The document discusses various topics related to progressive web apps including service workers, security, caching, animations, installability, engagement, and notifications. It provides an overview of key concepts and links to additional resources on each topic. Specific points covered include how service workers allow offline and low-connection experiences, techniques for fast loading like preloading assets, methods for high-performance animations like FLIP animations, how to make apps installable through web app manifests and prompts, and using push notifications to increase user engagement.
PHP is a key enabling technology behind Web 2.0 applications and services. The document discusses how PHP powers many Web 2.0 sites through its ability to create rich web applications using AJAX and expose functionality through web services. It also explains how PHP supports a service-oriented architecture and allows users to collaboratively create and share content. The rise of PHP and other open source technologies has lowered barriers for developers and driven innovation in Web 2.0.
Most companies today have teams located in different offices spread across the globe and their effectiveness will depend on the teams ability to work together collaboratively. Sahith Chandan a developer at hedgehog lab takes points from his experience of working with our UK team to create this presentation about working with Blended Teams.
Dawn is a 21-year-old student from Northern Ireland who currently studies at Durham University in England. She lives in Lisburn, Northern Ireland and has one brother named Ben. In her free time, Dawn enjoys cooking, music, playing the piano, food, watching football and supports Barcelona.
The document describes a role-playing activity where students pretend to be in a restaurant. The goals are to practice conversational English, reinforce understanding of conditional tense, and expose students to different cultures' cuisines. Students are assigned roles as waiters or customers. Real food, menus, and props are used. Sample dialogues show customers ordering and paying for meals from an Irish-themed menu. Dishes like shepherd's pie and baked potato with tuna are prepared beforehand.
Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated internationally on March 17th each year to honor Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. Saint Patrick was born in Britain but was kidnapped and enslaved in Ireland as a teenager, where he later escaped and became a priest. He used the three-leaf shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity to the Irish people. Saint Patrick's Day celebrations feature symbols of Ireland like the shamrock and leprechauns.
2. SARRERA Esku pilota Euskal Herrian aparte, Gaztela Lehonen,Valentzian,Madrilen,Sorian,Valladoliden jokatzen den kirol bat da.Kirol hau frontoietan praktikatzen da.
3. FUNTSEZKO ARAUAK Frontoiaren neurriak. Banaka edo binaka jokatzen da. Elastiko eta gerrikoaren koloreak. Pilotak Sakea,Tanteoa Epaileak.
4. TELEBISTA ETA PILOTA Telebistaren garrantzia azken urtetan. Frontoien kolore aldaketa,elastikoena. Ezin besteko diru sarrera .