The document summarizes feedback received from audiences on social media and interviews about a band's promotional package, which included a music video, digipak, and magazine advert. The feedback was generally positive, praising the video's storyline, editing, and professional quality of the products. Some constructive criticism included making the digipak less cluttered and text on it and the advert more readable. The band found the feedback insightful to improve their work.
2. • After completing the three products as part of our
promotional package we decided to get ourselves
feedback from our audience by sharing our products on
social media sites including Instagram, Youtube and
Facebook. We also devised a list of questions to ask a
group of people regarding their thoughts on what he had
produced. We then clipped the responses down and
made a short video of interviews which has also now
been uploaded to Youtube. On Facebook and Youtube in
particular we received a number of comments, many of
which were very positive with the occasional piece of
constructive criticism with our video etc. being very well
received on a whole. In the following slides I will be
analysing what can be taken away from what has been
said about our promotional package and how these
recommendations could have been acted upon.
5. Feedback to our music video on Facebook:
• The general feeling within the comments we received after sharing our
video was very positive and almost everyone who left feedback for us had
enjoyed the video. We received one particularly insightful comment that
gave us both positives and improvements that could be made. In this
comment it was said that the storyline was clear and effective as well as
easy enough to follow which we were very pleased to hear and did
multiple times from others. There had previously been doubts by some on
the narrative however we feel we instead achieved what we set out to do
and that the aims of the protagonist became obvious to almost our entire
audience. Many of our camera shots were appreciated and there was also
words said about how the note that features at the beginning and end of
the video could have been better presented with a slight change in wording
to ‘keep it together’ or ‘got it together’ perhaps. We concluded that
Facebook was an ideal platform for our feedback and that what was said
was helpful and effective for us to write about afterwards.
7. Feedback on Youtube:
• As well as posting to Facebook we also uploaded our music video to Youtube and enabled
comments on there too. Although we only received two comments on here they were both
very well written and contained a lot of extremely advantageous content when reflecting on
our work. Both comments had no real criticisms which shows the positive impact our video
has had on the consumer and a lack of bad points is not necessarily a negative as they saw it
to be of an acceptable standard. There were massive compliments to our editing, matches on
action and also the way the video transitioned as a whole, which is particularly to me as I did a
large amount of work on the editing and was very pleased with the end product. To second
what was said on Facebook, the ease of understanding of the storyline was mentioned again
as well as the theme behind the narrative which was seen to be relatable particularly to those
aged within our target audience. The switches made between the narrative and our self
captured live performance from the band were also noticed and appreciated.
8. •The Audience Interviews
• For our self conducted audience feedback through our interview videos we
received the opinions of a number of students known to us within the class. We
recorded their responses and put the footage into a simple edit with title slides
to showcase the questions we had asked them. We felt this was a good idea as
this was an immediate response to our promotional package which we had
shown them only a number of minutes before filming began. We asked them
four questions which were:
• What are your general thoughts on the promotional package?
• What are your thoughts on the music video and the storyline within it?
• Do you think that the 3 products compliment each other well?
• And lastly, what if anything would you improve?
9. Feedback on our Digipak:
• We received both positive and negative or constructive feedback when our
interviewees spoke about our digipak. Instead of posing a question that focused
on the digipak specifically we wanted them to talk about the promotional package
as a whole. Perhaps the biggest praises concerning our digipak were to do with the
fonts we used and also in the most part the colour scheme which was consistent
throughout. We took a lot from this as we had spent time working on a colour
scheme to build the band identity around and for them to become recognised by.
It was also said that our products had a feeling of professionalism to them and
fitted well within our intended genre along with being the sort of thing our fellow
students would recognise on shelves in retail with potential for purchase. The
contrast in dark to light within our video and our digipak and magazine advert was
also noticed and described as effective upon second viewing.
• In terms of any constructive pieces of criticism surrounding the digipak we
received a couple of slight queries, firstly that there was maybe a little too much
on the digipak and that it could have been made to be more minimalistic and
therefore slightly easier to interpret especially from a distance. This comment has
really emphasised how more is not always better and this case is no different. We
tried to use variations of our similar live performance images throughout to build
consistency however some of them became over done and almost psychedelic.
Another argument we received was that on occasions some of the text and
particularly the colours of the strokes we used on our font were sometimes
difficult to read and maybe not as simple as they could have and should have
been. This is a fair observation and we realise that we should have paid more
attention to this as a convention with our fonts needing to be more bold and
better suited to the background colours too on occasions.
10. Feedback on our Magazine Advert:
• Lastly we asked our interviewees to comment on our magazine
advert and again just like for the digipak the majority of our
feedback was very positive. Unlike sometimes with our digipak our
magazine advert was described as bold and to an extent in your
face (particularly with the date and band name) in terms of being
easily read and the key information on the advert being obvious
and where your attention is first led to. As well as this the
connection between the life performance in the video and the
images used for the advert were given high praise and they felt that
it helped bring the three products together to avoid them feeling
distant or dissimilar from each other. This was extremely
encouraging for us to here as they felt the three products suited the
brand identity that we had wanted from the start. The magazine
advert maybe didn’t however have as lasting impression on the
consumer as we had hoped.
• The one real negative we were given was the potential to brighten
up the advert due to it being darker than much of the video. When
this was said there was no definite justification although it would
have possibly made things stand out more. However we think we
did this through our use of the vibrant yellow text over the red and
black body of the advert but perhaps this contrast to push our titles
and headers was not as obvious as we thought.