Paediatriki 2007;70:300-307
ツ恵揃挫 脹造 造 造 揃庵 甲
座桂 3 造 16
. 則揃安臣テ, . 袖揃安撃多, . 揃多
揃: テ 鍖 揃|揃 昣 甲揃 鍖 ツ恵揃宰 脹造 (贈) ツ恵 庵-
座 ツ恵 造 造 (其捉) 揃庵 ツ恵 高 甲.
鍖 ツ恵 造脹庵: 昣 座揃 5.321 揃庵多 - 2.643 揃鍖揃 ツ恵 2.678 テ挫揃, 座桂 2,5-
16,5 , ツ恵 庵皇叡ツ恵 7.538 甲 其捉. 甲 揃造 造俗揃 揃 鍖 多 昣
庵溝脹揃 揃 1992-2005 揃 ツ 庵挫揃揃 揃庵, 揃 鍖 其-
綱 揃綱 ツ恵 蔵揃綱, 揃綱 俗綱 其揃 挫 甲. O 揃造 贈
其捉 挫ツ恵 俗甲 テ 造, 造 |テ 其捉 揃庵
揃|揃 昣 甲 多 庵脹 .
昣揃揃: 其捉 挫テ 揃多 | ツ恵 座 ツ慶叡 ツ恵 揃造 贈: 5, 10, 25,
50, 75, 85, 90 ツ恵 95. ∨テツ, 造脹テ 鍖 揃 揃庵多 ツ恵 造 甲 造俗, -
鍖 挫, 揃ツ 揃| 其捉 揃 鍖 揃 揃庵多 ツ恵 高 ツ恵
晑 (p<0,05), ツ恵 鍖 挫 揃ツ 鍖 造 造 揃 鍖 揃 揃庵多 晎謂座桂,
捉. 袖揃座桂, 揃座桂 ツ恵 揃揃安. 淡鍖, 庵 庵造揃 揃ツ (p>0,05) -
鍖 挫 揃 鍖 揃 揃庵多 揃座桂, 鍖 挫 座揃 揃ツ 俗揃鍖 -
造 其捉 (50 贈) 揃 鍖 揃 揃庵多 揃座桂 (p<0,001).
∨ 多揃揃: 俗甲 贈 其捉 揃 俗甲 ツ恵 揃鍖 揃挫 揃 宰 ツ恵 揃-
謂座恵, 其捉 ツ恵揃庵テ| 揃鍖 鍖揃 揃庵綱 テ綱 揃俗揃座桂 揃 揃-
庵多 甲.
則造 テ庵多: 其揃庵多, 挫 造, テ 揃俗揃座, ツ恵揃挫 脹造.
Waist circumference percentiles of children of Crete aged 3 to 16 years
E. Linardakis, K. Vardavas, A. Kafatos
Background: The aim of this study was to estimate percentiles and growth curves of the waist
circumference (WC) in children and adolescents of Crete, Greece.
Methods: WC measurements were recorded for 5,321 subjects, 2,643 boys and 2,678 girls, aged 2.5 to
16.5 years, on whom a total of 7,538 were made. These measurements were derived from seven studies
conducted between 1992 and 2005, on representative samples of children and adolescents in Crete, by
the Preventive Medicine and Nutrition Clinic of the University of Crete. Smoothed percentiles of WC were
estimated using polynomial models. The WC distribution was compared with that reported in other
Results: The age-sex specific descriptive characteristics and the smoothed percentiles of the 5th, 10th,
25th, 50th, 75th, 85th, 90th and 95th place were estimated. The mean WC of children and adolescents in
this study in most age groups was found to be higher than that of children from Cyprus and the U.S
(p<0.05) and higher in all age groups than that of children from the Netherlands, the U.K, Australia and
Canada. The WC of the Cretan children did not differ significantly from that of Spanish children in most
age groups but was lower (50th percentiles) in all age groups compared to Italian children (p<0.001).
Conclusions: WC percentiles can be a useful and reliable tool for use by parents and paediatricians. The
use of WC percentiles confirms that childhood central obesity is a major health problem in Crete.
Key words: Children, waist circumference, central obesity, percentiles.
其揃 甲 甲,
甲揃 揃綱,
造揃 綱 揃綱,
其 綱
揃綱 ツ恵 蔵揃綱,
多テ 甲
E揃甲 則揃安臣テ
蔵揃揃| 袖|
.. 71 003, .贈. 2208
多テ 甲
University of Crete, Faculty
of Medicine
Department of Social
Medicine, Division of
Preventive Medicine and
Nutrition, Heraklion, Crete,
Emmanouil Linardakis
Voutes-Stavrakia Junction
71 003, PO Box.: 2208
Heraklion, Crete, Greece
其M 其挫 捉造
贈 ツ恵揃座 贈造
蔵捉 蔵挫テ 捉多揃 揃
IOTF International Obesity Task Force
Pediatri July-Aug 07 09-07-07 15:11 財安300
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