The document provides information about upcoming events at a parish including a potluck dinner on March 20th, a reminder about the prayer team and request forms, a deadline for the April newsletter, Palm Sunday and Holy Week services, donations for Easter lilies and music due March 17th, an all parish retreat on April 20th, a Mercy MammoVan visit on May 10th, and a need for six volunteers to help host an ECM birthday party on May 10th.
2. Potluck Wednesday, March 20
Breakfast for dinner!
6 PM in the Parish Hall
Service from 6:40 7 PM
Waffles, eggs, sausage,
bacon, juice, coffee . . .
Join us!
3. Prayer Team Reminder
Prayer request forms
are in the pews & near
the prayer wall
Put request in offertory
plate or on prayer wall
Pray for one another
James 5:16
4. April newsletter
Articles due NOW
Contact Lisa Lacroix
5. Taiz辿 on Palm Sunday
Sunday, March 24 @ 7 PM
A glorious way to move
into Holy Week
6. Holy Week Schedule
Maundy Thursday Service,
March 28 @ 7 PM
Good Friday Services,
March 29 @ Noon & 7 PM
Easter Vigil, March 30
@ 8 PM
Easter Sunday, March 31
@ 10 AM
7. Easter Lilys & Music
Please consider a
special donation for
easter lilys and music
Forms in the pews
Make a donation in
someones memory or
give thanks
DUE Today MARCH 17
10. ECM Birthday Party May 10
We need six people to
help host the next
birthday party on May 10
Sign up forms are
available from Pam Evans
or Wayne Beugg