This document is a slide deck containing photos from various photographers including JonoMueller, Jaclyn Auletta, Stuck in Customs, Leo Reynolds, benjohnlamb, Luis Hernandez -, atlnav, CyboRoZ, and kevindean. The final slide encourages the viewer to create their own Haiku Deck presentation on ºÝºÝߣShare.
Yashpal Rahar is applying for the position of Camp Boss/Safety Supervisor with over 10 years of experience in related roles. He has worked as a Foreman in Kuwait and as Camp Boss and Assistant Safety Officer for various construction companies in India. Rahar holds a diploma in Industrial Safety and has experience managing labour camps, ensuring safety and security, and representing employees in safety meetings. He is seeking a challenging position that allows professional growth and utilizes his technical and personal skills.
Krishnappa is seeking a position that utilizes his skills and abilities in a professional environment offering growth. He has over 10 years of experience in accounting and finance roles. His responsibilities have included general ledger processing, month/year-end close activities, financial reporting, and ensuring compliance with accounting standards and audits. He is proficient in SAP, Oracle, QuickBooks, and Tally accounting software.
Developed by Mar¨ªa Jes¨²s Campos Fern¨¢ndez, teacher of Geography and History in a bilingual section in Alcorc¨®n (Madrid, Spain).
Academic Planning and Strategies Faculty Development Model - Competency-Based...Becky Lopanec
This document outlines plans and strategies for an academic program called Accelerated Programmer Training (APT) at Austin Community College. It discusses problems the program aims to address like high demand for IT jobs but low completers of computer science/IT programs. The document details plans to recruit and retain students through competency-based education, career tracks, and partnerships. It discusses building the program team, developing the curriculum by mapping competencies, and recognizing student achievements through stackable credentials. The goal is to accelerate training of unemployed/underemployed individuals to meet local IT workforce needs.
Yashpal Rahar is applying for the position of Camp Boss/Safety Supervisor with over 10 years of experience in related roles. He has worked as a Foreman in Kuwait and as Camp Boss and Assistant Safety Officer for various construction companies in India. Rahar holds a diploma in Industrial Safety and has experience managing labour camps, ensuring safety and security, and representing employees in safety meetings. He is seeking a challenging position that allows professional growth and utilizes his technical and personal skills.
Krishnappa is seeking a position that utilizes his skills and abilities in a professional environment offering growth. He has over 10 years of experience in accounting and finance roles. His responsibilities have included general ledger processing, month/year-end close activities, financial reporting, and ensuring compliance with accounting standards and audits. He is proficient in SAP, Oracle, QuickBooks, and Tally accounting software.
Developed by Mar¨ªa Jes¨²s Campos Fern¨¢ndez, teacher of Geography and History in a bilingual section in Alcorc¨®n (Madrid, Spain).
Academic Planning and Strategies Faculty Development Model - Competency-Based...Becky Lopanec
This document outlines plans and strategies for an academic program called Accelerated Programmer Training (APT) at Austin Community College. It discusses problems the program aims to address like high demand for IT jobs but low completers of computer science/IT programs. The document details plans to recruit and retain students through competency-based education, career tracks, and partnerships. It discusses building the program team, developing the curriculum by mapping competencies, and recognizing student achievements through stackable credentials. The goal is to accelerate training of unemployed/underemployed individuals to meet local IT workforce needs.
2. Gaur, Abenduaren
6an Euskararen
Eguna ospatzen
dugu gure
honetan, zenbait
jarduera eta kirolak
ikasleen artean:
tira, eskulanak, txin
gak, lazterketak ...
3. Inkestak egin
ondoren, ikasle
gehienek Euskaren
Eguna gustoko izan
dute, ¡°polita¡± eta
¡°dibertigarria¡± iruditzen
zaie eta beste aldetik
klasea galtzen dutelako
pozik daude. Espero
denez, berriro
errepikatzeko prest
4. Arrakasta gehiena izan duen kirola
sokatira izan da. Adibidez, Lehen
Hezkuntzako 2. kurtsoko ikasleei
galdetu ondoren, hau izan da kirol
arrakastatzuen ranking-a:
?Lehen postuan: Sokatira.
?Bigarren postuan: Txingak.
?Hirugarren postuan: zaku lasterketak.
5. Nahiz eta gaurko eguna gustoko izan, datorren
urterako proposamenen artean, hurrengoak bildu
1.A kurtsoan: izozkiak eta txokolatea ematea, baita
futbolan, lasterketetan eta beste motatako ariketetan
2.A kurtsoan: sokan ibiltzea eta mota desberdineko
lasterketak egitea.
5.A kurstoan: rugby-a eta volleyball-a.
3.B kurtsoan: kartelak egitea, futbola eta txokolatada
6. Inkesta
egiterakoan, ikaslee
k zenbait ariketa
egiten ari ziren. 5.A
eta 3.B klaseetan
baserritar txiki
batzuk egiten ari
ziren. Ia bi ordu
egon behar ziren
eskulan hau
egiteko. Eskulan
honek egiteko ideia
Isabel Pereda izan
7. Irakaslearekin elkarrizketa egiterakoan, euskararen
eguna egunero ospatu behar dugula hausnartu
genuen, euskera gehiago erabili behar dugulako.
Honekin ez dugu esaten egunero festak egin behar
direla, euskera eguneroko hizkuntza izan behar dela
Pablo Gallego, Oscar Hoya eta Asier Artetxe.