The document discusses the various softwares and hardwares used to produce a media project. Research and planning involved industry research, genre analysis, and using online resources like Wikipedia and IMDB. Presentations were created using tools like EMAZE and Google Drive was used for questionnaires and interviews were recorded using Vimeo and Premiere Pro. Microsoft Word and WordPress were used for pre-production and screenwriting utilized Final Draft. Canon EOS 600D was used to shoot the film and Adobe Premiere Pro for editing. Royalty-free music was downloaded from A website was created using Wix and a postcard ad was made in Photoshop. The finished
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Evaluation Q4
1. Many typesof softwaresandhardwaresare usedto produce my mediaproduct.
Research and Planning
Firstly,Icarriedout a thoroughresearch.Researchandplanningisthe crucial part infilmmaking.Asit
guidesthe audience aboutthe filmtheywanttoproduce.Like,Industryresearchinformusaboutthe
type of filmsproduce ina specificindustryandwhattype of institutionanddirectortoselectanddoa
detailedresearchonitafterwards.Whereas,genre analysisandgenre theorytabinformsusaboutthe
codesand conventionsof aspecificgenre. Butinthistechnological worldwe donotrequire books,
newpaperandmagazinestogaininformation.Butinternethasmade ourlivesaloteasier.Through
Google,we couldfindamillionof siteslikeWikipedia,IMDB,slideshare etc. Tohave a better
understandingaboutthe codesandconventionsof mygenre andworkingstyle of mydirectorI watch
moviesonPutlocker.EventopresentmyinformationImade use of some presentationsiteslike EMAZE,, prezi.Formytargetaudience researchImade use of Google drive forQuestionnaireasI could
getan automaticanalysisof my questionnaire.FormyinterviewsandfocusgroupsImade use of vimeo
and Premiere ProCS6.
For the pre-productionImostlymade use of Microsoftwordanduploadeddirectlyonmyblogwhichis
on wordpress.Butforthe screenplayImade use of Final draftas itconsistsof a differentformat.
2. Production
Justlike softwares,hardwaresandtechnologyplaysanimportantmainlyinthe productionof the film.I
made use of canoneos600d to shootmy film. Ieditedbymovie usingAdobe premiere CS6.I
Minor task
Thistime we alsomade use of postcard andand website. Icreate mywebsite usingwix.comwhichwas
a completelynew experience.While the postcardad wascreatedon photoshop.
Most importantly,touploadmovie Iuse Vimeoandsharedonsocial networkingsiteslike Facebookand
Twitterto getviewsaboutthe film.