This document discusses etiquette and its importance. It defines etiquette as conventional social behaviors and codes of conduct established within communities. Following etiquette can boost self-confidence by helping one take pride in themselves, and has long-term positive effects. Good etiquette is tied to developing a healthy self-image through avoiding unnecessary social comparisons and focusing on qualities that make one feel good about themselves.
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Etiquette lesson 1
1. Why should I practice
proper Etiquette?
Etiquette Lesson 1
2. What is Etiquette?
1.conventional requirements
as to social behavior;
proprieties of conduct as
established in any class or
community or for any
2.a prescribed or accepted
code of usage in matters of
ceremony, as at a court or in
official or other formal
3.the code of ethical behavior
regarding professional practice
or action among the members
of a profession in their
dealings with each other:
medical etiquette.
3. How does etiquette help you
Take pride in who you
Boost your self-
Making you feel good
about yourself
And has long term
positive effects
4. Self-Image
What is self-image?
The conception that
one has of oneself,
including an
assessment of
qualities and personal
6. Comparing
Do you compare
yourself to others?
Who do you compare
yourself to?
Is this a good person
to compare yourself
Why or why not?
7. Feel Good
What makes you feel
good about yourself?
Who makes you feel
good about yourself?
Why should you feel
good about yourself?
8. Project Instructions
Materials you need
Cut out several pictures of items that make you
feel good in general and about yourself
Markers, etc.
Poster paper
Glue your pictures in a collage layout on your