1) The document describes a study that implemented a fully-coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) model in PLAXIS 2D finite element software and applied it to simulate radioactive waste storage.
2) The case study modeled two underground galleries excavated in clay for waste storage, applying heat fluxes from the waste. Results showed maximum displacements of 12.9 cm during excavation and temperatures up to 360K after 444 years of heating.
3) Pore pressures increased initially due to heating but then returned to hydrostatic conditions as the tunnels closed and recharged with water. The THM model successfully simulated expected phenomena and can be used for further repository studies.
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1. Implementing a fully-coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical model:
lessons learned from the application to radioactive waste storage
Adrien Haxaire 1), Philip J. Vardon 2), Vahid Galavi 3), Ronald B.J. Brinkgreve 1,2)
1) Plaxis, Delft, The Netherlands
2) Department of Geoscience and Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
3) Deltares, Delft, The Netherlands
The fully-coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical
(THM) model presented in Haxaire et al. (2013)
has been implemented in the finite element code
PLAXIS 2D. An application to radioactive waste
storage is conducted and analysed. It is inspired
by the OPERA research programme, in the
Netherlands (Verhoef and Schr旦der, 2011). The
formulation and the implementation is stable and
provides qualitative results in accordance with
Case study
The case study is inspired by Arnold et al.
(2015). Figure 1 presents the geometry, mesh
and the boundary conditions and Table 1 the
parameters used. The analysis is plane strain. It
consists of a set of two 1.6 m radius galleries
excavated at a 500 m depth in a Boom clay
layer, with a spacing of 50 m (centre to centre).
The mesh contains 2298 fifteen-noded
elements, with 18729 nodes. The boundary
conditions are applied to both galleries. A heat
flux of 11 W/m2 is applied to both tunnel outer
circumferences to model the heat emitted by the
radioactive waste canisters once in place.
First phase: excavation
The largest total displacement on Figure 2.a. is
12.91 cm, or 8% of the radius of the gallery. This
value was confirmed by a three dimensional
calculation performed using PLAXIS 3D. Non
zero values of the displacement field extend to
21 m below the galleries. The total deviatoric
strain on Figure 2.b. exhibits the behaviour
observed for the total displacement field: high
displacements at the edge of the gallery,
combined with an extended shear zone below
the gallery. The maximum value obtained, 8.6 %,
is close to the total displacement ratio,
confirming thus that the displacements are
mainly caused by shearing.
Second phase: heating
Figure 3 presents the temperature and the heat
flux in the model at steady state, reached after
approximatively 1.4.1010 seconds, i.e. 444 years.
The maximum temperature, obtained at the
boundary of the gallery, at point A, reaches 360
K. Figure 3 (a) exhibits the interaction between
the two canisters. The temperature at the middle
of the model, at point E (25.08 m, 51.30 m),
reaches 328.4 K. Figure 3 (b) shows that the
heat flux, as expected, is null at the centre of the
model, confirming the interaction between the
two canisters at steady state.
Figure 4 presents the evolution of the pore
pressure close to the Boom clay-canister
interface, after the start of the heating. We can
see on Figure 4 (a) that, as expected, the
heating increases the pore pressure: as the
permeability is low, the water expands but
cannot flow. The pore pressure initially increases
rapidly due to the rapid temperature increase
and then is subsequently controlled by the
recharge effects of closing and backfilling the
tunnel, returning to hydrostatic conditions.
Figure 4 (b) confirms this result over the three
points A, C and E.
The current implementation of PLAXIS 2D's
fully-coupled THM model has been shown to be
able to simulate the THM effects of a radioactive
waste repository. It can simulate a number of
expected phenomena, leading to confidence in
its ability to be used in further studies. From this
positive experience, more refined studies can be
conducted, such as considering the excavation
damaged zone, or the impact of vapour fluxes
on the THM processes, as well as full validations
based on in situ experiments.
Arnold, P., Vardon, P.J., Hicks, M.A., Fokkens, J.
and Fokker, P.A. 2015. A numerical and
reliability-based investigation into the technical
feasibility of a Dutch radioactive waste
repository in Boom Clay. OPERA-PU-TUD311,
COVRA, The Netherlands.
Haxaire, A., Galavi, V. and Brinkgreve, R.B.J.
2013. Definition and implementation of a fully
coupled THM model, Rock Mechanics for
Resources, Energy and Environment -
Kwaniewski & yd甜ba (eds), Taylor & Francis
Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00080-3.
Verhoef, E. and Schroder, T. 2011. Research
Figure 1. Mesh and boundary conditions of the case study.
Figure 2. Excavation: total displacements (a) and total
deviatoric strain (b).
Table 1. THM parameters used for the case study.
Mechanical Unit Value Hydraulic Unit Value
ref [kN/m2] 145300 Sres [-] 0.01629
ref [kN/m2] 145300 Ssat [-] 1
ref [kN/m2] 435800 gn [-] 1.103
Power (m) [-] 0.7 ga [1/m] 2.650
einit [-] 0.166 gl [-] 2.5
cref [kN/m2] 300 kx [m/s] 10-12
[属] 12.5 ky [m/s] 10-12
率 [属] 0 Thermal Unit Value
僚ur [-] 0.3 cs [J/kg.K] 1400
pref [kN/m2] 100 了s [W/m.K] 1.4
nc [-] 0.7836 s [kg/m3] 2000
Model Hardening Soil 留s [-] 5. 10-5
Figure 3. Temperature distribution (a) and heat flux (b) at steady
Figure 4. Pore pressure after 282 days of heating (a) and from
the left canister to the centre of the model until 95 years (b).