The document lists the names of 15 students from Turkey, Romania, Lithuania, Poland, and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia who were awarded a Label for their project titled "You never know who is at the other side of the screen" on January 18, 2012. It also lists the names and roles of two individuals from the National Support Services of Poland and Turkey.
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1. Hasibe Ray, 23 Nisan Ortaokulu, Turkey
Ewa Szafranowicz-Stefanowska, Zesp坦 Szk坦 Specjalnych nr 1 w Radomiu, Poland
Denisa Buzila G但rda, "George Cobuc" Middle School , Romania
Daiva Kainskien, Agluonn迭 pagrindin mokykla, Lithuania
Postolache Dumitrita, Colegiul Tehnic ,,Mihai Viteazu'' Vulcan, Romania
Meral Budak, 聴brahim Ko巽arslan 聴lk旦retim Okulu, Turkey
Zehra Bozyel Karak端p, Kar脹yaka Ortaokulu, Turkey
Oana Sacalerus, Scoala cu clasele I-VIII nr. 1 Voluntari, Romania
Dana Balaci, Scoala Nr 279 Bucuresti, Romania
Violeta Constantinescu, Scoala Nr 279 Bucuresti, Romania
Katarzyna Semla, Szkoa Podstawowa im. Hugona Kotaja nr 5, Poland
Joanna Paluch, Szkoa Podstawowa nr 1 w Proszowicach, Poland
Danuta Bartkowiak-Siekaska, Szkoa Podstawowa nr 84 im. Tadeusza Kociuszki, Poland
Gjorgjina Dimova, 弌舒仂 亳仆, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
were awarded the Label for their project:
You never know who is at the other side of the screen
Tomasz Szymczak Mustafa Hakan BCK
National Support Service Marc Durando National Support Service