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Curriculum vitae
Personal information
First Name(s) / Surname(s) Nikolett Beck
Address(es) 29 Kaposv叩ri rd, Nagykanizsa, 8800, Hungary
Telephone(s) 06-30/388-9480
Fax(es) -
E-mail(s) becknikolett90@gmail.com
Nationality(-ies) Hungarian
Date of Birth 02. 20.1990, Keszthely
Gender Female
Desired employment /
Occupational field
Work experience
Occupation / position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Name and address of the employer
Type of business or sector
July 2013.  November 2015
sales assistant / office manager
handling database, maintain relationship with customers in English and in Hungarian, asses their needs,
advertising properties, making offers, support the sales colleagues, ad-hoc tacks given by the managing
director, personal assistance
during the summer of 2015 I was dealing with office manager tasks as well, which broadened my
At-Home Budapest Network Ltd.
Rental and sales of luxury properties
Reference person: Zolt叩n Mez managing director
Contact details: zoltan.mezo@athome-network.com, 20/966-7428
Dates October 2012.  May 2013
Occupation / position held project manager assistant
Main activities and responsibilities database building, monitoring of current calls, uploading the calls to a webpage, translation, other ad
hoc tasks
Name and address of the employer Europa Consortium Ltd., Nagykanizsa
Type of business or sector project development, project management, trainings, courses
Dates August 2011.  November 2011.
Occupation / position held operator-administrator
Main activities and responsibilities DAF Max card project, data cross-check and recording, administration
Name and address of the employer Develor Consulting Closed Corporation, Budapest
Curriculum vitae  Niko lett Beck page 1/3
Type of business or sector training-consulting company
Dates June 2011.  July 2011.
Occupation / position held call centre operator
Main activities and responsibilities insurance guidance
Name and address of the employer Telemedia Ltd., Budapest
Type of business or sector call centre services
Dates 2010 summer
Occupation / position held call centre operator
Main activities and responsibilities salesmanship of preferential holidays
Name and address of the employer 7Holding Ltd., Nagykanizsa
Type of business or sector holiday, tourism, and marketing areas
Dates 2008  2010 summer, or rather periodically
Occupation / position held operator
Main activities and responsibilities telephone surveys
Name and address of the employer EnterCom Ltd., Budapest
Type of business or sector Operation of call centres, Outsourcing, Tele marketing, Telesales, Consulting, Consumer research
and surveys
Education and training
Dates 2010  2012.
Title of qualification awarded project manager assistant
Principal subjects / occupational skills
project management, marketing, tender management, business communication, accountancy, finance
and bank basics, human resources management, European project studies, skills and personality
development, judiciary basics, business ethics
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Atalanta Business Vocational School, Budapest
Level in national or international
OKJ 55 343 01 0010 55 05 (advanced level vocational training)
Dates 2008  2012.
Title of qualification awarded philologist in English studies  theatre studies minor
Principal subjects / occupational skills
phonology, syntax, language practice, English literature, English history, cultural studies, applied
linguistics, theatre history, drama history, criticism, pedagogy, psychology,
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
E旦tv旦s L坦r叩nd University Faculty of Arts, Budapest
Level in national or international
Dates 2004  2008.
Title of qualification awarded gymnasium leaving certificate
Principal subjects / occupational skills
Hungarian literature, Hungarian grammar, history, mathematics, English language, German language,
French language, ethics, philosophy
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Batthy叩ny Lajos Gymnasium, Nagykanizsa
Level in national or international
Curriculum vitae  Niko lett Beck page 2/3
Personal skills and
Mother tongue(s) Hungarian
Other language(s)
Self-assesment Understanding Speaking Writing
European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
English C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user
German B2
French A1 Basic user A1 Basic user A1 Basic user A1 - A1 basic user
(*) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level
Social skills and competences - interest in foreign languages, human orientation,
- outstanding communication skills
- open personality, spirited, good problem solving skills,
- ability to work in team or independently as well, previously I always worked as a team member,
- good accommodating skills to a new environment
- empathy, tolerance of monotony and stress, ability to work under pressure.
Organisational skills and
During my project manager assistant training I spent my professional practice at P辿terfy S叩ndor
Elementary School in Nagykanizsa where I had the opportunity to coordinate the projects and the
budget of the institute.
Computer skills and competences - appropriate knowledge of Microsoft Office tools (Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint)
- basic knowledge of Microsoft Project,
- confident usage of Microsoft operating systems,
- efficient usage of the internet,
- I am able to learn easily how to use a new program needed for my job.
Other skills and competences /
Personal inetersts
Volunteer translation activities. I am performing the subtitling of presentation/lecture videos at TED
(Technology, Entertainment, Design). I love going to theatre. I like especially the world of musicals. I
like watching movies and reading as well. For me the regular sport is also important so I attend Zumba
classes weekly.
Driving licence (s) For present I dont have any but in the near future I would like to have a category B driving licence.
Additional informations As I am single now, my arrangement is flexible. Weekend and evening working hours cause no
difficulties for me.
Attachments Copy of Diploma (upon request)
Copies of Language Certificates (upon request)
Copy of the certificate justifying vocational training (upon request)
Reference letter
23. December 2015, Budapest
Nikolett Beck
Curriculum vitae  Niko lett Beck page 3/3

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  • 1. Europass Curriculum vitae Personal information First Name(s) / Surname(s) Nikolett Beck Address(es) 29 Kaposv叩ri rd, Nagykanizsa, 8800, Hungary Telephone(s) 06-30/388-9480 Fax(es) - E-mail(s) becknikolett90@gmail.com Nationality(-ies) Hungarian Date of Birth 02. 20.1990, Keszthely Gender Female Desired employment / Occupational field Work experience Dates Occupation / position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of the employer Type of business or sector July 2013. November 2015 sales assistant / office manager handling database, maintain relationship with customers in English and in Hungarian, asses their needs, advertising properties, making offers, support the sales colleagues, ad-hoc tacks given by the managing director, personal assistance during the summer of 2015 I was dealing with office manager tasks as well, which broadened my responsibilities At-Home Budapest Network Ltd. Rental and sales of luxury properties Reference person: Zolt叩n Mez managing director Contact details: zoltan.mezo@athome-network.com, 20/966-7428 Dates October 2012. May 2013 Occupation / position held project manager assistant Main activities and responsibilities database building, monitoring of current calls, uploading the calls to a webpage, translation, other ad hoc tasks Name and address of the employer Europa Consortium Ltd., Nagykanizsa Type of business or sector project development, project management, trainings, courses Dates August 2011. November 2011. Occupation / position held operator-administrator Main activities and responsibilities DAF Max card project, data cross-check and recording, administration Name and address of the employer Develor Consulting Closed Corporation, Budapest Curriculum vitae Niko lett Beck page 1/3
  • 2. Type of business or sector training-consulting company Dates June 2011. July 2011. Occupation / position held call centre operator Main activities and responsibilities insurance guidance Name and address of the employer Telemedia Ltd., Budapest Type of business or sector call centre services Dates 2010 summer Occupation / position held call centre operator Main activities and responsibilities salesmanship of preferential holidays Name and address of the employer 7Holding Ltd., Nagykanizsa Type of business or sector holiday, tourism, and marketing areas Dates 2008 2010 summer, or rather periodically Occupation / position held operator Main activities and responsibilities telephone surveys Name and address of the employer EnterCom Ltd., Budapest Type of business or sector Operation of call centres, Outsourcing, Tele marketing, Telesales, Consulting, Consumer research and surveys Education and training Dates 2010 2012. Title of qualification awarded project manager assistant Principal subjects / occupational skills covered project management, marketing, tender management, business communication, accountancy, finance and bank basics, human resources management, European project studies, skills and personality development, judiciary basics, business ethics Name and type of organisation providing education and training Atalanta Business Vocational School, Budapest Level in national or international classification OKJ 55 343 01 0010 55 05 (advanced level vocational training) Dates 2008 2012. Title of qualification awarded philologist in English studies theatre studies minor Principal subjects / occupational skills covered phonology, syntax, language practice, English literature, English history, cultural studies, applied linguistics, theatre history, drama history, criticism, pedagogy, psychology, Name and type of organisation providing education and training E旦tv旦s L坦r叩nd University Faculty of Arts, Budapest Level in national or international classification BA, ISCED 5 Dates 2004 2008. Title of qualification awarded gymnasium leaving certificate Principal subjects / occupational skills covered Hungarian literature, Hungarian grammar, history, mathematics, English language, German language, French language, ethics, philosophy Name and type of organisation providing education and training Batthy叩ny Lajos Gymnasium, Nagykanizsa Level in national or international classification ISCED 3 Curriculum vitae Niko lett Beck page 2/3
  • 3. Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s) Hungarian Other language(s) Self-assesment Understanding Speaking Writing European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production English C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user German B2 Independent user B2 Independent user B2 Independent user B2 Independent user B2 Independent user French A1 Basic user A1 Basic user A1 Basic user A1 - A1 basic user (*) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level Social skills and competences - interest in foreign languages, human orientation, - outstanding communication skills - open personality, spirited, good problem solving skills, - ability to work in team or independently as well, previously I always worked as a team member, - good accommodating skills to a new environment - empathy, tolerance of monotony and stress, ability to work under pressure. Organisational skills and competences During my project manager assistant training I spent my professional practice at P辿terfy S叩ndor Elementary School in Nagykanizsa where I had the opportunity to coordinate the projects and the budget of the institute. Computer skills and competences - appropriate knowledge of Microsoft Office tools (Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint) - basic knowledge of Microsoft Project, - confident usage of Microsoft operating systems, - efficient usage of the internet, - I am able to learn easily how to use a new program needed for my job. Other skills and competences / Personal inetersts Volunteer translation activities. I am performing the subtitling of presentation/lecture videos at TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design). I love going to theatre. I like especially the world of musicals. I like watching movies and reading as well. For me the regular sport is also important so I attend Zumba classes weekly. Driving licence (s) For present I dont have any but in the near future I would like to have a category B driving licence. Additional informations As I am single now, my arrangement is flexible. Weekend and evening working hours cause no difficulties for me. Attachments Copy of Diploma (upon request) Copies of Language Certificates (upon request) Copy of the certificate justifying vocational training (upon request) Reference letter 23. December 2015, Budapest Nikolett Beck Curriculum vitae Niko lett Beck page 3/3