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Course Code: MGN253 Course Title: Business Ethics
Course Instructor: Dr. Abhinav Kumar Shrivastava .
Academic Task No.: Task-1 Academic Task Title: THE STORY OF AN ADMAN
Date of Allotment: 28/09/2015 Date of submission:04/09/2015
Students Roll no: A-23, A-24 ,A-30 Students Reg. no:11312142 ,11312430 , 11312048
Evaluation Parameters: (Parameters on which student is to be evaluated- To be mentioned by students
as specified at the time of assigning the task by the instructor)
Learning Outcomes: (Student to write briefly about learnings obtained from the academic tasks)
I declare that this Assignment is my individual work. I have not copied it from any other
students work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made explicitly
in the text, nor has any part been written for me by any other person.
Evaluators comments (For Instructors use only)
General Observations Suggestions for Improvement Best part of assignment
Evaluators Signature and Date:
Marks Obtained: Max. Marks: 
Name RollNo Reg No
Ahmad Sina Sabawoon A-23 11312142
Attaullah Hazrat A-24 11312430
Bijay Kumar Chaudhary A-30 11312048
The story of an Adman (Business Ethics first Assignment) 2015
The Story of an Adman
1. Introduction:
This case mainly discusses the advertisement strategies and tips to be taken into
consideration while going for creating an attractive and ethical ad, that has to be
truthful and honest too.
Advertisement: Advertising is a means of communication with the users of a product
or service. Advertisements are messages paid for by those who send them and are
intended to inform or influence people who receive them, as defined by the
Advertising Association of the UK. Advertising is always present, though people
may not be aware of it. In today's world, advertising uses every possible media to get
its message through.
This case mainly focuses the quotes of William "Bill" Bernbach (August 13, 1911 
October 2, 1982), who was an American advertising creative director. He was one of
the three founders in 1949 of the international advertising agency Doyle Dane
Bernbach (DDB). He directed many of the firm's breakthrough ad campaigns and
had a lasting impact on the creative team structures now commonly used by ad
2. Problems of the case:
The case includes three advertisements that focus three different aspects, usually
targeted in creating the ads.
 Ad 1 characterizes a profound thought defined in a simple manner.
Ad2 declares that food is more basic than the mode of transport. This is also food for thought.
Ad3 depicts the nature of man as striving for perfection, and has the appeal of more adventure thanthe one in which one has already reached the summit.

It also covers some Ethical & Legal Issues related Advertising. The advertising
industry operates within strict government regulations and is monitored by the
Government Trade Commissions. Even with truth-in-advertising laws in place,
advertisers have significant leeway to violate the ethical standards of a wide range of
consumers. Advertisers have to be especially careful to act ethically at all times,
taking extra care when advertising to children, advertising potentially harmful
products and using psychological tactics to stimulate demand. Having a list of ethical
and legal issues at hand when creating advertisements can help you to craft legal,
responsible ad messages.
 Truth in Advertising: The advertisements must be truthful, not deceptive and
not unfair. Advertisers must also have evidence available to back up claims
they make. Defines deceitful statements are those that are likely to mislead
Page 1
The story of an Adman (Business Ethics first Assignment) 2015
who act reasonably under normal circumstances and that are likely to affect
consumers' purchase decisions.
 Advertising to Children: Although government places special emphasis on
truth-in-advertising laws when applied to children, the law allows for a great
deal of unethical behavior here.
This interpretation of the law completely ignores the unethical ramifications
of purely legal advertising, such as building brand loyalty in children before
they even understand what a brand is, encouraging children to develop
negative self-images or getting children hooked on products that can impede
social development. The best way to act ethically in this area is to advertise to
parents, not children.
 Advertising Harmful Products: Different countries look differently on the
advertising of vice products and services, striking a balance between placing
personal responsibility on citizens and regulating what citizens are allowed to
indulge in. For example, cigarette advertising is only permitted on specific
media, excluding television and radio, while alcohol advertising is allowed on
all media.
 Advertising Tactics: Advertising tactics present additional ethical challenges.
Advertisers have a range of less-than-ethical yet legal tools at their disposal,
including subliminal advertising, emotional appeals, taking advantage of less
educated individuals, spreading propaganda for political campaigns, and
other tactics ethical advertisers consistently refrain from using. At the end of
the day, consumers will be more attracted to companies that do not use
underhanded, psychologically manipulative tactics to gain their business.
3. Causes of the problem:
There are many reasons showing why the companies go for misleading ads; the most
important are:
 To attract the customers
Beat the competition
Ensure the sustainability
Increase the sales
Earn higher profit
Hide the negative impacting truths from the stakeholders
To retain the shareholders Etc.

Although people often focus on the negatives when they discuss the effects of
advertising, it is important to note that advertising does have its positive side. In fact,
some of our society's most important messages have come through advertising, like
Page 2
The story of an Adman (Business Ethics first Assignment) 2015
"Friends don't let friends drive drunk." In addition to promoting important social
messages, advertisements can also spark the economy by fostering competition and
4.1.Positive impact of advertisement:
4.1.1 Public Service Advertisements:
Public service advertisements are often the first things considered when
people discuss the positives of advertisements. These advertisements
market a social concept of importance to the general public. Many public
service announcements run messages about health, safety and national
4.1.2 Social Benefits:
In addition to public service advertisements, traditional advertisements
that market a product or service can offer social benefits. In fact,
according to Megan Vande, a student at the University of Florida's
Interactive Media Lab, advertising is free speech, and it can work to
promote free speech.
4.1.3 Economic Benefits:
Advertising has a number of positive effects on economies. According to
the International Advertising Association, advertising can encourage
companies to compete and provide new products. This encourages more
consumers to buy because these products meet the needs and wants of
more consumers. Thus, the economy is positively affected
4.1.4 Choice:
In addition to encouraging consumers to choose the products that are best
for them, advertising, at least in democratic nations, allows individuals to
learn about the wide variety of lifestyle and political choices available to
them and choose the ones that they find best.
4.2.Negative impact of advertising:
Advertising takes money, whether purchased through an online advertising
service, print ads in a newspaper or commercials on radio and TV. Designing the
ads and the copy costs money, as well. On the high end, companies spend up to
$2.6 million for a 30-second commercial during the Super Bowl. While the
positive impact of advertising is bringing in sales dollars, the negative impact is
felt by those who are the target of the advertising.
4.1.5 Misrepresentation:
Advertising aims to present a product in the best light possible. There is
some leeway in the creative process. As the Gecko in the Geiko ads says,
"That's just a dramatization, of course," referring to the idea that if you
ask Geiko representatives for an English muffin, they'll serve one up
toasted with butter and jam. The problem arises when the dramatization
crosses the line into falsely representing a product. Hefty fines can result
from false advertising when levied by the Federal Trade Commission.
4.1.6 Unrealistic Expectations:
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The story of an Adman (Business Ethics first Assignment) 2015
Direct-to-consumer advertising for prescription drugs has resulted in
unrealistic expectations about the effectiveness of drugs and their side-
effects, according to the Food and Drug Administration's study "Patient
and Physician Attitudes and Behaviors Associated With DTC Promotion
of Prescription Drug." Voice-overs give the downside to the drug, but the
visual images show healthy, happy people. It's not unusual to hear that
even death may be a side-effect of a prescription drug. Beauty and health
products may also not live up to their promises, resulting in wasted
consumer dollars. Disclaimers are often hidden in very small print on
product packaging and in out-of-the way spots in ads.
4.1.7 False Images
Advertising is ingrained in American culture, from children's programs on
Saturday morning to talk shows and prime time TV. Advertising even
invades movies through product placement. It's not an accident when a
movie hero holds up a can of Coke instead of Pepsi. Advertising
influences how people feel about themselves -- often in a negative way.
Based on the images they see in advertising, women often feel they
should be thin and beautiful and hold down full-time jobs while also
being full-time mothers. Advertising communicates that men should be
handsome, tall, athletic, caring husbands, thoughtful fathers and virile at
all times. These images are often unrealistic and unattainable.
4.1.8 Children
In his study "Review of Research on the Effects of Food Promotion to
Children," Professor Gerard Hastings found there is a link between food
advertising and children's preferences regarding what they will consume.
Ads for many sugary cereals encourage children to ask their parents for
those particular products -- regardless of whether the products are good
for the children. It's not coincidental that the most heavily advertised toys
during the holiday season end up being the top sellers. Children are
susceptible to advertising.
5. Solution:
There are many ways to have effective and sound and misleading avoiding
advertising strategies. In 2014, around 70% of the complaints the Advertising
Standards Authority (ASA) received related to misleading advertising, proving that
this is an issue that consumers take seriously and that all marketers should be
mindful of.
Here are the top tips to help us avoid the most common mistakes:
 Not to include misleading facts
Not to omit key information
To make the prices clear
Not to exaggerate the capability or performance of a product
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The story of an Adman (Business Ethics first Assignment) 2015
 To make sure that any qualifications are clear
To have the evidence for backing up the claims
To be careful of claims in product names
Considering some important ethical and moral principles
Truthfulness in Advertising: Even today, some advertising is simply and deliberatelyuntrue. Generally speaking, though, the problem of truth in advertising is somewhat moresubtle: it is not that advertising says what is overtly false, but that it can distort the truth byimplying things that are not so or withholding relevant facts.
a) The Dignity of the Human Person: There is an "imperative requirement"
that advertising "respect the human person, his right duty to make a
responsible choice, his interior freedom; all these goods would be violated if
man's lower inclinations were to be exploited, or his capacity to reflect and
decide compromised.
b) Advertising and Social Responsibility: Social responsibility is such a
broad concept that we can note here only a few of the many issues and
concerns relevant under this heading to the question of advertising.
6. Recommendations:
The secret of all effective advertising is not the creation of new and tricky words
and pictures, but one of putting familiar words and pictures into new relationships. 
It has been said that advertising is the price to be paid for being unremarkable. That
may be true, but I have noticed that even remarkable businesses advertise. It is a key
component of your marketing campaign, for awareness or consumer education of your
Marketing or advertising, you need to create information that your customers find
interesting and worth talking about and remembering.
Here are 8 important enablers that we recommend them for creating an effective ethical
advertisement message:
6.1.Grab and hold viewers attention with interesting information. Keep in mind that
people dont read ads  they read what interests them. Your ad messages must
be interesting to your target communities.
6.2.Define a value proposition that truly discriminates you from your competition. It
is essential that you give your customers reasons to select you.
6.3. Consider the end state values to your customers: A good example of this is
Dells fast delivery of a custom computer.
6.4.Make your messages simple: that the reader will quickly understand. Keep in
mind that pictures are far more valuable than words.
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The story of an Adman (Business Ethics first Assignment) 2015
6.5.Be relevant to your target market: Keep in mind that one message does not fit all. It
starts with knowing your target market.
6.6.Define your positioning: your frame of reference. Make comparisons to your
competitors if you can.
6.7.Clearly link your messages: To your brand. Remember the AFLAC duck or E-
Trades talking baby  these are great linkages to the brands.
6.8.Make your ad a component: of an integrated marketing campaign.
7. Conclusion
It is not what advertising does with the consumer; it is what the consumer does after
reading the advertisement.
The indispensable guarantors of ethically correct behavior by the advertising industry
are the well-formed and responsible consciences of advertising professionals
themselves: consciences sensitive to their duty not merely to serve the interests of those
who commission and finance their work but also to respect and uphold the rights and
interests of their audiences and to serve the common good.
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  • 1. Course Code: MGN253 Course Title: Business Ethics Course Instructor: Dr. Abhinav Kumar Shrivastava . Academic Task No.: Task-1 Academic Task Title: THE STORY OF AN ADMAN Date of Allotment: 28/09/2015 Date of submission:04/09/2015 Students Roll no: A-23, A-24 ,A-30 Students Reg. no:11312142 ,11312430 , 11312048 Evaluation Parameters: (Parameters on which student is to be evaluated- To be mentioned by students as specified at the time of assigning the task by the instructor) Learning Outcomes: (Student to write briefly about learnings obtained from the academic tasks) Declaration: I declare that this Assignment is my individual work. I have not copied it from any other students work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made explicitly in the text, nor has any part been written for me by any other person. Studen ts sagnit ure: Evaluators comments (For Instructors use only) General Observations Suggestions for Improvement Best part of assignment Evaluators Signature and Date: Marks Obtained: Max. Marks: LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY
  • 2. THE STORY OF AN ADMAN BUSINESS ETHICHS FIRST ASSIGNMENT Name RollNo Reg No Ahmad Sina Sabawoon A-23 11312142 Attaullah Hazrat A-24 11312430 Bijay Kumar Chaudhary A-30 11312048 6/9/2015
  • 3. The story of an Adman (Business Ethics first Assignment) 2015 The Story of an Adman 1. Introduction: This case mainly discusses the advertisement strategies and tips to be taken into consideration while going for creating an attractive and ethical ad, that has to be truthful and honest too. Advertisement: Advertising is a means of communication with the users of a product or service. Advertisements are messages paid for by those who send them and are intended to inform or influence people who receive them, as defined by the Advertising Association of the UK. Advertising is always present, though people may not be aware of it. In today's world, advertising uses every possible media to get its message through. This case mainly focuses the quotes of William "Bill" Bernbach (August 13, 1911 October 2, 1982), who was an American advertising creative director. He was one of the three founders in 1949 of the international advertising agency Doyle Dane Bernbach (DDB). He directed many of the firm's breakthrough ad campaigns and had a lasting impact on the creative team structures now commonly used by ad agencies. 2. Problems of the case: The case includes three advertisements that focus three different aspects, usually targeted in creating the ads. Ad 1 characterizes a profound thought defined in a simple manner. Ad2 declares that food is more basic than the mode of transport. This is also food for thought. Ad3 depicts the nature of man as striving for perfection, and has the appeal of more adventure thanthe one in which one has already reached the summit. It also covers some Ethical & Legal Issues related Advertising. The advertising industry operates within strict government regulations and is monitored by the Government Trade Commissions. Even with truth-in-advertising laws in place, advertisers have significant leeway to violate the ethical standards of a wide range of consumers. Advertisers have to be especially careful to act ethically at all times, taking extra care when advertising to children, advertising potentially harmful products and using psychological tactics to stimulate demand. Having a list of ethical and legal issues at hand when creating advertisements can help you to craft legal, responsible ad messages. Truth in Advertising: The advertisements must be truthful, not deceptive and not unfair. Advertisers must also have evidence available to back up claims they make. Defines deceitful statements are those that are likely to mislead consumers
  • 5. The story of an Adman (Business Ethics first Assignment) 2015 who act reasonably under normal circumstances and that are likely to affect consumers' purchase decisions. Advertising to Children: Although government places special emphasis on truth-in-advertising laws when applied to children, the law allows for a great deal of unethical behavior here. This interpretation of the law completely ignores the unethical ramifications of purely legal advertising, such as building brand loyalty in children before they even understand what a brand is, encouraging children to develop negative self-images or getting children hooked on products that can impede social development. The best way to act ethically in this area is to advertise to parents, not children. Advertising Harmful Products: Different countries look differently on the advertising of vice products and services, striking a balance between placing personal responsibility on citizens and regulating what citizens are allowed to indulge in. For example, cigarette advertising is only permitted on specific media, excluding television and radio, while alcohol advertising is allowed on all media. Advertising Tactics: Advertising tactics present additional ethical challenges. Advertisers have a range of less-than-ethical yet legal tools at their disposal, including subliminal advertising, emotional appeals, taking advantage of less educated individuals, spreading propaganda for political campaigns, and other tactics ethical advertisers consistently refrain from using. At the end of the day, consumers will be more attracted to companies that do not use underhanded, psychologically manipulative tactics to gain their business. 3. Causes of the problem: There are many reasons showing why the companies go for misleading ads; the most important are: To attract the customers Beat the competition Ensure the sustainability Increase the sales Earn higher profit Hide the negative impacting truths from the stakeholders To retain the shareholders Etc. Impact: Although people often focus on the negatives when they discuss the effects of advertising, it is important to note that advertising does have its positive side. In fact, some of our society's most important messages have come through advertising, like
  • 7. The story of an Adman (Business Ethics first Assignment) 2015 "Friends don't let friends drive drunk." In addition to promoting important social messages, advertisements can also spark the economy by fostering competition and innovation. 4.1.Positive impact of advertisement: 4.1.1 Public Service Advertisements: Public service advertisements are often the first things considered when people discuss the positives of advertisements. These advertisements market a social concept of importance to the general public. Many public service announcements run messages about health, safety and national security. 4.1.2 Social Benefits: In addition to public service advertisements, traditional advertisements that market a product or service can offer social benefits. In fact, according to Megan Vande, a student at the University of Florida's Interactive Media Lab, advertising is free speech, and it can work to promote free speech. 4.1.3 Economic Benefits: Advertising has a number of positive effects on economies. According to the International Advertising Association, advertising can encourage companies to compete and provide new products. This encourages more consumers to buy because these products meet the needs and wants of more consumers. Thus, the economy is positively affected 4.1.4 Choice: In addition to encouraging consumers to choose the products that are best for them, advertising, at least in democratic nations, allows individuals to learn about the wide variety of lifestyle and political choices available to them and choose the ones that they find best. 4.2.Negative impact of advertising: Advertising takes money, whether purchased through an online advertising service, print ads in a newspaper or commercials on radio and TV. Designing the ads and the copy costs money, as well. On the high end, companies spend up to $2.6 million for a 30-second commercial during the Super Bowl. While the positive impact of advertising is bringing in sales dollars, the negative impact is felt by those who are the target of the advertising. 4.1.5 Misrepresentation: Advertising aims to present a product in the best light possible. There is some leeway in the creative process. As the Gecko in the Geiko ads says, "That's just a dramatization, of course," referring to the idea that if you ask Geiko representatives for an English muffin, they'll serve one up toasted with butter and jam. The problem arises when the dramatization crosses the line into falsely representing a product. Hefty fines can result from false advertising when levied by the Federal Trade Commission.
  • 9. The story of an Adman (Business Ethics first Assignment) 2015 Direct-to-consumer advertising for prescription drugs has resulted in unrealistic expectations about the effectiveness of drugs and their side- effects, according to the Food and Drug Administration's study "Patient and Physician Attitudes and Behaviors Associated With DTC Promotion of Prescription Drug." Voice-overs give the downside to the drug, but the visual images show healthy, happy people. It's not unusual to hear that even death may be a side-effect of a prescription drug. Beauty and health products may also not live up to their promises, resulting in wasted consumer dollars. Disclaimers are often hidden in very small print on product packaging and in out-of-the way spots in ads. 4.1.7 False Images Advertising is ingrained in American culture, from children's programs on Saturday morning to talk shows and prime time TV. Advertising even invades movies through product placement. It's not an accident when a movie hero holds up a can of Coke instead of Pepsi. Advertising influences how people feel about themselves -- often in a negative way. Based on the images they see in advertising, women often feel they should be thin and beautiful and hold down full-time jobs while also being full-time mothers. Advertising communicates that men should be handsome, tall, athletic, caring husbands, thoughtful fathers and virile at all times. These images are often unrealistic and unattainable. 4.1.8 Children In his study "Review of Research on the Effects of Food Promotion to Children," Professor Gerard Hastings found there is a link between food advertising and children's preferences regarding what they will consume. Ads for many sugary cereals encourage children to ask their parents for those particular products -- regardless of whether the products are good for the children. It's not coincidental that the most heavily advertised toys during the holiday season end up being the top sellers. Children are susceptible to advertising. 5. Solution: There are many ways to have effective and sound and misleading avoiding advertising strategies. In 2014, around 70% of the complaints the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) received related to misleading advertising, proving that this is an issue that consumers take seriously and that all marketers should be mindful of. Here are the top tips to help us avoid the most common mistakes: Not to include misleading facts Not to omit key information To make the prices clear Not to exaggerate the capability or performance of a product
  • 11. The story of an Adman (Business Ethics first Assignment) 2015 To make sure that any qualifications are clear To have the evidence for backing up the claims To be careful of claims in product names Considering some important ethical and moral principles Truthfulness in Advertising: Even today, some advertising is simply and deliberatelyuntrue. Generally speaking, though, the problem of truth in advertising is somewhat moresubtle: it is not that advertising says what is overtly false, but that it can distort the truth byimplying things that are not so or withholding relevant facts. a) The Dignity of the Human Person: There is an "imperative requirement" that advertising "respect the human person, his right duty to make a responsible choice, his interior freedom; all these goods would be violated if man's lower inclinations were to be exploited, or his capacity to reflect and decide compromised. b) Advertising and Social Responsibility: Social responsibility is such a broad concept that we can note here only a few of the many issues and concerns relevant under this heading to the question of advertising. 6. Recommendations: The secret of all effective advertising is not the creation of new and tricky words and pictures, but one of putting familiar words and pictures into new relationships. Leo Burnett It has been said that advertising is the price to be paid for being unremarkable. That may be true, but I have noticed that even remarkable businesses advertise. It is a key component of your marketing campaign, for awareness or consumer education of your value. Marketing or advertising, you need to create information that your customers find interesting and worth talking about and remembering. Here are 8 important enablers that we recommend them for creating an effective ethical advertisement message: 6.1.Grab and hold viewers attention with interesting information. Keep in mind that people dont read ads they read what interests them. Your ad messages must be interesting to your target communities. 6.2.Define a value proposition that truly discriminates you from your competition. It is essential that you give your customers reasons to select you. 6.3. Consider the end state values to your customers: A good example of this is Dells fast delivery of a custom computer. 6.4.Make your messages simple: that the reader will quickly understand. Keep in mind that pictures are far more valuable than words. Page 5
  • 12. The story of an Adman (Business Ethics first Assignment) 2015
  • 13. 6.5.Be relevant to your target market: Keep in mind that one message does not fit all. It starts with knowing your target market. 6.6.Define your positioning: your frame of reference. Make comparisons to your competitors if you can. 6.7.Clearly link your messages: To your brand. Remember the AFLAC duck or E- Trades talking baby these are great linkages to the brands. 6.8.Make your ad a component: of an integrated marketing campaign. 7. Conclusion It is not what advertising does with the consumer; it is what the consumer does after reading the advertisement. The indispensable guarantors of ethically correct behavior by the advertising industry are the well-formed and responsible consciences of advertising professionals themselves: consciences sensitive to their duty not merely to serve the interests of those who commission and finance their work but also to respect and uphold the rights and interests of their audiences and to serve the common good. Page 6