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What have you learnt about technologies from the process
of constructing this product ?

What technologies did you use throughout the stages of this production?
For our media product we went through three main stages:

       Planning and research

Planning and research -
In our planning and research section we used Blogger a lot to put all of our ideas onto, we
also did a story boards which I used Prezi to do so that I could add the story board pictures
and add the writing as well I then uploaded it onto my blog so that our teacher could give us
feedback and so we had some where to store all of our work. I think it was easy to learn how
to use Prezi because it directs you as soon as you go on the site. I found it difficult to get use
to blogger at first because I was not use to storing my work this way and i was not sure how
to upload my work or to put pictures on at first but after a couple of days of using it i got use
to it and now find it easy .

We also used the computers a lot so that we could research all the stuff that we needed to
such as different types of genres and music for our production. On the computers we used
BBFC to help us find out what our chosen genre age ratings were and other information about
our films, BBFC was an easy website to use and we found the information straight away.
Using the computers helped us out a lot as it made it a lot easier for us to research the stuff
that we needed to. I found the computer easy to work as I am use to using computers .We
also used YouTube a lot within the task as we looked at lots of different film openings to see
which genres we preferred and to see what we would like to add into our own production,
YouTube was easy to use because i am use to using it although there was something that i
couldn’t find on their which was annoying at some points.

Sony Vegas- I found that Sony Vegas was the hardest part of the whole production to start
off with, I did not know how to fade and I didn’t even know how to add any of the clips and
edit them but after playing about with it for a bit I found it easy. I think that the hardest thing
about Sony Vegas was getting the music to fit right and getting the picture quality to look the
same on every clip. It took me a while to figure out how to flip music and how to change the
colour of the clips but when you know how to do it, it is easy. I think that the easiest thing to
do was to render it and was to add and join the clips together.

Boom mic- At first I didn’t even think that you needed to use a boom mic I just thought that
the camera was good enough to pick up the sound but I found out differently when we did the
preliminary task, to me this was new and I didn’t even know how to hold a boom mic or
where to place it but I have now learnt how to do this and it is really easy now.

Video Camera- I have learnt how to use a video camera correctly now as we had to use it in
our preliminary task and our filming for our film opening; I found this easy to learn and got it
straight away. I think the video camera is pretty explanatory as it has labels everywhere
telling you what is what .Although I learnt some of the rules of using a camera and learnt a
lot of camera angles and movement which I found helped a lot when doing our film opening.

Adding the music- I found this hard as we did not know where to start looking for some un-
copy righted music and it took us a while to find it. When we finally found the right piece we
found it hard to fit it to all of our film opening as it was too short but we managed to flip
some of the music and take a cut some of it and then faded it together which made the music
long enough. I found this hard at first but this helped to teach me how to fade and how to flip
and blend to music in together to make it sound ok and to make it fit. I would say that this
was one of the hardest things in the task as we had to figure out by ourselves how to make the
music right.

Recording the Narration – I found that recording our narration was easy as we just had to
go into the recording studio and press start and stop although I found that whilst doing this
you could not make a slight noise out of place otherwise it would be picked up. Also after
recording the narration we had to add it into our product by using the Sony Vegas which I
also found easy but it was more difficult to get it in the exact right place within our film

Adding the titles – Adding the tittles was a little bit harder as we had to download the font
and then add it in and the font wouldn’t download at first but after it had downloaded it was
easy to add in. We also got some of the titles from of Sony Vegas so this made it easier for us
as all we had to do was drag it where we wanted on our product and type what we wanted so
all together this part was very easy to do .

Freeze Frames- To do our freeze frames we had to take a screen shot of the chosen bit of
clip and then just added it in the place where we wanted it so this was a pretty basic thing to
do although at the beginning we didn’t even know where to start. After we figured out how to
do this we found it easy.

I think that over all I have learnt a lot from this task as before this I hadn't even used a video
camera or the Sony Vegas soft ware , I found the hardest thing to do was to use the Sony
Vegas as it was a software that I really wasn't familiar with . It was quite temperamental and
didn’t always do what you wanted it to do. When editing it was hard because it was all new to
me, it was hard to figure out how to do the fades, the imagery work and adding the music as I
didn’t even know where to start but after a couple of days using the programme I got the hang
of it so I would say that this was one of the best things that I have learnt whilst doing this
task. I also learnt that when filming with narration you have to have a boom mic to pick up
the sound whereas before the preliminary task I just thought that the cameras were good
enough to pick it up, I learnt that without the boom mic the sound is not very clear at all and
it becomes muffled.

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  • 1. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product ? What technologies did you use throughout the stages of this production? For our media product we went through three main stages: Planning and research Construction Evaluation Planning and research - In our planning and research section we used Blogger a lot to put all of our ideas onto, we also did a story boards which I used Prezi to do so that I could add the story board pictures and add the writing as well I then uploaded it onto my blog so that our teacher could give us feedback and so we had some where to store all of our work. I think it was easy to learn how to use Prezi because it directs you as soon as you go on the site. I found it difficult to get use to blogger at first because I was not use to storing my work this way and i was not sure how to upload my work or to put pictures on at first but after a couple of days of using it i got use to it and now find it easy . We also used the computers a lot so that we could research all the stuff that we needed to such as different types of genres and music for our production. On the computers we used BBFC to help us find out what our chosen genre age ratings were and other information about our films, BBFC was an easy website to use and we found the information straight away. Using the computers helped us out a lot as it made it a lot easier for us to research the stuff that we needed to. I found the computer easy to work as I am use to using computers .We also used YouTube a lot within the task as we looked at lots of different film openings to see which genres we preferred and to see what we would like to add into our own production, YouTube was easy to use because i am use to using it although there was something that i couldn’t find on their which was annoying at some points.
  • 2. Construction- Sony Vegas- I found that Sony Vegas was the hardest part of the whole production to start off with, I did not know how to fade and I didn’t even know how to add any of the clips and edit them but after playing about with it for a bit I found it easy. I think that the hardest thing about Sony Vegas was getting the music to fit right and getting the picture quality to look the same on every clip. It took me a while to figure out how to flip music and how to change the colour of the clips but when you know how to do it, it is easy. I think that the easiest thing to do was to render it and was to add and join the clips together. Boom mic- At first I didn’t even think that you needed to use a boom mic I just thought that the camera was good enough to pick up the sound but I found out differently when we did the preliminary task, to me this was new and I didn’t even know how to hold a boom mic or where to place it but I have now learnt how to do this and it is really easy now. Video Camera- I have learnt how to use a video camera correctly now as we had to use it in our preliminary task and our filming for our film opening; I found this easy to learn and got it straight away. I think the video camera is pretty explanatory as it has labels everywhere telling you what is what .Although I learnt some of the rules of using a camera and learnt a lot of camera angles and movement which I found helped a lot when doing our film opening. Adding the music- I found this hard as we did not know where to start looking for some un- copy righted music and it took us a while to find it. When we finally found the right piece we found it hard to fit it to all of our film opening as it was too short but we managed to flip some of the music and take a cut some of it and then faded it together which made the music long enough. I found this hard at first but this helped to teach me how to fade and how to flip and blend to music in together to make it sound ok and to make it fit. I would say that this
  • 3. was one of the hardest things in the task as we had to figure out by ourselves how to make the music right. Recording the Narration – I found that recording our narration was easy as we just had to go into the recording studio and press start and stop although I found that whilst doing this you could not make a slight noise out of place otherwise it would be picked up. Also after recording the narration we had to add it into our product by using the Sony Vegas which I also found easy but it was more difficult to get it in the exact right place within our film opening. Adding the titles – Adding the tittles was a little bit harder as we had to download the font and then add it in and the font wouldn’t download at first but after it had downloaded it was easy to add in. We also got some of the titles from of Sony Vegas so this made it easier for us as all we had to do was drag it where we wanted on our product and type what we wanted so all together this part was very easy to do . Freeze Frames- To do our freeze frames we had to take a screen shot of the chosen bit of clip and then just added it in the place where we wanted it so this was a pretty basic thing to do although at the beginning we didn’t even know where to start. After we figured out how to do this we found it easy. Conclusion I think that over all I have learnt a lot from this task as before this I hadn't even used a video camera or the Sony Vegas soft ware , I found the hardest thing to do was to use the Sony Vegas as it was a software that I really wasn't familiar with . It was quite temperamental and didn’t always do what you wanted it to do. When editing it was hard because it was all new to me, it was hard to figure out how to do the fades, the imagery work and adding the music as I didn’t even know where to start but after a couple of days using the programme I got the hang of it so I would say that this was one of the best things that I have learnt whilst doing this task. I also learnt that when filming with narration you have to have a boom mic to pick up the sound whereas before the preliminary task I just thought that the cameras were good enough to pick it up, I learnt that without the boom mic the sound is not very clear at all and it becomes muffled.