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What I love about #EuropeIN is that every time it comes, it arrives with a new version, 
there卒s always an innovative element 
Jaume Duch 
European Parliament Spokesman and Director of Media
European institutions are the embodiment of the will of its citizens, and a tangible 
prove of its values. Communication should take advantage of Internet and social 
media to have an open dialogue with the public. 
MEP Cristina Guti辿rrez  Cortines
What is #EuropeIN? 
Started by MEP Cristina Guti辿rrez-Cortines, and inspired on the European 
Year of Citizens initiative, #EuropeIN is a bridge between the public and 
European institutions. 
Feedback Feedback
#EuropeIN is a multichannel enterprise, which focuses on segments of the 
public and creates a community by collaborative means. These individuals, 
and the communities they are in, work to leverage activities from European 
institutions and maximize their impact.
#EuropeIN its about creating a community of people which 
constitutes a fan-base of individuals enthusiastic and 
#EuropeIN works in two ways: 
 On the 2.0 world connecting and engaging individuals. 
 On the 1.0 world consolidating this network and enforcing the message by 
direct experience. 
Therefore #EuropeIN complements communications initiatives by adding value, 
and bringing closer general public as well as stake holders.
How we select participants 
#EuropeIN works with a transversal criteria when selecting participants, 
according to a variety of backgrounds and personalities, and one common 
characteristic: compromise. 
Participants are searched on the premise of professionals who use social 
media. Then are subject to scrutiny on their background, opinions and 
interests through the channels where they may be keener: Twitter, Facebook, 
What we spect from them 
#EuropeIN spects its members to join the conversation, debate, ask and 
engage with the institutions, but most of all with the people who works on 
them. They will become not just mere prescriptors and transmitters, but 
enthusiasts who will spread the word and open new debates; fans who will 
communicate their passion.
How we proceed 
People are invited to join an event, but the action starts before with activities 
on social media, sharing information, interviews, etc. 2.0 
The event works as a boot camp where they will experience intensively with 
those on the premises, as well as people on social media, ie. They become 
the bridge between people and institutions. #EuropeIN provides also content 
(videos, infographics, etc.) that they can share, because its all part of a 
planned storytelling, and works as a leverage of the activity. 1.0 
Then we keep the activities on 2.0
What we can do for you 
Do you have an event? Any type of item you want to build a community 
around? Do you want to strength the relation with stakeholders and spread 
the word? 
We can create a community who is to amplify your message and deliver it 
where its most wanted: around an event, a particular initiative or scheme, or 
even better, build a solid relation with those who care.
7 principles of #EuropeIN 
1. We are Europeists. We stand for a Europe defined not by geographic boundaries 
but by principles that are the result of the experience and cultural development of 
more than two thousand years. 
2. We stand for free speech and participation with critical thinking, horizontally and 
based on principles of reciprocity and respect. 
3. We want to strengthen the European institutions. These are the representation of 
the will of its citizens and a prove of their tangible values. So the debate should be 
between them and the citizens they represent. With policies of transparency and 
4. We are independent and active, but not neutral. 
5. Transparency starts with us, form the very citizen, and must be demanded from all 
6. We feel participation of Europeans is a tool to improve the institutions in a bottom-up 
process: from citizens to those who represent and decision makers. 
7. Communication requires a determined pedagogy about the European Union and its 
values, because we believe in Europe.
March 14th
- Visit of 25 professionals who use social media to European Parliament and 
European Commission. 
- Designed as boot-camp scheme, with continuous events happening on 1.0 
as well as 2.0 including: 
- Open debates with decision/policy makers 
- Role playing game 
- Interactive elements and content scheduled during the day 
- Immersive experiences within institutions 
- The proactive participation of all attendants = 19.598.820 impacts just in 
Twitter = 7% Internet users in Spain on a daily basis 
- Reach, number of users who have referenced it and/or interacted: 1.237.646.
Range of influence. 
It is the number of 
unique authors 
referencing your 
brand divided by 
the total number of 
EuropeIN in the Parliament - march 2014
EuropeIN in the Parliament - march 2014
May 25th
- 5 people were embedded during election night at two locations: 3 in the 
European Parliament in Brussels and 2 in the press centre in Madrid. 
- Their mission was: 
- Provide general information during the night (polls, results, etc.). 
- Deliver insight information and a personal view behind the scenes from 
the premises. 
- Become a bridge between the institutions and the rest of #EuropeIN 
team members and supporters (35 people), feeding them with further 
information including videos, photographs, infographics, etc. 
- Share and amplify also the information by other members of the 
#EuropeIN community. 
- Last but not least, engage with other internet and social media users. 
- Then, the whole of the #EuropeIN community was to spread the information 
and provide their own content, which was also to be shared by the other 
members of the community.
EuropeIN in the Parliament - march 2014
Let卒s do something different 
#EuropeIN turns social media and internet users, in to fans and active 
collaborators, making the European experience fun. 
Blog: http://www.europein.eu 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/europein 
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/europeintv 
Twitter: @EuropeIN 
Another cool initiative from Contact: j.egea@horizonmedia.es 
+34 615 115388

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EuropeIN in the Parliament - march 2014

  • 1. SHARING EUROPE ENGAGING CITIZENS What I love about #EuropeIN is that every time it comes, it arrives with a new version, there卒s always an innovative element Jaume Duch European Parliament Spokesman and Director of Media
  • 2. European institutions are the embodiment of the will of its citizens, and a tangible prove of its values. Communication should take advantage of Internet and social media to have an open dialogue with the public. MEP Cristina Guti辿rrez Cortines
  • 3. What is #EuropeIN? Started by MEP Cristina Guti辿rrez-Cortines, and inspired on the European Year of Citizens initiative, #EuropeIN is a bridge between the public and European institutions. Information Feedback Feedback
  • 4. Multichannel #EuropeIN is a multichannel enterprise, which focuses on segments of the public and creates a community by collaborative means. These individuals, and the communities they are in, work to leverage activities from European institutions and maximize their impact.
  • 5. Fanbase #EuropeIN its about creating a community of people which constitutes a fan-base of individuals enthusiastic and collaborative.
  • 6. #EuropeIN works in two ways: On the 2.0 world connecting and engaging individuals. On the 1.0 world consolidating this network and enforcing the message by direct experience. Therefore #EuropeIN complements communications initiatives by adding value, and bringing closer general public as well as stake holders.
  • 7. How we select participants #EuropeIN works with a transversal criteria when selecting participants, according to a variety of backgrounds and personalities, and one common characteristic: compromise. Participants are searched on the premise of professionals who use social media. Then are subject to scrutiny on their background, opinions and interests through the channels where they may be keener: Twitter, Facebook, etc.
  • 8. What we spect from them #EuropeIN spects its members to join the conversation, debate, ask and engage with the institutions, but most of all with the people who works on them. They will become not just mere prescriptors and transmitters, but enthusiasts who will spread the word and open new debates; fans who will communicate their passion.
  • 9. How we proceed People are invited to join an event, but the action starts before with activities on social media, sharing information, interviews, etc. 2.0 The event works as a boot camp where they will experience intensively with those on the premises, as well as people on social media, ie. They become the bridge between people and institutions. #EuropeIN provides also content (videos, infographics, etc.) that they can share, because its all part of a planned storytelling, and works as a leverage of the activity. 1.0 Then we keep the activities on 2.0
  • 10. What we can do for you Do you have an event? Any type of item you want to build a community around? Do you want to strength the relation with stakeholders and spread the word? We can create a community who is to amplify your message and deliver it where its most wanted: around an event, a particular initiative or scheme, or even better, build a solid relation with those who care.
  • 11. 7 principles of #EuropeIN 1. We are Europeists. We stand for a Europe defined not by geographic boundaries but by principles that are the result of the experience and cultural development of more than two thousand years. 2. We stand for free speech and participation with critical thinking, horizontally and based on principles of reciprocity and respect. 3. We want to strengthen the European institutions. These are the representation of the will of its citizens and a prove of their tangible values. So the debate should be between them and the citizens they represent. With policies of transparency and empowerment. 4. We are independent and active, but not neutral. 5. Transparency starts with us, form the very citizen, and must be demanded from all institutions. 6. We feel participation of Europeans is a tool to improve the institutions in a bottom-up process: from citizens to those who represent and decision makers. 7. Communication requires a determined pedagogy about the European Union and its values, because we believe in Europe.
  • 12. SUCCESS CASE 1 #EuropeIN March 14th
  • 13. - Visit of 25 professionals who use social media to European Parliament and European Commission. - Designed as boot-camp scheme, with continuous events happening on 1.0 as well as 2.0 including: - Open debates with decision/policy makers - Role playing game - Interactive elements and content scheduled during the day - Immersive experiences within institutions - The proactive participation of all attendants = 19.598.820 impacts just in Twitter = 7% Internet users in Spain on a daily basis - Reach, number of users who have referenced it and/or interacted: 1.237.646.
  • 14. Range of influence. It is the number of unique authors referencing your brand divided by the total number of mentions.
  • 17. SUCCESS CASE 2 #EuropeIN May 25th
  • 18. - 5 people were embedded during election night at two locations: 3 in the European Parliament in Brussels and 2 in the press centre in Madrid. - Their mission was: - Provide general information during the night (polls, results, etc.). - Deliver insight information and a personal view behind the scenes from the premises. - Become a bridge between the institutions and the rest of #EuropeIN team members and supporters (35 people), feeding them with further information including videos, photographs, infographics, etc. - Share and amplify also the information by other members of the #EuropeIN community. - Last but not least, engage with other internet and social media users. - Then, the whole of the #EuropeIN community was to spread the information and provide their own content, which was also to be shared by the other members of the community.
  • 20. Let卒s do something different #EuropeIN turns social media and internet users, in to fans and active collaborators, making the European experience fun. #europeIN
  • 21. Blog: http://www.europein.eu Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/europein Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/europeintv Twitter: @EuropeIN Another cool initiative from Contact: j.egea@horizonmedia.es +34 615 115388