Radio advertisements for documentaries are typically 20-30 seconds and include audio clips from interviews or the documentary itself played under an upbeat voiceover by a male or female narrator. The voiceover states facts about the documentary and asks rhetorical questions to intrigue listeners, while a catchy song related to the documentary's themes plays in the background. The voiceover also announces the documentary's tagline at the end to leave listeners wanting to watch.
2. Radio Adverts
• Lasts 20-30 seconds
• Includes audio from the documentary for example vox pops and
interview snip its.
• Often has a song playing behind the voice over, the song should be
catchy and memorable and have something to do with the themes of
the documentary.
• The voice over should be upbeat and interesting and should intrigue
the listener to watch the documentary.
• The voice over is often female but can be male
• The voice over should say facts and ask rhetorical questions to
intrigue the listener.
• Tagline should be said by the voice over.