What is design ethics and how it contributes to outstanding product design?
This is informative talk meant to inspire and start deep conversation on the topic. Milovan analyze ethics in product design from multiple angles and give his view on the importance of having unified ethical codex before even start designing. He presents striking case studies and stories where bad design manipulated users' attention, exploited user's resources, mislead users and even hurt them.
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8. Jason Fried
I cant stress this enoughprotect your attention like
you protect your friends, family, money, etc.
Its among the most valuable things you have.
Nova vrsta ekonomije
12. Dobro dizajniran
jednostavan za
praktino neuni邸tiv
ne zahteva posebno
jeftin za izradu
u 邸kolama je primer
jednostavnosti i
efikasnosti dizajna
13. Dobro dizajniran
jednostavan za
praktino neuni邸tiv
ne zahteva posebno
jeftin za izradu
u 邸kolama je primer
jednostavnosti i
efikasnosti dizajna
14. Vladimir Putin
is a symbol of the
creative genius of our people.
Dobro? dizajniran proizvod.