L c叩c s畛i protein, kh担ng th畉m n動畛c, 坦ng vai tr嘆 ch鱈nh trong m畉ng l動畛i
t畉 bo c畛a c董 th畛 ( chi畉m g畉n 25% protein c董 th畛)
H狸nh s畛i: di ~ 300 nm, 動畛ng k鱈nh 1.5 nm
C坦 鱈t nh畉t 16 lo畉i collagen
C叩c lo畉i collagen li棚n quan 畉n sn ch畉c da l: Lo畉i I v III
C坦 nhi畛u v d畛 tng sinh trong m担 畛 ng動畛i tr畉 tu畛i
C坦 nhi畛m v畛 lm sn ch畉c v t動董i tr畉 cho ln da
M畛c 畛 Collagen
Lo畉i I
Lo畉i III
S畛c n坦ng xuy棚n s但u d動畛i l畛p bi畛u m担 l nguy棚n nh但n g但y ra bi畉n t鱈nh v
co th畉t collagen
K鱈ch th鱈ch lm tng sinh c叩c s畛i collagen m畛i
C叩c collagen c滴 動畛c thay th畉 b畉ng c叩c s畛i m畛i lm cho c叩c t畛 ch畛c m担
sn ch畉c h董n, gi畉m nhn nheo da tr担ng l叩n m畛n h董n.
FDA (Food and Drug Administration) - C董 quan Qu畉n l箪
D動畛c ph畉m v Th畛c ph畉m Hoa K畛
Tr畛 li畛u h坦a v畉t nhn kh担ng x但m l畉n
CE ( ConFormit辿 Europ辿enne )
Gi畉m v畉t nhn
36. Indication Light Bar
G r e e n lig h t b a r :
R e a d y to p u ls e
Green light thi畉t b畛 達 n畉p 畛 v s畉n sng
畛 b畉n xung
A m b e r lig h t b a r :
N o n - o p tim a l e n e r g y d e liv e r y w a it fo r g r e e n lig h t b a r
Amber light xung ch動a 動畛c chu畉n b畛 v 竪n
ny xu畉t hi畛n cho t畛i khi c叩c xung 達 動畛c
n畉p 畛
37. Mn h狸nh Sublative
Tr畛 kh叩ng/畛 th畛 xung:
Hi畛n th畛 動畛ng i trung
b狸nh c畛a tr畛 kh叩ng o
b畉ng c叩c xung. M畛i i畛m
trong 畛 th畛 tr棚n tr畛c Y
bi畛u th畛 cho tr畛 kh叩ng
trung b狸nh sau nm
xung, c叩c i畛m ti畉p theo
s畉 hi畛n th畛 tr畛 kh叩ng
trung b狸nh trong nm
xung k畉 ti畉p. Gi炭p k畉t
. qu畉 tr畛 li畛u t畛t nh畉t
Nng l動畛ng th畛c t畉
nh畉n 動畛c
Hi畛n th畛 nng l動畛ng
s坦ng RF i x但u vo
trong da (mJ/pin).
Thanh 界鞄畛n m畛c nng l動畛ng
Thanh mu xanh - t畛i 動u cung c畉p nng l動畛ng, xung ny 動畛c i k竪m v畛i 但m
thanh c畛a m畛t 'click'. Xung ny s畉 動畛c t鱈nh b畉ng c叩ch 畉m xung
Thanh mu vng - kh担ng t畛i 動u cung c畉p nng l動畛ng, k竪m theo m畛t th担ng b叩o
hnh 畛ng kh畉c ph畛c (kh担 da) v 但m thanh m畛t 'click'. Nng l動畛ng 動畛c giao,
nh動ng n坦 c坦 th畛 c畉n ph畉i 動畛c l畉p i l畉p l畉i. Xung ny s畉 kh担ng 動畛c t鱈nh b畉ng
c叩ch 畉m xung.
Red Bar (tr畛 kh叩ng cao) - xung b畛 gi畉m tr動畛c khi nng l動畛ng 達 動畛c chuy畛n t畛i
n董i i畛u tr畛 do c叩c m畉nh v畛n tr棚n m滴i ho畉c ti畉p x炭c kh担ng 畉y 畛 v畛i da, xung ny
動畛c i k竪m m畛t th担ng b叩o hnh 畛ng kh畉c ph畛c (Clean Tip/Check Contact) v
m畛t ti畉ng chu担ng 炭p. Xung ny s畉 kh担ng 動畛c t鱈nh b畉ng c叩ch 畉m xung.
58. 64 pin B畛 m畉t da v s畉c t畛
Sau 1 l畉n tr畛 li畛u
Photos Courtesy of S. Bassett,
59. 64 pin M畛n tr畛ng c叩 s畉o
tu畉n l畉n i畛u tr畛 th畛 3 4
Photos Courtesy of Michael H. Gold, M.D.
The Laser & Rejuvenation Center of Gold Skin Care Center, Nashville, TN
60. Tr動畛c
tu畉n l畉n i畛u tr畛 th畛 3 4
Photos Courtesy of Michael H. Gold, M.D.
The Laser & Rejuvenation Center of Gold Skin Care Center, Nashville, TN
61. 64 pin M畛n tr畛ng c叩 s畉o
1 th叩ng 1 l畉n i畛u tr畛
Photos Courtesy of M. Gold M.D.
#5: Collagen occurs in many places throughout the body. The 29 types of collagen have thus far been identified and described in literature. Over 90% of the collagen in the body, however, are of type I, II, III, and IV.
Collagen One: skin, tendon, vascular, ligature, organs, bone (main component of bone)
Collagen Two: cartilage (main component of cartilage)
Collagen Three: reticulate (main component of reticular fibers), commonly found alongside type I.
Collagen Four: forms bases of cell basement membrane
Collagen Five: Cells surfaces, hair and placenta
#8: Skin aging cannot be prevented. The following measures may help slow down and minimize the aging process.
Photothermal effect by IPL/Lasers + RF may improve lesions, but may also postpone skin aging due to collagen depletion by stimulating new collagen fibers.
#9: new collagen synthesis is on the structure of the mass of denatured fibers.
#12: Wrinkle reduction is based on collagen shrinkage and denaturation all over the dermis superficial and deep.
In order for it to be homogeneous, the heating should not be focused, but rather spread all over.
Since water and blood vessels are all over the dermis, they heat up by IR and RF and conduct the heat to the collagen fibers.
#14: Vector zones should be sized for 10-30 pulses: if they are too large (>30 pulses) the heat will not accumulate, if too small (<10 pulses) the heat will accumulate too fast with a burn hazard.
Vectors could be marked with a white eyeliner.
#17: The areas to be treated should not be too large (>30 pulses) so that the heat will accumulate.
At the same time, the area should not be too small (<10 pulses), as heat will accumulate too fast with a burn hazard.
Since the ST treatment is mild and safe, it is advised to do up to 50% overlap.
#27: As the body ages, the appearance and characteristics of the skin change. Collagen forms the structural network of our skin. As we age, it is believed that collagen and elastin deteriorate and cause the skin to become thinner and eventually sag.
#32: Tissue between the electode pins is heated and fibroblast stimulation is initiated = healing reservoir for low-downtime recovery.
#34: Heating/stimulation: Activatiand reversible damage, Metabolic effects (>42.5属C) collagenesis
Coagulation: Reversible to irreversible damage. Destruction of chemical bonds, proteins denaturizing
Metabolic effects skin tightening.
Ablation: Irreversible damage, evaporation of tissue. Metabolic effect skin resurfacing
on or minor