1) Researchers have improved fluorescent dyes by replacing hydrogen atoms with deuterium atoms, which increases stability, durability, and ability to detect reactive oxygen species.
2) The study found fluorescent probes with deuterium had 20% oxidation after 10 days compared to 60% for standard probes.
3) Measuring telomere DNA lengths in embryos could help identify the most viable embryos for in vitro fertilization, as telomere length is associated with embryonic development problems.
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Fluorescent dye replacement with hydrogen and viable embryos for FIV due to characteristics in the DNA of the telomeros.
1. Evert Jimnez Cotes Medicine 3 Semestre http://www.exponent.com/toxicogenomics /
5. Replacing Hydrogen in Fluorescent Dyes Improves Detection Ability, Stability and Shelf Life ScienceDaily (July 20, 2010)
6. Researchers have succeeded in giving it more stability, durability and ability to detect the fluorescent dyes through the exchange of a hydrogen atom by a deuterium. These fluorescent probes with deuterium concentrations are able to recognize tiny R.O.S
7. One of the great advantages of this study which showed that the fluorescent probe deuterium is oxidized by air and light by 20% in 10 days, while the standard tips are oxidized by 60% This makes their use and marketing is broader and more accessible . http://www.ivfpanama.com/es/pruebasgeneacuteticas2.html
8. The fluorescent probes to detect deuterium reactive oxygen species undergoing a chemical process called oxidation of the amine. http://images.pennnet.com/gallery/cgw/0600_cancer_cells.jpg
13. According to this study the first two days of embryonic development, telomeres are shortened and that just prior to implantation in the uterus these telomeres are lengthened in order to be able to withstand the many divisions in fetal development http://www.queciencia.com/2008/03/23/embriones-hibridos-diputados-catolicos-podran-votar-segun-su-conciencia/
14. In animals showed that artificial shortening of telomeres results in problems in animal embryos. It was also found that oxidative stress causes a reduction of telomeres. Therefore it is of vital importance in-depth study of these telomeres and length . http://www.blogys.net/tags/embarazo/9
17. Many diseases are associated with ROS in cell damage such as the coronary artery disease, lung damage, inflammatory diseases, abnormalities in embryonic development and etc. Replacing Hydrogen in Fluorescent Dyes by deuterio
18. I think the study of telomeres in the future will give us many answers concerning the problems of the age as well as from cancer. It would be great to study how the telomeres get longer before reaching the utero and well able to modify genetically our genome and to fight against to age problems. http://www.lashorasperdidas.com/index.php/2008/12/17/premios-de-la-sociedad-de-criticos-de-houston-2/ Viable embryos for FIV due to characteristics in the DNA of the telomeros.
20. New Measurement of Telomere DNA Could Help Identify Most Viable Embryos for IVF Disponible en: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/06/100628075748.htm . Acceso el 26 de julio 2010. Replacing Hydrogen in Fluorescent Dyes Improves Detection Ability, Stability and Shelf Life Disponible en: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/07/100720123629.htm . Acceso el 26 de julio 2010. MARTINEZ S., Lina Mara. Biologa molecular. 5. ed. Medelln : UPB. Fac. de Medicina,? 2010. 56 p .