The music video follows conventions of the rock/post-hardcore genre. It focuses on the band's performance to make them the central focus, as is typical in rock videos. It also tells a narrative story through the singer to engage the viewer. Key characters like the singer and another band member dressing similarly to show their connection and portray the story being told through the song. Costuming is used to symbolize the themes of normality, humanity, and zombification within the narrative context of the video.
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Our music video follows the conventions of our
chosen genre Rock/Post hardcore. The first
visible sign is the use of performance; this is
conventional because in rock the videos focus
on band image and often use performance to
make sure the band is the focus. We also had
another reason for using performance in our
music video view identification; we want the
viewer to be able to identify with the singer
(Dale Stow). The majority of shots dale is looking directly at the audience, this was done because we
wanted to break the fourth wall and remove the boundary between the spectator and the music
It was also conventional that we added a
narrative to the music video. We wanted it to
look like the singer was telling a story to the
spectator. The narrative was also a good way to
show and image, the main character (Will
Willis) is dressed similarly to the singer this is
because he is a band member being used as a
puppet to portray Dales story (the song.
There are a few more reason Will and Dale are
dressed similarly. The fist is to show normality
and humanity. In our video we wanted to view
the abject, as normal so we gave them a dress
code of sorts the main item being the hat other
than the first zombie (Rowena Brett) at some
point the other zombies are given a hat to
symbolize the zombification. We used the same
hat on dale for this reason to show that they were no longer human. With Rowe we used the idea of
corporate zombification she is wearing a blazer and shirt. She is wearing this because we trying to
show corporatism as the abject as a sign of rebellion which goes with the conventions of Rock genre.