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Evaluation 1
 Slow cutting between shots
 Close up shots- specifically on the characters faces to illustrate emotion
 Lighting- Dark as the narrative is typically sad e.g. heartbreak
 Includes shots of the band/ artist performing
 Narratives which tell a story and are linked to the lyrics of the song
 Diegetic sound is frequently used to set the scene in the narrative
 Long sots used to establish settings and to understand narrative (tilts and pans)
 Special editing effects
 My narrative was about a girl going through a break up and getting over the individual by
leaving the country to travel. I have conformed as I have a strong narrative and the lyrics
link well to the narrative as they plead for someone to be honest and it also uses the line:
But if you lie to me again Ill be the one who walks away . This closely links to the imagery
on screen as the female walks away from the camera towards the door illustrating how
they have given up on the relationship.
 I have used a combination of long shots to establish the location abroad and widening the
scene and how much the audience can see to signify her endless boundaries with her new
found freedom. The extreme close ups contrast this as they aim to highlight her emotions.
For example the close ups on the eye is very personal and invasive to impact the audience
so they sympathise with the characters sadness.
 The editing effects I used also conform, specifically with the use of reverse on the picture of
the couple being ripped. This shows the confusion of emotions that the character is
expressing as she is torn between love and hate, symbolised in the ripping and repair of the
 To challenge the convention of using slow shots I decided to also used quicker pace editing
as the mood of the video changes with the females mood. The faster cuts symbolise the
females new found happiness while the slower cuts address her sadness.
 I also used bright light in the external shots as well as dark in the internal shots. This too
is to symbolise the females happiness. This goes against the narrative structure of an indie
music video as they are conventionally sad or happy and do not switch between.
 My music video specifically conforms with use of camera work. In this example
we can see where my production is similar to that of The Lumineers video for
Sleep on the floor . They both use very similar extreme close up camera shots on
the female facial expressions
For this example my own music video challenges the
conventional location setting in urban areas, such are
seen in videos for All Time Low missing you.
However, I have decided to locate my external shots
in a beach and surrounding areas abroad. Again
adding to my happy/ sunny mood of the scenes.

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Evaluation 1

  • 2. Slow cutting between shots Close up shots- specifically on the characters faces to illustrate emotion Lighting- Dark as the narrative is typically sad e.g. heartbreak Includes shots of the band/ artist performing Narratives which tell a story and are linked to the lyrics of the song Diegetic sound is frequently used to set the scene in the narrative Long sots used to establish settings and to understand narrative (tilts and pans) Special editing effects
  • 3. My narrative was about a girl going through a break up and getting over the individual by leaving the country to travel. I have conformed as I have a strong narrative and the lyrics link well to the narrative as they plead for someone to be honest and it also uses the line: But if you lie to me again Ill be the one who walks away . This closely links to the imagery on screen as the female walks away from the camera towards the door illustrating how they have given up on the relationship. I have used a combination of long shots to establish the location abroad and widening the scene and how much the audience can see to signify her endless boundaries with her new found freedom. The extreme close ups contrast this as they aim to highlight her emotions. For example the close ups on the eye is very personal and invasive to impact the audience so they sympathise with the characters sadness. The editing effects I used also conform, specifically with the use of reverse on the picture of the couple being ripped. This shows the confusion of emotions that the character is expressing as she is torn between love and hate, symbolised in the ripping and repair of the photo.
  • 4. To challenge the convention of using slow shots I decided to also used quicker pace editing as the mood of the video changes with the females mood. The faster cuts symbolise the females new found happiness while the slower cuts address her sadness. I also used bright light in the external shots as well as dark in the internal shots. This too is to symbolise the females happiness. This goes against the narrative structure of an indie music video as they are conventionally sad or happy and do not switch between.
  • 5. My music video specifically conforms with use of camera work. In this example we can see where my production is similar to that of The Lumineers video for Sleep on the floor . They both use very similar extreme close up camera shots on the female facial expressions
  • 6. For this example my own music video challenges the conventional location setting in urban areas, such are seen in videos for All Time Low missing you. However, I have decided to locate my external shots in a beach and surrounding areas abroad. Again adding to my happy/ sunny mood of the scenes.