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Eventster Investor Presentation
Events are a $100 billion market…

        $23 billion
                                million            million         55.1

           Concert revenue     Sports tickets   Theater tickets    Fairs
                2011              2011              2010           2008
…running at 60% efficiency.

                          Live Nation’s $2.3 billion pain point:
          “I would have gone to this event if I had known about it beforehand.”
Promoters still use traditional tools without metrics.
We make better event discovery.

             Robust events directory
                  600,000 live events across North America and Europe

               Crowdsource the best
                               Separate Signal from Noise

                         Social signals
                   Instagram photos, tweets, YouTube, Friends Feed.

          Targeted recommendations
                          Social local mobile + ticket giveaways

              Event advertising tools
                   Incentivizing people to share targeted event listings.
Product demo:
What we’ve built:

              Robust events directory
                    600,000 live events across North America and Europe

                Crowdsource the best
                                 Separate Signal from Noise

                           Social signals
                     Instagram photos, tweets, YouTube, Friends Feed.

           Targeted recommendations
                            Social local mobile + ticket giveaways

               Event advertising tools
                     Incentivizing people to share targeted event listings.
We understand who you are, what you like.

                                                              Likes wine,
                                              Indie pop,                      SF Street
             San Francisco   29 years old                    Napa, Whole
                                              indie rock                     Food Festival

                                                              Likes UC
                                            Hip-hop, indie    Berkeley,      Mac Miller UC
               Berkeley      36 years old
                                                 rap          Berkeley         Berkeley

                                                             Likes bacon,
                                             Electronic                       Electronic
               Palo Alto     17 years old                      Shoreline
                                            dance music                      Daisy Festival

                                                                                Styx at
                                            Classic rock,    Likes Britney
              Santa Clara    26 years old                                      Mountain
                                              90s pop        Spears, Styx
We incentivize people to share sponsored event listings.

                                             Justin Bieber
                                             7 p.m. Sunday @ HP Pavilion

                                             Bieber fever. Either you have it or
                                             you haven’t heard Justin yet. Good
                                             news: You don’t have to sell your
                                             blood any more to afford tickets to
                                             this concert. Our pals at the HP
                                             Pavilion hooked us up with a pair,
                                             and we’re giving them away to one
                                             lucky person this week!

                 2           2,297                   3d 2h 17m
               tickets      entries so far               time left to enter

                                 One-click entry

                         Official rules | Powered by Eventster
We incentivize people to share sponsored event listings.

                                         Justin @ HP Pavilion
                                         7 p.m. Sunday
                                         Bieber fever. Either you have it or you
                                         haven’t heard Justin yet. Good news:
                                         You don’t have to sell your blood any
                                         more to afford tickets to this concert.
                                         Our pals at HP Pavilion hooked us up
                                         with a pair, and we’re giving them away
                                         to one lucky person today!                    Justin Bieber
                                                                                         7 p.m. Sunday
                                                                                           HP Pavilion
                2                2,297                       3d 2h 17m
              tickets           entries so far               time left to enter
                                                                                              Win tickets
                                   One-click entry
                        Official rules | Brought to you by
We get additional distribution through partner banner ads.

                                             Justin Bieber
                                               7 p.m. Sunday
                                                 HP Pavilion

                                                    Win tickets
We incentivize people to share sponsored event listings.

             Increase your chances. INVITE FRIENDS.
            Get a bonus sweepstakes entry for each friend who enters.

                                f              Share this on Facebook

                                       Email               Post on Twitter

                              Share elsewhere:
                               http://tcktb.com/0s9Iis       Copy shortlink

                                                                   Next >>
Let’s talk team, history, funding.

         We solve:     Event discovery
           Market:     Billion-dollar opportunity
         Let’s talk:   User acquisition
Marketing and user acquisition:

            Turn on in-app social and targeted recommendations

      PR coverage            Viral giveaways        Distribution partners
The Team

            Ed Lucero

       Luke Stangel

           Steven Woo

             Eri Izawa
             Product Director

           Steve Hsia
      COO Wunderman Asia

      Stephen Chu
     GM, Shanghai AGENDA

       Arturo Duran
      CIO, Digital First Media

              Jeff Herr
                COO Taponix

               2010             2011             2012

          Built the team   Launched         Launched
          of veterans      Tackable         Eventster

                           Raised $500k     User Adoption
                           from             5,000+ now,
                           MediaNews        1m goal

                           Launched         Revenue
                           TapIn Bay Area   Scalable
The ask:

                6-8 month runway
           $1m Enterprise tools
                 1m users

More Related Content

Eventster Investor Presentation

  • 2. Events are a $100 billion market… $23 billion 132.7 75.8 million million 55.1 million Concert revenue Sports tickets Theater tickets Fairs 2011 2011 2010 2008
  • 3. …running at 60% efficiency. Live Nation’s $2.3 billion pain point: “I would have gone to this event if I had known about it beforehand.”
  • 4. Promoters still use traditional tools without metrics.
  • 5. We make better event discovery. Robust events directory 600,000 live events across North America and Europe Crowdsource the best Separate Signal from Noise Social signals Instagram photos, tweets, YouTube, Friends Feed. Targeted recommendations Social local mobile + ticket giveaways Event advertising tools Incentivizing people to share targeted event listings.
  • 7. What we’ve built: Robust events directory 600,000 live events across North America and Europe Crowdsource the best Separate Signal from Noise Social signals Instagram photos, tweets, YouTube, Friends Feed. Targeted recommendations Social local mobile + ticket giveaways Event advertising tools Incentivizing people to share targeted event listings.
  • 8. We understand who you are, what you like. Likes wine, Indie pop, SF Street San Francisco 29 years old Napa, Whole indie rock Food Festival Foods Likes UC Hip-hop, indie Berkeley, Mac Miller UC Berkeley 36 years old rap Berkeley Berkeley engineering Likes bacon, Electronic Electronic Palo Alto 17 years old Shoreline dance music Daisy Festival Amp. Styx at Classic rock, Likes Britney Santa Clara 26 years old Mountain 90s pop Spears, Styx Winery
  • 9. We incentivize people to share sponsored event listings. Justin Bieber 7 p.m. Sunday @ HP Pavilion Bieber fever. Either you have it or you haven’t heard Justin yet. Good news: You don’t have to sell your blood any more to afford tickets to this concert. Our pals at the HP Pavilion hooked us up with a pair, and we’re giving them away to one lucky person this week! 2 2,297 3d 2h 17m tickets entries so far time left to enter One-click entry Official rules | Powered by Eventster
  • 10. We incentivize people to share sponsored event listings. X Justin @ HP Pavilion 7 p.m. Sunday Bieber Bieber fever. Either you have it or you haven’t heard Justin yet. Good news: You don’t have to sell your blood any more to afford tickets to this concert. Our pals at HP Pavilion hooked us up X with a pair, and we’re giving them away to one lucky person today! Justin Bieber 7 p.m. Sunday HP Pavilion 2 2,297 3d 2h 17m tickets entries so far time left to enter Win tickets One-click entry Official rules | Brought to you by
  • 11. We get additional distribution through partner banner ads. Justin Bieber 7 p.m. Sunday HP Pavilion Win tickets
  • 12. We incentivize people to share sponsored event listings. Increase your chances. INVITE FRIENDS. Get a bonus sweepstakes entry for each friend who enters. f Share this on Facebook Email Post on Twitter Share elsewhere: http://tcktb.com/0s9Iis Copy shortlink Next >>
  • 13. Let’s talk team, history, funding. We solve: Event discovery Market: Billion-dollar opportunity Competitors Let’s talk: User acquisition Team
  • 14. Marketing and user acquisition: Turn on in-app social and targeted recommendations PR coverage Viral giveaways Distribution partners
  • 15. The Team Ed Lucero CEO Luke Stangel CMO Steven Woo CTO Eri Izawa Product Director
  • 16. Advisors Steve Hsia COO Wunderman Asia Stephen Chu GM, Shanghai AGENDA Arturo Duran CIO, Digital First Media Jeff Herr COO Taponix
  • 17. History 2010 2011 2012 Built the team Launched Launched of veterans Tackable Eventster Raised $500k User Adoption from 5,000+ now, MediaNews 1m goal Launched Revenue TapIn Bay Area Scalable business
  • 18. The ask: 6-8 month runway Recruit $1m Enterprise tools 1m users Revenue

Editor's Notes

  • #3: 4 – THE MARKETLive Nation sold 46,802,000 tickets to 11,200 concertsAverage ticket price: $57.13Average concessions: $17.78Bigger is BetterTop Down = someone else reported itForrester, Gartner, Your UncleBottom Up = calculate users/usage/rev$AvgTxn = $XY customers in our marketAvg customer buys Z times per yearMarket Size = $X * Y * Z annually = a big friggin’ #Market growing @ 100+% per year
  • #6: Our solution to event discovery’In similar way to these brands-Amazon was able to become worlds superstore -Yelp built user recommendation-Flixter-Trusted a trip advisorEvent Marketing. We want to be that chewing gum at where you go to checkout and didn’t realize you needed that. We want to be positioned at the end of the checkout isle….I didn’t know I needed that./////////Describe why your Solution:Great Companies do 1+ of 3 things:Get you LAID (= sex)Get you PAID (= money)Get you MADE (= power)Makes your customers HappyDoes it better, different than anyone else“NICHE to WIN”(Customer Case Study can also go here)
  • #7: 3 – THE DEMONo learning curve.---POINT: already using social graph. Being on facebook without being on facebookPRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE!demo will FAIL -- have a backup (screenshots, local video, interpretive dance)expect to be interruptedand remember: The Script is NOTyour 狠狠撸s – The Script is the FACEof your Audience
  • #8: Our solution to event discovery’In similar way to these brands-Amazon was able to become worlds superstore -Yelp built user recommendation-Flixter-Trusted a trip advisorEvent Marketing. We want to be that chewing gum at where you go to checkout and didn’t realize you needed that. We want to be positioned at the end of the checkout isle….I didn’t know I needed that./////////Describe why your Solution:Great Companies do 1+ of 3 things:Get you LAID (= sex)Get you PAID (= money)Get you MADE (= power)Makes your customers HappyDoes it better, different than anyone else“NICHE to WIN”(Customer Case Study can also go here)
  • #9: Our solution to event discovery’In similar way to these brands-Amazon was able to become worlds superstore -Yelp built user recommendation-Flixter-Trusted a trip advisorEvent Marketing. We want to be that chewing gum at where you go to checkout and didn’t realize you needed that. We want to be positioned at the end of the checkout isle….I didn’t know I needed that./////////Describe why your Solution:Great Companies do 1+ of 3 things:Get you LAID (= sex)Get you PAID (= money)Get you MADE (= power)Makes your customers HappyDoes it better, different than anyone else“NICHE to WIN”(Customer Case Study can also go here)
  • #10: 4 – THE MARKETBetter than display adsIntrinsically socialFunLive Nation sold 46,802,000 tickets to 11,200 concertsAverage ticket price: $57.13Average concessions: $17.78Bigger is BetterTop Down = someone else reported itForrester, Gartner, Your UncleBottom Up = calculate users/usage/rev$AvgTxn = $XY customers in our marketAvg customer buys Z times per yearMarket Size = $X * Y * Z annually = a big friggin’ #Market growing @ 100+% per year
  • #11: 4 – THE MARKETBetter than display adsIntrinsically socialFunLive Nation sold 46,802,000 tickets to 11,200 concertsAverage ticket price: $57.13Average concessions: $17.78Bigger is BetterTop Down = someone else reported itForrester, Gartner, Your UncleBottom Up = calculate users/usage/rev$AvgTxn = $XY customers in our marketAvg customer buys Z times per yearMarket Size = $X * Y * Z annually = a big friggin’ #Market growing @ 100+% per year
  • #14: I’d like to begin by offering 3 bullet points we’d like to you remember from this presentation.One. Eventster is committed to improving event discovery. We offer this service free to users. We will offer promoters and brand sponsors an efficient channel to sell their event and products to a highly targeted audience. Two. The event market is huge. Concert and event promotion alone in North America is a 23 billion dollar business. If you drill down, you’ll also note that this is an industry with a lot of inefficiency out dated methods to its sell it products dominated by offline and dying media like radio. Three. We are a team of experienced entrepreneurs and veteran developers. I’ll give a brief introduction to myself. I co-founded a company called AGENDA and experienced the good and bad times of building a company that survived the dot.com bubble. Though it was founded in States, AGENDA became known as a leading digital agency in Asia when it was acquired by WPP in 2008. I spent 2 years in Korea and 5 in China. When I came to the bay area, I thought I’d be here for 3 months before returning to Shanghai. It’s been more than a couple years that I’ve immersed myself in Silicon Valley absorbing the unique culture. At the same time, we’ve continued to seek opportunities with cross-border potential. Although Eventster is currently focused on the north American market, we believe the application becomes even more interesting in emerging markets.
  • #15: (skip 6 proprietary tech / expertise)8 – MARKETING AND USER ACQUISITIONGet some examples from China JRC and San Jose mercury//////////////////////////… how do you get customers & distribution?lots of channels & decisions… choose a few:PRContestBiz DevDirect MarketingRadio / TV / PrintTelemarketingEmailSEO / SEMBlogs / BloggersViral / ReferralAffiliate / CPAWidgets / AppsLOLCats3 Things That Matter / To Measure : VolumeCost Conversion
  • #16: 9 – TEAM
  • #17: 9 – TEAMSho-ji San GuoShangGao Mobile?(Dian Shi Tech) is ranked #2 in HK and #3 in TW and #40 something in ChinaMr. Duran is the Chief Innovation Officer for Digital First Media which jointly manages Journal Register Company and MediaNews Group with more than 800 print and online products serving 57 million Americans each month.Mr. Duran joined Journal Register Company as Executive Vice President of Digital in 2010. Prior to that Mr. Duran served as Chief Executive Officer of impreMedia Digital, LLC. Previously, he was President of Interactive and Business Integration for CanwestMediaworks, where he led the growth of online revenue of that organization to a record level and converted it into the largest Canadian News and Information Network with more than 50 sites. Much of the revenue growth came from the launch of a suite of online classifieds that quickly grew to the largest in Canada (working.com, driving.ca, remembering.ca, renting.ca etc).Mr. Duran has a long and distinguished career in the online field. He previously served in executive roles at AOL including those of Vice President, Multicultural, for AOL Media Networks, VP Marketing and Interactive Content for AOL Canada, and Director Business Development for AOL Mexico as a member of the Team that launched AOL Latin America.Mr. Duran was born in Mexico City. He has lived in Canada, China, Spain, France and now lives in New York City.Prior to those appointments, Mr. Duran was the Director of Business Development, Internet Division for the Polaroid Corporation.Marketing Director for Greater China. 06/96– 12/97----------------------------------------Jeff has developed?online-media companies since 1994 including properties such as ABCNews.com, ESPN.com, TheStreet.com, and?Disney Interactive. For the last 10 years?he has focused on transforming local media sites for major publishers including?Lee Enterprises and MediaNews Group. Jeff also worked as digital advisor?to?major brands ranging?from Electronic Arts to Coty Cosmetics. Prior to working in digital media, Jeff was a reporter and editor covering technology, politics, government, international affairs and small business on beats from Wasington D.C to Saudi Arabia. He and his wife have three daughters and live in Los Gatos, CA.Shorter:Jeff has developed online-media companies since 1994 including properties such as ABCNews.com, TheStreet.com and Disney Interactive. For the last decade?he has?transformed?local-media sites operations?for media giants including?Gannett and?Lee Enterprises. Prior to working in digital media, Jeff was a reporter and editor covering technology, politics?and small business including assignments in Latin America and the Middle East.
  • #18: Investment was ? of what we were looking for to build out. We were seeking a million.MNG understood that. We got to work. Stopped fund raising. Clean note and open initiation to the right partners who could help us. No cap. No discount.
  • #19: 10 – Money and Milestones/////How Much Money? 3 Budgets: Small, Medium, LargeWhat will you do with Capital?New Hires (Build Product)Mktg & Sales (Get Customers / $$$)Ops & Infrastructure (Scale Up)