On Europe PubMed Central, we extract identifies (e.g., accession numbers, data DOIs) in scientific articles. Recently, we started publishing mined identifiers on Linked Data Platform to improve the connectivity of our mined data.
2. Contents
Europe PubMed Central
Linking Literature
Mining Identifiers
Publishing Mined Identifiers on RDF
Web Annotation Data Model
Use Case for Database Curation
3. Europe PubMed Central
Europe PMC is a literature database
Abstracts: 30 million PubMed, Agricola and patent
records, updated daily
Full text articles: over 3 million full text articles, of
which over 900,000 are free to read and reuse,
updated daily
4. Services in Europe PMC
RESTful web service:
Text-mined terms, metadata, full text
ORCID article claiming tool
Embassy Cloud for 3rd party contents providers
BioJS literature module: http://biojs.io/d/biojs-vis-
5. Linking Literature
Europe PMC provides various types of linking methods
By external links: to any URL (e.g., database,
Wikipedia, press release, etc.)
By text mining
Biological entities
Identifiers (e.g., accession numbers)
By ORCID (article claims)
24 external links providers, 1 ORCID, 9 cross-reference
DBs, 20 DB identifiers, 6 named entity types
6. Linking Examples
To By Relation REST API
Wikipedia Provider Mention labsLinks
Publons Provider Review labsLinks
UniProt Curator Citation databaseLinks
ORCID Provider Author search
EFO Named entity
Recognition textMinedTerms
PDB Accession
number tagger
Mention textMinedTerms
7. Mining Identifiers in Free Text
Started for cross-linking with EBI databases
Data citation, impact analysis
Now, moving for linked data
We use patterns from identifiers.org and link back to it.
A IE problem: ID matching + NER for resource names
Some ambiguities
PDB: 4min
OMIM and ERC funding id: both 6-digit numbers
Resource name variations: UniProt, Swiss-Prot, etc.
8. Mentioned in Europe PMC articles
Identifiers in Literature
ArrayExpress, UniProt,
RefSeq, Ensembl,
InterPro, Bioproject,
Biosample, EMDB, PXD,
EGA, TreeFam
Research Council
GO, UniProt,
NCBI Taxonomy,
Clinical Trials
NCT, EudraCT
(Dryad, figshare,
Data DOI
9. Identifiers in Different Resources
Articles (978,605) Patents 2014 (266,192) Wiki pages (15,346,290)
db # articles db # patents db # pages
ddbj 23,295
ddbj 4,074 pdb 4,265
pdb 15,544 uniprot 1,387 omim 2,226
nct 13,006 pdb 1,093 uniprot 1,712
refsnp 10,168 refseq 1,002 refseq 1,643
refseq 6,551 refsnp 322 ensembl 1,402
omim 5,093 omim 254 go 1,351
uniprot 2,865 pfam 115 pfam 582
go 1,900 ensembl 97 interpro 560
arrayexpress 1,832 interpro 46
ddbj 396
10. Publishing Identifiers on RDF
More connectivity
More provenance for each linking
PMCID, sentence, section label, etc.
Links to share and comment (e.g., hypothes.is)
How to model? Web Annotation Data Model.
dealing with nearly a billion annotations generated
automatically in a large scale
11. Web Annotation Data Model
Built on the top on RDF
Annotations as resources
To provide a standard description mechanism for
sharing annotations between systems
For more general purpose use
Not only for text mining
For example, YouTube video comments (by people),
image annotation, etc.
W3C Working Draft
12. Core Annotation Framework
Typically an Annotation has a single Body, which is
the comment or other descriptive resource, and a single
Target that the Body is somehow "about".
The Body provides the information which is annotating
the Target.
This "aboutness" may be further clarified or extended to
notions such as classifying or identifying.
14. Text-Mining RDF Service
Running on EBI RDF Platform
Stores 1,563,241,810 triples text-mined from 400,746
Open Access articles in Europe PubMed Central.
for each article, all the annotations linking to
with contexts:
section information
15. Use Case for Database Curation
Given an database identifier, provides sentence-level
information for database curation.
Show all the articles where a PDB accession number
3NSS is mentioned.
Show all the annotations with each its label in
Show all the articles where inflammatory bowel
disease (C0021390) is mentioned.
17. Plans for BioHackathon 2015
Integration with other SPAQL endpoints
Interoperability with other formats used in text-mining
e.g., BioC, UIMA
Produce more links on RDF
18. References
Europe PMC Consortium. Europe PMC: a full-text literature database for the life sciences and platform
for innovation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Jan;43(Database issue) D1042-8. doi:10.1093/nar/gku1061.
PMID: 25378340; PMCID: PMC4383902.
Kafkas , Kim JH, McEntyre JR. Database citation in full text biomedical articles. PLoS One. 2013;8(5)
e63184. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0063184. PMID: 23734176; PMCID: PMC3667078.
Juty N, Le Nov竪re N, Laibe C. Identifiers.org and MIRIAM Registry: community resources to provide
persistent identification. Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Jan;40(Database issue) D580-6. doi:10.1093
/nar/gkr1097. PMID: 22140103; PMCID: PMC3245029.