertainment industry figures.
The document is about white sand and contains a reference to the song "Amazing Grace" played on the flute from June 18, 2007. Romy shared their email address and mentioned music in relation to the classic song played on the flute.